update comment spacing issues and add default param

This commit is contained in:
Philip Weiss 2018-01-18 16:46:00 -08:00
parent 1a99a4848c
commit 952052d2e5

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
/** @babel */
* decaffeinate suggestions:
@ -376,7 +375,7 @@ const ScopeDescriptor = require('./scope-descriptor')
const schemaEnforcers = {}
export default class Config {
class Config {
static addSchemaEnforcer (typeName, enforcerFunction) {
if (schemaEnforcers[typeName] == null) { schemaEnforcers[typeName] = [] }
return schemaEnforcers[typeName].push(enforcerFunction)
@ -414,9 +413,8 @@ export default class Config {
return value
// Created during initialization, available as `atom.config`
constructor (param) {
if (param == null) { param = {} }
// Created during initialization, available as `atom.config`
constructor (param = {}) {
const {notificationManager, enablePersistence} = param
this.notificationManager = notificationManager
this.enablePersistence = enablePersistence
@ -470,36 +468,36 @@ export default class Config {
shouldNotAccessFileSystem () { return !this.enablePersistence }
Section: Config Subscription
Section: Config Subscription
// Essential: Add a listener for changes to a given key path. This is different
// than {::onDidChange} in that it will immediately call your callback with the
// current value of the config entry.
// ### Examples
// You might want to be notified when the themes change. We'll watch
// `core.themes` for changes
// ```coffee
// atom.config.observe 'core.themes', (value) ->
// # do stuff with value
// ```
// * `keyPath` {String} name of the key to observe
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `scope` (optional) {ScopeDescriptor} describing a path from
// the root of the syntax tree to a token. Get one by calling
// {editor.getLastCursor().getScopeDescriptor()}. See {::get} for examples.
// See [the scopes docs](http://flight-manual.atom.io/behind-atom/sections/scoped-settings-scopes-and-scope-descriptors/)
// for more information.
// * `callback` {Function} to call when the value of the key changes.
// * `value` the new value of the key
// Returns a {Disposable} with the following keys on which you can call
// `.dispose()` to unsubscribe.
// Essential: Add a listener for changes to a given key path. This is different
// than {::onDidChange} in that it will immediately call your callback with the
// current value of the config entry.
// ### Examples
// You might want to be notified when the themes change. We'll watch
// `core.themes` for changes
// ```coffee
// atom.config.observe 'core.themes', (value) ->
// # do stuff with value
// ```
// * `keyPath` {String} name of the key to observe
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `scope` (optional) {ScopeDescriptor} describing a path from
// the root of the syntax tree to a token. Get one by calling
// {editor.getLastCursor().getScopeDescriptor()}. See {::get} for examples.
// See [the scopes docs](http://flight-manual.atom.io/behind-atom/sections/scoped-settings-scopes-and-scope-descriptors/)
// for more information.
// * `callback` {Function} to call when the value of the key changes.
// * `value` the new value of the key
// Returns a {Disposable} with the following keys on which you can call
// `.dispose()` to unsubscribe.
observe () {
let callback, keyPath, options, scopeDescriptor
if (arguments.length === 2) {
@ -519,24 +517,24 @@ export default class Config {
// Essential: Add a listener for changes to a given key path. If `keyPath` is
// not specified, your callback will be called on changes to any key.
// * `keyPath` (optional) {String} name of the key to observe. Must be
// specified if `scopeDescriptor` is specified.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `scope` (optional) {ScopeDescriptor} describing a path from
// the root of the syntax tree to a token. Get one by calling
// {editor.getLastCursor().getScopeDescriptor()}. See {::get} for examples.
// See [the scopes docs](http://flight-manual.atom.io/behind-atom/sections/scoped-settings-scopes-and-scope-descriptors/)
// for more information.
// * `callback` {Function} to call when the value of the key changes.
// * `event` {Object}
// * `newValue` the new value of the key
// * `oldValue` the prior value of the key.
// Returns a {Disposable} with the following keys on which you can call
// `.dispose()` to unsubscribe.
// Essential: Add a listener for changes to a given key path. If `keyPath` is
// not specified, your callback will be called on changes to any key.
// * `keyPath` (optional) {String} name of the key to observe. Must be
// specified if `scopeDescriptor` is specified.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `scope` (optional) {ScopeDescriptor} describing a path from
// the root of the syntax tree to a token. Get one by calling
// {editor.getLastCursor().getScopeDescriptor()}. See {::get} for examples.
// See [the scopes docs](http://flight-manual.atom.io/behind-atom/sections/scoped-settings-scopes-and-scope-descriptors/)
// for more information.
// * `callback` {Function} to call when the value of the key changes.
// * `event` {Object}
// * `newValue` the new value of the key
// * `oldValue` the prior value of the key.
// Returns a {Disposable} with the following keys on which you can call
// `.dispose()` to unsubscribe.
onDidChange () {
let callback, keyPath, scopeDescriptor
if (arguments.length === 1) {
@ -556,65 +554,65 @@ export default class Config {
Section: Managing Settings
Section: Managing Settings
// Essential: Retrieves the setting for the given key.
// ### Examples
// You might want to know what themes are enabled, so check `core.themes`
// ```coffee
// atom.config.get('core.themes')
// ```
// With scope descriptors you can get settings within a specific editor
// scope. For example, you might want to know `editor.tabLength` for ruby
// files.
// ```coffee
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: ['source.ruby']) # => 2
// ```
// This setting in ruby files might be different than the global tabLength setting
// ```coffee
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength') # => 4
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: ['source.ruby']) # => 2
// ```
// You can get the language scope descriptor via
// {TextEditor::getRootScopeDescriptor}. This will get the setting specifically
// for the editor's language.
// ```coffee
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: @editor.getRootScopeDescriptor()) # => 2
// ```
// Additionally, you can get the setting at the specific cursor position.
// ```coffee
// scopeDescriptor = @editor.getLastCursor().getScopeDescriptor()
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: scopeDescriptor) # => 2
// ```
// * `keyPath` The {String} name of the key to retrieve.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `sources` (optional) {Array} of {String} source names. If provided, only
// values that were associated with these sources during {::set} will be used.
// * `excludeSources` (optional) {Array} of {String} source names. If provided,
// values that were associated with these sources during {::set} will not
// be used.
// * `scope` (optional) {ScopeDescriptor} describing a path from
// the root of the syntax tree to a token. Get one by calling
// {editor.getLastCursor().getScopeDescriptor()}
// See [the scopes docs](http://flight-manual.atom.io/behind-atom/sections/scoped-settings-scopes-and-scope-descriptors/)
// for more information.
// Returns the value from Atom's default settings, the user's configuration
// file in the type specified by the configuration schema.
// Essential: Retrieves the setting for the given key.
// ### Examples
// You might want to know what themes are enabled, so check `core.themes`
// ```coffee
// atom.config.get('core.themes')
// ```
// With scope descriptors you can get settings within a specific editor
// scope. For example, you might want to know `editor.tabLength` for ruby
// files.
// ```coffee
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: ['source.ruby']) # => 2
// ```
// This setting in ruby files might be different than the global tabLength setting
// ```coffee
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength') # => 4
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: ['source.ruby']) # => 2
// ```
// You can get the language scope descriptor via
// {TextEditor::getRootScopeDescriptor}. This will get the setting specifically
// for the editor's language.
// ```coffee
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: @editor.getRootScopeDescriptor()) # => 2
// ```
// Additionally, you can get the setting at the specific cursor position.
// ```coffee
// scopeDescriptor = @editor.getLastCursor().getScopeDescriptor()
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: scopeDescriptor) # => 2
// ```
// * `keyPath` The {String} name of the key to retrieve.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `sources` (optional) {Array} of {String} source names. If provided, only
// values that were associated with these sources during {::set} will be used.
// * `excludeSources` (optional) {Array} of {String} source names. If provided,
// values that were associated with these sources during {::set} will not
// be used.
// * `scope` (optional) {ScopeDescriptor} describing a path from
// the root of the syntax tree to a token. Get one by calling
// {editor.getLastCursor().getScopeDescriptor()}
// See [the scopes docs](http://flight-manual.atom.io/behind-atom/sections/scoped-settings-scopes-and-scope-descriptors/)
// for more information.
// Returns the value from Atom's default settings, the user's configuration
// file in the type specified by the configuration schema.
get () {
let keyPath, options, scope
if (arguments.length > 1) {
@ -634,15 +632,15 @@ export default class Config {
// Extended: Get all of the values for the given key-path, along with their
// associated scope selector.
// * `keyPath` The {String} name of the key to retrieve
// * `options` (optional) {Object} see the `options` argument to {::get}
// Returns an {Array} of {Object}s with the following keys:
// * `scopeDescriptor` The {ScopeDescriptor} with which the value is associated
// * `value` The value for the key-path
// Extended: Get all of the values for the given key-path, along with their
// associated scope selector.
// * `keyPath` The {String} name of the key to retrieve
// * `options` (optional) {Object} see the `options` argument to {::get}
// Returns an {Array} of {Object}s with the following keys:
// * `scopeDescriptor` The {ScopeDescriptor} with which the value is associated
// * `value` The value for the key-path
getAll (keyPath, options) {
let globalValue, result, scope
if (options != null) { ({scope} = options) }
@ -675,48 +673,48 @@ export default class Config {
return result
// Essential: Sets the value for a configuration setting.
// This value is stored in Atom's internal configuration file.
// ### Examples
// You might want to change the themes programmatically:
// ```coffee
// atom.config.set('core.themes', ['atom-light-ui', 'atom-light-syntax'])
// ```
// You can also set scoped settings. For example, you might want change the
// `editor.tabLength` only for ruby files.
// ```coffee
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength') # => 4
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: ['source.ruby']) # => 4
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: ['source.js']) # => 4
// # Set ruby to 2
// atom.config.set('editor.tabLength', 2, scopeSelector: '.source.ruby') # => true
// # Notice it's only set to 2 in the case of ruby
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength') # => 4
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: ['source.ruby']) # => 2
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: ['source.js']) # => 4
// ```
// * `keyPath` The {String} name of the key.
// * `value` The value of the setting. Passing `undefined` will revert the
// setting to the default value.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `scopeSelector` (optional) {String}. eg. '.source.ruby'
// See [the scopes docs](http://flight-manual.atom.io/behind-atom/sections/scoped-settings-scopes-and-scope-descriptors/)
// for more information.
// * `source` (optional) {String} The name of a file with which the setting
// is associated. Defaults to the user's config file.
// Returns a {Boolean}
// * `true` if the value was set.
// * `false` if the value was not able to be coerced to the type specified in the setting's schema.
// Essential: Sets the value for a configuration setting.
// This value is stored in Atom's internal configuration file.
// ### Examples
// You might want to change the themes programmatically:
// ```coffee
// atom.config.set('core.themes', ['atom-light-ui', 'atom-light-syntax'])
// ```
// You can also set scoped settings. For example, you might want change the
// `editor.tabLength` only for ruby files.
// ```coffee
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength') # => 4
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: ['source.ruby']) # => 4
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: ['source.js']) # => 4
// # Set ruby to 2
// atom.config.set('editor.tabLength', 2, scopeSelector: '.source.ruby') # => true
// # Notice it's only set to 2 in the case of ruby
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength') # => 4
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: ['source.ruby']) # => 2
// atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: ['source.js']) # => 4
// ```
// * `keyPath` The {String} name of the key.
// * `value` The value of the setting. Passing `undefined` will revert the
// setting to the default value.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `scopeSelector` (optional) {String}. eg. '.source.ruby'
// See [the scopes docs](http://flight-manual.atom.io/behind-atom/sections/scoped-settings-scopes-and-scope-descriptors/)
// for more information.
// * `source` (optional) {String} The name of a file with which the setting
// is associated. Defaults to the user's config file.
// Returns a {Boolean}
// * `true` if the value was set.
// * `false` if the value was not able to be coerced to the type specified in the setting's schema.
set () {
let [keyPath, value, options] = Array.from(arguments)
@ -754,12 +752,12 @@ export default class Config {
return true
// Essential: Restore the setting at `keyPath` to its default value.
// * `keyPath` The {String} name of the key.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `scopeSelector` (optional) {String}. See {::set}
// * `source` (optional) {String}. See {::set}
// Essential: Restore the setting at `keyPath` to its default value.
// * `keyPath` The {String} name of the key.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `scopeSelector` (optional) {String}. See {::set}
// * `source` (optional) {String}. See {::set}
unset (keyPath, options) {
if (!this.settingsLoaded) {
this.pendingOperations.push(() => this.unset(keyPath, options))
@ -794,21 +792,21 @@ export default class Config {
// Extended: Get an {Array} of all of the `source` {String}s with which
// settings have been added via {::set}.
// Extended: Get an {Array} of all of the `source` {String}s with which
// settings have been added via {::set}.
getSources () {
return _.uniq(_.pluck(this.scopedSettingsStore.propertySets, 'source')).sort()
// Extended: Retrieve the schema for a specific key path. The schema will tell
// you what type the keyPath expects, and other metadata about the config
// option.
// * `keyPath` The {String} name of the key.
// Returns an {Object} eg. `{type: 'integer', default: 23, minimum: 1}`.
// Returns `null` when the keyPath has no schema specified, but is accessible
// from the root schema.
// Extended: Retrieve the schema for a specific key path. The schema will tell
// you what type the keyPath expects, and other metadata about the config
// option.
// * `keyPath` The {String} name of the key.
// Returns an {Object} eg. `{type: 'integer', default: 23, minimum: 1}`.
// Returns `null` when the keyPath has no schema specified, but is accessible
// from the root schema.
getSchema (keyPath) {
const keys = splitKeyPath(keyPath)
let { schema } = this
@ -833,16 +831,16 @@ export default class Config {
return schema
// Extended: Get the {String} path to the config file being used.
// Extended: Get the {String} path to the config file being used.
getUserConfigPath () {
return this.configFilePath
// Extended: Suppress calls to handler functions registered with {::onDidChange}
// and {::observe} for the duration of `callback`. After `callback` executes,
// handlers will be called once if the value for their key-path has changed.
// * `callback` {Function} to execute while suppressing calls to handlers.
// Extended: Suppress calls to handler functions registered with {::onDidChange}
// and {::observe} for the duration of `callback`. After `callback` executes,
// handlers will be called once if the value for their key-path has changed.
// * `callback` {Function} to execute while suppressing calls to handlers.
transact (callback) {
try {
@ -860,21 +858,21 @@ export default class Config {
delete this.legacyScopeAliases[languageId]
Section: Internal methods used by core
Section: Internal methods used by core
// Private: Suppress calls to handler functions registered with {::onDidChange}
// and {::observe} for the duration of the {Promise} returned by `callback`.
// After the {Promise} is either resolved or rejected, handlers will be called
// once if the value for their key-path has changed.
// * `callback` {Function} that returns a {Promise}, which will be executed
// while suppressing calls to handlers.
// Returns a {Promise} that is either resolved or rejected according to the
// `{Promise}` returned by `callback`. If `callback` throws an error, a
// rejected {Promise} will be returned instead.
// Private: Suppress calls to handler functions registered with {::onDidChange}
// and {::observe} for the duration of the {Promise} returned by `callback`.
// After the {Promise} is either resolved or rejected, handlers will be called
// once if the value for their key-path has changed.
// * `callback` {Function} that returns a {Promise}, which will be executed
// while suppressing calls to handlers.
// Returns a {Promise} that is either resolved or rejected according to the
// `{Promise}` returned by `callback`. If `callback` throws an error, a
// rejected {Promise} will be returned instead.
transactAsync (callback) {
let endTransaction
@ -960,10 +958,9 @@ export default class Config {
return this.observeUserConfig()
Section: Private methods managing the user's config file
Section: Private methods managing the user's config file
initializeConfigDirectory (done) {
if (fs.existsSync(this.configDirPath) || this.shouldNotAccessFileSystem()) { return }
@ -1081,9 +1078,9 @@ sizes. See [this document][watches] for more info.
Section: Private methods managing global settings
Section: Private methods managing global settings
resetUserSettings (newSettings) {
if (newSettings.global != null) {
@ -1233,15 +1230,15 @@ sizes. See [this document][watches] for more info.
return result
// `schema` will look something like this
// ```coffee
// type: 'string'
// default: 'ok'
// scopes:
// '.source.js':
// default: 'omg'
// ```
// `schema` will look something like this
// ```coffee
// type: 'string'
// default: 'ok'
// scopes:
// '.source.js':
// default: 'omg'
// ```
setScopedDefaultsFromSchema (keyPath, schema) {
if ((schema.scopes != null) && isPlainObject(schema.scopes)) {
const scopedDefaults = {}
@ -1291,8 +1288,8 @@ sizes. See [this document][watches] for more info.
// When the schema is changed / added, there may be values set in the config
// that do not conform to the schema. This will reset make them conform.
// When the schema is changed / added, there may be values set in the config
// that do not conform to the schema. This will reset make them conform.
resetSettingsForSchemaChange (source) {
if (source == null) { source = this.getUserConfigPath() }
return this.transact(() => {
@ -1307,9 +1304,9 @@ sizes. See [this document][watches] for more info.
Section: Private Scoped Settings
Section: Private Scoped Settings
priorityForSource (source) {
if (source === this.getUserConfigPath()) {
@ -1601,3 +1598,5 @@ const withoutEmptyObjects = (object) => {
return resultObject
module.exports = Config