Merge pull request #15958 from atom/decaf-view-registry

 Decaffeinate `ViewRegistry`
This commit is contained in:
Jason Rudolph 2017-10-24 08:41:32 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 622589f4f7
4 changed files with 465 additions and 364 deletions

View File

@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
ViewRegistry = require '../src/view-registry'
describe "ViewRegistry", ->
registry = null
beforeEach ->
registry = new ViewRegistry
afterEach ->
describe "::getView(object)", ->
describe "when passed a DOM node", ->
it "returns the given DOM node", ->
node = document.createElement('div')
expect(registry.getView(node)).toBe node
describe "when passed an object with an element property", ->
it "returns the element property if it's an instance of HTMLElement", ->
class TestComponent
constructor: -> @element = document.createElement('div')
component = new TestComponent
expect(registry.getView(component)).toBe component.element
describe "when passed an object with a getElement function", ->
it "returns the return value of getElement if it's an instance of HTMLElement", ->
class TestComponent
getElement: ->
@myElement ?= document.createElement('div')
component = new TestComponent
expect(registry.getView(component)).toBe component.myElement
describe "when passed a model object", ->
describe "when a view provider is registered matching the object's constructor", ->
it "constructs a view element and assigns the model on it", ->
class TestModel
class TestModelSubclass extends TestModel
class TestView
initialize: (@model) -> this
model = new TestModel
registry.addViewProvider TestModel, (model) ->
new TestView().initialize(model)
view = registry.getView(model)
expect(view instanceof TestView).toBe true
expect(view.model).toBe model
subclassModel = new TestModelSubclass
view2 = registry.getView(subclassModel)
expect(view2 instanceof TestView).toBe true
expect(view2.model).toBe subclassModel
describe "when a view provider is registered generically, and works with the object", ->
it "constructs a view element and assigns the model on it", ->
model = {a: 'b'}
registry.addViewProvider (model) ->
if model.a is 'b'
element = document.createElement('div')
element.className = 'test-element'
view = registry.getView({a: 'b'})
expect(view.className).toBe 'test-element'
expect(-> registry.getView({a: 'c'})).toThrow()
describe "when no view provider is registered for the object's constructor", ->
it "throws an exception", ->
expect(-> registry.getView(new Object)).toThrow()
describe "::addViewProvider(providerSpec)", ->
it "returns a disposable that can be used to remove the provider", ->
class TestModel
class TestView
initialize: (@model) -> this
disposable = registry.addViewProvider TestModel, (model) ->
new TestView().initialize(model)
expect(registry.getView(new TestModel) instanceof TestView).toBe true
expect(-> registry.getView(new TestModel)).toThrow()
describe "::updateDocument(fn) and ::readDocument(fn)", ->
frameRequests = null
beforeEach ->
frameRequests = []
spyOn(window, 'requestAnimationFrame').andCallFake (fn) -> frameRequests.push(fn)
it "performs all pending writes before all pending reads on the next animation frame", ->
events = []
registry.updateDocument -> events.push('write 1')
registry.readDocument -> events.push('read 1')
registry.readDocument -> events.push('read 2')
registry.updateDocument -> events.push('write 2')
expect(events).toEqual []
expect(frameRequests.length).toBe 1
expect(events).toEqual ['write 1', 'write 2', 'read 1', 'read 2']
frameRequests = []
events = []
disposable = registry.updateDocument -> events.push('write 3')
registry.updateDocument -> events.push('write 4')
registry.readDocument -> events.push('read 3')
expect(frameRequests.length).toBe 1
expect(events).toEqual ['write 4', 'read 3']
it "performs writes requested from read callbacks in the same animation frame", ->
spyOn(window, 'setInterval').andCallFake(fakeSetInterval)
spyOn(window, 'clearInterval').andCallFake(fakeClearInterval)
events = []
registry.updateDocument -> events.push('write 1')
registry.readDocument ->
registry.updateDocument -> events.push('write from read 1')
events.push('read 1')
registry.readDocument ->
registry.updateDocument -> events.push('write from read 2')
events.push('read 2')
registry.updateDocument -> events.push('write 2')
expect(frameRequests.length).toBe 1
expect(frameRequests.length).toBe 1
expect(events).toEqual [
'write 1'
'write 2'
'read 1'
'read 2'
'write from read 1'
'write from read 2'
describe "::getNextUpdatePromise()", ->
it "returns a promise that resolves at the end of the next update cycle", ->
updateCalled = false
readCalled = false
waitsFor 'getNextUpdatePromise to resolve', (done) ->
registry.getNextUpdatePromise().then ->
expect(updateCalled).toBe true
expect(readCalled).toBe true
registry.updateDocument -> updateCalled = true
registry.readDocument -> readCalled = true

spec/view-registry-spec.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs:
const ViewRegistry = require('../src/view-registry')
describe('ViewRegistry', () => {
let registry = null
beforeEach(() => {
registry = new ViewRegistry()
afterEach(() => {
describe('::getView(object)', () => {
describe('when passed a DOM node', () =>
it('returns the given DOM node', () => {
const node = document.createElement('div')
describe('when passed an object with an element property', () =>
it("returns the element property if it's an instance of HTMLElement", () => {
class TestComponent {
constructor () {
this.element = document.createElement('div')
const component = new TestComponent()
describe('when passed an object with a getElement function', () =>
it("returns the return value of getElement if it's an instance of HTMLElement", () => {
class TestComponent {
getElement () {
if (this.myElement == null) {
this.myElement = document.createElement('div')
return this.myElement
const component = new TestComponent()
describe('when passed a model object', () => {
describe("when a view provider is registered matching the object's constructor", () =>
it('constructs a view element and assigns the model on it', () => {
class TestModel {}
class TestModelSubclass extends TestModel {}
class TestView {
initialize (model) {
this.model = model
return this
const model = new TestModel()
registry.addViewProvider(TestModel, (model) =>
new TestView().initialize(model)
const view = registry.getView(model)
expect(view instanceof TestView).toBe(true)
const subclassModel = new TestModelSubclass()
const view2 = registry.getView(subclassModel)
expect(view2 instanceof TestView).toBe(true)
describe('when a view provider is registered generically, and works with the object', () =>
it('constructs a view element and assigns the model on it', () => {
registry.addViewProvider((model) => {
if (model.a === 'b') {
const element = document.createElement('div')
element.className = 'test-element'
return element
const view = registry.getView({a: 'b'})
expect(() => registry.getView({a: 'c'})).toThrow()
describe("when no view provider is registered for the object's constructor", () =>
it('throws an exception', () => {
expect(() => registry.getView({})).toThrow()
describe('::addViewProvider(providerSpec)', () =>
it('returns a disposable that can be used to remove the provider', () => {
class TestModel {}
class TestView {
initialize (model) {
this.model = model
return this
const disposable = registry.addViewProvider(TestModel, (model) =>
new TestView().initialize(model)
expect(registry.getView(new TestModel()) instanceof TestView).toBe(true)
expect(() => registry.getView(new TestModel())).toThrow()
describe('::updateDocument(fn) and ::readDocument(fn)', () => {
let frameRequests = null
beforeEach(() => {
frameRequests = []
spyOn(window, 'requestAnimationFrame').andCallFake(fn => frameRequests.push(fn))
it('performs all pending writes before all pending reads on the next animation frame', () => {
let events = []
registry.updateDocument(() => events.push('write 1'))
registry.readDocument(() => events.push('read 1'))
registry.readDocument(() => events.push('read 2'))
registry.updateDocument(() => events.push('write 2'))
expect(events).toEqual(['write 1', 'write 2', 'read 1', 'read 2'])
frameRequests = []
events = []
const disposable = registry.updateDocument(() => events.push('write 3'))
registry.updateDocument(() => events.push('write 4'))
registry.readDocument(() => events.push('read 3'))
expect(events).toEqual(['write 4', 'read 3'])
it('performs writes requested from read callbacks in the same animation frame', () => {
spyOn(window, 'setInterval').andCallFake(fakeSetInterval)
spyOn(window, 'clearInterval').andCallFake(fakeClearInterval)
const events = []
registry.updateDocument(() => events.push('write 1'))
registry.readDocument(() => {
registry.updateDocument(() => events.push('write from read 1'))
events.push('read 1')
registry.readDocument(() => {
registry.updateDocument(() => events.push('write from read 2'))
events.push('read 2')
registry.updateDocument(() => events.push('write 2'))
'write 1',
'write 2',
'read 1',
'read 2',
'write from read 1',
'write from read 2'
describe('::getNextUpdatePromise()', () =>
it('returns a promise that resolves at the end of the next update cycle', () => {
let updateCalled = false
let readCalled = false
waitsFor('getNextUpdatePromise to resolve', (done) => {
registry.getNextUpdatePromise().then(() => {
registry.updateDocument(() => { updateCalled = true })
registry.readDocument(() => { readCalled = true })

View File

@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
Grim = require 'grim'
{Disposable} = require 'event-kit'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
AnyConstructor = Symbol('any-constructor')
# Essential: `ViewRegistry` handles the association between model and view
# types in Atom. We call this association a View Provider. As in, for a given
# model, this class can provide a view via {::getView}, as long as the
# model/view association was registered via {::addViewProvider}
# If you're adding your own kind of pane item, a good strategy for all but the
# simplest items is to separate the model and the view. The model handles
# application logic and is the primary point of API interaction. The view
# just handles presentation.
# Note: Models can be any object, but must implement a `getTitle()` function
# if they are to be displayed in a {Pane}
# View providers inform the workspace how your model objects should be
# presented in the DOM. A view provider must always return a DOM node, which
# makes [HTML 5 custom elements](
# an ideal tool for implementing views in Atom.
# You can access the `ViewRegistry` object via `atom.views`.
module.exports =
class ViewRegistry
animationFrameRequest: null
documentReadInProgress: false
constructor: (@atomEnvironment) ->
clear: ->
@views = new WeakMap
@providers = []
# Essential: Add a provider that will be used to construct views in the
# workspace's view layer based on model objects in its model layer.
# ## Examples
# Text editors are divided into a model and a view layer, so when you interact
# with methods like `atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()` you're only going
# to get the model object. We display text editors on screen by teaching the
# workspace what view constructor it should use to represent them:
# ```coffee
# atom.views.addViewProvider TextEditor, (textEditor) ->
# textEditorElement = new TextEditorElement
# textEditorElement.initialize(textEditor)
# textEditorElement
# ```
# * `modelConstructor` (optional) Constructor {Function} for your model. If
# a constructor is given, the `createView` function will only be used
# for model objects inheriting from that constructor. Otherwise, it will
# will be called for any object.
# * `createView` Factory {Function} that is passed an instance of your model
# and must return a subclass of `HTMLElement` or `undefined`. If it returns
# `undefined`, then the registry will continue to search for other view
# providers.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to remove the
# added provider.
addViewProvider: (modelConstructor, createView) ->
if arguments.length is 1
switch typeof modelConstructor
when 'function'
provider = {createView: modelConstructor, modelConstructor: AnyConstructor}
when 'object'
Grim.deprecate("atom.views.addViewProvider now takes 2 arguments: a model constructor and a createView function. See docs for details.")
provider = modelConstructor
throw new TypeError("Arguments to addViewProvider must be functions")
provider = {modelConstructor, createView}
new Disposable =>
@providers = @providers.filter (p) -> p isnt provider
getViewProviderCount: ->
# Essential: Get the view associated with an object in the workspace.
# If you're just *using* the workspace, you shouldn't need to access the view
# layer, but view layer access may be necessary if you want to perform DOM
# manipulation that isn't supported via the model API.
# ## View Resolution Algorithm
# The view associated with the object is resolved using the following
# sequence
# 1. Is the object an instance of `HTMLElement`? If true, return the object.
# 2. Does the object have a method named `getElement` that returns an
# instance of `HTMLElement`? If true, return that value.
# 3. Does the object have a property named `element` with a value which is
# an instance of `HTMLElement`? If true, return the property value.
# 4. Is the object a jQuery object, indicated by the presence of a `jquery`
# property? If true, return the root DOM element (i.e. `object[0]`).
# 5. Has a view provider been registered for the object? If true, use the
# provider to create a view associated with the object, and return the
# view.
# If no associated view is returned by the sequence an error is thrown.
# Returns a DOM element.
getView: (object) ->
return unless object?
if view = @views.get(object)
view = @createView(object)
@views.set(object, view)
createView: (object) ->
if object instanceof HTMLElement
return object
if typeof object?.getElement is 'function'
element = object.getElement()
if element instanceof HTMLElement
return element
if object?.element instanceof HTMLElement
return object.element
if object?.jquery
return object[0]
for provider in @providers
if provider.modelConstructor is AnyConstructor
if element = provider.createView(object, @atomEnvironment)
return element
if object instanceof provider.modelConstructor
if element = provider.createView?(object, @atomEnvironment)
return element
if viewConstructor = provider.viewConstructor
element = new viewConstructor
element.initialize?(object) ? element.setModel?(object)
return element
if viewConstructor = object?.getViewClass?()
view = new viewConstructor(object)
return view[0]
throw new Error("Can't create a view for #{} instance. Please register a view provider.")
updateDocument: (fn) ->
@requestDocumentUpdate() unless @documentReadInProgress
new Disposable =>
@documentWriters = @documentWriters.filter (writer) -> writer isnt fn
readDocument: (fn) ->
new Disposable =>
@documentReaders = @documentReaders.filter (reader) -> reader isnt fn
getNextUpdatePromise: ->
@nextUpdatePromise ?= new Promise (resolve) =>
@resolveNextUpdatePromise = resolve
clearDocumentRequests: ->
@documentReaders = []
@documentWriters = []
@nextUpdatePromise = null
@resolveNextUpdatePromise = null
if @animationFrameRequest?
@animationFrameRequest = null
requestDocumentUpdate: ->
@animationFrameRequest ?= requestAnimationFrame(@performDocumentUpdate)
performDocumentUpdate: =>
resolveNextUpdatePromise = @resolveNextUpdatePromise
@animationFrameRequest = null
@nextUpdatePromise = null
@resolveNextUpdatePromise = null
writer() while writer = @documentWriters.shift()
@documentReadInProgress = true
reader() while reader = @documentReaders.shift()
@documentReadInProgress = false
# process updates requested as a result of reads
writer() while writer = @documentWriters.shift()

src/view-registry.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
const Grim = require('grim')
const {Disposable} = require('event-kit')
const AnyConstructor = Symbol('any-constructor')
// Essential: `ViewRegistry` handles the association between model and view
// types in Atom. We call this association a View Provider. As in, for a given
// model, this class can provide a view via {::getView}, as long as the
// model/view association was registered via {::addViewProvider}
// If you're adding your own kind of pane item, a good strategy for all but the
// simplest items is to separate the model and the view. The model handles
// application logic and is the primary point of API interaction. The view
// just handles presentation.
// Note: Models can be any object, but must implement a `getTitle()` function
// if they are to be displayed in a {Pane}
// View providers inform the workspace how your model objects should be
// presented in the DOM. A view provider must always return a DOM node, which
// makes [HTML 5 custom elements](
// an ideal tool for implementing views in Atom.
// You can access the `ViewRegistry` object via `atom.views`.
module.exports =
class ViewRegistry {
constructor (atomEnvironment) {
this.animationFrameRequest = null
this.documentReadInProgress = false
this.performDocumentUpdate = this.performDocumentUpdate.bind(this)
this.atomEnvironment = atomEnvironment
clear () {
this.views = new WeakMap()
this.providers = []
// Essential: Add a provider that will be used to construct views in the
// workspace's view layer based on model objects in its model layer.
// ## Examples
// Text editors are divided into a model and a view layer, so when you interact
// with methods like `atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()` you're only going
// to get the model object. We display text editors on screen by teaching the
// workspace what view constructor it should use to represent them:
// ```coffee
// atom.views.addViewProvider TextEditor, (textEditor) ->
// textEditorElement = new TextEditorElement
// textEditorElement.initialize(textEditor)
// textEditorElement
// ```
// * `modelConstructor` (optional) Constructor {Function} for your model. If
// a constructor is given, the `createView` function will only be used
// for model objects inheriting from that constructor. Otherwise, it will
// will be called for any object.
// * `createView` Factory {Function} that is passed an instance of your model
// and must return a subclass of `HTMLElement` or `undefined`. If it returns
// `undefined`, then the registry will continue to search for other view
// providers.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to remove the
// added provider.
addViewProvider (modelConstructor, createView) {
let provider
if (arguments.length === 1) {
switch (typeof modelConstructor) {
case 'function':
provider = {createView: modelConstructor, modelConstructor: AnyConstructor}
case 'object':
Grim.deprecate('atom.views.addViewProvider now takes 2 arguments: a model constructor and a createView function. See docs for details.')
provider = modelConstructor
throw new TypeError('Arguments to addViewProvider must be functions')
} else {
provider = {modelConstructor, createView}
return new Disposable(() => {
this.providers = this.providers.filter(p => p !== provider)
getViewProviderCount () {
return this.providers.length
// Essential: Get the view associated with an object in the workspace.
// If you're just *using* the workspace, you shouldn't need to access the view
// layer, but view layer access may be necessary if you want to perform DOM
// manipulation that isn't supported via the model API.
// ## View Resolution Algorithm
// The view associated with the object is resolved using the following
// sequence
// 1. Is the object an instance of `HTMLElement`? If true, return the object.
// 2. Does the object have a method named `getElement` that returns an
// instance of `HTMLElement`? If true, return that value.
// 3. Does the object have a property named `element` with a value which is
// an instance of `HTMLElement`? If true, return the property value.
// 4. Is the object a jQuery object, indicated by the presence of a `jquery`
// property? If true, return the root DOM element (i.e. `object[0]`).
// 5. Has a view provider been registered for the object? If true, use the
// provider to create a view associated with the object, and return the
// view.
// If no associated view is returned by the sequence an error is thrown.
// Returns a DOM element.
getView (object) {
if (object == null) { return }
let view = this.views.get(object)
if (!view) {
view = this.createView(object)
this.views.set(object, view)
return view
createView (object) {
if (object instanceof HTMLElement) { return object }
let element
if (object && (typeof object.getElement === 'function')) {
element = object.getElement()
if (element instanceof HTMLElement) {
return element
if (object && object.element instanceof HTMLElement) {
return object.element
if (object && object.jquery) {
return object[0]
for (let provider of this.providers) {
if (provider.modelConstructor === AnyConstructor) {
element = provider.createView(object, this.atomEnvironment)
if (element) { return element }
if (object instanceof provider.modelConstructor) {
element = provider.createView && provider.createView(object, this.atomEnvironment)
if (element) { return element }
let ViewConstructor = provider.viewConstructor
if (ViewConstructor) {
element = new ViewConstructor()
if (element.initialize) {
} else if (element.setModel) {
return element
if (object && object.getViewClass) {
let ViewConstructor = object.getViewClass()
if (ViewConstructor) {
const view = new ViewConstructor(object)
return view[0]
throw new Error(`Can't create a view for ${} instance. Please register a view provider.`)
updateDocument (fn) {
if (!this.documentReadInProgress) { this.requestDocumentUpdate() }
return new Disposable(() => {
this.documentWriters = this.documentWriters.filter(writer => writer !== fn)
readDocument (fn) {
return new Disposable(() => {
this.documentReaders = this.documentReaders.filter(reader => reader !== fn)
getNextUpdatePromise () {
if (this.nextUpdatePromise == null) {
this.nextUpdatePromise = new Promise(resolve => {
this.resolveNextUpdatePromise = resolve
return this.nextUpdatePromise
clearDocumentRequests () {
this.documentReaders = []
this.documentWriters = []
this.nextUpdatePromise = null
this.resolveNextUpdatePromise = null
if (this.animationFrameRequest != null) {
this.animationFrameRequest = null
requestDocumentUpdate () {
if (this.animationFrameRequest == null) {
this.animationFrameRequest = requestAnimationFrame(this.performDocumentUpdate)
performDocumentUpdate () {
const { resolveNextUpdatePromise } = this
this.animationFrameRequest = null
this.nextUpdatePromise = null
this.resolveNextUpdatePromise = null
let writer
while ((writer = this.documentWriters.shift())) { writer() }
let reader
this.documentReadInProgress = true
while ((reader = this.documentReaders.shift())) { reader() }
this.documentReadInProgress = false
// process updates requested as a result of reads
while ((writer = this.documentWriters.shift())) { writer() }
if (resolveNextUpdatePromise) { resolveNextUpdatePromise() }