Merge feature/modernize-tree-sitter

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Dupont 2023-03-20 16:04:04 -07:00
commit 8637a75b19
12 changed files with 285 additions and 94 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
'name': 'Clojure'
'scopeName': 'source.clojure'
'type': 'tree-sitter-2'
'fileTypes': [
'firstLineMatch': '''(?x)
# Hashbang
# Modeline
# Emacs
# Vim
grammar: 'ts/grammar.wasm'
syntaxQuery: 'ts/highlights.scm'
# localsQuery: 'ts/locals.scm'
foldsQuery: 'ts/folds.scm'
indentsQuery: 'ts/indents.scm'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
] @fold

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
value: (list_lit
"(" @punctuation.section.expression.begin
(sym_lit) @meta.symbol (#set! final "true")))
;; Collections
"(" @punctuation.section.expression.begin
(sym_lit) @meta.expression
")" @punctuation.section.expression.end)
"(" @punctuation.section.expression.begin
(sym_lit) @meta.expression
")" @punctuation.section.expression.end)
"[" @punctuation.section.vector.begin
"]" @punctuation.section.vector.end) @meta.vector
("#" "{") @punctuation.section.set.begin
"}" @punctuation.section.set.end)
; Includes
((sym_name) @meta.symbol (#eq? @meta.symbol "import")) @keyword.control
((sym_name) @meta.symbol (#eq? @meta.symbol "require")) @keyword.control
((sym_name) @meta.symbol (#eq? @meta.symbol "use")) @keyword.control
"(" @punctuation.section.expression.begin
((sym_lit) @meta.symbol (#eq? @meta.symbol "ns")) @keyword.control
")" @punctuation.section.expression.end)
"(" @punctuation.section.expression.begin
((sym_lit) @meta.symbol (#match? @meta.symbol "^def")) @keyword.control
")" @punctuation.section.expression.end)
(sym_lit) @meta.symbol
(kwd_lit) @constant.keyword
(str_lit) @string.quoted.double
(num_lit) @constant.numeric
(comment) @comment.line.semicolon
(dis_expr) @comment.block.clojure

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
(ns foobar)
; <- punctuation.section.expression.begin
; ^
; ^
; ^ punctuation.section.expression.end
(defn foobar [a b]
; <- keyword.control
; ^
; ^
; ^ punctuation.section.vector.begin
; ^ meta.vector
; ^ meta.symbol
; ^ punctuation.section.vector.end
(+ a b 10 20))
;^ meta.expression
; ^ constant.numeric
(def a "A STRING")
; <- keyword.control
; ^
; ^ string.quoted.double
; <- punctuation.section.set.begin
; ^ meta.symbol
; ^ punctuation.section.set.end
{:key "value"}
; <-
; ^ constant.keyword
; ^
; ^

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
(defn a [a b]
; <- fold_begin.paren
; ^ fold_new_position.paren
(+ a b)
; <- fold_begin.vector
; ^ fold_new_position.vector
; ^ fold_end.vector
{:a 10
; <-
; ^
:b 20
:c [1
; ^ fold_begin.inner_vector
; ^ fold_new_position.inner_vector
; ^ fold_end.paren
; ^
; ^ fold_end.inner_vector
; <- fold_begin.anon
; ^ fold_new_position.anon
; <- fold_begin.set
; ^ fold_new_position.set
; ^ fold_end.anon
; ^ fold_end.set

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(+ 1 2)
; <- comment.block
'(a b 1 2)
; ^ !

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
const path = require('path');
describe('Clojure grammars', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await atom.packages.activatePackage('language-clojure');
it('tokenizes the editor using TextMate parser', async () => {
atom.config.set('core.languageParser', 'textmate');
await runGrammarTests(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'tokens.clj'), /;/)
it('tokenizes the editor using node tree-sitter parser the same as TextMate', async () => {
atom.config.set('core.languageParser', 'wasm-tree-sitter');
await runGrammarTests(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'tokens.clj'), /;/)
it('tokenizes the editor using node tree-sitter parser (specific rules)', async () => {
atom.config.set('core.languageParser', 'wasm-tree-sitter');
await runGrammarTests(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'tree-sitter-tokens.clj'), /;/)
it('folds Clojure code', async () => {
atom.config.set('core.languageParser', 'wasm-tree-sitter');
await runFoldsTests(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'tree-sitter-folds.clj'), /;/)

View File

@ -23,55 +23,8 @@ describe('WASM Tree-sitter Ruby grammar', () => {
it('folds code', async () => {
const editor = await openDocument('folds.rb');
let grouped = {}
normalized = normalizeTreeSitterTextData(editor, /#/).forEach(test => {
const [kind, id] = test.expected.split('.')
if(!kind || !id) {
throw new Error(dedent`Folds must be in the format fold_end.some-id
at ${test.testPosition.row+1}:${test.testPosition.column+1}`)
grouped[id] ||= {}
grouped[id][kind] = test
for(const k in grouped) {
const v = grouped[k]
const keys = Object.keys(v)
if(keys.indexOf('fold_begin') === -1)
throw new Error(`Fold ${k} must contain fold_begin`)
if(keys.indexOf('fold_end') === -1)
throw new Error(`Fold ${k} must contain fold_end`)
if(keys.indexOf('fold_new_position') === -1)
throw new Error(`Fold ${k} must contain fold_new_position`)
for(const k in grouped) {
const fold = grouped[k]
const begin = fold['fold_begin']
const end = fold['fold_end']
const newPos = fold['fold_new_position']
.toSatisfy((foldable, reason) => {
reason(dedent`Editor is not foldable at row ${begin.editorPosition.row+1}
at fixtures/folds.rb:${begin.testPosition.row+1}:${begin.testPosition.column+1}`)
return foldable
.toSatisfy((screenPosition, reason) => {
const {row,column} = newPos.editorPosition
reason(`At row ${begin.editorPosition.row+1}, editor should fold ` +
`up to the ${end.editorPosition.row+1}:${end.editorPosition.column+1}\n` +
` into the new position ${row+1}:${column+1}\n`+
` but folded to position ${screenPosition.row+1}:${screenPosition.column+1}\n`+
` at fixtures/folds.rb:${newPos.testPosition.row+1}:${newPos.testPosition.column+1}\n` +
` at fixtures/folds.rb:${end.testPosition.row+1}:${end.testPosition.column+1}`)
return row === screenPosition.row && column === screenPosition.column
const fullPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'folds.rb')
await runFoldsTests(fullPath, /#/)
@ -81,36 +34,3 @@ async function openDocument(fileName) {
await editor.languageMode.ready
return editor
// function normalizeTestData(editor, commentRegex) {
// let allMatches = [], lastNonComment = 0
// editor.getBuffer().getLines().forEach((row, i) => {
// const m = row.match(commentRegex)
// if(m) {
// const scope = editor.scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([i, m.index])
// if(scope.scopes.find(s => s.match(/comment/))) {
// allMatches.push({row: lastNonComment, text: row, col: m.index, testRow: i})
// return
// }
// }
// lastNonComment = i
// })
// return{text, row, col, testRow}) => {
// const exactPos = text.match(/\^\s+(.*)/)
// if(exactPos) {
// const expected = exactPos[1]
// return {
// expected,
// editorPosition: {row, column: exactPos.index},
// testPosition: {row: testRow, column: col}
// }
// } else {
// const pos = text.match(/\<-\s+(.*)/)
// return {
// expected: pos[1],
// editorPosition: {row, column: col},
// testPosition: {row: testRow, column: col}
// }
// }
// })
// }

View File

@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode {
.then(language => {
this.rootLanguage = language;
this.rootLanguageLayer = new LanguageLayer(null, this, grammar, 0);
return this.getOrCreateParserForLanguage(language);
.then(() => this.rootLanguageLayer.update(null))
.then(() => this.emitter.emit('did-tokenize'));
@ -221,7 +221,6 @@ class WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode {
bufferDidFinishTransaction({ changes }) {
if (!this.rootLanguageLayer) { return; }
for (let i = 0, { length } = changes; i < length; i++) {
const { oldRange, newRange } = changes[i];

vendor/jasmine.js vendored
View File

@ -2718,9 +2718,9 @@ jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toSatisfy = function(fn) {
// to construct an error showing where EXACTLY was the assertion that failed
function normalizeTreeSitterTextData(editor, commentRegex) {
let allMatches = [], lastNonComment = 0
const checkAssert = new RegExp('^' + commentRegex.source + '\\s*[\\<\\-|\\^]')
const checkAssert = new RegExp('^\\s*' + commentRegex.source + '\\s*[\\<\\-|\\^]')
editor.getBuffer().getLines().forEach((row, i) => {
const m = row.trim().match(commentRegex)
const m = row.match(commentRegex)
if(m) {
// const scope = editor.scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([i, m.index])
// FIXME: use editor.scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition when it works
@ -2757,8 +2757,7 @@ if (isCommonJS) exports.normalizeTreeSitterTextData = normalizeTreeSitterTextDat
async function openDocument(fullPath) {
const editor = await;
const mode = editor.languageMode;
await mode.ready;
await editor.languageMode.ready;
return editor;
@ -2772,13 +2771,76 @@ async function runGrammarTests(fullPath, commentRegex) {
normalized.forEach(({expected, editorPosition, testPosition}) => {
expect(editor.scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition(editorPosition).scopes).toSatisfy((scopes, reason) => {
reason(`Expected to find scope "${expected}" but found "${scopes}"\n` +
` at ${fullPath}:${testPosition.row+1}:${testPosition.column+1}`
const normalized = expected.replace(/([\.\-])/g, '\\$1')
const scopeRegex = new RegExp('^' + normalized + '(\\..+)?$')
return scopes.find(e => e.match(scopeRegex)) !== undefined;
const dontFindScope = expected.startsWith("!");
expected = expected.replace(/^!/, "")
if(dontFindScope) {
reason(`Expected to NOT find scope "${expected}" but found it\n` +
` at ${fullPath}:${testPosition.row+1}:${testPosition.column+1}`
} else {
reason(`Expected to find scope "${expected}" but found "${scopes}"\n` +
` at ${fullPath}:${testPosition.row+1}:${testPosition.column+1}`
const normalized = expected.replace(/([\.\-])/g, '\\$1');
const scopeRegex = new RegExp('^' + normalized + '(\\..+)?$');
let result = scopes.find(e => e.match(scopeRegex)) !== undefined;
if(dontFindScope) result = !result;
return result
if (isCommonJS) exports.runGrammarTests = runGrammarTests;
async function runFoldsTests(fullPath, commentRegex) {
const editor = await openDocument(fullPath);
let grouped = {}
const normalized = normalizeTreeSitterTextData(editor, commentRegex).forEach(test => {
const [kind, id] = test.expected.split('.')
if(!kind || !id) {
throw new Error(`Folds must be in the format fold_end.some-id\n` +
` at ${test.testPosition.row+1}:${test.testPosition.column+1}`)
grouped[id] ||= {}
grouped[id][kind] = test
for(const k in grouped) {
const v = grouped[k]
const keys = Object.keys(v)
if(keys.indexOf('fold_begin') === -1)
throw new Error(`Fold ${k} must contain fold_begin`)
if(keys.indexOf('fold_end') === -1)
throw new Error(`Fold ${k} must contain fold_end`)
if(keys.indexOf('fold_new_position') === -1)
throw new Error(`Fold ${k} must contain fold_new_position`)
for(const k in grouped) {
const fold = grouped[k]
const begin = fold['fold_begin']
const end = fold['fold_end']
const newPos = fold['fold_new_position']
.toSatisfy((foldable, reason) => {
reason(`Editor is not foldable at row ${begin.editorPosition.row+1}\n` +
` at ${fullPath}:${begin.testPosition.row+1}:${begin.testPosition.column+1}`)
return foldable
.toSatisfy((screenPosition, reason) => {
const {row,column} = newPos.editorPosition
reason(`At row ${begin.editorPosition.row+1}, editor should fold ` +
`up to the ${end.editorPosition.row+1}:${end.editorPosition.column+1}\n` +
` into the new position ${row+1}:${column+1}\n`+
` but folded to position ${screenPosition.row+1}:${screenPosition.column+1}\n`+
` at ${fullPath}:${newPos.testPosition.row+1}:${newPos.testPosition.column+1}\n` +
` at ${fullPath}:${end.testPosition.row+1}:${end.testPosition.column+1}`)
return row === screenPosition.row && column === screenPosition.column
if (isCommonJS) exports.runFoldsTests = runFoldsTests;