mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 16:19:17 +03:00
Merge pull request #512 from github/change-status-block-tag
Change status block tag
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"devDependencies" : {
"biscotto" : "0.0.9"
"biscotto" : "0.0.11"
"private": true,
@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ $ = require 'jquery'
CSON = require 'cson'
# Internal: Loads and resolves packages. #
### Internal: Loads and resolves packages. ###
module.exports =
class AtomPackage extends Package
@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Theme = require 'theme'
module.exports =
class AtomTheme extends Theme
# Internal: Given a path, this loads it as a stylesheet.
# Given a path, this loads it as a stylesheet.
# stylesheetPath - A {String} to a stylesheet
loadStylesheet: (stylesheetPath)->
@stylesheets[stylesheetPath] = window.loadStylesheet(stylesheetPath)
# Internal: Loads the stylesheets found in a `package.cson` file.
# Loads the stylesheets found in a `package.cson` file.
load: ->
if fsUtils.extension(@path) in ['.css', '.less']
@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ fsUtils = require 'fs-utils'
Specificity = require 'specificity'
PEG = require 'pegjs'
# Internal #
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class BindingSet
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
Range = require 'range'
_ = require 'underscore'
# Internal #
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class BufferChangeOperation
@ -10,23 +10,19 @@ class BufferMarker
suppressObserverNotification: false
invalidationStrategy: null
# Internal #
### Internal ###
constructor: ({@id, @buffer, range, @invalidationStrategy, noTail, reverse}) ->
@invalidationStrategy ?= 'contains'
@setRange(range, {noTail, reverse})
# Public #
### Public ###
# Public: Sets the marker's range, potentialy modifying both its head and tail.
# Sets the marker's range, potentialy modifying both its head and tail.
# range - The new {Range} the marker should cover
# options - A hash of options with the following keys:
# :reverse - if `true`, the marker is reversed; that is, its tail is "above" the head
# :noTail - if `true`, the marker doesn't have a tail
# reverse: if `true`, the marker is reversed; that is, its tail is "above" the head
# noTail: if `true`, the marker doesn't have a tail
setRange: (range, options={}) ->
@consolidateObserverNotifications false, =>
range = Range.fromObject(range)
@ -37,7 +33,7 @@ class BufferMarker
@setTailPosition(range.start) unless options.noTail
# Public: Identifies if the ending position of a marker is greater than the starting position.
# Identifies if the ending position of a marker is greater than the starting position.
# This can happen when, for example, you highlight text "up" in a {Buffer}.
@ -45,13 +41,13 @@ class BufferMarker
isReversed: ->
@tailPosition? and @headPosition.isLessThan(@tailPosition)
# Public: Identifies if the marker's head position is equal to its tail.
# Identifies if the marker's head position is equal to its tail.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isRangeEmpty: ->
# Public: Retrieves the {Range} between a marker's head and its tail.
# Retrieves the {Range} between a marker's head and its tail.
# Returns a {Range}.
getRange: ->
@ -60,22 +56,22 @@ class BufferMarker
new Range(@headPosition, @headPosition)
# Public: Retrieves the position of the marker's head.
# Retrieves the position of the marker's head.
# Returns a {Point}.
getHeadPosition: -> @headPosition
# Public: Retrieves the position of the marker's tail.
# Retrieves the position of the marker's tail.
# Returns a {Point}.
getTailPosition: -> @tailPosition ? @getHeadPosition()
# Public: Sets the position of the marker's head.
# Sets the position of the marker's head.
# newHeadPosition - The new {Point} to place the head
# options - A hash with the following keys:
# :clip - if `true`, the point is [clipped]{Buffer.clipPosition}
# :bufferChanged - if `true`, indicates that the {Buffer} should trigger an event that it's changed
# clip: if `true`, the point is [clipped]{Buffer.clipPosition}
# bufferChanged: if `true`, indicates that the {Buffer} should trigger an event that it's changed
# Returns a {Point} representing the new head position.
setHeadPosition: (newHeadPosition, options={}) ->
@ -88,12 +84,12 @@ class BufferMarker
@notifyObservers({oldHeadPosition, newHeadPosition, bufferChanged})
# Public: Sets the position of the marker's tail.
# Sets the position of the marker's tail.
# newHeadPosition - The new {Point} to place the tail
# options - A hash with the following keys:
# :clip - if `true`, the point is [clipped]{Buffer.clipPosition}
# :bufferChanged - if `true`, indicates that the {Buffer} should trigger an event that it's changed
# clip: if `true`, the point is [clipped]{Buffer.clipPosition}
# bufferChanged: if `true`, indicates that the {Buffer} should trigger an event that it's changed
# Returns a {Point} representing the new tail position.
setTailPosition: (newTailPosition, options={}) ->
@ -106,19 +102,19 @@ class BufferMarker
@notifyObservers({oldTailPosition, newTailPosition, bufferChanged})
# Public: Retrieves the starting position of the marker.
# Retrieves the starting position of the marker.
# Returns a {Point}.
getStartPosition: ->
# Public: Retrieves the ending position of the marker.
# Retrieves the ending position of the marker.
# Returns a {Point}.
getEndPosition: ->
# Public: Sets the marker's tail to the same position as the marker's head.
# Sets the marker's tail to the same position as the marker's head.
# This only works if there isn't already a tail position.
@ -126,31 +122,29 @@ class BufferMarker
placeTail: ->
@setTailPosition(@getHeadPosition()) unless @tailPosition
# Public: Removes the tail from the marker.
# Removes the tail from the marker.
clearTail: ->
oldTailPosition = @getTailPosition()
@tailPosition = null
newTailPosition = @getTailPosition()
@notifyObservers({oldTailPosition, newTailPosition, bufferChanged: false})
# Public: Identifies if a {Point} is within the marker.
# Identifies if a {Point} is within the marker.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
containsPoint: (point) ->
# Public: Sets a callback to be fired whenever a marker is changed.
# Sets a callback to be fired whenever a marker is changed.
observe: (callback) ->
@on 'changed', callback
cancel: => @unobserve(callback)
# Public: Removes the fired callback whenever a marker changes.
# Removes the fired callback whenever a marker changes.
unobserve: (callback) ->
@off 'changed', callback
# Internal #
### Internal ###
tryToInvalidate: (changedRange) ->
betweenStartAndEnd = @getRange().containsRange(changedRange, exclusive: false)
@ -29,9 +29,7 @@ class Config
settings: null
configFileHasErrors: null
# Internal #
### Internal ###
constructor: ->
@defaultSettings =
@ -89,7 +87,19 @@ class Config
@watchSubscription = null
# Public: Retrieves the setting for the given key.
setDefaults: (keyPath, defaults) ->
keys = keyPath.split('.')
hash = @defaultSettings
for key in keys
hash[key] ?= {}
hash = hash[key]
_.extend hash, defaults
### Public ###
# Retrieves the setting for the given key.
# keyPath - The {String} name of the key to retrieve
@ -99,25 +109,27 @@ class Config
_.valueForKeyPath(@settings, keyPath) ?
_.valueForKeyPath(@defaultSettings, keyPath)
# Public: Retrieves the setting for the given key as an integer number.
# Retrieves the setting for the given key as an integer.
# keyPath - The {String} name of the key to retrieve
# Returns the value from Atom's default settings, the user's configuration file,
# or `NaN` if the key doesn't exist in either.
getInt: (keyPath, defaultValueWhenFalsy) ->
# Public: Retrieves the setting for the given key as a positive integer number.
# Retrieves the setting for the given key as a positive integer.
# keyPath - The {String} name of the key to retrieve
# defaultValue - The integer {Number} to fall back to if the value isn't
# positive
# Returns the value from Atom's default settings, the user's configuration file,
# or `defaultValue` if the key value isn't greater than zero.
getPositiveInt: (keyPath, defaultValue) ->
Math.max(@getInt(keyPath), 0) or defaultValue
# Public: Sets the value for a configuration setting.
# Sets the value for a configuration setting.
# This value is stored in Atom's internal configuration file.
@ -132,17 +144,7 @@ class Config
setDefaults: (keyPath, defaults) ->
keys = keyPath.split('.')
hash = @defaultSettings
for key in keys
hash[key] ?= {}
hash = hash[key]
_.extend hash, defaults
# Public: Establishes an event listener for a given key.
# Establishes an event listener for a given key.
# `callback` is fired immediately and whenever the value of the key is changed
@ -163,6 +165,8 @@ class Config
### Internal ###
update: ->
return if @configFileHasErrors
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Point = require 'point'
Range = require 'range'
_ = require 'underscore'
# Internal:
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class CursorView extends View
@content: ->
@ -14,10 +14,8 @@ class Cursor
visible: true
needsAutoscroll: null
# Internal #
### Internal ###
constructor: ({@editSession, @marker}) ->
@editSession.observeMarker @marker, (e) =>
@ -53,47 +51,45 @@ class Cursor
unless fn()
@trigger 'autoscrolled' if @needsAutoscroll
# Public #
### Public ###
# Public: Moves a cursor to a given screen position.
# Moves a cursor to a given screen position.
# screenPosition - An {Array} of two numbers: the screen row, and the screen column.
# options - An object with the following keys:
# :autoscroll - A {Boolean} which, if `true`, scrolls the {EditSession} to wherever the cursor moves to
# autoscroll: A {Boolean} which, if `true`, scrolls the {EditSession} to wherever the cursor moves to
setScreenPosition: (screenPosition, options={}) ->
@changePosition options, =>
@editSession.setMarkerHeadScreenPosition(@marker, screenPosition, options)
# Public: Gets the screen position of the cursor.
# Gets the screen position of the cursor.
# Returns an {Array} of two numbers: the screen row, and the screen column.
getScreenPosition: ->
# Public: Moves a cursor to a given buffer position.
# Moves a cursor to a given buffer position.
# bufferPosition - An {Array} of two numbers: the buffer row, and the buffer column.
# options - An object with the following keys:
# :autoscroll - A {Boolean} which, if `true`, scrolls the {EditSession} to wherever the cursor moves to
# autoscroll: A {Boolean} which, if `true`, scrolls the {EditSession} to wherever the cursor moves to
setBufferPosition: (bufferPosition, options={}) ->
@changePosition options, =>
@editSession.setMarkerHeadBufferPosition(@marker, bufferPosition, options)
# Public: Gets the current buffer position.
# Gets the current buffer position.
# Returns an {Array} of two numbers: the buffer row, and the buffer column.
getBufferPosition: ->
# Public: If the marker range is empty, the cursor is marked as being visible.
# If the marker range is empty, the cursor is marked as being visible.
updateVisibility: ->
# Public: Sets the visibility of the cursor.
# Sets the visibility of the cursor.
# visible - A {Boolean} indicating whether the cursor should be visible
setVisible: (visible) ->
@ -102,25 +98,27 @@ class Cursor
@needsAutoscroll ?= true if @visible and @isLastCursor()
@trigger 'visibility-changed', @visible
# Public: Retrieves the visibility of the cursor.
# Retrieves the visibility of the cursor.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isVisible: -> @visible
# Public: Identifies what the cursor considers a "word" RegExp.
# Identifies what the cursor considers a "word" RegExp.
# Returns a {RegExp}.
wordRegExp: ->
nonWordCharacters = config.get("editor.nonWordCharacters")
new RegExp("^[\t ]*$|[^\\s#{_.escapeRegExp(nonWordCharacters)}]+|[#{_.escapeRegExp(nonWordCharacters)}]+", "g")
# Public: Identifies if this cursor is the last in the {EditSession}.
# Identifies if this cursor is the last in the {EditSession}.
# "Last" is defined as the most recently added cursor.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isLastCursor: ->
this == @editSession.getCursor()
# Public: Identifies if the cursor is surrounded by whitespace.
# Identifies if the cursor is surrounded by whitespace.
# "Surrounded" here means that all characters before and after the cursor is whitespace.
@ -130,84 +128,84 @@ class Cursor
range = [[row, Math.min(0, column - 1)], [row, Math.max(0, column + 1)]]
/^\s+$/.test @editSession.getTextInBufferRange(range)
# Public: Removes the setting for auto-scroll.
# Removes the setting for auto-scroll.
clearAutoscroll: ->
@needsAutoscroll = null
# Public: Deselects whatever the cursor is selecting.
# Deselects whatever the cursor is selecting.
clearSelection: ->
if @selection
@selection.goalBufferRange = null
@selection.clear() unless @selection.retainSelection
# Public: Retrieves the cursor's screen row.
# Retrieves the cursor's screen row.
# Returns a {Number}.
getScreenRow: ->
# Public: Retrieves the cursor's screen column.
# Retrieves the cursor's screen column.
# Returns a {Number}.
getScreenColumn: ->
# Public: Retrieves the cursor's buffer row.
# Retrieves the cursor's buffer row.
# Returns a {Number}.
getBufferRow: ->
# Public: Retrieves the cursor's buffer column.
# Retrieves the cursor's buffer column.
# Returns a {Number}.
getBufferColumn: ->
# Public: Retrieves the cursor's buffer row text.
# Retrieves the cursor's buffer row text.
# Returns a {String}.
getCurrentBufferLine: ->
# Public: Moves the cursor up one screen row.
# Moves the cursor up one screen row.
moveUp: (rowCount = 1) ->
{ row, column } = @getScreenPosition()
column = @goalColumn if @goalColumn?
@setScreenPosition({row: row - rowCount, column: column})
@goalColumn = column
# Public: Moves the cursor down one screen row.
# Moves the cursor down one screen row.
moveDown: (rowCount = 1) ->
{ row, column } = @getScreenPosition()
column = @goalColumn if @goalColumn?
@setScreenPosition({row: row + rowCount, column: column})
@goalColumn = column
# Public: Moves the cursor left one screen column.
# Moves the cursor left one screen column.
moveLeft: ->
{ row, column } = @getScreenPosition()
[row, column] = if column > 0 then [row, column - 1] else [row - 1, Infinity]
@setScreenPosition({row, column})
# Public: Moves the cursor right one screen column.
# Moves the cursor right one screen column.
moveRight: ->
{ row, column } = @getScreenPosition()
@setScreenPosition([row, column + 1], skipAtomicTokens: true, wrapBeyondNewlines: true, wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)
# Public: Moves the cursor to the top of the buffer.
# Moves the cursor to the top of the buffer.
moveToTop: ->
# Public: Moves the cursor to the bottom of the buffer.
# Moves the cursor to the bottom of the buffer.
moveToBottom: ->
# Public: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the buffer line.
# Moves the cursor to the beginning of the buffer line.
moveToBeginningOfLine: ->
@setBufferPosition([@getBufferRow(), 0])
# Public: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the first character in the line.
# Moves the cursor to the beginning of the first character in the line.
moveToFirstCharacterOfLine: ->
position = @getBufferPosition()
scanRange = @getCurrentLineBufferRange()
@ -218,7 +216,7 @@ class Cursor
newPosition = [position.row, 0] if newPosition.isEqual(position)
# Public: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the buffer line, skipping all whitespace.
# Moves the cursor to the beginning of the buffer line, skipping all whitespace.
skipLeadingWhitespace: ->
position = @getBufferPosition()
scanRange = @getCurrentLineBufferRange()
@ -228,28 +226,28 @@ class Cursor
@setBufferPosition(endOfLeadingWhitespace) if endOfLeadingWhitespace.isGreaterThan(position)
# Public: Moves the cursor to the end of the buffer line.
# Moves the cursor to the end of the buffer line.
moveToEndOfLine: ->
@setBufferPosition([@getBufferRow(), Infinity])
# Public: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the word.
# Moves the cursor to the beginning of the word.
moveToBeginningOfWord: ->
# Public: Moves the cursor to the end of the word.
# Moves the cursor to the end of the word.
moveToEndOfWord: ->
if position = @getEndOfCurrentWordBufferPosition()
# Public: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
# Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
moveToBeginningOfNextWord: ->
if position = @getBeginningOfNextWordBufferPosition()
# Public: Retrieves the buffer position of where the current word starts.
# Retrieves the buffer position of where the current word starts.
# options - A hash with one option:
# :wordRegex - A {RegExp} indicating what constitutes a "word" (default: {wordRegExp})
# wordRegex: A {RegExp} indicating what constitutes a "word" (default: {wordRegExp})
# Returns a {Range}.
getBeginningOfCurrentWordBufferPosition: (options = {}) ->
@ -267,10 +265,10 @@ class Cursor
beginningOfWordPosition or currentBufferPosition
# Public: Retrieves the buffer position of where the current word ends.
# Retrieves the buffer position of where the current word ends.
# options - A hash with one option:
# :wordRegex - A {RegExp} indicating what constitutes a "word" (default: {wordRegExp})
# wordRegex: A {RegExp} indicating what constitutes a "word" (default: {wordRegExp})
# Returns a {Range}.
getEndOfCurrentWordBufferPosition: (options = {}) ->
@ -287,10 +285,10 @@ class Cursor
endOfWordPosition ? currentBufferPosition
# Public: Retrieves the buffer position of where the next word starts.
# Retrieves the buffer position of where the next word starts.
# options - A hash with one option:
# :wordRegex - A {RegExp} indicating what constitutes a "word" (default: {wordRegExp})
# wordRegex: A {RegExp} indicating what constitutes a "word" (default: {wordRegExp})
# Returns a {Range}.
getBeginningOfNextWordBufferPosition: (options = {}) ->
@ -305,7 +303,7 @@ class Cursor
beginningOfNextWordPosition or currentBufferPosition
# Public: Gets the word located under the cursor.
# Gets the word located under the cursor.
# options - An object with properties based on {.getBeginningOfCurrentWordBufferPosition}.
@ -315,7 +313,7 @@ class Cursor
endOptions = _.extend(_.clone(options), allowNext: false)
new Range(@getBeginningOfCurrentWordBufferPosition(startOptions), @getEndOfCurrentWordBufferPosition(endOptions))
# Public: Retrieves the range for the current line.
# Retrieves the range for the current line.
# options - A hash with the same keys as {EditSession.bufferRangeForBufferRow}
@ -323,7 +321,7 @@ class Cursor
getCurrentLineBufferRange: (options) ->
@editSession.bufferRangeForBufferRow(@getBufferRow(), options)
# Public: Retrieves the range for the current paragraph.
# Retrieves the range for the current paragraph.
# A paragraph is defined as a block of text surrounded by empty lines.
@ -345,19 +343,19 @@ class Cursor
new Range([startRow, 0], [endRow, @editSession.lineLengthForBufferRow(endRow)])
# Public: Retrieves the characters that constitute a word preceeding the current cursor position.
# Retrieves the characters that constitute a word preceeding the current cursor position.
# Returns a {String}.
getCurrentWordPrefix: ->
@editSession.getTextInBufferRange([@getBeginningOfCurrentWordBufferPosition(), @getBufferPosition()])
# Public: Identifies if the cursor is at the start of a line.
# Identifies if the cursor is at the start of a line.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isAtBeginningOfLine: ->
@getBufferPosition().column == 0
# Public: Retrieves the indentation level of the current line.
# Retrieves the indentation level of the current line.
# Returns a {Number}.
getIndentLevel: ->
@ -366,13 +364,13 @@ class Cursor
# Public: Identifies if the cursor is at the end of a line.
# Identifies if the cursor is at the end of a line.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isAtEndOfLine: ->
# Public: Retrieves the grammar's token scopes for the line.
# Retrieves the grammar's token scopes for the line.
# Returns an {Array} of {String}s.
getScopes: ->
@ -12,24 +12,26 @@ module.exports =
class Directory
path: null
# Public: Creates a new directory.
### Public ###
# Creates a new directory.
# path - A {String} representing the file directory
# symlink - A {Boolean} indicating if the path is a symlink (default: false)
constructor: (@path, @symlink=false) ->
# Public: Retrieves the basename of the directory.
# Retrieves the basename of the directory.
# Returns a {String}.
getBaseName: ->
# Public: Retrieves the directory's path.
# Retrieves the directory's path.
# Returns a {String}.
getPath: -> @path
# Public: Retrieves the file entries in the directory.
# Retrieves the file entries in the directory.
# This does follow symlinks.
@ -51,9 +53,7 @@ class Directory
# Internal #
### Internal ###
afterSubscribe: ->
@subscribeToNativeChangeEvents() if @subscriptionCount() == 1
@ -9,50 +9,46 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
tailScreenPosition: null
valid: true
# Internal #
### Internal ###
constructor: ({@id, @displayBuffer}) ->
@buffer = @displayBuffer.buffer
# Public #
### Public ###
# Public: Gets the screen range of the display marker.
# Gets the screen range of the display marker.
# Returns a {Range}.
getScreenRange: ->
@displayBuffer.screenRangeForBufferRange(@getBufferRange(), wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)
# Public: Modifies the screen range of the display marker.
# Modifies the screen range of the display marker.
# screenRange - The new {Range} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {BufferMarker.setRange}
setScreenRange: (screenRange, options) ->
@setBufferRange(@displayBuffer.bufferRangeForScreenRange(screenRange), options)
# Public: Gets the buffer range of the display marker.
# Gets the buffer range of the display marker.
# Returns a {Range}.
getBufferRange: ->
# Public: Modifies the buffer range of the display marker.
# Modifies the buffer range of the display marker.
# screenRange - The new {Range} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {BufferMarker.setRange}
setBufferRange: (bufferRange, options) ->
@buffer.setMarkerRange(@id, bufferRange, options)
# Public: Retrieves the screen position of the marker's head.
# Retrieves the screen position of the marker's head.
# Returns a {Point}.
getHeadScreenPosition: ->
@headScreenPosition ?= @displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition(@getHeadBufferPosition(), wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)
# Public: Sets the screen position of the marker's head.
# Sets the screen position of the marker's head.
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
@ -60,26 +56,26 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
screenPosition = @displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition(screenPosition, options)
@setHeadBufferPosition(@displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition, options))
# Public: Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's head.
# Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's head.
# Returns a {Point}.
getHeadBufferPosition: ->
# Public: Sets the buffer position of the marker's head.
# Sets the buffer position of the marker's head.
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setHeadBufferPosition: (bufferPosition) ->
@buffer.setMarkerHeadPosition(@id, bufferPosition)
# Public: Retrieves the screen position of the marker's tail.
# Retrieves the screen position of the marker's tail.
# Returns a {Point}.
getTailScreenPosition: ->
@tailScreenPosition ?= @displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition(@getTailBufferPosition(), wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)
# Public: Sets the screen position of the marker's tail.
# Sets the screen position of the marker's tail.
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
@ -87,20 +83,20 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
screenPosition = @displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition(screenPosition, options)
@setTailBufferPosition(@displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition, options))
# Public: Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's tail.
# Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's tail.
# Returns a {Point}.
getTailBufferPosition: ->
# Public: Sets the buffer position of the marker's tail.
# Sets the buffer position of the marker's tail.
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setTailBufferPosition: (bufferPosition) ->
@buffer.setMarkerTailPosition(@id, bufferPosition)
# Public: Sets the marker's tail to the same position as the marker's head.
# Sets the marker's tail to the same position as the marker's head.
# This only works if there isn't already a tail position.
@ -108,11 +104,11 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
placeTail: ->
# Public: Removes the tail from the marker.
# Removes the tail from the marker.
clearTail: ->
# Public: Sets a callback to be fired whenever the marker is changed.
# Sets a callback to be fired whenever the marker is changed.
# callback - A {Function} to execute
observe: (callback) ->
@ -120,16 +116,14 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
@on 'changed', callback
cancel: => @unobserve(callback)
# Public: Removes the callback that's fired whenever the marker changes.
# Removes the callback that's fired whenever the marker changes.
# callback - A {Function} to remove
unobserve: (callback) ->
@off 'changed', callback
# Internal #
### Internal ###
observeBufferMarkerIfNeeded: ->
return if @subscriptionCount()
@ -18,9 +18,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
foldsById: null
markers: null
# Internal #
### Internal ###
constructor: (@buffer, options={}) ->
@id = @constructor.idCounter++
@ -45,13 +43,14 @@ class DisplayBuffer
@trigger 'changed', eventProperties
# Public #
### Public ###
# Sets the visibility of the tokenized buffer.
# visible - A {Boolean} indicating of the tokenized buffer is shown
setVisible: (visible) -> @tokenizedBuffer.setVisible(visible)
# Public: Defines the limit at which the buffer begins to soft wrap text.
# Defines the limit at which the buffer begins to soft wrap text.
# softWrapColumn - A {Number} defining the soft wrap limit.
setSoftWrapColumn: (@softWrapColumn) ->
@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
bufferDelta = 0
@triggerChanged({ start, end, screenDelta, bufferDelta })
# Public: Gets the screen line for the given screen row.
# Gets the screen line for the given screen row.
# screenRow - A {Number} indicating the screen row.
@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
lineForRow: (row) ->
# Public: Gets the screen lines for the given screen row range.
# Gets the screen lines for the given screen row range.
# startRow - A {Number} indicating the beginning screen row.
# endRow - A {Number} indicating the ending screen row.
@ -79,14 +78,14 @@ class DisplayBuffer
linesForRows: (startRow, endRow) ->
@lineMap.linesForScreenRows(startRow, endRow)
# Public: Gets all the screen lines.
# Gets all the screen lines.
# Returns an {Array} of {ScreenLines}s.
getLines: ->
@lineMap.linesForScreenRows(0, @lineMap.lastScreenRow())
# Public: Given starting and ending screen rows, this returns an array of the
# Given starting and ending screen rows, this returns an array of the
# buffer rows corresponding to every screen row in the range
# startRow - The screen row {Number} to start at
@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
bufferRowsForScreenRows: (startRow, endRow) ->
@lineMap.bufferRowsForScreenRows(startRow, endRow)
# Public: Creates a new fold between two row numbers.
# Creates a new fold between two row numbers.
# startRow - The row {Number} to start folding at
# endRow - The row {Number} to end the fold
@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
# Public: Given a {Fold}, determines if it is contained within another fold.
# Given a {Fold}, determines if it is contained within another fold.
# fold - The {Fold} to check
@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
for otherFold in folds
return otherFold if fold != otherFold and fold.isContainedByFold(otherFold)
# Public: Given a starting and ending row, tries to find an existing fold.
# Given a starting and ending row, tries to find an existing fold.
# startRow - A {Number} representing a fold's starting row
# endRow - A {Number} representing a fold's ending row
@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
_.find @activeFolds[startRow] ? [], (fold) ->
fold.startRow == startRow and fold.endRow == endRow
# Public: Removes any folds found that contain the given buffer row.
# Removes any folds found that contain the given buffer row.
# bufferRow - The buffer row {Number} to check against
destroyFoldsContainingBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
foldsStartingAtBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
new Array((@activeFolds[bufferRow] ? [])...)
# Public: Given a buffer row, this returns the largest fold that starts there.
# Given a buffer row, this returns the largest fold that starts there.
# Largest is defined as the fold whose difference between its start and end points
# are the greatest.
@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
return unless folds = @activeFolds[bufferRow]
(folds.sort (a, b) -> b.endRow - a.endRow)[0]
# Public: Given a screen row, this returns the largest fold that starts there.
# Given a screen row, this returns the largest fold that starts there.
# Largest is defined as the fold whose difference between its start and end points
# are the greatest.
@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
largestFoldStartingAtScreenRow: (screenRow) ->
# Public: Given a buffer row, this returns the largest fold that includes it.
# Given a buffer row, this returns the largest fold that includes it.
# Largest is defined as the fold whose difference between its start and end points
# are the greatest.
@ -192,7 +191,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
largestFold = fold if fold.endRow >= bufferRow
# Public: Given a buffer range, this converts it into a screen range.
# Given a buffer range, this converts it into a screen range.
# bufferRange - A {Range} consisting of buffer positions
@ -202,7 +201,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
# Public: Given a buffer row, this converts it into a screen row.
# Given a buffer row, this converts it into a screen row.
# bufferRow - A {Number} representing a buffer row
@ -213,7 +212,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
lastScreenRowForBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
@lineMap.screenPositionForBufferPosition([bufferRow, Infinity]).row
# Public: Given a screen row, this converts it into a buffer row.
# Given a screen row, this converts it into a buffer row.
# screenRow - A {Number} representing a screen row
@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
bufferRowForScreenRow: (screenRow) ->
@lineMap.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([screenRow, 0]).row
# Public: Given a buffer range, this converts it into a screen position.
# Given a buffer range, this converts it into a screen position.
# bufferRange - The {Range} to convert
@ -229,7 +228,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
screenRangeForBufferRange: (bufferRange) ->
# Public: Given a screen range, this converts it into a buffer position.
# Given a screen range, this converts it into a buffer position.
# screenRange - The {Range} to convert
@ -237,49 +236,49 @@ class DisplayBuffer
bufferRangeForScreenRange: (screenRange) ->
# Public: Gets the number of lines in the buffer.
# Gets the number of screen lines.
# Returns a {Number}.
getLineCount: ->
# Public: Gets the number of the last row in the buffer.
# Gets the number of the last screen line.
# Returns a {Number}.
getLastRow: ->
@getLineCount() - 1
# Public: Gets the length of the longest screen line.
# Gets the length of the longest screen line.
# Returns a {Number}.
maxLineLength: ->
# Public: Given a buffer position, this converts it into a screen position.
# Given a buffer position, this converts it into a screen position.
# bufferPosition - An object that represents a buffer position. It can be either
# an {Object} (`{row, column}`), {Array} (`[row, column]`), or {Point}
# options - A hash of options with the following keys:
# :wrapBeyondNewlines -
# :wrapAtSoftNewlines -
# wrapBeyondNewlines:
# wrapAtSoftNewlines:
# Returns a {Point}.
screenPositionForBufferPosition: (position, options) ->
@lineMap.screenPositionForBufferPosition(position, options)
# Public: Given a buffer range, this converts it into a screen position.
# Given a buffer range, this converts it into a screen position.
# screenPosition - An object that represents a buffer position. It can be either
# an {Object} (`{row, column}`), {Array} (`[row, column]`), or {Point}
# options - A hash of options with the following keys:
# :wrapBeyondNewlines -
# :wrapAtSoftNewlines -
# wrapBeyondNewlines:
# wrapAtSoftNewlines:
# Returns a {Point}.
bufferPositionForScreenPosition: (position, options) ->
@lineMap.bufferPositionForScreenPosition(position, options)
# Public: Retrieves the grammar's token scopes for a buffer position.
# Retrieves the grammar's token scopes for a buffer position.
# bufferPosition - A {Point} in the {Buffer}
@ -287,7 +286,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer
scopesForBufferPosition: (bufferPosition) ->
# Public: Retrieves the grammar's token for a buffer position.
# Retrieves the grammar's token for a buffer position.
# bufferPosition - A {Point} in the {Buffer}.
@ -295,28 +294,33 @@ class DisplayBuffer
tokenForBufferPosition: (bufferPosition) ->
# Public: Retrieves the current tab length.
# Retrieves the current tab length.
# Returns a {Number}.
getTabLength: ->
# Public: Specifies the tab length.
# Specifies the tab length.
# tabLength - A {Number} that defines the new tab length.
setTabLength: (tabLength) ->
# Retrieves the grammar for the buffer.
getGrammar: ->
# Sets the grammar for the buffer.
# grammar - Sets the new grammar rules
setGrammar: (grammar) ->
# Reloads the current grammar.
reloadGrammar: ->
# Public: Given a position, this clips it to a real position.
# Given a position, this clips it to a real position.
# For example, if `position`'s row exceeds the row count of the buffer,
# or if its column goes beyond a line's length, this "sanitizes" the value
@ -324,17 +328,273 @@ class DisplayBuffer
# position - The {Point} to clip
# options - A hash with the following values:
# :wrapBeyondNewlines - if `true`, continues wrapping past newlines
# :wrapAtSoftNewlines - if `true`, continues wrapping past soft newlines
# :screenLine - if `true`, indicates that you're using a line number, not a row number
# wrapBeyondNewlines: if `true`, continues wrapping past newlines
# wrapAtSoftNewlines: if `true`, continues wrapping past soft newlines
# screenLine: if `true`, indicates that you're using a line number, not a row number
# Returns the new, clipped {Point}. Note that this could be the same as `position` if no clipping was performed.
clipScreenPosition: (position, options) ->
@lineMap.clipScreenPosition(position, options)
# Internal #
# Given a line, finds the point where it would wrap.
# line - The {String} to check
# softWrapColumn - The {Number} where you want soft wrapping to occur
# Returns a {Number} representing the `line` position where the wrap would take place.
# Returns `null` if a wrap wouldn't occur.
findWrapColumn: (line, softWrapColumn) ->
return unless line.length > softWrapColumn
if /\s/.test(line[softWrapColumn])
# search forward for the start of a word past the boundary
for column in [softWrapColumn..line.length]
return column if /\S/.test(line[column])
return line.length
# search backward for the start of the word on the boundary
for column in [softWrapColumn..0]
return column + 1 if /\s/.test(line[column])
return softWrapColumn
# Given a range in screen coordinates, this expands it to the start and end of a line
# screenRange - The {Range} to expand
# Returns a new {Range}.
expandScreenRangeToLineEnds: (screenRange) ->
screenRange = Range.fromObject(screenRange)
{ start, end } = screenRange
new Range([start.row, 0], [end.row, @lineMap.lineForScreenRow(end.row).text.length])
# Given a range in buffer coordinates, this expands it to the start and end of a line
# screenRange - The {Range} to expand
# Returns a new {Range}.
expandBufferRangeToLineEnds: (bufferRange) ->
bufferRange = Range.fromObject(bufferRange)
{ start, end } = bufferRange
new Range([start.row, 0], [end.row, Infinity])
# Calculates a {Range} representing the start of the {Buffer} until the end.
# Returns a {Range}.
rangeForAllLines: ->
new Range([0, 0], @clipScreenPosition([Infinity, Infinity]))
# Retrieves a {DisplayBufferMarker} based on its id.
# id - A {Number} representing a marker id
# Returns the {DisplayBufferMarker} (if it exists).
getMarker: (id) ->
@markers[id] ? new DisplayBufferMarker({id, displayBuffer: this})
# Retrieves the active markers in the buffer.
# Returns an {Array} of existing {DisplayBufferMarker}s.
getMarkers: ->
# Constructs a new marker at the given screen range.
# range - The marker {Range} (representing the distance between the head and tail)
# options - Options to pass to the {BufferMarker} constructor
# Returns a {Number} representing the new marker's ID.
markScreenRange: (args...) ->
bufferRange = @bufferRangeForScreenRange(args.shift())
@markBufferRange(bufferRange, args...)
# Constructs a new marker at the given buffer range.
# range - The marker {Range} (representing the distance between the head and tail)
# options - Options to pass to the {BufferMarker} constructor
# Returns a {Number} representing the new marker's ID.
markBufferRange: (args...) ->
# Constructs a new marker at the given screen position.
# range - The marker {Range} (representing the distance between the head and tail)
# options - Options to pass to the {BufferMarker} constructor
# Returns a {Number} representing the new marker's ID.
markScreenPosition: (screenPosition, options) ->
@markBufferPosition(@bufferPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition), options)
# Constructs a new marker at the given buffer position.
# range - The marker {Range} (representing the distance between the head and tail)
# options - Options to pass to the {BufferMarker} constructor
# Returns a {Number} representing the new marker's ID.
markBufferPosition: (bufferPosition, options) ->
@buffer.markPosition(bufferPosition, options)
# Removes the marker with the given id.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to remove
destroyMarker: (id) ->
delete @markers[id]
# Gets the screen range of the display marker.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Range}.
getMarkerScreenRange: (id) ->
# Modifies the screen range of the display marker.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to change
# screenRange - The new {Range} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {BufferMarker.setRange}
setMarkerScreenRange: (id, screenRange, options) ->
@getMarker(id).setScreenRange(screenRange, options)
# Gets the buffer range of the display marker.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Range}.
getMarkerBufferRange: (id) ->
# Modifies the buffer range of the display marker.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to change
# screenRange - The new {Range} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {BufferMarker.setRange}
setMarkerBufferRange: (id, bufferRange, options) ->
@getMarker(id).setBufferRange(bufferRange, options)
# Retrieves the screen position of the marker's head.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Point}.
getMarkerScreenPosition: (id) ->
# Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's head.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Point}.
getMarkerBufferPosition: (id) ->
# Retrieves the screen position of the marker's head.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Point}.
getMarkerHeadScreenPosition: (id) ->
# Sets the screen position of the marker's head.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to change
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setMarkerHeadScreenPosition: (id, screenPosition, options) ->
@getMarker(id).setHeadScreenPosition(screenPosition, options)
# Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's head.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Point}.
getMarkerHeadBufferPosition: (id) ->
# Sets the buffer position of the marker's head.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setMarkerHeadBufferPosition: (id, bufferPosition) ->
# Retrieves the screen position of the marker's tail.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Point}.
getMarkerTailScreenPosition: (id) ->
# Sets the screen position of the marker's tail.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to change
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setMarkerTailScreenPosition: (id, screenPosition, options) ->
@getMarker(id).setTailScreenPosition(screenPosition, options)
# Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's tail.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Point}.
getMarkerTailBufferPosition: (id) ->
# Sets the buffer position of the marker's tail.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setMarkerTailBufferPosition: (id, bufferPosition) ->
# Sets the marker's tail to the same position as the marker's head.
# This only works if there isn't already a tail position.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to change
# Returns a {Point} representing the new tail position.
placeMarkerTail: (id) ->
# Removes the tail from the marker.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to change
clearMarkerTail: (id) ->
# Identifies if the ending position of a marker is greater than the starting position.
# This can happen when, for example, you highlight text "up" in a {Buffer}.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to check
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isMarkerReversed: (id) ->
# Identifies if the marker's head position is equal to its tail.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to check
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isMarkerRangeEmpty: (id) ->
# Sets a callback to be fired whenever a marker is changed.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to watch
# callback - A {Function} to execute
observeMarker: (id, callback) ->
### Internal ###
registerFold: (fold) ->
@activeFolds[fold.startRow] ?= []
@ -433,272 +693,6 @@ class DisplayBuffer
# Public #
# Public: Given a line, finds the point where it would wrap.
# line - The {String} to check
# softWrapColumn - The {Number} where you want soft wrapping to occur
# Returns a {Number} representing the `line` position where the wrap would take place.
# Returns `null` if a wrap wouldn't occur.
findWrapColumn: (line, softWrapColumn) ->
return unless line.length > softWrapColumn
if /\s/.test(line[softWrapColumn])
# search forward for the start of a word past the boundary
for column in [softWrapColumn..line.length]
return column if /\S/.test(line[column])
return line.length
# search backward for the start of the word on the boundary
for column in [softWrapColumn..0]
return column + 1 if /\s/.test(line[column])
return softWrapColumn
# Public: Given a range in screen coordinates, this expands it to the start and end of a line
# screenRange - The {Range} to expand
# Returns a new {Range}.
expandScreenRangeToLineEnds: (screenRange) ->
screenRange = Range.fromObject(screenRange)
{ start, end } = screenRange
new Range([start.row, 0], [end.row, @lineMap.lineForScreenRow(end.row).text.length])
# Public: Given a range in buffer coordinates, this expands it to the start and end of a line
# screenRange - The {Range} to expand
# Returns a new {Range}.
expandBufferRangeToLineEnds: (bufferRange) ->
bufferRange = Range.fromObject(bufferRange)
{ start, end } = bufferRange
new Range([start.row, 0], [end.row, Infinity])
# Public: Calculates a {Range} representing the start of the {Buffer} until the end.
# Returns a {Range}.
rangeForAllLines: ->
new Range([0, 0], @clipScreenPosition([Infinity, Infinity]))
# Public: Retrieves a {DisplayBufferMarker} based on its id.
# id - A {Number} representing a marker id
# Returns the {DisplayBufferMarker} (if it exists).
getMarker: (id) ->
@markers[id] ? new DisplayBufferMarker({id, displayBuffer: this})
# Public: Retrieves the active markers in the buffer.
# Returns an {Array} of existing {DisplayBufferMarker}s.
getMarkers: ->
# Public: Constructs a new marker at the given screen range.
# range - The marker {Range} (representing the distance between the head and tail)
# options - Options to pass to the {BufferMarker} constructor
# Returns a {Number} representing the new marker's ID.
markScreenRange: (args...) ->
bufferRange = @bufferRangeForScreenRange(args.shift())
@markBufferRange(bufferRange, args...)
# Public: Constructs a new marker at the given buffer range.
# range - The marker {Range} (representing the distance between the head and tail)
# options - Options to pass to the {BufferMarker} constructor
# Returns a {Number} representing the new marker's ID.
markBufferRange: (args...) ->
# Public: Constructs a new marker at the given screen position.
# range - The marker {Range} (representing the distance between the head and tail)
# options - Options to pass to the {BufferMarker} constructor
# Returns a {Number} representing the new marker's ID.
markScreenPosition: (screenPosition, options) ->
@markBufferPosition(@bufferPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition), options)
# Public: Constructs a new marker at the given buffer position.
# range - The marker {Range} (representing the distance between the head and tail)
# options - Options to pass to the {BufferMarker} constructor
# Returns a {Number} representing the new marker's ID.
markBufferPosition: (bufferPosition, options) ->
@buffer.markPosition(bufferPosition, options)
# Public: Removes the marker with the given id.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to remove
destroyMarker: (id) ->
delete @markers[id]
# Public: Gets the screen range of the display marker.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Range}.
getMarkerScreenRange: (id) ->
# Public: Modifies the screen range of the display marker.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to change
# screenRange - The new {Range} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {BufferMarker.setRange}
setMarkerScreenRange: (id, screenRange, options) ->
@getMarker(id).setScreenRange(screenRange, options)
# Public: Gets the buffer range of the display marker.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Range}.
getMarkerBufferRange: (id) ->
# Public: Modifies the buffer range of the display marker.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to change
# screenRange - The new {Range} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {BufferMarker.setRange}
setMarkerBufferRange: (id, bufferRange, options) ->
@getMarker(id).setBufferRange(bufferRange, options)
# Public: Retrieves the screen position of the marker's head.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Point}.
getMarkerScreenPosition: (id) ->
# Public: Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's head.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Point}.
getMarkerBufferPosition: (id) ->
# Public: Retrieves the screen position of the marker's head.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Point}.
getMarkerHeadScreenPosition: (id) ->
# Public: Sets the screen position of the marker's head.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to change
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setMarkerHeadScreenPosition: (id, screenPosition, options) ->
@getMarker(id).setHeadScreenPosition(screenPosition, options)
# Public: Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's head.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Point}.
getMarkerHeadBufferPosition: (id) ->
# Public: Sets the buffer position of the marker's head.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setMarkerHeadBufferPosition: (id, bufferPosition) ->
# Public: Retrieves the screen position of the marker's tail.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Point}.
getMarkerTailScreenPosition: (id) ->
# Public: Sets the screen position of the marker's tail.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to change
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setMarkerTailScreenPosition: (id, screenPosition, options) ->
@getMarker(id).setTailScreenPosition(screenPosition, options)
# Public: Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's tail.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# Returns a {Point}.
getMarkerTailBufferPosition: (id) ->
# Public: Sets the buffer position of the marker's tail.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to check
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setMarkerTailBufferPosition: (id, bufferPosition) ->
# Public: Sets the marker's tail to the same position as the marker's head.
# This only works if there isn't already a tail position.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to change
# Returns a {Point} representing the new tail position.
placeMarkerTail: (id) ->
# Public: Removes the tail from the marker.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to change
clearMarkerTail: (id) ->
# Public: Identifies if the ending position of a marker is greater than the starting position.
# This can happen when, for example, you highlight text "up" in a {Buffer}.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to check
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isMarkerReversed: (id) ->
# Public: Identifies if the marker's head position is equal to its tail.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to check
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isMarkerRangeEmpty: (id) ->
# Public: Sets a callback to be fired whenever a marker is changed.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to watch
# callback - A {Function} to execute
observeMarker: (id, callback) ->
# Internal #
pauseMarkerObservers: ->
marker.pauseEvents() for marker in @getMarkers()
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ _ = require 'underscore'
# Each event can have more than one handler; that is, an event can trigger multiple functions.
module.exports =
# Public: Associates an event name with a function to perform.
# Associates an event name with a function to perform.
# This is called endlessly, until the event is turned {.off}.
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module.exports =
# Public: Associates an event name with a function to perform only once.
# Associates an event name with a function to perform only once.
# eventName - A {String} name identifying an event
# handler - A {Function} that's executed when the event is triggered
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module.exports =
@on eventName, oneShotHandler
# Public: Triggers a registered event.
# Triggers a registered event.
# eventName - A {String} name identifying an event
# args - Any additional arguments to pass over to the event `handler`
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ module.exports =
if handlers = @eventHandlersByEventName?[eventName]
handlers.forEach (handler) -> handler(args...)
# Public: Stops executing handlers for a registered event.
# Stops executing handlers for a registered event.
# eventNames - A {String} containing one or more space-separated events.
# handler - The {Function} to remove from the event. If not provided, all handlers are removed.
@ -90,20 +90,20 @@ module.exports =
@eventHandlersByNamespace = {}
@afterUnsubscribe?() if @subscriptionCount() < subscriptionCountBefore
# Public: When called, stops triggering any events.
# When called, stops triggering any events.
pauseEvents: ->
@pauseCount ?= 0
if @pauseCount++ == 0
@queuedEvents ?= []
# Public: When called, resumes triggering events.
# When called, resumes triggering events.
resumeEvents: ->
if --@pauseCount == 0
queuedEvents = @queuedEvents
@queuedEvents = null
@trigger(event...) for event in queuedEvents
# Public: Identifies how many events are registered.
# Identifies how many events are registered.
# Returns a {Number}.
subscriptionCount: ->
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ _ = require 'underscore'
# Public: Represents an individual file in the editor.
# The entry point for this class is in two locations:
# The entry point for this class is in two locations:
# * {Buffer}, which associates text contents with a file
# * {Directory}, which associcates the children of a directory as files
module.exports =
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class File
path: null
cachedContents: null
# Public: Creates a new file.
# Creates a new file.
# path - A {String} representing the file path
# symlink - A {Boolean} indicating if the path is a symlink (default: false)
@ -24,23 +24,23 @@ class File
if fs.statSync(@path).isDirectory()
throw new Error("#{@path} is a directory")
# Public: Sets the path for the file.
# Sets the path for the file.
# path - A {String} representing the new file path
setPath: (@path) ->
# Public: Retrieves the path for the file.
# Retrieves the path for the file.
# Returns a {String}.
getPath: -> @path
# Public: Gets the file's basename--that is, the file without any directory information.
# Gets the file's basename--that is, the file without any directory information.
# Returns a {String}.
getBaseName: ->
# Public: Writes (and saves) new contents to the file.
# Writes (and saves) new contents to the file.
# text - A {String} representing the new contents.
write: (text) ->
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class File
fsUtils.write(@getPath(), text)
@subscribeToNativeChangeEvents() if not previouslyExisted and @subscriptionCount() > 0
# Public: Reads the file.
# Reads the file.
# flushCache - A {Boolean} indicating if the cache should be erased--_i.e._, a force read is performed
@ -62,19 +62,17 @@ class File
# Public: Checks to see if a file exists.
# Checks to see if a file exists.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
exists: ->
# Internal #
### Internal ###
afterSubscribe: ->
@subscribeToNativeChangeEvents() if @exists() and @subscriptionCount() == 1
afterUnsubscribe: ->
@unsubscribeFromNativeChangeEvents() if @subscriptionCount() == 0
@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ class Fold
startRow: null
endRow: null
# Internal #
### Internal ###
constructor: (@displayBuffer, @startRow, @endRow) ->
@id = @constructor.idCounter++
@ -26,7 +24,7 @@ class Fold
inspect: ->
"Fold(#{@startRow}, #{@endRow})"
# Public: Retrieves the buffer row range that a fold occupies.
# Retrieves the buffer row range that a fold occupies.
# includeNewline - A {Boolean} which, if `true`, includes the trailing newline
@ -39,7 +37,7 @@ class Fold
new Range([@startRow, 0], end)
# Public: Retrieves the number of buffer rows a fold occupies.
# Retrieves the number of buffer rows a fold occupies.
# Returns a {Number}.
getBufferRowCount: ->
@ -59,7 +57,7 @@ class Fold
@displayBuffer.unregisterFold(oldStartRow, this)
# Public: Identifies if a {Range} occurs within a fold.
# Identifies if a {Range} occurs within a fold.
# range - A {Range} to check
@ -67,7 +65,7 @@ class Fold
isContainedByRange: (range) ->
range.start.row <= @startRow and @endRow <= range.end.row
# Public: Identifies if a fold is nested within a fold.
# Identifies if a fold is nested within a fold.
# fold - A {Fold} to check
@ -11,33 +11,17 @@ GitUtils = require 'git-utils'
module.exports =
class Git
# Public: Creates a new `Git` instance.
# path - The git repository to open
# options - A hash with one key:
# :refreshOnWindowFocus - A {Boolean} that identifies if the windows should refresh
# Returns a new {Git} object.
@open: (path, options) ->
return null unless path
new Git(path, options)
catch e
statuses: null
upstream: null
statusTask: null
# Internal #
### Internal ###
# Internal: Creates a new `Git` object.
# Creates a new `Git` object.
# path - The {String} representing the path to your git working directory
# options - A hash with the following keys:
# :refreshOnWindowFocus - If `true`, {#refreshIndex} and {#refreshStatus} are called on focus
# refreshOnWindowFocus: If `true`, {#refreshIndex} and {#refreshStatus} are called on focus
constructor: (path, options={}) ->
@repo = GitUtils.open(path)
unless @repo?
@ -72,11 +56,23 @@ class Git
# Public #
### Public ###
# Public: Retrieves the git repository.
# Creates a new `Git` instance.
# path - The git repository to open
# options - A hash with one key:
# refreshOnWindowFocus: A {Boolean} that identifies if the windows should refresh
# Returns a new {Git} object.
@open: (path, options) ->
return null unless path
new Git(path, options)
catch e
# Retrieves the git repository.
# Returns a new `Repository`.
getRepo: ->
@ -84,22 +80,22 @@ class Git
throw new Error("Repository has been destroyed")
# Public: Reread the index to update any values that have changed since the last time the index was read.
# Reread the index to update any values that have changed since the last time the index was read.
refreshIndex: -> @getRepo().refreshIndex()
# Public: Retrieves the path of the repository.
# Retrieves the path of the repository.
# Returns a {String}.
getPath: ->
@path ?= fsUtils.absolute(@getRepo().getPath())
# Public: Retrieves the working directory of the repository.
# Retrieves the working directory of the repository.
# Returns a {String}.
getWorkingDirectory: ->
# Public: Retrieves the reference or SHA-1 that `HEAD` points to.
# Retrieves the reference or SHA-1 that `HEAD` points to.
# This can be `refs/heads/master`, or a full SHA-1 if the repository is in a detached `HEAD` state.
@ -107,7 +103,7 @@ class Git
getHead: ->
@getRepo().getHead() ? ''
# Public: Retrieves the status of a single path in the repository.
# Retrieves the status of a single path in the repository.
# path - An {String} defining a relative path
@ -123,7 +119,7 @@ class Git
@trigger 'status-changed', path, pathStatus
# Public: Identifies if a path is ignored.
# Identifies if a path is ignored.
# path - The {String} path to check
@ -131,7 +127,7 @@ class Git
isPathIgnored: (path) ->
# Public: Identifies if a value represents a status code.
# Identifies if a value represents a status code.
# status - The code {Number} to check
@ -139,7 +135,7 @@ class Git
isStatusModified: (status) ->
# Public: Identifies if a path was modified.
# Identifies if a path was modified.
# path - The {String} path to check
@ -147,7 +143,7 @@ class Git
isPathModified: (path) ->
# Public: Identifies if a status code represents a new path.
# Identifies if a status code represents a new path.
# status - The code {Number} to check
@ -155,7 +151,7 @@ class Git
isStatusNew: (status) ->
# Public: Identifies if a path is new.
# Identifies if a path is new.
# path - The {String} path to check
@ -163,7 +159,7 @@ class Git
isPathNew: (path) ->
# Public: Makes a path relative to the repository's working directory.
# Makes a path relative to the repository's working directory.
# path - The {String} path to convert
@ -171,7 +167,7 @@ class Git
relativize: (path) ->
# Public: Retrieves a shortened version of {.getHead}.
# Retrieves a shortened version of {.getHead}.
# This removes the leading segments of `refs/heads`, `refs/tags`, or `refs/remotes`.
# It also shortenes the SHA-1 of a detached `HEAD` to 7 characters.
@ -180,7 +176,7 @@ class Git
getShortHead: ->
# Public: Restore the contents of a path in the working directory and index to the version at `HEAD`.
# Restore the contents of a path in the working directory and index to the version at `HEAD`.
# This is essentially the same as running:
# ```
@ -196,7 +192,7 @@ class Git
@getPathStatus(path) if headCheckedOut
# Public: Retrieves the number of lines added and removed to a path.
# Retrieves the number of lines added and removed to a path.
# This compares the working directory contents of the path to the `HEAD` version.
@ -206,7 +202,7 @@ class Git
getDiffStats: (path) ->
# Public: Identifies if a path is a submodule.
# Identifies if a path is a submodule.
# path - The {String} path to check
@ -214,7 +210,7 @@ class Git
isSubmodule: (path) ->
# Public: Retrieves the status of a directory.
# Retrieves the status of a directory.
# path - The {String} path to check
@ -226,7 +222,7 @@ class Git
directoryStatus |= status if path.indexOf(directoryPath) is 0
# Public: Retrieves the number of commits the `HEAD` branch is ahead/behind the remote branch it is tracking.
# Retrieves the number of commits the `HEAD` branch is ahead/behind the remote branch it is tracking.
# This is similar to the commit numbers reported by `git status` when a remote tracking branch exists.
@ -234,7 +230,7 @@ class Git
getAheadBehindCounts: ->
# Public: Retrieves the line diffs comparing the `HEAD` version of the given path and the given text.
# Retrieves the line diffs comparing the `HEAD` version of the given path and the given text.
# This is similar to the commit numbers reported by `git status` when a remote tracking branch exists.
@ -245,9 +241,7 @@ class Git
getLineDiffs: (path, text) ->
@getRepo().getLineDiffs(@relativize(path), text)
# Internal #
### Internal ###
refreshStatus: ->
if @statusTask?
@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ _ = require 'underscore'
module.exports =
class Gutter extends View
# Internal #
### Internal ###
@content: ->
@div class: 'gutter', =>
@ -50,25 +48,21 @@ class Gutter extends View
$(document).on "mousemove.gutter-#{@getEditor().id}", moveHandler
$(document).one "mouseup.gutter-#{@getEditor().id}", => $(document).off 'mousemove', moveHandler
# Public #
### Public ###
# Public: Retrieves the containing {Editor}.
# Retrieves the containing {Editor}.
# Returns an {Editor}.
getEditor: ->
# Public: Defines whether to show the gutter or not.
# Defines whether to show the gutter or not.
# showLineNumbers - A {Boolean} which, if `false`, hides the gutter
setShowLineNumbers: (showLineNumbers) ->
if showLineNumbers then @lineNumbers.show() else @lineNumbers.hide()
# Internal #
### Internal ###
updateLineNumbers: (changes, renderFrom, renderTo) ->
if renderFrom < @firstScreenRow or renderTo > @lastScreenRow
@ -82,7 +76,7 @@ class Gutter extends View
@renderLineNumbers(renderFrom, renderTo) if performUpdate
renderLineNumbers: (startScreenRow, endScreenRow) ->
editor = @getEditor()
maxDigits = editor.getLineCount().toString().length
@ -8,23 +8,8 @@ module.exports=
class ImageEditSession
# Public: Identifies if a path can be opened by the image viewer.
# path - The {String} name of the path to check
# Returns a {Boolean}.
@canOpen: (path) ->
], fsUtils.extension(path), true) >= 0
### Internal ###
# Internal #
@deserialize: (state) ->
if fsUtils.exists(state.path)
@ -40,10 +25,25 @@ class ImageEditSession
getViewClass: ->
require 'image-view'
# Public: Retrieves the filename of the open file.
### Public ###
# Identifies if a path can be opened by the image viewer.
# path - The {String} name of the path to check
# Returns a {Boolean}.
@canOpen: (path) ->
], fsUtils.extension(path), true) >= 0
# Retrieves the filename of the open file.
# This is `'untitled'` if the file is new and not saved to the disk.
# Returns a {String}.
getTitle: ->
if path = @getPath()
@ -51,17 +51,17 @@ class ImageEditSession
# Public: Retrieves the URI of the current image.
# Retrieves the URI of the current image.
# Returns a {String}.
getUri: -> @path
# Public: Retrieves the path of the current image.
# Retrieves the path of the current image.
# Returns a {String}.
getPath: -> @path
# Public: Compares two `ImageEditSession`s to determine equality.
# Compares two `ImageEditSession`s to determine equality.
# Equality is based on the condition that the two URIs are the same.
@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ $ = require 'jquery'
module.exports =
class ImageView extends ScrollView
# Internal:
### Internal ###
@content: ->
@div class: 'image-view', tabindex: -1, =>
@img outlet: 'image'
# Internal:
initialize: (imageEditSession) ->
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ class ImageView extends ScrollView
@command 'image-view:zoom-out', => @zoomOut()
@command 'image-view:reset-zoom', => @resetZoom()
# Internal:
afterAttach: (onDom) ->
return unless onDom
@ -40,7 +39,9 @@ class ImageView extends ScrollView
@active = @is(pane.activeView)
@centerImage() if @active and not wasActive
# Public: Places the image in the center of the {Editor}.
### Public ###
# Places the image in the center of the {Editor}.
centerImage: ->
return unless @loaded and @isVisible()
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ class ImageView extends ScrollView
'left': Math.max((@width() - @image.outerWidth()) / 2, 0)
# Public: Indicates the path of the image.
# Indicates the path of the image.
# path - A {String} for the new image path.
setPath: (path) ->
@ -60,25 +61,25 @@ class ImageView extends ScrollView
# Public: Retrieve's the {Editor}'s pane.
# Retrieve's the {Editor}'s pane.
# Returns a {Pane}.
getPane: ->
# Public: Zooms the image out.
# Zooms the image out.
# This is done by a factor of `0.9`.
zoomOut: ->
# Public: Zooms the image in.
# Zooms the image in.
# This is done by a factor of `1.1`.
zoomIn: ->
# Public: Zooms the image to its normal width and height.
# Zooms the image to its normal width and height.
resetZoom: ->
return unless @loaded and @isVisible()
@ -86,9 +87,7 @@ class ImageView extends ScrollView
# Internal #
### Internal ###
adjustSize: (factor) ->
return unless @loaded and @isVisible()
@ -100,4 +99,4 @@ class ImageView extends ScrollView
setModel: (imageEditSession) ->
@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ require 'underscore-extensions'
EventEmitter = require 'event-emitter'
Subscriber = require 'subscriber'
# Internal #
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class LanguageMode
@ -16,18 +14,20 @@ class LanguageMode
editSession: null
currentGrammarScore: null
# Public: Sets up a `LanguageMode` for the given {EditSession}.
### Internal ###
destroy: ->
### Public ###
# Sets up a `LanguageMode` for the given {EditSession}.
# editSession - The {EditSession} to associate with
constructor: (@editSession) ->
@buffer = @editSession.buffer
# Internal:
destroy: ->
# Public: Wraps the lines between two rows in comments.
# Wraps the lines between two rows in comments.
# If the language doesn't have comment, nothing happens.
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class LanguageMode
for row in [start..end]
buffer.insert([row, 0], commentStartString)
# Public: Folds all the foldable lines in the buffer.
# Folds all the foldable lines in the buffer.
foldAll: ->
for currentRow in [0..@buffer.getLastRow()]
[startRow, endRow] = @rowRangeForFoldAtBufferRow(currentRow) ? []
@ -82,11 +82,16 @@ class LanguageMode
@editSession.createFold(startRow, endRow)
# Public: Unfolds all the foldable lines in the buffer.
# Unfolds all the foldable lines in the buffer.
unfoldAll: ->
for row in [@buffer.getLastRow()..0]
fold.destroy() for fold in @editSession.displayBuffer.foldsStartingAtBufferRow(row)
# Given a buffer row, creates a fold at it.
# bufferRow - A {Number} indicating the buffer row
# Returns the new {Fold}.
foldBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
for currentRow in [bufferRow..0]
rowRange = @rowRangeForCommentAtBufferRow(currentRow)
@ -96,7 +101,7 @@ class LanguageMode
fold = @editSession.displayBuffer.largestFoldStartingAtBufferRow(startRow)
return @editSession.createFold(startRow, endRow) unless fold
# Public: Given a buffer row, this unfolds it.
# Given a buffer row, this unfolds it.
# bufferRow - A {Number} indicating the buffer row
unfoldBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
@ -140,7 +145,7 @@ class LanguageMode
endRow = currentRow
return [startRow, endRow] if startRow isnt endRow
# Public: Given a buffer row, this returns a suggested indentation level.
# Given a buffer row, this returns a suggested indentation level.
# The indentation level provided is based on the current {LanguageMode}.
@ -166,21 +171,21 @@ class LanguageMode
Math.max(desiredIndentLevel, currentIndentLevel)
# Public: Indents all the rows between two buffer row numbers.
# Indents all the rows between two buffer row numbers.
# startRow - The row {Number} to start at
# endRow - The row {Number} to end at
autoIndentBufferRows: (startRow, endRow) ->
@autoIndentBufferRow(row) for row in [startRow..endRow]
# Public: Given a buffer row, this indents it.
# Given a buffer row, this indents it.
# bufferRow - The row {Number}
autoIndentBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
# Public: Given a buffer row, this increases the indentation.
# Given a buffer row, this increases the indentation.
# bufferRow - The row {Number}
autoIncreaseIndentForBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
@ -198,7 +203,7 @@ class LanguageMode
if desiredIndentLevel > currentIndentLevel
@editSession.setIndentationForBufferRow(bufferRow, desiredIndentLevel)
# Public: Given a buffer row, this decreases the indentation.
# Given a buffer row, this decreases the indentation.
# bufferRow - The row {Number}
autoDecreaseIndentForBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ class LineMap
for screenLine in maxLengthCandidates
@maxScreenLineLength = Math.max(@maxScreenLineLength, screenLine.text.length)
# Public: Gets the line for the given screen row.
### Public ###
# Gets the line for the given screen row.
# screenRow - A {Number} indicating the screen row.
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ class LineMap
lineForScreenRow: (row) ->
# Public: Gets the lines for the given screen row boundaries.
# Gets the lines for the given screen row boundaries.
# start - A {Number} indicating the beginning screen row.
# end - A {Number} indicating the ending screen row.
@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ class LineMap
linesForScreenRows: (startRow, endRow) ->
# Public: Given starting and ending screen rows, this returns an array of the
# Given starting and ending screen rows, this returns an array of the
# buffer rows corresponding to every screen row in the range
# startRow - The screen row {Number} to start at
@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ class LineMap
column = screenLine.clipScreenColumn(column, options)
new Point(row, column)
# Public: Given a buffer position, this converts it into a screen position.
# Given a buffer position, this converts it into a screen position.
# bufferPosition - An object that represents a buffer position. It can be either
# an {Object} (`{row, column}`), {Array} (`[row, column]`), or {Point}
@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ class LineMap
[screenRow, screenLines]
# Public: Given a buffer range, this converts it into a screen position.
# Given a buffer range, this converts it into a screen position.
# screenPosition - An object that represents a buffer position. It can be either
# an {Object} (`{row, column}`), {Array} (`[row, column]`), or {Point}
@ -163,7 +165,7 @@ class LineMap
[bufferRow, screenLine]
# Public: Given a buffer range, this converts it into a screen position.
# Given a buffer range, this converts it into a screen position.
# bufferRange - The {Range} to convert
@ -174,7 +176,7 @@ class LineMap
end = @screenPositionForBufferPosition(bufferRange.end)
new Range(start, end)
# Public: Given a screen range, this converts it into a buffer position.
# Given a screen range, this converts it into a buffer position.
# screenRange - The {Range} to convert
@ -185,7 +187,8 @@ class LineMap
end = @bufferPositionForScreenPosition(screenRange.end)
new Range(start, end)
# Internal:
### Internal ###
logLines: (start=0, end=@screenLineCount() - 1)->
for row in [start..end]
line = @lineForScreenRow(row).text
@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ Token = require 'token'
EventEmitter = require 'event-emitter'
_ = require 'underscore'
# Internal #
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class NullGrammar
name: 'Null Grammar'
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
fsUtils = require 'fs-utils'
# Internal #
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class Package
@build: (path) ->
@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ module.exports =
class PaneContainer extends View
# Internal #
### Internal ###
@deserialize: ({root}) ->
container = new PaneContainer
@ -26,9 +24,7 @@ class PaneContainer extends View
deserializer: 'PaneContainer'
root: @getRoot()?.serialize()
# Public #
### Public ###
focusNextPane: ->
panes = @getPanes()
@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ $ = require 'jquery'
_ = require 'underscore'
PaneAxis = require 'pane-axis'
# Internal #
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class PaneRow extends PaneAxis
@ -7,9 +7,7 @@ PaneColumn = require 'pane-column'
module.exports =
class Pane extends View
# Internal #
### Internal ###
@content: (wrappedView) ->
@div class: 'pane', =>
@ -65,9 +63,7 @@ class Pane extends View
@attached = true
@trigger 'pane:attached', [this]
# Public #
### Public ###
makeActive: ->
for pane in @getContainer().getPanes() when pane isnt this
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module.exports =
class Pasteboard
signatureForMetadata: null
# Internal: Creates an `md5` hash of some text.
# Creates an `md5` hash of some text.
# text - A {String} to encrypt.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ _ = require 'underscore'
module.exports =
class Point
# Public: Constructs a `Point` from a given object.
# Constructs a `Point` from a given object.
# object - This can be an {Array} (`[startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn]`) or an object `{row, column}`
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class Point
new Point(row, column)
# Public: Identifies which `Point` is smaller.
# Identifies which `Point` is smaller.
# "Smaller" means that both the `row` and `column` values of one `Point` are less than or equal
# to the other.
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class Point
# Public: Creates a new `Point` object.
# Creates a new `Point` object.
# row - A {Number} indicating the row (default: 0)
# column - A {Number} indicating the column (default: 0)
@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ class Point
# Returns a {Point},
constructor: (@row=0, @column=0) ->
# Public: Creates an identical copy of the `Point`.
# Creates an identical copy of the `Point`.
# Returns a duplicate {Point}.
copy: ->
new Point(@row, @column)
# Public: Adds the `column`s of two `Point`s together.
# Adds the `column`s of two `Point`s together.
# other - The {Point} to add with
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class Point
new Point(row, column)
# Public: Moves a `Point`.
# Moves a `Point`.
# In other words, the `row` values and `column` values are added to each other.
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class Point
other = Point.fromObject(other)
new Point(@row + other.row, @column + other.column)
# Public: Creates two new `Point`s, split down a `column` value.
# Creates two new `Point`s, split down a `column` value.
# In other words, given a point, this creates `Point(0, column)` and `Point(row, column)`.
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class Point
[new Point(0, column), new Point(@row, rightColumn)]
# Internal: Compares two `Point`s.
# Compares two `Point`s.
# other - The {Point} to compare against
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class Point
# * If the first `row` is less than `other.row`, returns `-1`.
# * If the first `column` is greater than `other.column`, returns `1`.
# * If the first `column` is less than `other.column`, returns `-1`.
# Otherwise, returns `0`.
compare: (other) ->
if @row > other.row
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class Point
# Public: Identifies if two `Point`s are equal.
# Identifies if two `Point`s are equal.
# other - The {Point} to compare against
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class Point
other = Point.fromObject(other)
@row == other.row and @column == other.column
# Public: Identifies if one `Point` is less than another.
# Identifies if one `Point` is less than another.
# other - The {Point} to compare against
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class Point
isLessThan: (other) ->
@compare(other) < 0
# Public: Identifies if one `Point` is less than or equal to another.
# Identifies if one `Point` is less than or equal to another.
# other - The {Point} to compare against
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ class Point
isLessThanOrEqual: (other) ->
@compare(other) <= 0
# Public: Identifies if one `Point` is greater than another.
# Identifies if one `Point` is greater than another.
# other - The {Point} to compare against
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class Point
isGreaterThan: (other) ->
@compare(other) > 0
# Public: Identifies if one `Point` is greater than or equal to another.
# Identifies if one `Point` is greater than or equal to another.
# other - The {Point} to compare against
@ -160,25 +160,23 @@ class Point
isGreaterThanOrEqual: (other) ->
@compare(other) >= 0
# Public: Converts the {Point} to a String.
# Converts the {Point} to a String.
# Returns a {String}.
toString: ->
# Public: Converts the {Point} to an Array.
# Converts the {Point} to an Array.
# Returns an {Array}.
toArray: ->
[@row, @column]
# Internal #
### Internal ###
inspect: ->
"(#{@row}, #{@column})"
# Internal:
serialize: ->
@ -24,17 +24,7 @@ class Project
editSessions: null
ignoredPathRegexes: null
# Public: Establishes a new project at a given path.
# path - The {String} name of the path
constructor: (path) ->
@editSessions = []
@buffers = []
# Internal #
### Internal ###
serialize: ->
deserializer: 'Project'
@ -46,17 +36,23 @@ class Project
destroy: ->
editSession.destroy() for editSession in @getEditSessions()
# Public #
### Public ###
# Public: Retrieves the project path.
# Establishes a new project at a given path.
# path - The {String} name of the path
constructor: (path) ->
@editSessions = []
@buffers = []
# Retrieves the project path.
# Returns a {String}.
getPath: ->
# Public: Sets the project path.
# Sets the project path.
# path - A {String} representing the new path
setPath: (path) ->
@ -70,13 +66,13 @@ class Project
@trigger "path-changed"
# Public: Retrieves the name of the root directory.
# Retrieves the name of the root directory.
# Returns a {String}.
getRootDirectory: ->
# Public: Retrieves the names of every file (that's not `git ignore`d) in the project.
# Retrieves the names of every file (that's not `git ignore`d) in the project.
# Returns an {Array} of {String}s.
getFilePaths: ->
@ -88,7 +84,7 @@ class Project
# Public: Identifies if a path is ignored.
# Identifies if a path is ignored.
# path - The {String} name of the path to check
@ -100,7 +96,7 @@ class Project
# Public: Identifies if a path is ignored.
# Identifies if a path is ignored.
# path - The {String} name of the path to check
@ -108,7 +104,7 @@ class Project
ignoreRepositoryPath: (path) ->
config.get("core.hideGitIgnoredFiles") and git?.isPathIgnored(fsUtils.join(@getPath(), path))
# Public: Given a path, this resolves it relative to the project directory.
# Given a path, this resolves it relative to the project directory.
# filePath - The {String} name of the path to convert
@ -117,7 +113,7 @@ class Project
filePath = fsUtils.join(@getPath(), filePath) unless filePath[0] == '/'
fsUtils.absolute filePath
# Public: Given a path, this makes it relative to the project directory.
# Given a path, this makes it relative to the project directory.
# filePath - The {String} name of the path to convert
@ -126,27 +122,27 @@ class Project
return fullPath unless fullPath.lastIndexOf(@getPath()) is 0
fullPath.replace(@getPath(), "").replace(/^\//, '')
# Public: Identifies if the project is using soft tabs.
# Identifies if the project is using soft tabs.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
getSoftTabs: -> @softTabs
# Public: Sets the project to use soft tabs.
# Sets the project to use soft tabs.
# softTabs - A {Boolean} which, if `true`, sets soft tabs
setSoftTabs: (@softTabs) ->
# Public: Identifies if the project is using soft wrapping.
# Identifies if the project is using soft wrapping.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
getSoftWrap: -> @softWrap
# Public: Sets the project to use soft wrapping.
# Sets the project to use soft wrapping.
# softTabs - A {Boolean} which, if `true`, sets soft wrapping
setSoftWrap: (@softWrap) ->
# Public: Given a path to a file, this constructs and associates a new `EditSession`, showing the file.
# Given a path to a file, this constructs and associates a new `EditSession`, showing the file.
# filePath - The {String} path of the file to associate with
# editSessionOptions - Options that you can pass to the `EditSession` constructor
@ -158,55 +154,21 @@ class Project
@buildEditSessionForBuffer(@bufferForPath(filePath), editSessionOptions)
# Public: Retrieves all the {EditSession}s in the project; that is, the `EditSession`s for all open files.
# Retrieves all the {EditSession}s in the project; that is, the `EditSession`s for all open files.
# Returns an {Array} of {EditSession}s.
getEditSessions: ->
new Array(@editSessions...)
# Internal #
### Public ###
buildEditSessionForBuffer: (buffer, editSessionOptions) ->
options = _.extend(@defaultEditSessionOptions(), editSessionOptions)
options.project = this
options.buffer = buffer
editSession = new EditSession(options)
@editSessions.push editSession
@trigger 'edit-session-created', editSession
defaultEditSessionOptions: ->
tabLength: @tabLength
softTabs: @getSoftTabs()
softWrap: @getSoftWrap()
eachEditSession: (callback) ->
callback(editSession) for editSession in @getEditSessions()
@on 'edit-session-created', (editSession) -> callback(editSession)
eachBuffer: (args...) ->
subscriber = args.shift() if args.length > 1
callback = args.shift()
callback(buffer) for buffer in @getBuffers()
if subscriber
subscriber.subscribe this, 'buffer-created', (buffer) -> callback(buffer)
@on 'buffer-created', (buffer) -> callback(buffer)
# Public #
# Public: Removes an {EditSession} association from the project.
# Removes an {EditSession} association from the project.
# Returns the removed {EditSession}.
removeEditSession: (editSession) ->
_.remove(@editSessions, editSession)
# Public: Retrieves all the {Buffer}s in the project; that is, the buffers for all open files.
# Retrieves all the {Buffer}s in the project; that is, the buffers for all open files.
# Returns an {Array} of {Buffer}s.
getBuffers: ->
@ -215,7 +177,7 @@ class Project
buffers.push editSession.buffer
# Public: Given a file path, this retrieves or creates a new {Buffer}.
# Given a file path, this retrieves or creates a new {Buffer}.
# If the `filePath` already has a `buffer`, that value is used instead. Otherwise,
# `text` is used as the contents of the new buffer.
@ -233,7 +195,7 @@ class Project
@buildBuffer(null, text)
# Public: Given a file path, this sets its {Buffer}.
# Given a file path, this sets its {Buffer}.
# filePath - A {String} representing a path
# text - The {String} text to use as a buffer
@ -245,13 +207,13 @@ class Project
@trigger 'buffer-created', buffer
# Public: Removes a {Buffer} association from the project.
# Removes a {Buffer} association from the project.
# Returns the removed {Buffer}.
removeBuffer: (buffer) ->
_.remove(@buffers, buffer)
# Public: Performs a search across all the files in the project.
# Performs a search across all the files in the project.
# regex - A {RegExp} to search with
# iterator - A {Function} callback on each file found
@ -307,4 +269,34 @@ class Project
new BufferedProcess({command, args, stdout, exit})
### Internal ###
buildEditSessionForBuffer: (buffer, editSessionOptions) ->
options = _.extend(@defaultEditSessionOptions(), editSessionOptions)
options.project = this
options.buffer = buffer
editSession = new EditSession(options)
@editSessions.push editSession
@trigger 'edit-session-created', editSession
defaultEditSessionOptions: ->
tabLength: @tabLength
softTabs: @getSoftTabs()
softWrap: @getSoftWrap()
eachEditSession: (callback) ->
callback(editSession) for editSession in @getEditSessions()
@on 'edit-session-created', (editSession) -> callback(editSession)
eachBuffer: (args...) ->
subscriber = args.shift() if args.length > 1
callback = args.shift()
callback(buffer) for buffer in @getBuffers()
if subscriber
subscriber.subscribe this, 'buffer-created', (buffer) -> callback(buffer)
@on 'buffer-created', (buffer) -> callback(buffer)
_.extend Project.prototype, EventEmitter
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ _ = require 'underscore'
module.exports =
class Range
# Public: Constructs a `Range` from a given object.
# Constructs a `Range` from a given object.
# object - This can be an {Array} (`[startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn]`) or an object `{start: Point, end: Point}`
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class Range
new Range(object.start, object.end)
# Public: Constructs a `Range` from a {Point}, and the delta values beyond that point.
# Constructs a `Range` from a {Point}, and the delta values beyond that point.
# point - A {Point} to start with
# rowDelta - A {Number} indicating how far from the starting {Point} the range's row should be
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Range
pointB = new Point(point.row + rowDelta, point.column + columnDelta)
new Range(pointA, pointB)
# Public: Creates a new `Range` object based on two {Point}s.
# Creates a new `Range` object based on two {Point}s.
# pointA - The first {Point} (default: `0, 0`)
# pointB - The second {Point} (default: `0, 0`)
@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ class Range
@start = pointB
@end = pointA
# Public: Creates an identical copy of the `Range`.
# Creates an identical copy of the `Range`.
# Returns a duplicate {Range}.
copy: ->
new Range(@start.copy(), @end.copy())
# Public: Identifies if two `Range`s are equal.
# Identifies if two `Range`s are equal.
# All four points (`start.row`, `start.column`, `end.row`, `end.column`) must be
# equal for this method to return `true`.
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class Range
other.start.isEqual(@start) and other.end.isEqual(@end)
# Public: Identifies if the `Range` is on the same line.
# Identifies if the `Range` is on the same line.
# In other words, if `start.row` is equal to `end.row`.
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class Range
isSingleLine: ->
@start.row == @end.row
# Public: Identifies if two `Range`s are on the same line.
# Identifies if two `Range`s are on the same line.
# other - A different {Range} to check against
@ -87,11 +87,7 @@ class Range
coversSameRows: (other) ->
@start.row == other.start.row && @end.row == other.end.row
# Internal:
inspect: ->
"[#{@start.inspect()} - #{@end.inspect()}]"
# Public: Adds a new point to the `Range`s `start` and `end`.
# Adds a new point to the `Range`s `start` and `end`.
# point - A new {Point} to add
@ -99,7 +95,7 @@ class Range
add: (point) ->
new Range(@start.add(point), @end.add(point))
# Public: Moves a `Range`.
# Moves a `Range`.
# In other words, the starting and ending `row` values, and the starting and ending
# `column` values, are added to each other.
@ -111,7 +107,7 @@ class Range
translate: (startPoint, endPoint=startPoint) ->
new Range(@start.translate(startPoint), @end.translate(endPoint))
# Public: Identifies if two `Range`s intersect each other.
# Identifies if two `Range`s intersect each other.
# otherRange - A different {Range} to check against
@ -122,22 +118,22 @@ class Range
# Public: Identifies if a second `Range` is contained within a first.
# Identifies if a second `Range` is contained within a first.
# otherRange - A different {Range} to check against
# options - A hash with a single option:
# :exclusive - A {Boolean} which, if `true`, indicates that no {Point}s in the `Range` can be equal
# exclusive: A {Boolean} which, if `true`, indicates that no {Point}s in the `Range` can be equal
# Returns a {Boolean}.
containsRange: (otherRange, {exclusive} = {}) ->
{ start, end } = Range.fromObject(otherRange)
@containsPoint(start, {exclusive}) and @containsPoint(end, {exclusive})
# Public: Identifies if a `Range` contains a {Point}.
# Identifies if a `Range` contains a {Point}.
# point - A {Point} to check against
# options - A hash with a single option:
# :exclusive - A {Boolean} which, if `true`, indicates that no {Point}s in the `Range` can be equal
# exclusive: A {Boolean} which, if `true`, indicates that no {Point}s in the `Range` can be equal
# Returns a {Boolean}.
containsPoint: (point, {exclusive} = {}) ->
@ -147,7 +143,7 @@ class Range
point.isGreaterThanOrEqual(@start) and point.isLessThanOrEqual(@end)
# Public: Identifies if a `Range` contains a row.
# Identifies if a `Range` contains a row.
# row - A row {Number} to check against
# options - A hash with a single option:
@ -156,7 +152,7 @@ class Range
containsRow: (row) ->
@start.row <= row <= @end.row
# Public: Constructs a union between two `Range`s.
# Constructs a union between two `Range`s.
# otherRange - A different {Range} to unionize with
@ -166,7 +162,7 @@ class Range
end = if @end.isGreaterThan(otherRange.end) then @end else otherRange.end
new Range(start, end)
# Public: Identifies if a `Range` is empty.
# Identifies if a `Range` is empty.
# A `Range` is empty if its start {Point} matches its end.
@ -174,7 +170,7 @@ class Range
isEmpty: ->
# Public: Calculates the difference between a `Range`s `start` and `end` points.
# Calculates the difference between a `Range`s `start` and `end` points.
# Returns a {Point}.
toDelta: ->
@ -185,8 +181,13 @@ class Range
columns = @end.column
new Point(rows, columns)
# Public: Calculates the number of rows a `Range`s contains.
# Calculates the number of rows a `Range`s contains.
# Returns a {Number}.
getRowCount: ->
@end.row - @start.row + 1
### Internal ###
inspect: ->
"[#{@start.inspect()} - #{@end.inspect()}]"
@ -25,9 +25,7 @@ class RootView extends View
disabledPackages: []
themes: ['atom-dark-ui', 'atom-dark-syntax']
# Internal:
### Internal ###
@content: ({panes}={}) ->
@div id: 'root-view', =>
@ -98,15 +96,13 @@ class RootView extends View
afterAttach: (onDom) ->
@focus() if onDom
# Public #
### Public ###
# Public: Shows a dialog asking if the pane was _really_ meant to be closed.
# Shows a dialog asking if the pane was _really_ meant to be closed.
confirmClose: ->
# Public: Given a filepath, this opens it in Atom.
# Given a filepath, this opens it in Atom.
# Returns the `EditSession` for the file URI.
open: (path, options = {}) ->
@ -123,7 +119,7 @@ class RootView extends View
activePane.focus() if changeFocus
# Public: Updates the application's title, based on whichever file is open.
# Updates the application's title, based on whichever file is open.
updateTitle: ->
if projectPath = project.getPath()
if item = @getActivePaneItem()
@ -133,19 +129,19 @@ class RootView extends View
# Public: Sets the application's title.
# Sets the application's title.
# Returns a {String}.
setTitle: (title) ->
document.title = title
# Public: Retrieves all of the application's {Editor}s.
# Retrieves all of the application's {Editor}s.
# Returns an {Array} of {Editor}s.
getEditors: ->
@panes.find('.pane > .item-views > .editor').map(-> $(this).view()).toArray()
# Public: Retrieves all of the modified buffers that are open and unsaved.
# Retrieves all of the modified buffers that are open and unsaved.
# Returns an {Array} of {Buffer}s.
getModifiedBuffers: ->
@ -155,13 +151,13 @@ class RootView extends View
modifiedBuffers.push item.buffer if item.buffer.isModified()
# Public: Retrieves all of the paths to open files.
# Retrieves all of the paths to open files.
# Returns an {Array} of {String}s.
getOpenBufferPaths: ->
_.uniq(_.flatten(@getEditors().map (editor) -> editor.getOpenBufferPaths()))
# Public: Retrieves the pane that's currently open.
# Retrieves the pane that's currently open.
# Returns an {Pane}.
getActivePane: ->
@ -177,29 +173,23 @@ class RootView extends View
focusNextPane: -> @panes.focusNextPane()
getFocusedPane: -> @panes.getFocusedPane()
# Internal: Destroys everything.
remove: ->
editor.remove() for editor in @getEditors()
# Public: Saves all of the open buffers.
# Saves all of the open buffers.
saveAll: ->
# Public: Fires a callback on each open {Pane}.
# Fires a callback on each open {Pane}.
# callback - A {Function} to call
eachPane: (callback) ->
# Public: Retrieves all of the open {Pane}s.
# Retrieves all of the open {Pane}s.
# Returns an {Array} of {Pane}.
getPanes: ->
# Public: Given a {Pane}, this fetches its ID.
# Given a {Pane}, this fetches its ID.
# pane - An open {Pane}
@ -207,21 +197,29 @@ class RootView extends View
indexOfPane: (pane) ->
# Public: Fires a callback on each open {Editor}.
# Fires a callback on each open {Editor}.
# callback - A {Function} to call
eachEditor: (callback) ->
callback(editor) for editor in @getEditors()
@on 'editor:attached', (e, editor) -> callback(editor)
# Public: Fires a callback on each open {EditSession}.
# Fires a callback on each open {EditSession}.
# callback - A {Function} to call
eachEditSession: (callback) ->
# Public: Fires a callback on each open {Buffer}.
# Fires a callback on each open {Buffer}.
# callback - A {Function} to call
eachBuffer: (callback) ->
### Internal ###
# Destroys everything.
remove: ->
editor.remove() for editor in @getEditors()
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
# Internal #
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class ScreenLine
@ -108,9 +106,6 @@ class ScreenLine
breakOutLeadingWhitespace = token.isOnlyWhitespace() if breakOutLeadingWhitespace
# Public: Determins if the current line is commented.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isComment: ->
for token in @tokens
continue if token.scopes.length is 1
@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ fuzzyFilter = require 'fuzzy-filter'
module.exports =
class SelectList extends View
# Internal #
### Internal ###
@content: ->
@div class: @viewClass(), =>
@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ Point = require 'point'
Range = require 'range'
{View, $$} = require 'space-pen'
# Internal:
module.exports =
class SelectionView extends View
# Internal: Establishes the DOM for the selection view.
@content: ->
@div class: 'selection'
@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ class Selection
wordwise: false
needsAutoscroll: null
# Internal #
### Internal ###
constructor: ({@cursor, @marker, @editSession, @goalBufferRange}) ->
@cursor.selection = this
@ -39,54 +37,54 @@ class Selection
clearAutoscroll: ->
@needsAutoscroll = null
# Public #
# Public: Identifies if the selection is highlighting anything.
### Public ###
# Identifies if the selection is highlighting anything.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isEmpty: ->
# Public: Identifies if the selection is reversed, that is, it is highlighting "up."
# Identifies if the ending position of a marker is greater than the starting position.
# This can happen when, for example, you highlight text "up" in a {Buffer}.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isReversed: ->
# Public: Identifies if the selection is a single line.
# Identifies if the selection is a single line.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isSingleScreenLine: ->
# Public: Retrieves the screen range for the selection.
# Retrieves the screen range for the selection.
# Returns a {Range}.
getScreenRange: ->
# Public: Modifies the screen range for the selection.
# Modifies the screen range for the selection.
# screenRange - The new {Range} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {.setBufferRange}
setScreenRange: (screenRange, options) ->
@setBufferRange(@editSession.bufferRangeForScreenRange(screenRange), options)
# Public: Retrieves the buffer range for the selection.
# Retrieves the buffer range for the selection.
# Returns a {Range}.
getBufferRange: ->
# Public: Modifies the buffer range for the selection.
# Modifies the buffer range for the selection.
# screenRange - The new {Range} to select
# options - A hash of options with the following keys:
# :preserveFolds - if `true`, the fold settings are preserved after the selection moves
# :autoscroll - if `true`, the {EditSession} scrolls to the new selection
# preserveFolds: if `true`, the fold settings are preserved after the selection moves
# autoscroll: if `true`, the {EditSession} scrolls to the new selection
setBufferRange: (bufferRange, options={}) ->
bufferRange = Range.fromObject(bufferRange)
@needsAutoscroll = options.autoscroll
@ -96,7 +94,7 @@ class Selection
@cursor.needsAutoscroll = false if options.autoscroll?
@editSession.setMarkerBufferRange(@marker, bufferRange, options)
# Public: Retrieves the starting and ending buffer rows the selection is highlighting.
# Retrieves the starting and ending buffer rows the selection is highlighting.
# Returns an {Array} of two {Number}s: the starting row, and the ending row.
getBufferRowRange: ->
@ -106,22 +104,17 @@ class Selection
end = Math.max(start, end - 1) if range.end.column == 0
[start, end]
# Internal:
screenRangeChanged: ->
screenRange = @getScreenRange()
@trigger 'screen-range-changed', screenRange
# Public: Retrieves the text in the selection.
# Retrieves the text in the selection.
# Returns a {String}.
getText: ->
# Public: Clears the selection, moving the marker to move to the head.
# Clears the selection, moving the marker to move to the head.
clear: ->
# Public: Modifies the selection to mark the current word.
# Modifies the selection to mark the current word.
# Returns a {Range}.
selectWord: ->
@ -135,7 +128,7 @@ class Selection
expandOverWord: ->
# Public: Selects an entire line in the {Buffer}.
# Selects an entire line in the {Buffer}.
# row - The line {Number} to select (default: the row of the cursor)
selectLine: (row=@cursor.getBufferPosition().row) ->
@ -149,7 +142,7 @@ class Selection
range = @getBufferRange().union(@cursor.getCurrentLineBufferRange(includeNewline: true))
# Public: Selects the text from the current cursor position to a given screen position.
# Selects the text from the current cursor position to a given screen position.
# position - An instance of {Point}, with a given `row` and `column`.
selectToScreenPosition: (position) ->
@ -167,61 +160,61 @@ class Selection
else if @wordwise
# Public: Selects the text from the current cursor position to a given buffer position.
# Selects the text from the current cursor position to a given buffer position.
# position - An instance of {Point}, with a given `row` and `column`.
selectToBufferPosition: (position) ->
@modifySelection => @cursor.setBufferPosition(position)
# Public: Selects the text one position right of the cursor.
# Selects the text one position right of the cursor.
selectRight: ->
@modifySelection => @cursor.moveRight()
# Public: Selects the text one position left of the cursor.
# Selects the text one position left of the cursor.
selectLeft: ->
@modifySelection => @cursor.moveLeft()
# Public: Selects all the text one position above the cursor.
# Selects all the text one position above the cursor.
selectUp: ->
@modifySelection => @cursor.moveUp()
# Public: Selects all the text one position below the cursor.
# Selects all the text one position below the cursor.
selectDown: ->
@modifySelection => @cursor.moveDown()
# Public: Selects all the text from the current cursor position to the top of the buffer.
# Selects all the text from the current cursor position to the top of the buffer.
selectToTop: ->
@modifySelection => @cursor.moveToTop()
# Public: Selects all the text from the current cursor position to the bottom of the buffer.
# Selects all the text from the current cursor position to the bottom of the buffer.
selectToBottom: ->
@modifySelection => @cursor.moveToBottom()
# Public: Selects all the text in the buffer.
# Selects all the text in the buffer.
selectAll: ->
@setBufferRange(@editSession.buffer.getRange(), autoscroll: false)
# Public: Selects all the text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the line.
# Selects all the text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the line.
selectToBeginningOfLine: ->
@modifySelection => @cursor.moveToBeginningOfLine()
# Public: Selects all the text from the current cursor position to the end of the line.
# Selects all the text from the current cursor position to the end of the line.
selectToEndOfLine: ->
@modifySelection => @cursor.moveToEndOfLine()
# Public: Selects all the text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the word.
# Selects all the text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the word.
selectToBeginningOfWord: ->
@modifySelection => @cursor.moveToBeginningOfWord()
# Public: Selects all the text from the current cursor position to the end of the word.
# Selects all the text from the current cursor position to the end of the word.
selectToEndOfWord: ->
@modifySelection => @cursor.moveToEndOfWord()
# Public: Selects all the text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the next word.
# Selects all the text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the next word.
selectToBeginningOfNextWord: ->
@modifySelection => @cursor.moveToBeginningOfNextWord()
# Public: Moves the selection down one row.
# Moves the selection down one row.
addSelectionBelow: ->
range = (@goalBufferRange ? @getBufferRange()).copy()
nextRow = range.end.row + 1
@ -239,7 +232,7 @@ class Selection
@editSession.addSelectionForBufferRange(range, goalBufferRange: range, suppressMerge: true)
# Public: Moves the selection up one row.
# Moves the selection up one row.
addSelectionAbove: ->
range = (@goalBufferRange ? @getBufferRange()).copy()
previousRow = range.end.row - 1
@ -257,13 +250,13 @@ class Selection
@editSession.addSelectionForBufferRange(range, goalBufferRange: range, suppressMerge: true)
# Public: Replaces text at the current selection.
# Replaces text at the current selection.
# text - A {String} representing the text to add
# options - A hash containing the following options:
# :normalizeIndent - TODO
# :select - if `true`, selects the newly added text
# :autoIndent - if `true`, indents the newly added text appropriately
# normalizeIndent: TODO
# select: if `true`, selects the newly added text
# autoIndent: if `true`, indents the newly added text appropriately
insertText: (text, options={}) ->
oldBufferRange = @getBufferRange()
@ -285,10 +278,10 @@ class Selection
# Public: Indents the selection.
# Indents the selection.
# options - A hash with one key, `autoIndent`. If `true`, the indentation is
# performed appropriately. Otherwise, {EditSession#getTabText} is used
# options - A hash with one key, `autoIndent`. If `true`, the indentation is
# performed appropriately. Otherwise, {EditSession.getTabText} is used
indent: ({ autoIndent }={})->
{ row, column } = @cursor.getBufferPosition()
@ -304,7 +297,7 @@ class Selection
# Public: If the selection spans multiple rows, indents all of them.
# If the selection spans multiple rows, indents all of them.
indentSelectedRows: ->
[start, end] = @getBufferRowRange()
for row in [start..end]
@ -350,7 +343,7 @@ class Selection
desiredIndentString = @editSession.buildIndentString(desiredIndentLevel)
line.replace(/^[\t ]*/, desiredIndentString)
# Public: Performs a backspace, removing the character found behind the selection.
# Performs a backspace, removing the character found behind the selection.
backspace: ->
if @isEmpty() and not @editSession.isFoldedAtScreenRow(@cursor.getScreenRow())
if @cursor.isAtBeginningOfLine() and @editSession.isFoldedAtScreenRow(@cursor.getScreenRow() - 1)
@ -360,12 +353,12 @@ class Selection
# Public: Performs a backspace to the beginning of the current word, removing characters found there.
# Performs a backspace to the beginning of the current word, removing characters found there.
backspaceToBeginningOfWord: ->
@selectToBeginningOfWord() if @isEmpty()
# Public: Performs a backspace to the beginning of the current line, removing characters found there.
# Performs a backspace to the beginning of the current line, removing characters found there.
backspaceToBeginningOfLine: ->
if @isEmpty() and @cursor.isAtBeginningOfLine()
@ -373,7 +366,7 @@ class Selection
# Public: Performs a delete, removing the character found ahead of the cursor position.
# Performs a delete, removing the character found ahead of the cursor position.
delete: ->
if @isEmpty()
if @cursor.isAtEndOfLine() and fold = @editSession.largestFoldStartingAtScreenRow(@cursor.getScreenRow() + 1)
@ -382,12 +375,12 @@ class Selection
# Public: Performs a delete to the end of the current word, removing characters found there.
# Performs a delete to the end of the current word, removing characters found there.
deleteToEndOfWord: ->
@selectToEndOfWord() if @isEmpty()
# Public: Deletes the selected text.
# Deletes the selected text.
deleteSelectedText: ->
bufferRange = @getBufferRange()
if fold = @editSession.largestFoldContainingBufferRow(bufferRange.end.row)
@ -397,7 +390,7 @@ class Selection
@editSession.buffer.delete(bufferRange) unless bufferRange.isEmpty()
# Public: Deletes the line.
# Deletes the line.
deleteLine: ->
if @isEmpty()
start = @cursor.getScreenRow()
@ -414,7 +407,7 @@ class Selection
@editSession.buffer.deleteRows(start, end)
# Public: Joins the current line with the one below it.
# Joins the current line with the one below it.
# If there selection spans more than one line, all the lines are joined together.
joinLine: ->
@ -454,27 +447,27 @@ class Selection
[start, end] = @getBufferRowRange()
@editSession.autoIndentBufferRows(start, end)
# Public: Wraps the selected lines in comments.
# Wraps the selected lines in comments.
# Returns an {Array} of the commented {Ranges}.
toggleLineComments: ->
# Public: Performs a cut operation on the selection, until the end of the line.
# Performs a cut operation on the selection, until the end of the line.
# maintainPasteboard - A {Boolean} indicating TODO
cutToEndOfLine: (maintainPasteboard) ->
@selectToEndOfLine() if @isEmpty()
# Public: Performs a cut operation on the selection.
# Performs a cut operation on the selection.
# maintainPasteboard - A {Boolean} indicating TODO
cut: (maintainPasteboard=false) ->
# Public: Performs a copy operation on the selection.
# Performs a copy operation on the selection.
# maintainPasteboard - A {Boolean} indicating TODO
copy: (maintainPasteboard=false) ->
@ -488,7 +481,7 @@ class Selection
pasteboard.write(text, metadata)
# Public: Folds the selection.
# Folds the selection.
fold: ->
range = @getBufferRange()
@editSession.createFold(range.start.row, range.end.row)
@ -506,10 +499,15 @@ class Selection
@retainSelection = false
# Sets the marker's tail to the same position as the marker's head.
# This only works if there isn't already a tail position.
# Returns a {Point} representing the new tail position.
placeTail: ->
# Public: Identifies if a selection intersects with a given buffer range.
# Identifies if a selection intersects with a given buffer range.
# bufferRange - A {Range} to check against
@ -517,7 +515,7 @@ class Selection
intersectsBufferRange: (bufferRange) ->
# Public: Identifies if a selection intersects with another selection.
# Identifies if a selection intersects with another selection.
# otherSelection - A `Selection` to check against
@ -525,7 +523,7 @@ class Selection
intersectsWith: (otherSelection) ->
# Public: Merges two selections together.
# Merges two selections together.
# otherSelection - A `Selection` to merge with
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {.setBufferRange}
@ -537,4 +535,10 @@ class Selection
@goalBufferRange = otherSelection.goalBufferRange
### Internal ###
screenRangeChanged: ->
screenRange = @getScreenRange()
@trigger 'screen-range-changed', screenRange
_.extend Selection.prototype, EventEmitter
@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ fsUtils = require 'fs-utils'
EventEmitter = require 'event-emitter'
NullGrammar = require 'null-grammar'
# Internal #
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class Syntax
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class Buffer
invalidMarkers: null
refcount: 0
# Public: Creates a new buffer.
# Creates a new buffer.
# path - A {String} representing the file path
# initialText - A {String} setting the starting text
@ -55,9 +55,7 @@ class Buffer
@undoManager = new UndoManager(this)
# Internal #
### Internal ###
destroy: ->
throw new Error("Destroying buffer twice with path '#{@getPath()}'") if @destroyed
@ -97,19 +95,17 @@ class Buffer
@file.on "moved", =>
@trigger "path-changed", this
# Public #
# Public: Identifies if the buffer belongs to multiple editors.
### Public ###
# Identifies if the buffer belongs to multiple editors.
# For example, if the {Editor} was split.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
hasMultipleEditors: -> @refcount > 1
# Public: Reloads a file in the {EditSession}.
# Reloads a file in the {EditSession}.
# Essentially, this performs a force read of the file.
reload: ->
@ -119,25 +115,25 @@ class Buffer
@trigger 'reloaded'
# Public: Rereads the contents of the file, and stores them in the cache.
# Rereads the contents of the file, and stores them in the cache.
# Essentially, this performs a force read of the file on disk.
updateCachedDiskContents: ->
@cachedDiskContents = @file.read()
# Public: Gets the file's basename--that is, the file without any directory information.
# Gets the file's basename--that is, the file without any directory information.
# Returns a {String}.
getBaseName: ->
# Public: Retrieves the path for the file.
# Retrieves the path for the file.
# Returns a {String}.
getPath: ->
# Public: Sets the path for the file.
# Sets the path for the file.
# path - A {String} representing the new file path
setPath: (path) ->
@ -150,7 +146,7 @@ class Buffer
@trigger "path-changed", this
# Public: Retrieves the current buffer's file extension.
# Retrieves the current buffer's file extension.
# Returns a {String}.
getExtension: ->
@ -159,25 +155,25 @@ class Buffer
# Public: Retrieves the cached buffer contents.
# Retrieves the cached buffer contents.
# Returns a {String}.
getText: ->
@cachedMemoryContents ?= @getTextInRange(@getRange())
# Public: Replaces the current buffer contents.
# Replaces the current buffer contents.
# text - A {String} containing the new buffer contents.
setText: (text) ->
@change(@getRange(), text, normalizeLineEndings: false)
# Public: Gets the range of the buffer contents.
# Gets the range of the buffer contents.
# Returns a new {Range}, from `[0, 0]` to the end of the buffer.
getRange: ->
new Range([0, 0], [@getLastRow(), @getLastLine().length])
# Public: Given a range, returns the lines of text within it.
# Given a range, returns the lines of text within it.
# range - A {Range} object specifying your points of interest
@ -197,13 +193,13 @@ class Buffer
return multipleLines.join ''
# Public: Gets all the lines in a file.
# Gets all the lines in a file.
# Returns an {Array} of {String}s.
getLines: ->
# Public: Given a row, returns the line of text.
# Given a row, returns the line of text.
# row - A {Number} indicating the row.
@ -211,13 +207,18 @@ class Buffer
lineForRow: (row) ->
# Given a row, returns its line ending.
# row - A {Number} indicating the row.
# Returns a {String}, or `undefined` if `row` is the final row.
lineEndingForRow: (row) ->
@lineEndings[row] unless row is @getLastRow()
suggestedLineEndingForRow: (row) ->
@lineEndingForRow(row) ? @lineEndingForRow(row - 1)
# Public: Given a row, returns the length of the line of text.
# Given a row, returns the length of the line of text.
# row - A {Number} indicating the row.
@ -225,13 +226,18 @@ class Buffer
lineLengthForRow: (row) ->
# Given a row, returns the length of the line ending
# row - A {Number} indicating the row.
# Returns a {Number}.
lineEndingLengthForRow: (row) ->
(@lineEndingForRow(row) ? '').length
# Public: Given a buffer row, this retrieves the range for that line.
# Given a buffer row, this retrieves the range for that line.
# row - A {Number} identifying the row
# options - A hash with one key, `includeNewline`, which specifies whether you
# options - A hash with one key, `includeNewline`, which specifies whether you
# want to include the trailing newline
# Returns a {Range}.
@ -241,25 +247,25 @@ class Buffer
new Range([row, 0], [row, @lineLengthForRow(row)])
# Public: Gets the number of lines in a file.
# Gets the number of lines in a file.
# Returns a {Number}.
getLineCount: ->
# Public: Gets the row number of the last line.
# Gets the row number of the last line.
# Returns a {Number}.
getLastRow: ->
@getLines().length - 1
# Public: Finds the last line in the current buffer.
# Finds the last line in the current buffer.
# Returns a {String}.
getLastLine: ->
# Public: Finds the last point in the current buffer.
# Finds the last point in the current buffer.
# Returns a {Point} representing the last position.
getEofPosition: ->
@ -282,13 +288,13 @@ class Buffer
new Point(row, index)
# Public: Given a row, this deletes it from the buffer.
# Given a row, this deletes it from the buffer.
# row - A {Number} representing the row to delete
deleteRow: (row) ->
@deleteRows(row, row)
# Public: Deletes a range of rows from the buffer.
# Deletes a range of rows from the buffer.
# start - A {Number} representing the starting row
# end - A {Number} representing the ending row
@ -307,36 +313,29 @@ class Buffer
@delete(new Range(startPoint, endPoint))
# Public: Adds text to the end of the buffer.
# Adds text to the end of the buffer.
# text - A {String} of text to add
append: (text) ->
@insert(@getEofPosition(), text)
# Public: Adds text to a specific point in the buffer
# Adds text to a specific point in the buffer
# point - A {Point} in the buffer to insert into
# text - A {String} of text to add
insert: (point, text) ->
@change(new Range(point, point), text)
# Public: Deletes text from the buffer
# Deletes text from the buffer
# range - A {Range} whose text to delete
delete: (range) ->
@change(range, '')
# Internal:
change: (oldRange, newText, options) ->
oldRange = Range.fromObject(oldRange)
operation = new BufferChangeOperation({buffer: this, oldRange, newText, options})
range = @pushOperation(operation)
# Public: Given a position, this clips it to a real position.
# Given a position, this clips it to a real position.
# For example, if `position`'s row exceeds the row count of the buffer,
# or if its column goes beyond a line's length, this "sanitizes" the value
# or if its column goes beyond a line's length, this "sanitizes" the value
# to a real position.
# Returns the new, clipped {Point}. Note that this could be the same as `position` if no clipping was performed.
@ -350,11 +349,11 @@ class Buffer
column = Math.max(position.column, 0)
column = Math.min(@lineLengthForRow(row), column)
new Point(row, column)
# Public: Given a range, this clips it to a real range.
# Given a range, this clips it to a real range.
# For example, if `range`'s row exceeds the row count of the buffer,
# or if its column goes beyond a line's length, this "sanitizes" the value
# or if its column goes beyond a line's length, this "sanitizes" the value
# to a real range.
# range - The {Point} to clip
@ -368,31 +367,21 @@ class Buffer
prefix: @lines[range.start.row][0...range.start.column]
suffix: @lines[range.end.row][range.end.column..]
# Internal:
pushOperation: (operation, editSession) ->
if @undoManager
@undoManager.pushOperation(operation, editSession)
# Internal:
transact: (fn) -> @undoManager.transact(fn)
# Public: Undos the last operation.
# Undos the last operation.
# editSession - The {EditSession} associated with the buffer.
undo: (editSession) -> @undoManager.undo(editSession)
# Public: Redos the last operation.
# Redos the last operation.
# editSession - The {EditSession} associated with the buffer.
redo: (editSession) -> @undoManager.redo(editSession)
commit: -> @undoManager.commit()
abort: -> @undoManager.abort()
# Public: Saves the buffer.
# Saves the buffer.
save: ->
@saveAs(@getPath()) if @isModified()
# Public: Saves the buffer at a specific path.
# Saves the buffer at a specific path.
# path - The path to save at.
saveAs: (path) ->
@ -405,7 +394,7 @@ class Buffer
@trigger 'saved'
# Public: Identifies if the buffer was modified.
# Identifies if the buffer was modified.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isModified: ->
@ -414,26 +403,29 @@ class Buffer
not @isEmpty()
# Public: Identifies if a buffer is in a git conflict with `HEAD`.
# Identifies if a buffer is in a git conflict with `HEAD`.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isInConflict: -> @conflict
# Public: Identifies if a buffer is empty.
# Identifies if a buffer is empty.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isEmpty: -> @lines.length is 1 and @lines[0].length is 0
# Retrieves all the valid markers in the buffer.
# Returns an {Array} of {BufferMarker}s.
getMarkers: ->
# Public: Retrieves the quantity of markers in a buffer.
# Retrieves the quantity of markers in a buffer.
# Returns a {Number}.
getMarkerCount: ->
# Public: Constructs a new marker at a given range.
# Constructs a new marker at a given range.
# range - The marker {Range} (representing the distance between the head and tail)
# options - Options to pass to the {BufferMarker} constructor
@ -448,7 +440,7 @@ class Buffer
@validMarkers[marker.id] = marker
# Public: Constructs a new marker at a given position.
# Constructs a new marker at a given position.
# position - The marker {Point}; there won't be a tail
# options - Options to pass to the {BufferMarker} constructor
@ -457,20 +449,32 @@ class Buffer
markPosition: (position, options) ->
@markRange([position, position], _.defaults({noTail: true}, options))
# Public: Removes the marker with the given id.
# Removes the marker with the given id.
# id - The {Number} of the ID to remove
destroyMarker: (id) ->
delete @validMarkers[id]
delete @invalidMarkers[id]
# Retrieves the positions of every marker's head.
# Returns an {Array} of {Point}s.
getMarkerPosition: (args...) ->
# Sets the positions of every marker's head.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to change
# position - The new {Point} to place the head
# options - A hash with the following keys:
# clip: if `true`, the point is [clipped]{Buffer.clipPosition}
# bufferChanged: if `true`, indicates that the {Buffer} should trigger an event that it's changed
# Returns a {Point} representing the new head position.
setMarkerPosition: (args...) ->
# Public: Retrieves the position of the marker's head.
# Retrieves the position of the marker's head.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to check
@ -478,19 +482,19 @@ class Buffer
getMarkerHeadPosition: (id) ->
# Public: Sets the position of the marker's head.
# Sets the position of the marker's head.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to change
# position - The new {Point} to place the head
# options - A hash with the following keys:
# :clip - if `true`, the point is [clipped]{Buffer.clipPosition}
# :bufferChanged - if `true`, indicates that the {Buffer} should trigger an event that it's changed
# clip: if `true`, the point is [clipped]{Buffer.clipPosition}
# bufferChanged: if `true`, indicates that the {Buffer} should trigger an event that it's changed
# Returns a {Point} representing the new head position.
setMarkerHeadPosition: (id, position, options) ->
# Public: Retrieves the position of the marker's tail.
# Retrieves the position of the marker's tail.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to check
@ -498,37 +502,37 @@ class Buffer
getMarkerTailPosition: (id) ->
# Public: Sets the position of the marker's tail.
# Sets the position of the marker's tail.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to change
# position - The new {Point} to place the tail
# options - A hash with the following keys:
# :clip - if `true`, the point is [clipped]{Buffer.clipPosition}
# :bufferChanged - if `true`, indicates that the {Buffer} should trigger an event that it's changed
# clip: if `true`, the point is [clipped]{Buffer.clipPosition}
# bufferChanged: if `true`, indicates that the {Buffer} should trigger an event that it's changed
# Returns a {Point} representing the new tail position.
setMarkerTailPosition: (id, position, options) ->
# Public: Retrieves the {Range} between a marker's head and its tail.
# Retrieves the {Range} between a marker's head and its tail.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to check
# Returns a {Range}.
getMarkerRange: (id) ->
# Public: Sets the marker's range, potentialy modifying both its head and tail.
# Sets the marker's range, potentialy modifying both its head and tail.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to change
# range - The new {Range} the marker should cover
# options - A hash of options with the following keys:
# :reverse - if `true`, the marker is reversed; that is, its tail is "above" the head
# :noTail - if `true`, the marker doesn't have a tail
# reverse: if `true`, the marker is reversed; that is, its tail is "above" the head
# noTail: if `true`, the marker doesn't have a tail
setMarkerRange: (id, range, options) ->
@validMarkers[id]?.setRange(range, options)
# Public: Sets the marker's tail to the same position as the marker's head.
# Sets the marker's tail to the same position as the marker's head.
# This only works if there isn't already a tail position.
@ -538,13 +542,13 @@ class Buffer
placeMarkerTail: (id) ->
# Public: Removes the tail from the marker.
# Removes the tail from the marker.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to change
clearMarkerTail: (id) ->
# Public: Identifies if the ending position of a marker is greater than the starting position.
# Identifies if the ending position of a marker is greater than the starting position.
# This can happen when, for example, you highlight text "up" in a {Buffer}.
@ -554,7 +558,7 @@ class Buffer
isMarkerReversed: (id) ->
# Public: Identifies if the marker's head position is equal to its tail.
# Identifies if the marker's head position is equal to its tail.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to check
@ -562,14 +566,14 @@ class Buffer
isMarkerRangeEmpty: (id) ->
# Public: Sets a callback to be fired whenever a marker is changed.
# Sets a callback to be fired whenever a marker is changed.
# id - A {Number} representing the marker to watch
# callback - A {Function} to execute
observeMarker: (id, callback) ->
# Public: Given a buffer position, this finds all markers that contain the position.
# Given a buffer position, this finds all markers that contain the position.
# bufferPosition - A {Point} to check
@ -581,7 +585,7 @@ class Buffer
ids.push(id) if marker.containsPoint(bufferPosition)
# Public: Identifies if a character sequence is within a certain range.
# Identifies if a character sequence is within a certain range.
# regex - The {RegExp} to check
# startIndex - The starting row {Number}
@ -611,14 +615,14 @@ class Buffer
# Public: Scans for text in the buffer, calling a function on each match.
# Scans for text in the buffer, calling a function on each match.
# regex - A {RegExp} representing the text to find
# iterator - A {Function} that's called on each match
scan: (regex, iterator) ->
@scanInRange(regex, @getRange(), iterator)
# Public: Scans for text in a given range, calling a function on each match.
# Scans for text in a given range, calling a function on each match.
# regex - A {RegExp} representing the text to find
# range - A {Range} in the buffer to search within
@ -661,7 +665,7 @@ class Buffer
break unless global and keepLooping
# Public: Scans for text in a given range _backwards_, calling a function on each match.
# Scans for text in a given range _backwards_, calling a function on each match.
# regex - A {RegExp} representing the text to find
# range - A {Range} in the buffer to search within
@ -669,7 +673,7 @@ class Buffer
backwardsScanInRange: (regex, range, iterator) ->
@scanInRange regex, range, iterator, true
# Public: Given a row, identifies if it is blank.
# Given a row, identifies if it is blank.
# row - A row {Number} to check
@ -677,7 +681,7 @@ class Buffer
isRowBlank: (row) ->
not /\S/.test @lineForRow(row)
# Public: Given a row, this finds the next row above it that's empty.
# Given a row, this finds the next row above it that's empty.
# startRow - A {Number} identifying the row to start checking at
@ -691,7 +695,7 @@ class Buffer
return row unless @isRowBlank(row)
# Public: Given a row, this finds the next row that's blank.
# Given a row, this finds the next row that's blank.
# startRow - A row {Number} to check
@ -704,7 +708,7 @@ class Buffer
return row unless @isRowBlank(row)
# Public: Identifies if the buffer has soft tabs anywhere.
# Identifies if the buffer has soft tabs anywhere.
# Returns a {Boolean},
usesSoftTabs: ->
@ -713,22 +717,37 @@ class Buffer
return match[0][0] != '\t'
# Public: Checks out the current `HEAD` revision of the file.
# Checks out the current `HEAD` revision of the file.
checkoutHead: ->
path = @getPath()
return unless path
# Public: Checks to see if a file exists.
# Checks to see if a file exists.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
fileExists: ->
@file? && @file.exists()
### Internal ###
# Internal #
commit: -> @undoManager.commit()
abort: -> @undoManager.abort()
change: (oldRange, newText, options) ->
oldRange = Range.fromObject(oldRange)
operation = new BufferChangeOperation({buffer: this, oldRange, newText, options})
range = @pushOperation(operation)
pushOperation: (operation, editSession) ->
if @undoManager
@undoManager.pushOperation(operation, editSession)
transact: (fn) -> @undoManager.transact(fn)
scheduleModifiedEvents: ->
clearTimeout(@stoppedChangingTimeout) if @stoppedChangingTimeout
@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ EventEmitter = require 'event-emitter'
pathSplitRegex = new RegExp("[#{nodePath.sep}.]")
TextMateScopeSelector = require 'text-mate-scope-selector'
# Internal #
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class TextMateGrammar
@ -502,9 +500,7 @@ class Pattern
# Internal #
### Internal ###
shiftCapture = (captureIndices) ->
[captureIndices.shift(), captureIndices.shift(), captureIndices.shift()]
@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ _ = require 'underscore'
TextMateGrammar = require 'text-mate-grammar'
async = require 'async'
# Internal #
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class TextMatePackage extends Package
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
# Internal #
### Internal ###
class SegmentMatcher
constructor: (segment) ->
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
PEG = require 'pegjs'
fsUtils = require 'fs-utils'
# Public: Test a stack of scopes to see if they match a scope selector.
# Internal: Test a stack of scopes to see if they match a scope selector.
module.exports =
class TextMateScopeSelector
@parser: null
@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ class TextMateScopeSelector
source: null
matcher: null
# Public: Create a new scope selector.
# Create a new scope selector.
# source - A {String} to parse as a scope selector.
constructor: (@source) ->
@matcher = TextMateScopeSelector.createParser().parse(@source)
# Public: Check if this scope selector matches the scopes.
# Check if this scope selector matches the scopes.
# scopes - An {Array} of {String}s.
@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ fsUtils = require 'fs-utils'
plist = require 'plist'
Theme = require 'theme'
# Internal #
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class TextMateTheme extends Theme
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
fsUtils = require 'fs-utils'
# Internal #
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class Theme
@ -7,10 +7,14 @@ class Token
isAtomic: null
isHardTab: null
### Internal ###
constructor: ({@value, @scopes, @isAtomic, @bufferDelta, @isHardTab}) ->
@screenDelta = @value.length
@bufferDelta ?= @screenDelta
### Public ###
isEqual: (other) ->
@value == other.value and _.isEqual(@scopes, other.scopes) and !!@isAtomic == !!other.isAtomic
@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ Token = require 'token'
Range = require 'range'
Point = require 'point'
# Internal #
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class TokenizedBuffer
@ -69,13 +67,13 @@ class TokenizedBuffer
setVisible: (@visible) ->
@tokenizeInBackground() if @visible
# Public: Retrieves the current tab length.
# Retrieves the current tab length.
# Returns a {Number}.
getTabLength: ->
# Public: Specifies the tab length.
# Specifies the tab length.
# tabLength - A {Number} that defines the new tab length.
setTabLength: (@tabLength) ->
@ -265,7 +263,7 @@ class TokenizedBuffer
# Public: Gets the row number of the last line.
# Gets the row number of the last line.
# Returns a {Number}.
getLastRow: ->
@ -10,9 +10,7 @@ require 'space-pen-extensions'
deserializers = {}
deferredDeserializers = {}
# Internal #
### Internal ###
# This method is called in any window needing a general environment, including specs
window.setUpEnvironment = ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user