Remove trailing ... in log messages

This commit is contained in:
Antonio Scandurra 2016-08-08 15:18:21 +02:00
parent 7cdf25eb5b
commit d089c94f3b
18 changed files with 27 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ dumpSymbols()
if (argv.codeSign) {
} else {
console.log('Skipping code-signing. Specify the --code-sign option to perform code-signing...'.gray)
console.log('Skipping code-signing. Specify the --code-sign option to perform code-signing'.gray)
return Promise.resolve(packagedAppPath)
} else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
@ -55,6 +55,6 @@ dumpSymbols()
if (argv.install) {
} else {
console.log('Skipping installation. Specify the --install option to install Atom...'.gray)
console.log('Skipping installation. Specify the --install option to install Atom'.gray)

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module.exports = function () {
for (let path of cachePaths) {
console.log(`Cleaning ${path}...`)
console.log(`Cleaning ${path}`)

View File

@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ module.exports = function () {
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const apmDependenciesPath = path.join(CONFIG.apmRootPath, 'node_modules')
console.log(`Cleaning ${apmDependenciesPath}...`);
console.log(`Cleaning ${apmDependenciesPath}`);
const atomDependenciesPath = path.join(CONFIG.repositoryRootPath, 'node_modules')
console.log(`Cleaning ${atomDependenciesPath}...`);
console.log(`Cleaning ${atomDependenciesPath}`);
const scriptDependenciesPath = path.join(CONFIG.scriptRootPath, 'node_modules')
console.log(`Cleaning ${scriptDependenciesPath}...`);
console.log(`Cleaning ${scriptDependenciesPath}`);

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const CONFIG = require('../config')
module.exports = function () {
if (fs.existsSync(CONFIG.buildOutputPath)) {
console.log(`Cleaning ${CONFIG.buildOutputPath}...`)
console.log(`Cleaning ${CONFIG.buildOutputPath}`)

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const glob = require('glob')
const includePathInPackagedApp = require('./include-path-in-packaged-app')
module.exports = function () {
console.log(`Copying assets to ${CONFIG.intermediateAppPath}...`);
console.log(`Copying assets to ${CONFIG.intermediateAppPath}`);
let srcPaths = [
path.join(CONFIG.repositoryRootPath, 'dot-atom'),
path.join(CONFIG.repositoryRootPath, 'exports'),

View File

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ const path = require('path')
const CONFIG = require('../config')
module.exports = function () {
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
console.log('Skipping symbol dumping because minidump is not supported on Windows...'.gray)
console.log('Skipping symbol dumping because minidump is not supported on Windows'.gray)
return Promise.resolve()
} else {
console.log(`Dumping symbols in ${CONFIG.symbolsPath}...`)
console.log(`Dumping symbols in ${CONFIG.symbolsPath}`)
const binaryPaths = glob.sync(path.join(CONFIG.intermediateAppPath, 'node_modules', '**', '*.node'))
return Promise.all(

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const CONFIG = require('../config')
module.exports = function () {
const generatedJSONPath = path.join(CONFIG.docsOutputPath, 'atom-api.json')
console.log(`Generating API docs at ${generatedJSONPath}...`)
console.log(`Generating API docs at ${generatedJSONPath}`)
// Unfortunately, correct relative paths depend on a specific working
// directory, but this script should be able to run from anywhere, so we

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const semver = require('semver')
const CONFIG = require('../config')
module.exports = function () {
console.log(`Generating metadata for ${path.join(CONFIG.intermediateAppPath, 'package.json')}...`)
console.log(`Generating metadata for ${path.join(CONFIG.intermediateAppPath, 'package.json')}`)
CONFIG.appMetadata._atomPackages = buildBundledPackagesMetadata()
CONFIG.appMetadata._atomMenu = buildPlatformMenuMetadata()
CONFIG.appMetadata._atomKeymaps = buildPlatformKeymapsMetadata()

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const ModuleCache = require('../../src/module-cache')
const CONFIG = require('../config')
module.exports = function () {
console.log(`Generating module cache for ${CONFIG.intermediateAppPath}...`)
console.log(`Generating module cache for ${CONFIG.intermediateAppPath}`)
for (let packageName of Object.keys(CONFIG.appMetadata.packageDependencies)) {
ModuleCache.create(path.join(CONFIG.intermediateAppPath, 'node_modules', packageName))

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const path = require('path')
const CONFIG = require('../config')
module.exports = function () {
console.log('Installing apm...')
console.log('Installing apm')
['--global-style', '--loglevel=error', 'install'],

View File

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ module.exports = function (packagedAppPath) {
const packagedAppPathFileName = path.basename(packagedAppPath)
const installationDirPath = path.join(path.sep, 'Applications', packagedAppPathFileName)
if (fs.existsSync(installationDirPath)) {
console.log(`Removing previously installed ${packagedAppPathFileName} at ${installationDirPath}...`)
console.log(`Removing previously installed ${packagedAppPathFileName} at ${installationDirPath}`)
console.log(`Installing ${packagedAppPath} at ${installationDirPath}...`)
console.log(`Installing ${packagedAppPath} at ${installationDirPath}`)
fs.copySync(packagedAppPath, installationDirPath)
} else {
throw new Error("Not implemented yet.")

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const path = require('path')
const CONFIG = require('../config')
module.exports = function () {
console.log('Installing script dependencies...')
console.log('Installing script dependencies')
['--loglevel=error', 'install'],

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module.exports = function () {
function copyNonASARResources (packagedAppPath, bundledResourcesPath) {
console.log(`Copying non-ASAR resources to ${bundledResourcesPath}...`)
console.log(`Copying non-ASAR resources to ${bundledResourcesPath}`)
path.join(CONFIG.repositoryRootPath, 'apm', 'node_modules', 'atom-package-manager'),
path.join(bundledResourcesPath, 'app', 'apm'),
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ function copyNonASARResources (packagedAppPath, bundledResourcesPath) {
fs.copySync(path.join('resources', 'win', ''), path.join(bundledResourcesPath, 'cli', ''))
console.log(`Writing to ${bundledResourcesPath}...`)
console.log(`Writing to ${bundledResourcesPath}`)
return getLicenseText().then((licenseText) => {
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(bundledResourcesPath, ''), licenseText)
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ function copyNonASARResources (packagedAppPath, bundledResourcesPath) {
function setAtomHelperVersion (packagedAppPath) {
const frameworksPath = path.join(packagedAppPath, 'Contents', 'Frameworks')
const helperPListPath = path.join(frameworksPath, 'Atom', 'Contents', 'Info.plist')
console.log(`Setting Atom Helper Version for ${helperPListPath}...`)
console.log(`Setting Atom Helper Version for ${helperPListPath}`)
childProcess.spawnSync('/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy', ['-c', 'Set CFBundleVersion', CONFIG.appMetadata.version, helperPListPath])
childProcess.spawnSync('/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy', ['-c', 'Set CFBundleShortVersionString', CONFIG.appMetadata.version, helperPListPath])

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ const PREFIX_LENGTH = Math.max.apply(null, => prefix.l
module.exports = function () {
console.log(`Transpiling Babel paths in ${CONFIG.intermediateAppPath}...`)
console.log(`Transpiling Babel paths in ${CONFIG.intermediateAppPath}`)
for (let path of getPathsToTranspile()) {
if (usesBabel(path)) {

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const path = require('path')
const CONFIG = require('../config')
module.exports = function () {
console.log(`Transpiling CoffeeScript paths in ${CONFIG.intermediateAppPath}...`)
console.log(`Transpiling CoffeeScript paths in ${CONFIG.intermediateAppPath}`)
for (let path of getPathsToTranspile()) {

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const path = require('path')
const CONFIG = require('../config')
module.exports = function () {
console.log(`Transpiling CSON paths in ${CONFIG.intermediateAppPath}...`)
console.log(`Transpiling CSON paths in ${CONFIG.intermediateAppPath}`)
for (let path of getPathsToTranspile()) {

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const path = require('path')
const CONFIG = require('../config')
module.exports = function () {
console.log(`Transpiling PEG.js paths in ${CONFIG.intermediateAppPath}...`)
console.log(`Transpiling PEG.js paths in ${CONFIG.intermediateAppPath}`)
for (let path of getPathsToTranspile()) {

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function runCoreMainProcessTests (callback) {
'--test', '--main-process', testPath
console.log('Executing core main process tests...'
console.log('Executing core main process tests'
const cp = childProcess.spawn(executablePath, testArguments, {stdio: 'inherit'})
cp.on('error', error => { callback(error) })
cp.on('close', exitCode => { callback(null, exitCode) })
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ function runCoreRenderProcessTests (callback) {
'--test', testPath
console.log('Executing core render process tests...'
console.log('Executing core render process tests'
const cp = childProcess.spawn(executablePath, testArguments, {stdio: 'inherit'})
cp.on('error', error => { callback(error) })
cp.on('close', exitCode => { callback(null, exitCode) })
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ for (let packageName in CONFIG.appMetadata.packageDependencies) {
'--test', packageSpecDirPath
console.log(`Executing ${packageName} tests...`
console.log(`Executing ${packageName} tests`
const cp = childProcess.spawn(executablePath, testArguments)
let stderrOutput = ''
cp.stderr.on('data', data => stderrOutput += data)