🍎 Fix emoji rendering

This commit is contained in:
Antonio Scandurra 2016-03-31 11:44:32 +02:00
parent 36be446060
commit d568c76b0b

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@ -44,10 +44,15 @@ class WorkspaceElement extends HTMLElement
@subscriptions.add @config.onDidChange 'editor.lineHeight', @updateGlobalTextEditorStyleSheet.bind(this)
updateGlobalTextEditorStyleSheet: ->
fontFamily = @config.get('editor.fontFamily')
# TODO: There is a bug in how some emojis (e.g. ) are rendered on OSX.
# This workaround should be removed once we update to Chromium 51, where the
# problem was fixed.
fontFamily += ', "Apple Color Emoji"' if process.platform is 'darwin'
styleSheetSource = """
atom-text-editor {
font-size: #{@config.get('editor.fontSize')}px;
font-family: #{@config.get('editor.fontFamily')};
font-family: #{fontFamily};
line-height: #{@config.get('editor.lineHeight')};