Remove all Machine handling of path modification, ensure to safely modify path

This commit is contained in:
confused-Techie 2024-03-17 23:54:48 -07:00
parent 3411fb731a
commit 90d71d0391
3 changed files with 97 additions and 157 deletions

View File

@ -20,14 +20,7 @@ export default class SystemPanel {
WinShell.fileHandler.isRegistered((i) => { this.refs.fileHandlerCheckbox.checked = i }) WinShell.fileHandler.isRegistered((i) => { this.refs.fileHandlerCheckbox.checked = i })
WinShell.fileContextMenu.isRegistered((i) => { this.refs.fileContextMenuCheckbox.checked = i }) WinShell.fileContextMenu.isRegistered((i) => { this.refs.fileContextMenuCheckbox.checked = i })
WinShell.folderContextMenu.isRegistered((i) => { this.refs.folderContextMenuCheckbox.checked = i }) WinShell.folderContextMenu.isRegistered((i) => { this.refs.folderContextMenuCheckbox.checked = i })
WinShell.pathUser.isRegistered((i) => { this.refs.addToPathCheckbox.checked = i })
if (this.isLikelyUserInstall()) {
WinShell.pathUser.isRegistered((i) => { this.refs.addToPathCheckbox.checked = i })
} else {
WinShell.pathMachine.isRegistered((i) => { this.refs.addToPathMachineCheckbox.checked = i })
// Check if Pulsar is running as Admin. To know if the user can modify the machine path
WinShell.runningAsAdmin((i) => { this.refs.addToPathMachineCheckbox.disabled = !i })
} }
destroy () { destroy () {
@ -120,63 +113,29 @@ export default class SystemPanel {
} }
} }
isLikelyUserInstall() {
let resourcePath = atom.applicationDelegate.getWindowLoadSettings().resourcePath;
if (resourcePath.includes("AppData\\Local\\Programs\\pulsar")) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
getPathUI() { getPathUI() {
if (this.isLikelyUserInstall()) { return (
return ( <div className='control-group'>
<div className='control-group'> <div className='controls'>
<div className='controls'> <div className='checkbox'>
<div className='checkbox'> <label for=''>
<label for=''> <input
<input ref='addToPathCheckbox'
ref='addToPathCheckbox' id=''
id='' className='input-checkbox'
className='input-checkbox' type='checkbox'
type='checkbox' onclick={(e) => {
onclick={(e) => { this.setRegistration(WinShell.pathUser,
this.setRegistration(WinShell.pathUser, }} />
}} /> <div className='setting-title'>Add Pulsar to PATH</div>
<div className='setting-title'>Add Pulsar to PATH (User Install)</div> <div className='setting-description'>
<div className='setting-description'> Add Pulsar to Windows PATH to enable CLI usage.
Add Pulsar to Windows PATH to enable CLI usage. </div>
</div> </label>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
); </div>
} else { );
return (
<div className='control-group'>
<div className='controls'>
<div className='checkbox'>
<label for=''>
onclick={(e) => {
}} />
<div className='setting-title'>Add Pulsar to PATH (Machine Install)</div>
<div className='setting-description'>
Add Pulsar to Windows PATH for machine installs. Requires administrative privileges.
} }
focus () { focus () {

View File

@ -3,97 +3,94 @@
# Example Usage: # Example Usage:
# Pulsar User Installation: # Pulsar User Installation:
# .\_.ps1 -installMode User -installdir "$INSTDIR" -remove 0 # .\_.ps1 -installdir "$INSTDIR" -remove 0
# Pulsar Machine Installation: # Pulsar Machine Installation:
# .\_.ps1 -installMode Machine -installdir "$INSTDIR" -remove 0 # .\_.ps1 -installdir "$INSTDIR" -remove 0
# Pulsar User Uninstallation: # Pulsar User Uninstallation:
# .\_.ps1 -installMode User -installdir "$INSTDIR" -remove 1 # .\_.ps1 -installdir "$INSTDIR" -remove 1
# Pulsar Machine Uninstallation: # Pulsar Machine Uninstallation:
# .\_.ps1 -installMode Machine -installdir "$INSTDIR" -remove 1 # .\_.ps1 -installdir "$INSTDIR" -remove 1
param ($installMode,$installdir,$remove) # For safe interaction with environment variables taken from:
param ($installdir,$remove)
# When self-elevating, we can't pass a raw boolean. Meaning we accept anything then convert # When self-elevating, we can't pass a raw boolean. Meaning we accept anything then convert
$remove = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($remove) $remove = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($remove)
# Only when modifying the Machine PATH, it takes much longer than expected. So here's a loading bar
$prog = 1
Write-Progress -Activity "Modifying Pulsar ($installdir) on the PATH..." -Status "$prog% Complete:" -PercentComplete $prog
if ($installMode -eq "Machine") {
# PowerShell needs to be running as Admin to modify the Machine Variables
# So lets attempt to self-elevate
if (-Not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator')) {
if ([int](Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BuildNumber) -ge 6000) {
$processOptions = @{
FilePath = "PowerShell.exe"
Wait = $true
PassThru = $true
Verb = "RunAs"
ArgumentList = "-File `"" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "`" -installMode $installMode -installdir `"" + $installdir + "`" -remove $remove"
Start-Process @processOptions
if (-not $remove) { if (-not $remove) {
if ($installMode -eq "User" -or $installMode -eq "Machine") { # We want to add Pulsar path values
$prog = 25 # Lets first save a copy of the users current path
Write-Progress -Activity "Modifying Pulsar ($installdir) on the PATH..." -Status "$prog% Complete:" -PercentComplete $prog $env:Path >> prior2addition.txt;
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";$installdir\resources;$installdir\resources\app\ppm\bin", $installMode) $originalPathToInstall = $installdir
$prog = 50 $pulsarPath = $installdir + "\resources";
Write-Progress -Activity "Modifying Pulsar ($installdir) on the PATH..." -Status "$prog% Complete:" -PercentComplete $prog $ppmPath = $installdir + "\resources\app\ppm\bin";
# While this originally attempting to use the string '%USERPROFILE%' to avoid taking # Get the current PATH variable
# space on the PATH, whatever reads this path at startup in Pulsar, can't handle $envPath = $env:PATH;
# the variable, and instead creates the directory of the same name if (!$envPath.toLower().Contains($installdir.ToLower())) {
# within the current folder. But only when opened via the context menu, terminal # we don't already have the correct environment variable
# is fine. $actualPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User);
$exitCode = [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ATOM_HOME", "$env:UserProfile\.pulsar", $installMode)
$prog = 100 $statementTerminator = ";";
Write-Progress -Activity "Modifying Pulsar ($installdir) on the PATH..." -Status "$prog% Complete:" -PercentComplete $prog
Exit $exitCode $pathToInstall = $pulsarPath + $statementTerminator + $ppmPath + $statementTerminator;
# Does the path end in ';'?
$hasStatementTerminator = $actualPath -ne $null -and $actualPath.EndsWith($statementTerminator);
# If the last digit is not ';', then add it
if (!$hasStatementTerminator -and $actualPath -ne $null) {
$pathToInstall = $statementTerminator + $pathToInstall;
$actualPath = $actualPath + $pathToInstall;
# Now to actually set the path to the system
$registryType = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::ExpandString;
$registryKey = "Environment";
$exitCode = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::SetValue($keyHive + "\" + $registryKey, "Path", $actualPath, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User);
Exit $exitCode;
} else {
Write-Host "Pulsar is already present on the User PATH.";
} }
} else { } else {
if ($installMode -eq "User" -or $installMode -eq "Machine") { # We want to remove Pulsar from the user path
$prog = 25 # Lets first save a copy of the users current path
Write-Progress -Activity "Modifying Pulsar ($installdir) on the PATH..." -Status "$prog% Complete:" -PercentComplete $prog $env:Path >> prior2removal.txt;
$path = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $installMode) $pulsarPath = $installdir + "\resources";
$ppmPath = $installdir + "\resources\app\ppm\bin";
$prog = 50 # Get the current PATH variable
Write-Progress -Activity "Modifying Pulsar ($installdir) on the PATH..." -Status "$prog% Complete:" -PercentComplete $prog $envPath = $env:PATH;
if ($envPath.toLower().Contains($installdir.ToLower())) {
# the install dir is in fact on the path
$actualPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User);
# Remove unwanted element from path $actualPath = ($actualPath.Split(";") | Where-Object { $_ -ne $ppmPath }) -join ";";
$path = ($path.Split(";") | Where-Object { $_ -ne "$installdir\resources" }) -join ";" # Order is important, as Pulsar's path INCLUDES ppm's path
$path = ($path.Split(";") | Where-Object { $_ -ne "$installdir\resources\app\ppm\bin" }) -join ";" $actualPath = ($actualPath.Split(";") | Where-Object { $_ -ne $pulsarPath }) -join ";";
$prog = 75 # Now to actually set the path to the system
Write-Progress -Activity "Modifying Pulsar ($installdir) on the PATH..." -Status "$prog% Complete:" -PercentComplete $prog $registryType = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::ExpandString;
$registryKey = "Environment";
# Set our new path $exitCode = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::SetValue($keyHive + "\" + $registryKey, "Path", $actualPath, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User);
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $path, $installMode)
$prog = 90 Exit $exitCode;
Write-Progress -Activity "Modifying Pulsar ($installdir) on the PATH..." -Status "$prog% Complete:" -PercentComplete $prog } else {
Write-Host "Pulsar is not present on the User PATH.";
# Set ATOM_HOME path }
$exitCode = [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ATOM_HOME", $null, $installMode)
$prog = 100
Write-Progress -Activity "Modifying Pulsar ($installdir) on the PATH..." -Status "$prog% Complete:" -PercentComplete $prog
Exit $exitCode
} # Else we have been given bad params, and will silently exit
} }

View File

@ -74,27 +74,17 @@ class ShellOption {
} }
class PathOption { class PathOption {
constructor(installType) { constructor() {
// installType MUST be 'User' or 'Machine'
this.HKPATH; this.HKPATH;
this.hive; this.hive;
this.installReg = "\\SOFTWARE\\0949b555-c22c-56b7-873a-a960bdefa81f"; this.installReg = "\\SOFTWARE\\0949b555-c22c-56b7-873a-a960bdefa81f";
this.installMode = installType; this.installMode = installType;
if (installType === "User") { // We no longer support an `installType`
this.HKPATH = "\\Environment"; // Only managing the path of the current user
this.hive = "HKCU"; this.HKPATH = "\\Environment";
} else if (installType === "Machine") { this.hive = "HKCU";
this.HKPATH = "\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment";
this.hive = "HKLM";
// Unfortunately, we can only manage the PATH for a per user installation.
// While the PowerShell script does support setting the PATH for a Machine
// install, we can't yet check that.
// This can only be done if Pulsar is run as Admin, with a user with Admin privs
// So we will pretend a user install is all that matters here
this.isRegistered = this.isRegistered.bind(this); this.isRegistered = this.isRegistered.bind(this);
this.register = this.register.bind(this); this.register = this.register.bind(this);
this.deregister = this.deregister.bind(this); this.deregister = this.deregister.bind(this);
@ -129,8 +119,8 @@ class PathOption {
register(callback) { register(callback) {
this.getPulsarPath().then((pulsarPath) => { this.getPulsarPath().then((pulsarPath) => {
const child = ChildProcess.execFile( const child = ChildProcess.execFile(
`${pulsarPath}\\resources\\modifyWindowsPath.ps1`, `"${pulsarPath}\\resources\\modifyWindowsPath.ps1"`,
['-installMode', this.installMode, '-installdir', `"${pulsarPath}"`, '-remove', '0'], ['-installdir', `"${pulsarPath}"`, '-remove', '0'],
{ shell: "powershell.exe" }, { shell: "powershell.exe" },
(error, stdout, stderr) => (error, stdout, stderr) =>
{ {
@ -151,8 +141,8 @@ class PathOption {
if (isRegistered) { if (isRegistered) {
this.getPulsarPath().then((pulsarPath) => { this.getPulsarPath().then((pulsarPath) => {
const child = ChildProcess.execFile( const child = ChildProcess.execFile(
`${pulsarPath}\\resources\\modifyWindowsPath.ps1`, `"${pulsarPath}\\resources\\modifyWindowsPath.ps1"`,
['-installMode', this.installMode, '-installdir', `"${pulsarPath}"`, '-remove', '1'], ['-installdir', `"${pulsarPath}"`, '-remove', '1'],
{ shell: "powershell.exe" }, { shell: "powershell.exe" },
(error, stdout, stderr) => (error, stdout, stderr) =>
{ {
@ -188,12 +178,7 @@ class PathOption {
reject("Unable to find Pulsar Install Path"); reject("Unable to find Pulsar Install Path");
} }
// When we are modifying Machine values, we can't accept spaces in the resolve(pulsarPath);
// path. There's likely some combination of escapes to fix this, but
// I was unable to find them. For now we will check for the default
// Machine install location, and remove the space.
let safePulsarPath = pulsarPath.replace("Program Files", "PROGRA~1");
} }
}); });
}); });
@ -241,4 +226,3 @@ exports.folderBackgroundContextMenu = new ShellOption(
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(contextParts).replace('%1', '%V')) JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(contextParts).replace('%1', '%V'))
); );
exports.pathUser = new PathOption("User"); exports.pathUser = new PathOption("User");
exports.pathMachine = new PathOption("Machine");