📝 doc parameters in selection.coffee

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Kevin Sawicki 2014-02-06 17:16:31 -08:00
parent f213389db8
commit da9a7a18dd

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@ -55,10 +55,8 @@ class Selection
# Public: Modifies the screen range for the selection.
# * screenRange:
# The new {Range} to use
# * options:
# + A hash of options matching those found in {.setBufferRange}
# screenRange - The new {Range} to use.
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {.setBufferRange}.
setScreenRange: (screenRange, options) ->
@setBufferRange(@editor.bufferRangeForScreenRange(screenRange), options)
@ -68,13 +66,11 @@ class Selection
# Public: Modifies the buffer {Range} for the selection.
# * screenRange:
# The new {Range} to select
# * options
# + preserveFolds:
# if `true`, the fold settings are preserved after the selection moves
# + autoscroll:
# if `true`, the {Editor} scrolls to the new selection
# screenRange - The new {Range} to select.
# options - An {Object} with the keys:
# :preserveFolds - if `true`, the fold settings are preserved after the
# selection moves.
# :autoscroll - if `true`, the {Editor} scrolls to the new selection.
setBufferRange: (bufferRange, options={}) ->
bufferRange = Range.fromObject(bufferRange)
@needsAutoscroll = options.autoscroll
@ -124,8 +120,7 @@ class Selection
# Public: Selects an entire line in the buffer.
# * row:
# The line Number to select (default: the row of the cursor)
# row - The line {Number} to select (default: the row of the cursor).
selectLine: (row=@cursor.getBufferPosition().row) ->
range = @editor.bufferRangeForBufferRow(row, includeNewline: true)
@ -144,8 +139,7 @@ class Selection
# Public: Selects the text from the current cursor position to a given screen
# position.
# * position:
# An instance of {Point}, with a given `row` and `column`.
# position - An instance of {Point}, with a given `row` and `column`.
selectToScreenPosition: (position) ->
@modifySelection =>
if @initialScreenRange
@ -164,8 +158,7 @@ class Selection
# Public: Selects the text from the current cursor position to a given buffer
# position.
# * position:
# An instance of {Point}, with a given `row` and `column`.
# position - An instance of {Point}, with a given `row` and `column`.
selectToBufferPosition: (position) ->
@modifySelection => @cursor.setBufferPosition(position)
@ -255,8 +248,6 @@ class Selection
@editor.addSelectionForBufferRange(range, goalBufferRange: range)
# Public:
# FIXME: I have no idea what this does.
getGoalBufferRange: ->
@ -281,20 +272,14 @@ class Selection
# Public: Replaces text at the current selection.
# * text:
# A {String} representing the text to add
# * options
# + select:
# if `true`, selects the newly added text
# + autoIndent:
# if `true`, indents all inserted text appropriately
# + autoIndentNewline:
# if `true`, indent newline appropriately
# + autoDecreaseIndent:
# if `true`, decreases indent level appropriately (for example, when a
# closing bracket is inserted)
# + undo:
# if `skip`, skips the undo stack for this operation.
# text - A {String} representing the text to add
# options - An {Object} with keys:
# :select - if `true`, selects the newly added text.
# :autoIndent - if `true`, indents all inserted text appropriately.
# :autoIndentNewline - if `true`, indent newline appropriately.
# :autoDecreaseIndent - if `true`, decreases indent level appropriately
# (for example, when a closing bracket is inserted).
# :undo - if `skip`, skips the undo stack for this operation.
insertText: (text, options={}) ->
oldBufferRange = @getBufferRange()
@ -322,10 +307,8 @@ class Selection
# Public: Indents the given text to the suggested level based on the grammar.
# * text:
# The string to indent within the selection.
# * indentBasis:
# The beginning indent level.
# text - The {String} to indent within the selection.
# indentBasis - The beginning indent level.
normalizeIndents: (text, indentBasis) ->
textPrecedingCursor = @cursor.getCurrentBufferLine()[0...@cursor.getBufferColumn()]
isCursorInsideExistingLine = /\S/.test(textPrecedingCursor)
@ -353,10 +336,9 @@ class Selection
# Public: Indents the selection.
# * options - A hash with one key,
# + autoIndent:
# If `true`, the indentation is performed appropriately. Otherwise,
# {Editor.getTabText} is used
# options - A {Object} with the keys:
# :autoIndent - If `true`, the indentation is performed appropriately.
# Otherwise, {Editor.getTabText} is used.
indent: ({ autoIndent }={})->
{ row, column } = @cursor.getBufferPosition()
@ -501,25 +483,16 @@ class Selection
# Public: Cuts the selection until the end of the line.
# * maintainClipboard:
# ?
cutToEndOfLine: (maintainClipboard) ->
@selectToEndOfLine() if @isEmpty()
# Public: Copies the selection to the clipboard and then deletes it.
# * maintainClipboard:
# ?
cut: (maintainClipboard=false) ->
# Public: Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
# * maintainClipboard:
# ?
copy: (maintainClipboard=false) ->
return if @isEmpty()
text = @editor.buffer.getTextInRange(@getBufferRange())
@ -536,7 +509,6 @@ class Selection
@editor.createFold(range.start.row, range.end.row)
@cursor.setBufferPosition([range.end.row + 1, 0])
# Public: ?
modifySelection: (fn) ->
@retainSelection = true
@ -553,8 +525,7 @@ class Selection
# Public: Identifies if a selection intersects with a given buffer range.
# * bufferRange:
# A {Range} to check against
# bufferRange - A {Range} to check against.
# Returns a Boolean.
intersectsBufferRange: (bufferRange) ->
@ -562,8 +533,7 @@ class Selection
# Public: Identifies if a selection intersects with another selection.
# * otherSelection:
# A {Selection} to check against
# otherSelection - A {Selection} to check against.
# Returns a Boolean.
intersectsWith: (otherSelection) ->
@ -572,10 +542,8 @@ class Selection
# Public: Combines the given selection into this selection and then destroys
# the given selection.
# * otherSelection:
# A {Selection} to merge with
# * options
# + A hash of options matching those found in {.setBufferRange}
# otherSelection - A {Selection} to merge with.
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {.setBufferRange}.
merge: (otherSelection, options) ->
myGoalBufferRange = @getGoalBufferRange()
otherGoalBufferRange = otherSelection.getGoalBufferRange()
@ -591,8 +559,7 @@ class Selection
# See {Range.compare} for more details.
# * otherSelection:
# A {Selection} to compare with.
# otherSelection - A {Selection} to compare against.
compare: (otherSelection) ->