mirror of
synced 2024-11-13 08:44:12 +03:00
Reorganize Selection into sections
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ class Selection extends Model
@emitter.emit 'did-destroy'
destroy: ->
Section: Event Subscription
@ -60,37 +63,11 @@ class Selection extends Model
Section: Methods
Section: Managing the selection range
destroy: ->
finalize: ->
@initialScreenRange = null unless @initialScreenRange?.isEqual(@getScreenRange())
if @isEmpty()
@wordwise = false
@linewise = false
clearAutoscroll: ->
@needsAutoscroll = null
# Public: Determines if the selection contains anything.
isEmpty: ->
# Public: Determines if the ending position of a marker is greater than the
# starting position.
# This can happen when, for example, you highlight text "up" in a {TextBuffer}.
isReversed: ->
# Public: Returns whether the selection is a single line or not.
isSingleScreenLine: ->
# Public: Returns the screen {Range} for the selection.
getScreenRange: ->
@ -148,55 +125,61 @@ class Selection extends Model
getHeadBufferPosition: ->
autoscroll: ->
Section: Info about the selection
# Public: Determines if the selection contains anything.
isEmpty: ->
# Public: Determines if the ending position of a marker is greater than the
# starting position.
# This can happen when, for example, you highlight text "up" in a {TextBuffer}.
isReversed: ->
# Public: Returns whether the selection is a single line or not.
isSingleScreenLine: ->
# Public: Returns the text in the selection.
getText: ->
# Public: Identifies if a selection intersects with a given buffer range.
# * `bufferRange` A {Range} to check against.
# Returns a {Boolean}
intersectsBufferRange: (bufferRange) ->
intersectsScreenRowRange: (startRow, endRow) ->
@getScreenRange().intersectsRowRange(startRow, endRow)
intersectsScreenRow: (screenRow) ->
# Public: Identifies if a selection intersects with another selection.
# * `otherSelection` A {Selection} to check against.
# Returns a {Boolean}
intersectsWith: (otherSelection, exclusive) ->
@getBufferRange().intersectsWith(otherSelection.getBufferRange(), exclusive)
Section: Modifying the selected range
# Public: Clears the selection, moving the marker to the head.
clear: ->
@marker.setAttributes(goalBufferRange: null)
@marker.clearTail() unless @retainSelection
# Public: Modifies the selection to encompass the current word.
# Returns a {Range}.
selectWord: ->
options = {}
options.wordRegex = /[\t ]*/ if @cursor.isSurroundedByWhitespace()
if @cursor.isBetweenWordAndNonWord()
options.includeNonWordCharacters = false
@wordwise = true
@initialScreenRange = @getScreenRange()
# Public: Expands the newest selection to include the entire word on which
# the cursors rests.
expandOverWord: ->
# Public: Selects an entire line in the buffer.
# * `row` The line {Number} to select (default: the row of the cursor).
selectLine: (row=@cursor.getBufferPosition().row) ->
range = @editor.bufferRangeForBufferRow(row, includeNewline: true)
@linewise = true
@wordwise = false
@initialScreenRange = @getScreenRange()
# Public: Expands the newest selection to include the entire line on which
# the cursor currently rests.
# It also includes the newline character.
expandOverLine: ->
range = @getBufferRange().union(@cursor.getCurrentLineBufferRange(includeNewline: true))
# Public: Selects the text from the current cursor position to a given screen
# position.
@ -311,46 +294,45 @@ class Selection extends Model
selectToBeginningOfPreviousParagraph: ->
@modifySelection => @cursor.moveToBeginningOfPreviousParagraph()
# Public: Moves the selection down one row.
addSelectionBelow: ->
range = (@getGoalBufferRange() ? @getBufferRange()).copy()
nextRow = range.end.row + 1
# Public: Modifies the selection to encompass the current word.
# Returns a {Range}.
selectWord: ->
options = {}
options.wordRegex = /[\t ]*/ if @cursor.isSurroundedByWhitespace()
if @cursor.isBetweenWordAndNonWord()
options.includeNonWordCharacters = false
for row in [nextRow..@editor.getLastBufferRow()]
range.start.row = row
range.end.row = row
clippedRange = @editor.clipBufferRange(range)
@wordwise = true
@initialScreenRange = @getScreenRange()
if range.isEmpty()
continue if range.end.column > 0 and clippedRange.end.column is 0
continue if clippedRange.isEmpty()
# Public: Expands the newest selection to include the entire word on which
# the cursors rests.
expandOverWord: ->
@editor.addSelectionForBufferRange(range, goalBufferRange: range)
# Public: Selects an entire line in the buffer.
# * `row` The line {Number} to select (default: the row of the cursor).
selectLine: (row=@cursor.getBufferPosition().row) ->
range = @editor.bufferRangeForBufferRow(row, includeNewline: true)
@linewise = true
@wordwise = false
@initialScreenRange = @getScreenRange()
# FIXME: I have no idea what this does.
getGoalBufferRange: ->
if goalBufferRange = @marker.getAttributes().goalBufferRange
# Public: Expands the newest selection to include the entire line on which
# the cursor currently rests.
# It also includes the newline character.
expandOverLine: ->
range = @getBufferRange().union(@cursor.getCurrentLineBufferRange(includeNewline: true))
# Public: Moves the selection up one row.
addSelectionAbove: ->
range = (@getGoalBufferRange() ? @getBufferRange()).copy()
previousRow = range.end.row - 1
for row in [previousRow..0]
range.start.row = row
range.end.row = row
clippedRange = @editor.clipBufferRange(range)
if range.isEmpty()
continue if range.end.column > 0 and clippedRange.end.column is 0
continue if clippedRange.isEmpty()
@editor.addSelectionForBufferRange(range, goalBufferRange: range)
Section: Modifying the selected text
# Public: Replaces text at the current selection.
@ -391,71 +373,6 @@ class Selection extends Model
# Public: Indents the given text to the suggested level based on the grammar.
# * `text` The {String} to indent within the selection.
# * `indentBasis` The beginning indent level.
normalizeIndents: (text, indentBasis) ->
textPrecedingCursor = @cursor.getCurrentBufferLine()[0...@cursor.getBufferColumn()]
isCursorInsideExistingLine = /\S/.test(textPrecedingCursor)
lines = text.split('\n')
firstLineIndentLevel = @editor.indentLevelForLine(lines[0])
if isCursorInsideExistingLine
minimumIndentLevel = @editor.indentationForBufferRow(@cursor.getBufferRow())
minimumIndentLevel = @cursor.getIndentLevel()
normalizedLines = []
for line, i in lines
if i == 0
indentLevel = 0
else if line == '' # remove all indentation from empty lines
indentLevel = 0
lineIndentLevel = @editor.indentLevelForLine(lines[i])
indentLevel = minimumIndentLevel + (lineIndentLevel - indentBasis)
normalizedLines.push(@setIndentationForLine(line, indentLevel))
# Indent the current line(s).
# If the selection is empty, indents the current line if the cursor precedes
# non-whitespace characters, and otherwise inserts a tab. If the selection is
# non empty, calls {::indentSelectedRows}.
# * `options` (optional) {Object} with the keys:
# * `autoIndent` If `true`, the line is indented to an automatically-inferred
# level. Otherwise, {Editor::getTabText} is inserted.
indent: ({ autoIndent }={}) ->
{ row, column } = @cursor.getBufferPosition()
if @isEmpty()
desiredIndent = @editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(row)
delta = desiredIndent - @cursor.getIndentLevel()
if autoIndent and delta > 0
@insertText(@editor.buildIndentString(1, @cursor.getBufferColumn()))
# Public: If the selection spans multiple rows, indent all of them.
indentSelectedRows: ->
[start, end] = @getBufferRowRange()
for row in [start..end]
@editor.buffer.insert([row, 0], @editor.getTabText()) unless @editor.buffer.lineLengthForRow(row) == 0
# Public: ?
setIndentationForLine: (line, indentLevel) ->
desiredIndentLevel = Math.max(0, indentLevel)
desiredIndentString = @editor.buildIndentString(desiredIndentLevel)
line.replace(/^[\t ]*/, desiredIndentString)
# Public: Removes the first character before the selection if the selection
# is empty otherwise it deletes the selection.
backspace: ->
@ -632,41 +549,109 @@ class Selection extends Model
@editor.createFold(range.start.row, range.end.row)
@cursor.setBufferPosition([range.end.row + 1, 0])
modifySelection: (fn) ->
@retainSelection = true
@retainSelection = false
# Public: Indents the given text to the suggested level based on the grammar.
# * `text` The {String} to indent within the selection.
# * `indentBasis` The beginning indent level.
normalizeIndents: (text, indentBasis) ->
textPrecedingCursor = @cursor.getCurrentBufferLine()[0...@cursor.getBufferColumn()]
isCursorInsideExistingLine = /\S/.test(textPrecedingCursor)
# Sets the marker's tail to the same position as the marker's head.
# This only works if there isn't already a tail position.
# Returns a {Point} representing the new tail position.
plantTail: ->
lines = text.split('\n')
firstLineIndentLevel = @editor.indentLevelForLine(lines[0])
if isCursorInsideExistingLine
minimumIndentLevel = @editor.indentationForBufferRow(@cursor.getBufferRow())
minimumIndentLevel = @cursor.getIndentLevel()
# Public: Identifies if a selection intersects with a given buffer range.
# * `bufferRange` A {Range} to check against.
# Returns a {Boolean}
intersectsBufferRange: (bufferRange) ->
normalizedLines = []
for line, i in lines
if i == 0
indentLevel = 0
else if line == '' # remove all indentation from empty lines
indentLevel = 0
lineIndentLevel = @editor.indentLevelForLine(lines[i])
indentLevel = minimumIndentLevel + (lineIndentLevel - indentBasis)
intersectsScreenRowRange: (startRow, endRow) ->
@getScreenRange().intersectsRowRange(startRow, endRow)
normalizedLines.push(@setIndentationForLine(line, indentLevel))
intersectsScreenRow: (screenRow) ->
# Public: Identifies if a selection intersects with another selection.
# Indent the current line(s).
# * `otherSelection` A {Selection} to check against.
# If the selection is empty, indents the current line if the cursor precedes
# non-whitespace characters, and otherwise inserts a tab. If the selection is
# non empty, calls {::indentSelectedRows}.
# Returns a {Boolean}
intersectsWith: (otherSelection, exclusive) ->
@getBufferRange().intersectsWith(otherSelection.getBufferRange(), exclusive)
# * `options` (optional) {Object} with the keys:
# * `autoIndent` If `true`, the line is indented to an automatically-inferred
# level. Otherwise, {Editor::getTabText} is inserted.
indent: ({ autoIndent }={}) ->
{ row, column } = @cursor.getBufferPosition()
if @isEmpty()
desiredIndent = @editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(row)
delta = desiredIndent - @cursor.getIndentLevel()
if autoIndent and delta > 0
@insertText(@editor.buildIndentString(1, @cursor.getBufferColumn()))
# Public: If the selection spans multiple rows, indent all of them.
indentSelectedRows: ->
[start, end] = @getBufferRowRange()
for row in [start..end]
@editor.buffer.insert([row, 0], @editor.getTabText()) unless @editor.buffer.lineLengthForRow(row) == 0
setIndentationForLine: (line, indentLevel) ->
desiredIndentLevel = Math.max(0, indentLevel)
desiredIndentString = @editor.buildIndentString(desiredIndentLevel)
line.replace(/^[\t ]*/, desiredIndentString)
Section: Managing multiple selections
# Public: Moves the selection down one row.
addSelectionBelow: ->
range = (@getGoalBufferRange() ? @getBufferRange()).copy()
nextRow = range.end.row + 1
for row in [nextRow..@editor.getLastBufferRow()]
range.start.row = row
range.end.row = row
clippedRange = @editor.clipBufferRange(range)
if range.isEmpty()
continue if range.end.column > 0 and clippedRange.end.column is 0
continue if clippedRange.isEmpty()
@editor.addSelectionForBufferRange(range, goalBufferRange: range)
# Public: Moves the selection up one row.
addSelectionAbove: ->
range = (@getGoalBufferRange() ? @getBufferRange()).copy()
previousRow = range.end.row - 1
for row in [previousRow..0]
range.start.row = row
range.end.row = row
clippedRange = @editor.clipBufferRange(range)
if range.isEmpty()
continue if range.end.column > 0 and clippedRange.end.column is 0
continue if clippedRange.isEmpty()
@editor.addSelectionForBufferRange(range, goalBufferRange: range)
# Public: Combines the given selection into this selection and then destroys
# the given selection.
@ -683,6 +668,10 @@ class Selection extends Model
@setBufferRange(@getBufferRange().union(otherSelection.getBufferRange()), options)
Section: Comparing to other selections
# Public: Compare this selection's buffer range to another selection's buffer
# range.
@ -692,7 +681,41 @@ class Selection extends Model
compare: (otherSelection) ->
Section: Private Utilities
screenRangeChanged: ->
@emit 'screen-range-changed', @getScreenRange()
@emitter.emit 'did-change-range'
finalize: ->
@initialScreenRange = null unless @initialScreenRange?.isEqual(@getScreenRange())
if @isEmpty()
@wordwise = false
@linewise = false
autoscroll: ->
clearAutoscroll: ->
@needsAutoscroll = null
modifySelection: (fn) ->
@retainSelection = true
@retainSelection = false
# Sets the marker's tail to the same position as the marker's head.
# This only works if there isn't already a tail position.
# Returns a {Point} representing the new tail position.
plantTail: ->
getGoalBufferRange: ->
if goalBufferRange = @marker.getAttributes().goalBufferRange
Reference in New Issue
Block a user