Add 'Check for Updates' menu item

This commit is contained in:
probablycorey 2014-02-03 12:52:01 -08:00
parent cc233fb7f6
commit caeb70cf4a
3 changed files with 35 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
submenu: [
{ label: 'About Atom', command: 'application:about' }
{ label: "VERSION", enabled: false }
{ label: "Install update", command: 'application:install-update', visible: false }
{ label: "Restart and Install Update", command: 'application:install-update', visible: false}
{ label: "Check for Update", command: 'application:check-for-update'}
{ type: 'separator' }
{ label: 'Preferences...', command: 'application:show-settings' }
{ label: 'Open Your Config', command: 'application:open-your-config' }

View File

@ -69,19 +69,13 @@ class ApplicationMenu
if (item = _.find(@flattenMenuTemplate(template), (i) -> i.label == 'VERSION'))
item.label = "Version #{@version}"
# Public: Makes the download menu item visible if available.
# Note: The update menu item's must match 'Install update' exactly otherwise
# this function will fail to work.
# * newVersion:
# FIXME: Unused.
# * quitAndUpdateCallback:
# Function to call when the install menu item has been clicked.
showDownloadUpdateItem: (newVersion, quitAndUpdateCallback) ->
if (item = _.find(@flattenMenuItems(@menu), (i) -> i.label == 'Install update'))
item.visible = true = quitAndUpdateCallback
showInstallUpdateItem: (visible=true) ->
if (item = _.find(@flattenMenuItems(@menu), (i) -> i.label == 'Restart and Install Update'))
item.visible = visible
showCheckForUpdateItem: (visible=true) ->
if (item = _.find(@flattenMenuItems(@menu), (i) -> i.label == 'Check for Update'))
item.visible = visible
# Private: Default list of menu items.

View File

@ -140,6 +140,30 @@ class AtomApplication
checkForUpdate: ->
autoUpdater.once 'update-available', ->
type: 'info'
buttons: ['OK']
message: 'Update available.'
detail: 'A new update is being downloading.'
autoUpdater.once 'update-not-available', =>
type: 'info'
buttons: ['OK']
message: 'No update available.'
detail: "Version #{@version} is the latest version."
autoUpdater.once 'error', (event, message)->
type: 'warning'
buttons: ['OK']
message: 'There was an error checking for updates.'
detail: message
# Private: Registers basic application commands, non-idempotent.
handleEvents: ->
@on 'application:about', -> Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder('orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:')
@ -159,6 +183,8 @@ class AtomApplication
@on 'application:inspect', ({x,y}) -> @focusedWindow().browserWindow.inspectElement(x, y)
@on 'application:open-documentation', -> shell.openExternal('')
@on 'application:report-issue', -> shell.openExternal('')
@on 'application:install-update', -> autoUpdater.quitAndInstall()
@on 'application:check-for-update', => @checkForUpdate()
@openPathOnEvent('application:show-settings', 'atom://config')
@openPathOnEvent('application:open-your-config', 'atom://.atom/config')