Move more specs to EditSession. Auto indent and soft tabs settings are delegated to edit session.

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Sobo 2012-06-11 17:06:40 -06:00
parent 9a5c252c85
commit c2c48b9b38
6 changed files with 130 additions and 96 deletions

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ describe "EditSession", ->
tabText: ' '
buffer = new Buffer(require.resolve('fixtures/sample.js'))
editSession = new EditSession(fakeEditor, buffer)
editSession = new EditSession(editor: fakeEditor, buffer: buffer, autoIndent: false)
lineLengths = buffer.getLines().map (line) -> line.length
describe "cursor movement", ->
@ -404,4 +404,87 @@ describe "EditSession", ->
editSession.setCursorScreenPosition([3, 3])
describe "buffer manipulation", ->
describe ".insertText(text)", ->
describe "when there are multiple empty selections", ->
it "inserts the given text at the location of each cursor and moves the cursors to the end of each cursor's inserted text", ->
editSession.setCursorScreenPosition([1, 2])
editSession.addCursorAtScreenPosition([2, 4])
expect(buffer.lineForRow(1)).toBe ' xxxvar sort = function(items) {'
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe ' xxxif (items.length <= 1) return items;'
[cursor1, cursor2] = editSession.getCursors()
expect(cursor1.getBufferPosition()).toEqual [1, 5]
expect(cursor2.getBufferPosition()).toEqual [2, 7]
describe "when there are multiple non-empty selections", ->
it "replaces each selection with the given text, clears the selections, and places the cursor at the end of each selection's inserted text", ->
editSession.setSelectedBufferRanges([[[1, 0], [1, 2]], [[2, 0], [2, 4]]])
expect(buffer.lineForRow(1)).toBe 'xxxvar sort = function(items) {'
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe 'xxxif (items.length <= 1) return items;'
[selection1, selection2] = editSession.getSelections()
expect(selection1.cursor.getBufferPosition()).toEqual [1, 3]
expect(selection2.cursor.getBufferPosition()).toEqual [2, 3]
describe ".insertNewline()", ->
describe "when the cursor is at the beginning of a line", ->
it "inserts an empty line before it", ->
editSession.setCursorScreenPosition(row: 1, column: 0)
expect(buffer.lineForRow(1)).toBe ''
expect(editSession.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual(row: 2, column: 0)
describe "when the cursor is in the middle of a line", ->
it "splits the current line to form a new line", ->
editSession.setCursorScreenPosition(row: 1, column: 6)
originalLine = buffer.lineForRow(1)
lineBelowOriginalLine = buffer.lineForRow(2)
expect(buffer.lineForRow(1)).toBe originalLine[0...6]
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe originalLine[6..]
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe lineBelowOriginalLine
expect(editSession.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual(row: 2, column: 0)
describe "when the cursor is on the end of a line", ->
it "inserts an empty line after it", ->
editSession.setCursorScreenPosition(row: 1, column: buffer.lineForRow(1).length)
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe ''
expect(editSession.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual(row: 2, column: 0)
describe ".insertNewlineBelow()", ->
it "inserts a newline below the cursor's current line, autoindents it, and moves the cursor to the end of the line", ->
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe "var quicksort = function () {"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(1)).toBe " "
expect(editSession.getCursorBufferPosition()).toEqual [1, 2]
describe "when the buffer is changed (via its direct api, rather than via than edit session)", ->
it "moves the cursor so it is in the same relative position of the buffer", ->
expect(editSession.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 0]
editSession.addCursorAtScreenPosition([0, 5])
editSession.addCursorAtScreenPosition([1, 0])
[cursor1, cursor2, cursor3] = editSession.getCursors()
buffer.insert([0, 1], 'abc')
expect(cursor1.getScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 0]
expect(cursor2.getScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 8]
expect(cursor3.getScreenPosition()).toEqual [1, 0]

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ describe "Editor", ->
editor.lineOverdraw = 2
editor.autoIndent = false
editor.isFocused = true
@ -899,11 +899,6 @@ describe "Editor", ->
it "moves the cursor to the character at the given row and column", ->
expect(editor.find('.cursor').position()).toEqual(top: 2 * editor.lineHeight, left: 2 * editor.charWidth)
describe "if soft-wrap is enabled", ->
beforeEach ->
setEditorWidthInChars(editor, 20)
describe "when a mousedown event occurs in the editor", ->
beforeEach ->
@ -1161,7 +1156,7 @@ describe "Editor", ->
describe "when editing a line that spans multiple screen lines", ->
beforeEach ->
editor.setSoftWrap(true, 50)
editor.autoIndent = true
describe "when newline is inserted", ->
it "indents cursor based on the indentation of previous buffer line", ->
@ -1736,63 +1731,6 @@ describe "Editor", ->
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual(row: 1, column: 7)
expect(editor.renderedLines.find('.line:eq(1)')).toHaveText buffer.lineForRow(1)
it "does not update the cursor position if the editor is not focused", ->
editor.isFocused = false
editor.buffer.insert([5, 0], 'blah')
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 0]
describe "when there is a selection", ->
it "replaces the selected text with the typed text", ->
editor.setSelectionBufferRange(new Range([1, 6], [2, 4]))
editor.hiddenInput.textInput 'q'
expect(buffer.lineForRow(1)).toBe ' var qif (items.length <= 1) return items;'
it "always places the cursor after the selection", ->
editor.setSelectionBufferRange(new Range([1, 6], [2, 4]), reverse: true)
editor.hiddenInput.textInput 'q'
expect(buffer.lineForRow(1)).toBe ' var qif (items.length <= 1) return items;'
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [1, 7]
describe "return", ->
describe "when the cursor is at the beginning of a line", ->
it "inserts an empty line before it", ->
editor.setCursorScreenPosition(row: 1, column: 0)
editor.trigger keydownEvent('enter')
expect(editor.renderedLines.find('.line:eq(1)')).toHaveHtml '&nbsp;'
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual(row: 2, column: 0)
describe "when the cursor is in the middle of a line", ->
it "splits the current line to form a new line", ->
editor.setCursorScreenPosition(row: 1, column: 6)
originalLine = editor.renderedLines.find('.line:eq(1)').text()
lineBelowOriginalLine = editor.renderedLines.find('.line:eq(2)').text()
editor.trigger keydownEvent('enter')
expect(editor.renderedLines.find('.line:eq(1)')).toHaveText originalLine[0...6]
expect(editor.renderedLines.find('.line:eq(2)')).toHaveText originalLine[6..]
expect(editor.renderedLines.find('.line:eq(3)')).toHaveText lineBelowOriginalLine
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual(row: 2, column: 0)
describe "when the cursor is on the end of a line", ->
it "inserts an empty line after it", ->
editor.setCursorScreenPosition(row: 1, column: buffer.lineForRow(1).length)
editor.trigger keydownEvent('enter')
expect(editor.renderedLines.find('.line:eq(2)')).toHaveHtml '&nbsp;'
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual(row: 2, column: 0)
describe "insert-newline-below", ->
it "inserts a newline below the cursor, autoindents it, and moves the cursor to the end of the line", ->
editor.autoIndent = true
editor.trigger "newline-below"
expect(editor.buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe "var quicksort = function () {"
expect(editor.buffer.lineForRow(1)).toBe " "
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPosition()).toEqual [1,2]
describe "backspace", ->
describe "when the cursor is on the middle of the line", ->
it "removes the character before the cursor", ->
@ -1954,7 +1892,7 @@ describe "Editor", ->
describe "if editor.softTabs is false", ->
it "inserts a tab character into the buffer", ->
editor.softTabs = false
editor.trigger 'tab'

View File

@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ describe "Selection", ->
describe "auto indent/outdent", ->
beforeEach ->
editor.autoIndent = true
describe "when editing a line that spans a single screen line", ->
describe "when a newline is inserted", ->

View File

@ -12,7 +12,12 @@ class EditSession
@deserialize: (state, editor, rootView) ->
buffer = Buffer.deserialize(state.buffer, rootView.project)
session = new EditSession(editor, buffer)
session = new EditSession(
editor: editor
buffer: buffer
autoIndent: editor.autoIndent
softTabs: editor.softTabs
@ -23,8 +28,10 @@ class EditSession
renderer: null
cursors: null
selections: null
autoIndent: true
softTabs: true
constructor: (@editor, @buffer) ->
constructor: ({@editor, @buffer, @autoIndent}) ->
@id = @constructor.idCounter++
@tabText = @editor.tabText
@renderer = new Renderer(@buffer, { softWrapColumn: @editor.calcSoftWrapColumn(), tabText: @editor.tabText })
@ -66,8 +73,8 @@ class EditSession
setScrollLeft: (@scrollLeft) ->
getScrollLeft: -> @scrollLeft
autoIndentEnabled: ->
setAutoIndent: (@autoIndent) ->
setSoftTabs: (@softTabs) ->
screenPositionForBufferPosition: (bufferPosition, options) ->
@renderer.screenPositionForBufferPosition(bufferPosition, options)
@ -102,6 +109,22 @@ class EditSession
insertText: (text) ->
@mutateSelectedText (selection) -> selection.insertText(text)
insertNewline: ->
insertNewlineBelow: ->
insertTab: ->
if @getSelection().isEmpty()
if @softTabs
backspace: ->
@mutateSelectedText (selection) -> selection.backspace()

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Editor extends View
selectionViews: null
buffer: null
renderer: null
autoIndent: null
autoIndent: true
lineCache: null
isFocused: false
softTabs: true
@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ class Editor extends View
@id = Editor.idCounter++
@lineCache = []
@autoIndent = true
@cursorViews = []
@selectionViews = []
@ -315,6 +314,12 @@ class Editor extends View
setAutoIndent: (@autoIndent) ->
setSoftTabs: (@softTabs) ->
getScreenLines: ->
@ -346,7 +351,7 @@ class Editor extends View
index = @editSessionIndexForBuffer(buffer)
unless index?
index = @editSessions.length
@editSessions.push(new EditSession(this, buffer))
@editSessions.push(new EditSession(editor: this, buffer: buffer, autoIndent: @autoIndent, softTabs: @softTabs))
@ -726,6 +731,12 @@ class Editor extends View
delete: -> @activeEditSession.delete()
deleteToEndOfWord: -> @activeEditSession.deleteToEndOfWord()
cutToEndOfLine: -> @activeEditSession.cutToEndOfLine()
insertText: (text) -> @activeEditSession.insertText(text)
insertNewline: -> @activeEditSession.insertNewline()
insertNewlineBelow: -> @activeEditSession.insertNewlineBelow()
insertTab: -> @activeEditSession.insertTab()
indentSelectedRows: -> @activeEditSession.indentSelectedRows()
outdentSelectedRows: -> @activeEditSession.outdentSelectedRows()
setText: (text) -> @buffer.setText(text)
getText: -> @buffer.getText()
@ -738,27 +749,6 @@ class Editor extends View
scanInRange: (args...) -> @buffer.scanInRange(args...)
backwardsScanInRange: (args...) -> @buffer.backwardsScanInRange(args...)
insertText: (text) ->
insertNewline: ->
insertNewlineBelow: ->
insertTab: ->
if @getSelection().isEmpty()
if @softTabs
indentSelectedRows: -> @activeEditSession.indentSelectedRows()
outdentSelectedRows: -> @activeEditSession.outdentSelectedRows()
cutSelection: -> @activeEditSession.cut()
copySelection: -> @activeEditSession.copy()

View File

@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class Selection
@cursor.setBufferPosition([range.end.row + 1, 0])
autoIndentText: (text) ->
if @editSession.autoIndentEnabled()
if @editSession.autoIndent
mode = @editSession.getCurrentMode()
row = @cursor.getCurrentScreenRow()
state = @editSession.stateForScreenRow(row)