Give the line-numbers div an opaque background for better GPU perf

We sample both the background color of the editor and the gutter. If the
gutter has an actual background color, we use it. Otherwise we fall back
to the same background as the editor.
This commit is contained in:
Nathan Sobo 2014-07-24 17:23:04 -07:00
parent c6116468e4
commit 7738eeeacc
3 changed files with 35 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -504,6 +504,18 @@ describe "EditorComponent", ->
expect(componentNode.querySelector('.line-numbers').offsetHeight).toBe componentNode.offsetHeight
it "applies the background color of the gutter or the editor to the line numbers to improve GPU performance", ->
gutterNode = componentNode.querySelector('.gutter')
lineNumbersNode = gutterNode.querySelector('.line-numbers')
{backgroundColor} = getComputedStyle(wrapperNode)
expect( backgroundColor
# favor gutter color if it's assigned = 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'
expect( 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'
describe "when the editor.showLineNumbers config is false", ->
it "doesn't render any line numbers", ->

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ EditorComponent = React.createClass
visible: false
autoHeight: false
backgroundColor: null
gutterBackgroundColor: null
pendingScrollTop: null
pendingScrollLeft: null
selectOnMouseMove: false
@ -92,12 +93,12 @@ EditorComponent = React.createClass
className += ' has-selection' if hasSelection
div {className, style, tabIndex: -1},
if not mini and showLineNumbers
if @shouldRenderGutter()
GutterComponent {
ref: 'gutter', onMouseDown: @onGutterMouseDown, lineDecorations,
defaultCharWidth, editor, renderedRowRange, maxLineNumberDigits, scrollViewHeight,
scrollTop, scrollHeight, lineHeightInPixels, @pendingChanges, mouseWheelScreenRow,
@useHardwareAcceleration, @performedInitialMeasurement
@useHardwareAcceleration, @performedInitialMeasurement, @backgroundColor, @gutterBackgroundColor
div ref: 'scrollView', className: 'scroll-view', onMouseDown: @onMouseDown,
@ -158,6 +159,9 @@ EditorComponent = React.createClass
{editor} = @props
Math.max(1, Math.ceil(editor.getHeight() / editor.getLineHeightInPixels()))
shouldRenderGutter: ->
not and @state.showLineNumbers
getInitialState: -> {}
getDefaultProps: ->
@ -222,7 +226,7 @@ EditorComponent = React.createClass
@updatesPaused = true
@updatesPaused = false
@ -774,7 +778,7 @@ EditorComponent = React.createClass
if @visible = @isVisible()
if wasVisible
@ -816,13 +820,21 @@ EditorComponent = React.createClass
clientWidth -= paddingLeft
editor.setWidth(clientWidth) if clientWidth > 0
sampleBackgroundColor: (suppressUpdate) ->
sampleBackgroundColors: (suppressUpdate) ->
{parentView} = @props
{showLineNumbers} = @state
{backgroundColor} = getComputedStyle(parentView.element)
if backgroundColor isnt @backgroundColor
@backgroundColor = backgroundColor
@requestUpdate() unless suppressUpdate
if @shouldRenderGutter()
gutterBackgroundColor = getComputedStyle(@refs.gutter.getDOMNode()).backgroundColor
if gutterBackgroundColor isnt @gutterBackgroundColor
@gutterBackgroundColor = gutterBackgroundColor
@requestUpdate() unless suppressUpdate
measureLineHeightAndDefaultCharWidthIfNeeded: (prevState) ->
if not isEqualForProperties(prevState, @state, 'lineHeight', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily')
if @visible

View File

@ -16,12 +16,16 @@ GutterComponent = React.createClass
measuredWidth: null
render: ->
{scrollHeight, scrollViewHeight, onMouseDown} = @props
{scrollHeight, scrollViewHeight, onMouseDown, backgroundColor, gutterBackgroundColor} = @props
if gutterBackgroundColor isnt 'rbga(0, 0, 0, 0)'
backgroundColor = gutterBackgroundColor
div className: 'gutter', onClick: @onClick, onMouseDown: onMouseDown,
div className: 'line-numbers', ref: 'lineNumbers', style:
height: Math.max(scrollHeight, scrollViewHeight)
WebkitTransform: @getTransform()
backgroundColor: backgroundColor
getTransform: ->
{scrollTop, useHardwareAcceleration} = @props
@ -47,7 +51,7 @@ GutterComponent = React.createClass
shouldComponentUpdate: (newProps) ->
return true unless isEqualForProperties(newProps, @props,
'renderedRowRange', 'scrollTop', 'lineHeightInPixels', 'mouseWheelScreenRow', 'lineDecorations',
'scrollViewHeight', 'useHardwareAcceleration'
'scrollViewHeight', 'useHardwareAcceleration', 'backgroundColor', 'gutterBackgroundColor'
{renderedRowRange, pendingChanges, lineDecorations} = newProps