WIP: 👕 Fix linter errors

This commit is contained in:
Machiste Quintana 2015-05-22 16:29:12 -04:00
parent ffd3d7a61f
commit d5bcc0433d
7 changed files with 25 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ describe "DisplayBuffer", ->
it "renders line numbers correctly", ->
originalLineCount = displayBuffer.getLineCount()
oneHundredLines = [0..100].join("\n")
buffer.insert([0,0], oneHundredLines)
buffer.insert([0, 0], oneHundredLines)
expect(displayBuffer.getLineCount()).toBe 100 + originalLineCount
it "reassigns the scrollTop if it exceeds the max possible value after lines are removed", ->
@ -382,10 +382,10 @@ describe "DisplayBuffer", ->
describe "when creating a fold where one already exists", ->
it "returns existing fold and does't create new fold", ->
fold = displayBuffer.createFold(0,10)
fold = displayBuffer.createFold(0, 10)
expect(displayBuffer.findMarkers(class: 'fold').length).toBe 1
newFold = displayBuffer.createFold(0,10)
newFold = displayBuffer.createFold(0, 10)
expect(newFold).toBe fold
expect(displayBuffer.findMarkers(class: 'fold').length).toBe 1

View File

@ -14,18 +14,18 @@ describe "Selection", ->
describe ".deleteSelectedText()", ->
describe "when nothing is selected", ->
it "deletes nothing", ->
selection.setBufferRange [[0,3], [0,3]]
selection.setBufferRange [[0, 3], [0, 3]]
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe "var quicksort = function () {"
describe "when one line is selected", ->
it "deletes selected text and clears the selection", ->
selection.setBufferRange [[0,4], [0,14]]
selection.setBufferRange [[0, 4], [0, 14]]
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe "var = function () {"
endOfLine = buffer.lineForRow(0).length
selection.setBufferRange [[0,0], [0, endOfLine]]
selection.setBufferRange [[0, 0], [0, endOfLine]]
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe ""
@ -33,15 +33,15 @@ describe "Selection", ->
describe "when multiple lines are selected", ->
it "deletes selected text and clears the selection", ->
selection.setBufferRange [[0,1], [2,39]]
selection.setBufferRange [[0, 1], [2, 39]]
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe "v;"
describe "when the cursor precedes the tail", ->
it "deletes selected text and clears the selection", ->
selection.cursor.setScreenPosition [0,13]
selection.selectToScreenPosition [0,4]
selection.cursor.setScreenPosition [0, 13]
selection.selectToScreenPosition [0, 4]
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe "var = function () {"

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ describe "TextEditorElement", ->
editor = new TextEditor
editor.addGutter({name: 'test-gutter'})
marker = editor.markBufferRange([[0,0],[2,0]])
marker = editor.markBufferRange([[0, 0], [2, 0]])
editor.decorateMarker(marker, {type: 'gutter', gutterName: 'test-gutter'})
element = atom.views.getView(editor)

View File

@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ describe "TokenizedBuffer", ->
describe "when there is an insertion that is larger than the chunk size", ->
it "tokenizes the initial chunk synchronously, then tokenizes the remaining lines in the background", ->
commentBlock = _.multiplyString("// a comment\n", tokenizedBuffer.chunkSize + 2)
buffer.insert([0,0], commentBlock)
buffer.insert([0, 0], commentBlock)
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ describe "TokenizedBuffer", ->
runs ->
{tokens} = tokenizedBuffer.tokenizedLineForRow(0)
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: '<', scopes: ["text.html.ruby","meta.tag.block.any.html","punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html"]
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: '<', scopes: ["text.html.ruby", "meta.tag.block.any.html", "punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html"]
describe ".tokenForPosition(position)", ->
afterEach ->
@ -552,9 +552,9 @@ describe "TokenizedBuffer", ->
buffer = atom.project.bufferForPathSync('sample.js')
tokenizedBuffer = new TokenizedBuffer({buffer})
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([1,0]).scopes).toEqual ["source.js"]
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([1,1]).scopes).toEqual ["source.js"]
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([1,2]).scopes).toEqual ["source.js", "storage.modifier.js"]
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([1, 0]).scopes).toEqual ["source.js"]
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([1, 1]).scopes).toEqual ["source.js"]
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([1, 2]).scopes).toEqual ["source.js", "storage.modifier.js"]
describe ".bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition(selector, position)", ->
beforeEach ->
@ -580,20 +580,20 @@ describe "TokenizedBuffer", ->
tokenizedBuffer = new TokenizedBuffer({buffer})
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([0,0]).value).toBe ' '
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([0, 0]).value).toBe ' '
atom.config.set('editor.tabLength', 6)
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([0,0]).value).toBe ' '
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([0, 0]).value).toBe ' '
it "does not allow the tab length to be less than 1", ->
buffer = atom.project.bufferForPathSync('sample.js')
tokenizedBuffer = new TokenizedBuffer({buffer})
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([0,0]).value).toBe ' '
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([0, 0]).value).toBe ' '
atom.config.set('editor.tabLength', 1)
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([0,0]).value).toBe ' '
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([0, 0]).value).toBe ' '
atom.config.set('editor.tabLength', 0)
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([0,0]).value).toBe ' '
expect(tokenizedBuffer.tokenForPosition([0, 0]).value).toBe ' '
describe "when the invisibles value changes", ->
beforeEach ->

View File

@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ describe "Workspace", ->
atom.project.open('sample.js').then (o) -> editor = o
runs ->
editor.buffer.setTextInRange([[0,0],[0,0]], 'omg')
editor.buffer.setTextInRange([[0, 0], [0, 0]], 'omg')
waitsForPromise ->

View File

@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class AtomApplication
@on 'application:open-safe', -> @promptForPathToOpen('all', safeMode: true)
@on 'application:open-api-preview', -> @promptForPathToOpen('all', apiPreviewMode: true)
@on 'application:open-dev-api-preview', -> @promptForPathToOpen('all', {apiPreviewMode: true, devMode: true})
@on 'application:inspect', ({x,y, atomWindow}) ->
@on 'application:inspect', ({x, y, atomWindow}) ->
atomWindow ?= @focusedWindow()
atomWindow?.browserWindow.inspectElement(x, y)

View File

@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ class Cursor extends Model
# Public: Moves the cursor to the top of the buffer.
moveToTop: ->
@setBufferPosition([0, 0])
# Public: Moves the cursor to the bottom of the buffer.
moveToBottom: ->
@ -673,9 +673,9 @@ class Cursor extends Model
start = @getBufferPosition()
{row, column} = start
scanRange = [[row-1, column], [0,0]]
scanRange = [[row-1, column], [0, 0]]
position = new Point(0, 0)
zero = new Point(0,0)
zero = new Point(0, 0)
@editor.backwardsScanInBufferRange /^\n*$/g, scanRange, ({range, stop}) ->
unless range.start.isEqual(zero)
position = range.start