📝 Use TomDoc style comments in Git class

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Sawicki 2014-02-05 18:03:04 -08:00
parent ed8b8f005f
commit 65ec0a2f0a

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@ -27,17 +27,19 @@ class Git
# Private: Creates a new `Git` instance.
# Public: Creates a new Git instance.
# * path: The path to the git repository to open
# * options:
# + refreshOnWindowFocus:
# A Boolean that identifies if the windows should refresh
# path - The path to the Git repository to open.
# options - An object with the following keys (default: {}):
# :refreshOnWindowFocus - `true` to refresh the index and statuses when the
# window is focused.
# Returns a Git instance or null if the repository could not be opened.
@open: (path, options) ->
return null unless path
new Git(path, options)
catch e
@exists: (path) ->
@ -47,20 +49,6 @@ class Git
path: null
statuses: null
upstream: null
branch: null
statusTask: null
# Private: Creates a new `Git` object.
# * path: The {String} representing the path to your git working directory
# * options:
# + refreshOnWindowFocus: If `true`, {#refreshIndex} and {#refreshStatus}
# are called on focus
# + project: A project that supplies buffers that will be monitored for
# save and reload events to trigger status refreshes.
constructor: (path, options={}) ->
@repo = GitUtils.open(path)
unless @repo?
@ -80,7 +68,7 @@ class Git
if @project?
@subscribe @project.eachBuffer (buffer) => @subscribeToBuffer(buffer)
# Private: Subscribes to buffer events.
# Subscribes to buffer events.
subscribeToBuffer: (buffer) ->
@subscribe buffer, 'saved reloaded path-changed', =>
if path = buffer.getPath()
@ -100,29 +88,29 @@ class Git
# Private: Returns the corresponding {Repository}
# Returns the corresponding {Repository}
getRepo: ->
unless @repo?
throw new Error("Repository has been destroyed")
# Public: Reread the index to update any values that have changed since the
# Reread the index to update any values that have changed since the
# last time the index was read.
refreshIndex: -> @getRepo().refreshIndex()
# Public: Returns the path of the repository.
# Public: Returns the {String} path of the repository.
getPath: ->
@path ?= fs.absolute(@getRepo().getPath())
# Public: Returns the working directory of the repository.
# Public: Returns the {String} working directory path of the repository.
getWorkingDirectory: -> @getRepo().getWorkingDirectory()
# Public: Returns the status of a single path in the repository.
# Public: Get the status of a single path in the repository.
# * path:
# A String defining a relative path
# path - A {String} repository-relative path.
# Returns a {Number}, FIXME representing what?
# Returns a {Number} representing the status. This value can be passed to
# {.isStatusModified} or {.isStatusNew} to get more information.
getPathStatus: (path) ->
currentPathStatus = @statuses[path] ? 0
pathStatus = @getRepo().getStatus(@relativize(path)) ? 0
@ -134,7 +122,9 @@ class Git
@emit 'status-changed', path, pathStatus
# Public: Returns true if the given path is ignored.
# Public: Is the given path ignored?
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isPathIgnored: (path) -> @getRepo().isIgnored(@relativize(path))
# Public: Returns true if the given status indicates modification.
@ -163,22 +153,22 @@ class Git
# `refs/remotes`. It also shortens the SHA-1 of a detached `HEAD` to 7
# characters.
# Returns a String.
# Returns a {String}.
getShortHead: -> @getRepo().getShortHead()
# Public: Restore the contents of a path in the working directory and index
# to the version at `HEAD`.
# This is essentially the same as running:
# ```
# git reset HEAD -- <path>
# git checkout HEAD -- <path>
# ```
# * path:
# The String path to checkout
# path - The {String} path to checkout.
# Returns a Boolean that's true if the method was successful.
# Returns a {Boolean} that's true if the method was successful.
checkoutHead: (path) ->
headCheckedOut = @getRepo().checkoutHead(@relativize(path))
@getPathStatus(path) if headCheckedOut
@ -186,10 +176,9 @@ class Git
# Public: Checks out a branch in your repository.
# * reference:
# The String reference to checkout
# * create:
# A Boolean value which, if true creates the new reference if it doesn't exist.
# reference - The String reference to checkout
# create - A Boolean value which, if true creates the new reference if it
# doesn't exist.
# Returns a Boolean that's true if the method was successful.
checkoutReference: (reference, create) ->
@ -200,27 +189,26 @@ class Git
# This compares the working directory contents of the path to the `HEAD`
# version.
# * path:
# The String path to check
# path - The {String} path to check.
# Returns an object with two keys, `added` and `deleted`. These will always
# be greater than 0.
# Returns an {Object} with the following keys:
# :added - The {Number} of added lines.
# :deleted - The {Number} of deleted lines.
getDiffStats: (path) -> @getRepo().getDiffStats(@relativize(path))
# Public: Identifies if a path is a submodule.
# Public: Is the given path a submodule in the repository?
# * path:
# The String path to check
# path - The {String} path to check.
# Returns a Boolean.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isSubmodule: (path) -> @getRepo().isSubmodule(@relativize(path))
# Public: Retrieves the status of a directory.
# Public: Get the status of a directory in the repository's working directory.
# * path:
# The String path to check
# path - The {String} path to check.
# Returns a Number representing the status.
# Returns a {Number} representing the status. This value can be passed to
# {.isStatusModified} or {.isStatusNew} to get more information.
getDirectoryStatus: (directoryPath) ->
{sep} = require 'path'
directoryPath = "#{directoryPath}#{sep}"
@ -232,16 +220,14 @@ class Git
# Public: Retrieves the line diffs comparing the `HEAD` version of the given
# path and the given text.
# This is similar to the commit numbers reported by `git status` when a
# remote tracking branch exists.
# path - The {String} path relative to the repository.
# text - The {String} to compare against the `HEAD` contents
# * path:
# The String path (relative to the repository)
# * text:
# The String to compare against the `HEAD` contents
# Returns an object with two keys, `ahead` and `behind`. These will always be
# greater than zero.
# Returns an {Array} of hunk {Object}s with the following keys:
# :oldStart - The line {Number} of the old hunk.
# :newStart - The line {Number} of the new hunk.
# :oldLines - The {Number} of lines in the old hunk.
# :newLines - The {Number} of lines in the new hunk
getLineDiffs: (path, text) ->
# Ignore eol of line differences on windows so that files checked in as
# LF don't report every line modified when the text contains CRLF endings.
@ -257,7 +243,7 @@ class Git
# Public: Returns the upstream branch for the current HEAD, or null if there
# is no upstream branch for the current HEAD.
# Returns a String branch name such as `refs/remotes/origin/master`
# Returns a {String} branch name such as `refs/remotes/origin/master`.
getUpstreamBranch: -> @getRepo().getUpstreamBranch()
# Public: Returns the current SHA for the given reference.
@ -265,19 +251,21 @@ class Git
# Public: Gets all the local and remote references.
# Returns an object with three keys: `heads`, `remotes`, and `tags`. Each key
# can be an array of strings containing the reference names.
# Returns an {Object} with the following keys:
# :heads - An {Array} of head reference names.
# :remotes - An {Array} of remote reference names.
# :tags - An {Array} of tag reference names.
getReferences: -> @getRepo().getReferences()
# Public: Returns the number of commits behind the current branch is from the
# default remote branch.
# its upstream remote branch.
getAheadBehindCount: (reference) -> @getRepo().getAheadBehindCount(reference)
# Public: Returns true if the given branch exists.
hasBranch: (branch) -> @getReferenceTarget("refs/heads/#{branch}")?
# Private: Refreshes the current git status in an outside process and
# asynchronously updates the relevant properties.
# Refreshes the current git status in an outside process and asynchronously
# updates the relevant properties.
refreshStatus: ->
@statusTask = Task.once require.resolve('./repository-status-handler'), @getPath(), ({statuses, upstream, branch}) =>
statusesUnchanged = _.isEqual(statuses, @statuses) and _.isEqual(upstream, @upstream) and _.isEqual(branch, @branch)