mirror of
synced 2025-01-02 20:07:25 +03:00
Capitalize initialisms
Signed-off-by: Max Brunsfeld <maxbrunsfeld@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ describe "PaneContainer", ->
beforeEach ->
class TestItem
shouldPromptToSave: -> true
getUri: -> 'test'
getURI: -> 'test'
container = new PaneContainer
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ describe "PaneContainerView", ->
@content: -> @div tabindex: -1
initialize: (@name) -> @text(@name)
serialize: -> { deserializer: 'TestView', @name }
getUri: -> path.join(temp.dir, @name)
getURI: -> path.join(temp.dir, @name)
save: -> @saved = true
isEqual: (other) -> @name is other?.name
onDidChangeTitle: -> new Disposable(->)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ describe "Pane", ->
class Item extends Model
@deserialize: ({name, uri}) -> new this(name, uri)
constructor: (@name, @uri) ->
getUri: -> @uri
getURI: -> @uri
getPath: -> @path
serialize: -> {deserializer: 'Item', @name, @uri}
isEqual: (other) -> @name is other?.name
@ -231,18 +231,18 @@ describe "Pane", ->
expect(pane.getActiveItem()).toBe item1
describe "if the item is modified", ->
itemUri = null
itemURI = null
beforeEach ->
item1.shouldPromptToSave = -> true
item1.save = jasmine.createSpy("save")
item1.saveAs = jasmine.createSpy("saveAs")
item1.getUri = -> itemUri
item1.getURI = -> itemURI
describe "if the [Save] option is selected", ->
describe "when the item has a uri", ->
it "saves the item before destroying it", ->
itemUri = "test"
itemURI = "test"
spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andReturn(0)
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ describe "Pane", ->
describe "when the item has no uri", ->
it "presents a save-as dialog, then saves the item with the given uri before removing and destroying it", ->
itemUri = null
itemURI = null
spyOn(atom, 'showSaveDialogSync').andReturn("/selected/path")
spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andReturn(0)
@ -404,15 +404,15 @@ describe "Pane", ->
describe "::itemForUri(uri)", ->
it "returns the item for which a call to .getUri() returns the given uri", ->
describe "::itemForURI(uri)", ->
it "returns the item for which a call to .getURI() returns the given uri", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B"), new Item("C"), new Item("D")])
[item1, item2, item3] = pane.getItems()
item1.uri = "a"
item2.uri = "b"
expect(pane.itemForUri("a")).toBe item1
expect(pane.itemForUri("b")).toBe item2
expect(pane.itemForURI("a")).toBe item1
expect(pane.itemForURI("b")).toBe item2
describe "::moveItem(item, index)", ->
[pane, item1, item2, item3, item4] = []
@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ describe "Pane", ->
[item1, item2] = pane.getItems()
item1.shouldPromptToSave = -> true
item1.getUri = -> "/test/path"
item1.getURI = -> "/test/path"
item1.save = jasmine.createSpy("save")
spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andReturn(0)
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ describe "Pane", ->
[item1, item2] = pane.getItems()
item1.shouldPromptToSave = -> true
item1.getUri = -> "/test/path"
item1.getURI = -> "/test/path"
item1.save = jasmine.createSpy("save")
spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andReturn(1)
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ describe "PaneView", ->
initialize: ({@id, @text}) ->
@emitter = new Emitter
serialize: -> { deserializer: 'TestView', @id, @text }
getUri: -> @id
getURI: -> @id
isEqual: (other) -> other? and @id == other.id and @text == other.text
changeTitle: ->
@emitter.emit 'did-change-title', 'title'
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ describe "Workspace", ->
workspace.open('a').then (o) -> editor = o
runs ->
expect(editor.getUri()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('a')
expect(editor.getURI()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('a')
expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem()).toBe editor
expect(workspace.getActivePane().items).toEqual [editor]
@ -261,21 +261,21 @@ describe "Workspace", ->
runs ->
# does not reopen items with no uri
waitsForPromise ->
runs ->
# destroy all items
expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getUri()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('file1')
expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getURI()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('file1')
expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getUri()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('b')
expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getURI()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('b')
expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getUri()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('a')
expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getURI()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('a')
# reopens items with uris
@ -285,20 +285,20 @@ describe "Workspace", ->
runs ->
expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getUri()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('a')
expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getURI()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('a')
# does not reopen items that are already open
waitsForPromise ->
runs ->
expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getUri()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('b')
expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getURI()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('b')
waitsForPromise ->
runs ->
expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getUri()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('file1')
expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getURI()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('file1')
describe "::increase/decreaseFontSize()", ->
it "increases/decreases the font size without going below 1", ->
@ -232,7 +232,10 @@ class GitRepository
# * `path` (optional) {String} path in the repository to get this information
# for, only needed if the repository has submodules.
getOriginUrl: (path) -> @getConfigValue('remote.origin.url', path)
getOriginURL: (path) -> @getConfigValue('remote.origin.url', path)
getOriginUrl: (path) ->
deprecate("Use ::getOriginURL instead.")
# Public: Returns the upstream branch for the current HEAD, or null if there
# is no upstream branch for the current HEAD.
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class PaneContainerView extends View
paneForUri: (uri) ->
focusNextPaneView: ->
@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ class PaneContainer extends Model
getActivePaneItem: ->
paneForUri: (uri) ->
find @getPanes(), (pane) -> pane.itemForUri(uri)?
paneForURI: (uri) ->
find @getPanes(), (pane) -> pane.itemForURI(uri)?
paneForItem: (item) ->
@getPanes().find (pane) -> item in pane.getItems()
@ -43,14 +43,15 @@ class Pane extends Model
serializeParams: ->
id: @id
items: compact(@items.map((item) -> item.serialize?()))
activeItemUri: @activeItem?.getUri?()
activeItemURI: @activeItem?.getURI?() ? @activeItem?.getUri?()
focused: @focused
# Called by the Serializable mixin during deserialization.
deserializeParams: (params) ->
{items, activeItemUri} = params
{items, activeItemURI, activeItemUri} = params
activeItemURI ?= activeItemUri
params.items = compact(items.map (itemState) -> atom.deserializers.deserialize(itemState))
params.activeItem = find params.items, (item) -> item.getUri?() is activeItemUri
params.activeItem = find params.items, (item) -> (item.getURI?() ? item.getUri?()) is activeItemURI
getParent: -> @parent
@ -426,10 +427,13 @@ class Pane extends Model
@destroyItem(item) for item in @getItems() when item isnt @activeItem
promptToSaveItem: (item) ->
return true unless typeof item.getUri is 'function' and item.shouldPromptToSave?()
if typeof item.getUri is 'function' and typeof item.getURI isnt 'function'
Grim.deprecate("Implement `::getURI` on pane items instead of `::getUri`")
return true unless (typeof item.getURI is 'function' or typeof item.getUri is 'function') and item.shouldPromptToSave?()
chosen = atom.confirm
message: "'#{item.getTitle?() ? item.getUri()}' has changes, do you want to save them?"
message: "'#{item.getTitle?() ? item.getURI?() ? item.getUri?()}' has changes, do you want to save them?"
detailedMessage: "Your changes will be lost if you close this item without saving."
buttons: ["Save", "Cancel", "Don't Save"]
@ -456,7 +460,7 @@ class Pane extends Model
# * `nextAction` (optional) {Function} which will be called after the item is
# successfully saved.
saveItem: (item, nextAction) ->
if item?.getUri?()
if (item?.getURI?() ? item?.getUri?())
@ -485,19 +489,27 @@ class Pane extends Model
# none exists.
# * `uri` {String} containing a URI.
itemForURI: (uri) ->
find @items, (item) -> item.getURI?() is uri or item.getUri?() is uri
itemForUri: (uri) ->
find @items, (item) -> item.getUri?() is uri
Grim.deprecate("Use `::itemForURI` instead.")
# Public: Activate the first item that matches the given URI.
# Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether an item matching the URI was found.
activateItemForUri: (uri) ->
if item = @itemForUri(uri)
activateItemForURI: (uri) ->
if item = @itemForURI(uri)
activateItemForUri: (uri) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use `::activateItemForURI` instead.")
copyActiveItem: ->
if @activeItem?
@activeItem.copy?() ? atom.deserializers.deserialize(@activeItem.serialize())
@ -515,7 +515,11 @@ class TextEditor extends Model
getBuffer: -> @buffer
# Retrieves the current buffer's URI.
getUri: -> @buffer.getUri()
getURI: -> @buffer.getUri()
getUri: ->
deprecate("Use `::getURI` instead")
# Create an {TextEditor} with its initial state based on this object
copy: ->
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ module.exports =
class WorkspaceView extends View
@delegatesProperty 'fullScreen', 'destroyedItemUris', toProperty: 'model'
@delegatesProperty 'fullScreen', 'destroyedItemURIs', toProperty: 'model'
@delegatesMethods 'open', 'openSync',
'saveActivePaneItem', 'saveActivePaneItemAs', 'saveAll', 'destroyActivePaneItem',
'destroyActivePane', 'increaseFontSize', 'decreaseFontSize', toProperty: 'model'
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class Workspace extends Model
paneContainer: null
fullScreen: false
destroyedItemUris: -> []
destroyedItemURIs: -> []
constructor: (params) ->
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ class Workspace extends Model
split = options.split
uri = atom.project.resolvePath(uri)
pane = @paneContainer.paneForUri(uri) if searchAllPanes
pane = @paneContainer.paneForURI(uri) if searchAllPanes
pane ?= switch split
when 'left'
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ class Workspace extends Model
@openUriInPane(uri, pane, options)
@openURIInPane(uri, pane, options)
# Open Atom's license in the active pane.
openLicense: ->
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ class Workspace extends Model
activatePane = options.activatePane ? true
uri = atom.project.resolvePath(uri)
item = @getActivePane().itemForUri(uri)
item = @getActivePane().itemForURI(uri)
if uri
item ?= opener(uri, options) for opener in @getOpeners() when !item
item ?= atom.project.openSync(uri, {initialLine, initialColumn})
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ class Workspace extends Model
@getActivePane().activate() if activatePane
openUriInPane: (uri, pane, options={}) ->
openURIInPane: (uri, pane, options={}) ->
# TODO: Remove deprecated changeFocus option
if options.changeFocus?
deprecate("The `changeFocus` option has been renamed to `activatePane`")
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ class Workspace extends Model
activatePane = options.activatePane ? true
if uri?
item = pane.itemForUri(uri)
item = pane.itemForURI(uri)
item ?= opener(uri, options) for opener in @getOpeners() when !item
item ?= atom.project.open(uri, options)
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ class Workspace extends Model
# Returns a promise that is resolved when the item is opened
reopenItem: ->
if uri = @destroyedItemUris.pop()
if uri = @destroyedItemURIs.pop()
@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ class Workspace extends Model
# Deprecated
reopenItemSync: ->
deprecate("Use Workspace::reopenItem instead")
if uri = @destroyedItemUris.pop()
if uri = @destroyedItemURIs.pop()
# Public: Register an opener for a uri.
@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ class Workspace extends Model
# Save the active pane item.
# If the active pane item currently has a URI according to the item's
# `.getUri` method, calls `.save` on the item. Otherwise
# `.getURI` method, calls `.save` on the item. Otherwise
# {::saveActivePaneItemAs} # will be called instead. This method does nothing
# if the active item does not implement a `.save` method.
saveActivePaneItem: ->
@ -617,8 +617,12 @@ class Workspace extends Model
# * `uri` {String} uri
# Returns a {Pane} or `undefined` if no pane exists for the given URI.
paneForURI: (uri) ->
paneForUri: (uri) ->
deprecate("Use ::paneForURI instead.")
# Extended: Get the {Pane} containing the given item.
@ -651,13 +655,19 @@ class Workspace extends Model
# Removes the item's uri from the list of potential items to reopen.
itemOpened: (item) ->
if uri = item.getUri?()
_.remove(@destroyedItemUris, uri)
if typeof item.getUri is 'function' and not typeof item.getURI is 'function'
deprecate("Pane items should implement `::getURI` instead of `::getUri`.")
if uri = item.getURI?() ? item.getUri?()
_.remove(@destroyedItemURIs, uri)
# Adds the destroyed item's uri to the list of items to reopen.
didDestroyPaneItem: ({item}) =>
if uri = item.getUri?()
if typeof item.getUri is 'function' and not typeof item.getURI is 'function'
deprecate("Pane items should implement `::getURI` instead of `::getUri`.")
if uri = item.getURI?() ? item.getUri?()
# Called by Model superclass when destroyed
destroyed: ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user