Reorganize cursor into sections

This commit is contained in:
Ben Ogle 2014-09-16 16:50:17 -07:00
parent 5252b5314b
commit 6467f3c425

View File

@ -54,11 +54,14 @@ class Cursor extends Model
@needsAutoscroll = true
destroy: ->
Section: Event Subscription
# Essential: Calls your `callback` when the cursor has been moved.
# Public: Calls your `callback` when the cursor has been moved.
# * `callback` {Function}
# * `event` {Object}
@ -72,7 +75,7 @@ class Cursor extends Model
onDidChangePosition: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-change-position', callback
# Extended: Calls your `callback` when the cursor is destroyed
# Public: Calls your `callback` when the cursor is destroyed
# * `callback` {Function}
@ -80,7 +83,7 @@ class Cursor extends Model
onDidDestroy: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-destroy', callback
# Extended: Calls your `callback` when the cursor's visibility has changed
# Public: Calls your `callback` when the cursor's visibility has changed
# * `callback` {Function}
# * `visibility` {Boolean}
@ -102,23 +105,9 @@ class Cursor extends Model
Section: Methods
Section: Managing Cursor Position
destroy: ->
changePosition: (options, fn) ->
@needsAutoscroll = options.autoscroll ? @isLastCursor()
if @needsAutoscroll
@emit 'autoscrolled' # Support legacy editor
@autoscroll() if @needsAutoscroll and @editor.manageScrollPosition # Support react editor view
getPixelRect: ->
# Public: Moves a cursor to a given screen position.
# * `screenPosition` {Array} of two numbers: the screen row, and the screen column.
@ -133,10 +122,6 @@ class Cursor extends Model
getScreenPosition: ->
getScreenRange: ->
{row, column} = @getScreenPosition()
new Range(new Point(row, column), new Point(row, column + 1))
# Public: Moves a cursor to a given buffer position.
# * `bufferPosition` {Array} of two numbers: the buffer row, and the buffer column.
@ -151,47 +136,38 @@ class Cursor extends Model
getBufferPosition: ->
autoscroll: (options) ->
@editor.scrollToScreenRange(@getScreenRange(), options)
# Public: Returns the cursor's current screen row.
getScreenRow: ->
# Public: If the marker range is empty, the cursor is marked as being visible.
updateVisibility: ->
# Public: Returns the cursor's current screen column.
getScreenColumn: ->
# Public: Sets whether the cursor is visible.
setVisible: (visible) ->
if @visible != visible
@visible = visible
@needsAutoscroll ?= true if @visible and @isLastCursor()
@emit 'visibility-changed', @visible
@emitter.emit 'did-change-visibility', @visible
# Public: Retrieves the cursor's current buffer row.
getBufferRow: ->
# Public: Returns the visibility of the cursor.
isVisible: -> @visible
# Public: Returns the cursor's current buffer column.
getBufferColumn: ->
# Public: Get the RegExp used by the cursor to determine what a "word" is.
# * `options` (optional) {Object} with the following keys:
# * `includeNonWordCharacters` A {Boolean} indicating whether to include
# non-word characters in the regex. (default: true)
# Returns a {RegExp}.
wordRegExp: ({includeNonWordCharacters}={}) ->
includeNonWordCharacters ?= true
nonWordCharacters = atom.config.get('editor.nonWordCharacters')
segments = ["^[\t ]*$"]
if includeNonWordCharacters
new RegExp(segments.join("|"), "g")
# Public: Returns the cursor's current buffer row of text excluding its line
# ending.
getCurrentBufferLine: ->
# Public: Identifies if this cursor is the last in the {Editor}.
# "Last" is defined as the most recently added cursor.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isLastCursor: ->
this == @editor.getLastCursor()
# Public: Returns whether the cursor is at the start of a line.
isAtBeginningOfLine: ->
@getBufferPosition().column == 0
# Public: Returns whether the cursor is on the line return character.
isAtEndOfLine: ->
Section: Position-dependent cursor properties
# Public: Identifies if the cursor is surrounded by whitespace.
@ -229,34 +205,42 @@ class Cursor extends Model
range = [[row, column], [row, Infinity]]
@editor.getTextInBufferRange(range).search(@wordRegExp()) == 0
# Public: Prevents this cursor from causing scrolling.
clearAutoscroll: ->
@needsAutoscroll = null
# Public: Returns the indentation level of the current line.
getIndentLevel: ->
if @editor.getSoftTabs()
@getBufferColumn() / @editor.getTabLength()
# Public: Deselects the current selection.
clearSelection: ->
# Public: Retrieves the grammar's token scopes for the line.
# Returns an {Array} of {String}s.
getScopes: ->
# Public: Returns the cursor's current screen row.
getScreenRow: ->
# Public: Returns true if this cursor has no non-whitespace characters before
# its current position.
hasPrecedingCharactersOnLine: ->
bufferPosition = @getBufferPosition()
line = @editor.lineTextForBufferRow(bufferPosition.row)
firstCharacterColumn =\S/)
# Public: Returns the cursor's current screen column.
getScreenColumn: ->
if firstCharacterColumn is -1
bufferPosition.column > firstCharacterColumn
# Public: Retrieves the cursor's current buffer row.
getBufferRow: ->
# Public: Identifies if this cursor is the last in the {Editor}.
# "Last" is defined as the most recently added cursor.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isLastCursor: ->
this == @editor.getLastCursor()
# Public: Returns the cursor's current buffer column.
getBufferColumn: ->
# Public: Returns the cursor's current buffer row of text excluding its line
# ending.
getCurrentBufferLine: ->
Section: Moving the Cursor
# Public: Moves the cursor up one screen row.
@ -417,6 +401,20 @@ class Cursor extends Model
@setBufferPosition(endOfLeadingWhitespace) if endOfLeadingWhitespace.isGreaterThan(position)
# Public: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
moveToBeginningOfNextParagraph: ->
if position = @getBeginningOfNextParagraphBufferPosition()
# Public: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
moveToBeginningOfPreviousParagraph: ->
if position = @getBeginningOfPreviousParagraphBufferPosition()
Section: Retrieving Positions and Ranges of local boundaries
# Public: Retrieves the buffer position of where the current word starts.
# * `options` (optional) An {Object} with the following keys:
@ -553,15 +551,98 @@ class Cursor extends Model
getCurrentLineBufferRange: (options) ->
@editor.bufferRangeForBufferRow(@getBufferRow(), options)
# Public: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
moveToBeginningOfNextParagraph: ->
if position = @getBeginningOfNextParagraphBufferPosition()
# Public: Retrieves the range for the current paragraph.
# A paragraph is defined as a block of text surrounded by empty lines.
# Returns a {Range}.
getCurrentParagraphBufferRange: ->
# Public: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
moveToBeginningOfPreviousParagraph: ->
if position = @getBeginningOfPreviousParagraphBufferPosition()
# Public: Returns the characters preceding the cursor in the current word.
getCurrentWordPrefix: ->
@editor.getTextInBufferRange([@getBeginningOfCurrentWordBufferPosition(), @getBufferPosition()])
Section: Visibility
# Public: If the marker range is empty, the cursor is marked as being visible.
updateVisibility: ->
# Public: Sets whether the cursor is visible.
setVisible: (visible) ->
if @visible != visible
@visible = visible
@needsAutoscroll ?= true if @visible and @isLastCursor()
@emit 'visibility-changed', @visible
@emitter.emit 'did-change-visibility', @visible
# Public: Returns the visibility of the cursor.
isVisible: -> @visible
Section: Comparing to another cursor
# Public: Compare this cursor's buffer position to another cursor's buffer position.
# See {Point::compare} for more details.
# * `otherCursor`{Cursor} to compare against
compare: (otherCursor) ->
Section: Utilities
# Public: Prevents this cursor from causing scrolling.
clearAutoscroll: ->
@needsAutoscroll = null
# Public: Deselects the current selection.
clearSelection: ->
# Public: Get the RegExp used by the cursor to determine what a "word" is.
# * `options` (optional) {Object} with the following keys:
# * `includeNonWordCharacters` A {Boolean} indicating whether to include
# non-word characters in the regex. (default: true)
# Returns a {RegExp}.
wordRegExp: ({includeNonWordCharacters}={}) ->
includeNonWordCharacters ?= true
nonWordCharacters = atom.config.get('editor.nonWordCharacters')
segments = ["^[\t ]*$"]
if includeNonWordCharacters
new RegExp(segments.join("|"), "g")
Section: Private
changePosition: (options, fn) ->
@needsAutoscroll = options.autoscroll ? @isLastCursor()
if @needsAutoscroll
@emit 'autoscrolled' # Support legacy editor
@autoscroll() if @needsAutoscroll and @editor.manageScrollPosition # Support react editor view
getPixelRect: ->
getScreenRange: ->
{row, column} = @getScreenPosition()
new Range(new Point(row, column), new Point(row, column + 1))
autoscroll: (options) ->
@editor.scrollToScreenRange(@getScreenRange(), options)
getBeginningOfNextParagraphBufferPosition: (editor) ->
start = @getBufferPosition()
@ -589,56 +670,3 @@ class Cursor extends Model
position = range.start
# Public: Retrieves the range for the current paragraph.
# A paragraph is defined as a block of text surrounded by empty lines.
# Returns a {Range}.
getCurrentParagraphBufferRange: ->
# Public: Returns the characters preceding the cursor in the current word.
getCurrentWordPrefix: ->
@editor.getTextInBufferRange([@getBeginningOfCurrentWordBufferPosition(), @getBufferPosition()])
# Public: Returns whether the cursor is at the start of a line.
isAtBeginningOfLine: ->
@getBufferPosition().column == 0
# Public: Returns the indentation level of the current line.
getIndentLevel: ->
if @editor.getSoftTabs()
@getBufferColumn() / @editor.getTabLength()
# Public: Returns whether the cursor is on the line return character.
isAtEndOfLine: ->
# Public: Retrieves the grammar's token scopes for the line.
# Returns an {Array} of {String}s.
getScopes: ->
# Public: Returns true if this cursor has no non-whitespace characters before
# its current position.
hasPrecedingCharactersOnLine: ->
bufferPosition = @getBufferPosition()
line = @editor.lineTextForBufferRow(bufferPosition.row)
firstCharacterColumn =\S/)
if firstCharacterColumn is -1
bufferPosition.column > firstCharacterColumn
# Public: Compare this cursor's buffer position to another cursor's buffer position.
# See {Point::compare} for more details.
# * `otherCursor`{Cursor} to compare against
compare: (otherCursor) ->