Simplify splitTokens and make it work better too

We consider the line as a whole string and decide where we want to
split it before working with tokens. findSplitColumn just looks at the
character at the boundary... if it's a whitespace it looks forward for
a word. If it's not whitespace it looks backward for whitespace. This
ensures we always break on whitespace boundaries if possible.
This commit is contained in:
Nathan Sobo 2012-02-09 12:26:06 -07:00
parent 8232c7b153
commit 6c0a0e4bd2
2 changed files with 81 additions and 120 deletions

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@ -111,107 +111,70 @@ fdescribe "LineWrapper", ->
describe ".splitTokens(tokens)", ->
makeTokens = (array) -> (value) -> { value, type: 'foo' }
beforeEach ->
describe "when the text length of the given tokens is less then the max line length", ->
it "only returns 1 screen line", ->
screenLines = wrapper.splitTokens [{value: '12345'}, {value: '12345'}]
expect(screenLines.length).toBe 1
[line] = screenLines
expect(line.startColumn).toBe 0
expect(line.endColumn).toBe 10
expect(line.textLength).toBe 10
describe "when the line is shorter than max length", ->
it "does not split the line", ->
screenLines = wrapper.splitTokens(makeTokens ['abc', 'def'])
expect(screenLines).toEqual [makeTokens ['abc', 'def']]
describe "when the text length of the given tokens exceeds the max line length", ->
describe "when the exceeding token begins at the max line length", ->
describe "when the token has no whitespace", ->
it "places exceeding token on the next screen line", ->
screenLines = wrapper.splitTokens([{value: '12345'}, {value: '12345'}, {value: 'abcde'}])
expect(screenLines.length).toBe 2
[line1, line2] = screenLines
expect(line1).toEqual [{value: '12345'}, {value: '12345'}]
expect(line2).toEqual [{value: 'abcde'}]
[line1] = screenLines
expect(line1.startColumn).toBe 0
expect(line1.endColumn).toBe 6
expect(line1.textLength).toBe 6
expect(line1.startColumn).toBe 0
expect(line1.endColumn).toBe 10
expect(line1.textLength).toBe 10
expect(line2.startColumn).toBe 10
expect(line2.endColumn).toBe 15
expect(line2.textLength).toBe 5
describe "when there is a non-whitespace character at the max-length boundary", ->
describe "when there is whitespace before the max-length boundary", ->
it "splits the line at the start of the first word before the boundary", ->
screenLines = wrapper.splitTokens(makeTokens ['12 ', '45 ', ' 89A', 'BC'])
expect(screenLines.length).toBe 2
[line1, line2] = screenLines
expect(line1).toEqual(makeTokens ['12 ', '45 ', ' '])
expect(line2).toEqual(makeTokens ['89A', 'BC'])
describe "when token has leading whitespace", ->
it "splits the token in half and places the non-whitespace portion on the next line", ->
screenLines = wrapper.splitTokens([{value: '12345'}, {value: '12345'}, {value: ' abcde', type: 'foo'}, {value: 'ghi'}])
expect(screenLines.length).toBe 2
[line1, line2] = screenLines
expect(line1).toEqual [{value: '12345'}, {value: '12345'}, {value: ' ', type: 'foo'}]
expect(line2).toEqual [{value: 'abcde', type: 'foo'}, {value: 'ghi'}]
expect(line1.startColumn).toBe 0
expect(line1.endColumn).toBe 7
expect(line1.textLength).toBe 7
expect(line1.startColumn).toBe 0
expect(line1.endColumn).toBe 13
expect(line1.textLength).toBe 13
expect(line2.startColumn).toBe 13
expect(line2.endColumn).toBe 21
expect(line2.textLength).toBe 8
expect(line2.startColumn).toBe 7
expect(line2.endColumn).toBe 12
expect(line2.textLength).toBe 5
describe "when the exceeding token is only whitespace", ->
it "keeps the token on the first line and places the following token on the next line", ->
screenLines = wrapper.splitTokens([{value: '12345'}, {value: '12345'}, {value: ' '}, {value: 'ghi'}])
expect(screenLines.length).toBe 2
[line1, line2] = screenLines
expect(line1).toEqual [{value: '12345'}, {value: '12345'}, {value: ' '}]
expect(line2).toEqual [{value: 'ghi'}]
describe "when there is no whitespace before the max-length boundary", ->
it "splits the line at the boundary, because there's no 'good' place to split it", ->
screenLines = wrapper.splitTokens(makeTokens ['123', '456', '789AB', 'CD'])
expect(screenLines.length).toBe 2
[line1, line2] = screenLines
expect(line1).toEqual(makeTokens ['123', '456', '789A'])
expect(line2).toEqual(makeTokens ['B', 'CD'])
describe "when the exceeding token straddles the max line length", ->
describe "when the token has no whitespace", ->
describe "when the token's length does not exceed the max length", ->
it "places the entire token on the next line", ->
screenLines = wrapper.splitTokens([{value: '12345'}, {value: '123'}, {value: 'abcde'}])
[line1, line2] = screenLines
expect(screenLines.length).toBe 2
expect(line1).toEqual [{value: '12345'}, {value: '123'}]
expect(line2).toEqual [{value: 'abcde'}]
expect(line1.startColumn).toBe 0
expect(line1.endColumn).toBe 10
expect(line1.textLength).toBe 10
describe "when the token's length exceeds the max length", ->
it "splits the token arbitrarily at max length because it won't fit on the next line anyway", ->
screenLines = wrapper.splitTokens([{value: '12345'}, {value: '123'}, {value: 'abcdefghijk', type: 'foo'}])
expect(screenLines.length).toBe 2
[line1, line2] = screenLines
expect(line1).toEqual [{value: '12345'}, {value: '123'}, {value: 'ab', type: 'foo'}]
expect(line2).toEqual [{value: 'cdefghijk', type: 'foo'}]
expect(line2.startColumn).toBe 10
expect(line2.endColumn).toBe 13
expect(line2.textLength).toBe 3
describe "when the token has leading whitespace", ->
it "splits the token in half and places the non-whitespace portion on the next line", ->
screenLines = wrapper.splitTokens([{value: '12345'}, {value: '123'}, {value: ' abcde', type: 'foo'}, {value: 'ghi'}])
expect(screenLines.length).toBe 2
[line1, line2] = screenLines
expect(line1).toEqual [{value: '12345'}, {value: '123'}, {value: ' ', type: 'foo'}]
expect(line2).toEqual [{value: 'abcde', type: 'foo'}, {value: 'ghi'}]
describe "when there is a whitespace character at the max-length boundary", ->
it "splits the line at the start of the first word beyond the boundary", ->
screenLines = wrapper.splitTokens(makeTokens ['12 ', '45 ', ' 89 C', 'DE'])
expect(screenLines.length).toBe 2
[line1, line2] = screenLines
expect(line1).toEqual(makeTokens ['12 ', '45 ', ' 89 '])
expect(line2).toEqual(makeTokens ['C', 'DE'])
describe "when the token has trailing whitespace", ->
it "places the entire token on the next lien", ->
screenLines = wrapper.splitTokens([{value: '12345'}, {value: '123'}, {value: 'abcde '}])
expect(screenLines.length).toBe 2
[line1, line2] = screenLines
expect(line1).toEqual [{value: '12345'}, {value: '123'}]
expect(line2).toEqual [{value: 'abcde '}]
expect(line1.startColumn).toBe 0
expect(line1.endColumn).toBe 11
expect(line1.textLength).toBe 11
describe "when the token has interstitial whitespace preceding the max line length", ->
it "splits the token at the first word boundary following the max line length", ->
screenLines = wrapper.splitTokens([{value: '123'}, {value: '456'}, {value: 'a b de', type: 'foo'}, {value: 'ghi'}])
expect(screenLines.length).toBe 2
[line1, line2] = screenLines
expect(line1).toEqual [{value: '123'}, {value: '456'}, {value: 'a b ', type: 'foo'}]
expect(line2).toEqual [{value: 'de', type: 'foo'}, {value: 'ghi'}]
describe "when the exceeding token is only whitespace", ->
it "keeps the token on the first line and places the following token on the next line", ->
screenLines = wrapper.splitTokens([{value: '12345'}, {value: '123'}, {value: ' '}, {value: 'ghi'}])
expect(screenLines.length).toBe 2
[line1, line2] = screenLines
expect(line1).toEqual [{value: '12345'}, {value: '123'}, {value: ' '}]
expect(line2).toEqual [{value: 'ghi'}]
expect(line2.startColumn).toBe 11
expect(line2.endColumn).toBe 14
expect(line2.textLength).toBe 3
describe ".screenPositionFromBufferPosition(point)", ->
it "translates the given buffer position to a screen position, accounting for wrapped lines", ->

View File

@ -38,12 +38,13 @@ class LineWrapper
splitTokens: (tokens, startColumn = 0) ->
return [] unless tokens.length
textLength = 0
splitColumn = @findSplitColumn(tokens)
screenLine = []
textLength = 0
while tokens.length
nextToken = tokens[0]
if textLength + nextToken.value.length > @maxLength
tokenFragments = @splitBoundaryToken(nextToken, @maxLength - textLength)
if textLength + nextToken.value.length > splitColumn
tokenFragments = @splitTokenAt(nextToken, splitColumn - textLength)
[token1, token2] = tokenFragments
tokens[0..0] = _.compact(tokenFragments)
break unless token1
@ -51,40 +52,37 @@ class LineWrapper
textLength += nextToken.value.length
screenLine.push nextToken
_.extend(screenLine, { startColumn, textLength, endColumn: startColumn + textLength })
[screenLine].concat @splitTokens(tokens, screenLine.endColumn)
endColumn = startColumn + textLength
_.extend(screenLine, { textLength, startColumn, endColumn })
[screenLine].concat @splitTokens(tokens, endColumn)
splitBoundaryToken: (token, boundaryIndex) ->
{ value } = token
findSplitColumn: (tokens) ->
lineText = _.pluck(tokens, 'value').join('')
lineLength = lineText.length
return lineLength unless lineLength > @maxLength
# if no whitespace, split it all to next line if it will fit.
# if it's longer than the max width, chop it without regard for whitespace.
unless /\s/.test(value)
if value.length > @maxLength
return @splitTokenAt(token, boundaryIndex)
return [null, token]
# if only whitespace, keep it all on current line.
return [token, null] unless /\w/.test(value)
# if words + whitespace, try to split on start of word closest to the boundary
wordStart = /\b\w/g
while match = wordStart.exec(value)
splitIndex = match.index
break if splitIndex > boundaryIndex
# if the only word start is at the beginning of the token, put the whole token on the next line
return [null, token] if splitIndex == 0
@splitTokenAt(token, splitIndex)
if /\s/.test(tokensText[@maxLength])
# search forward for the start of a word past the boundary
for column in [@maxLength..lineLength]
return column if /\S/.test(lineText[column])
return lineLength
# search backward for the start of the word on the boundary
for column in [@maxLength..0]
return column + 1 if /\s/.test(lineText[column])
return @maxLength
splitTokenAt: (token, splitIndex) ->
{ type, value } = token
value1 = value.substring(0, splitIndex)
value2 = value.substring(splitIndex)
[{value: value1, type }, {value: value2, type}]
switch splitIndex
when 0
[null, token]
when value.length
[token, null]
value1 = value.substring(0, splitIndex)
value2 = value.substring(splitIndex)
[{value: value1, type }, {value: value2, type}]