Specs for highlights

This commit is contained in:
Ben Ogle 2014-06-16 15:24:01 -07:00
parent d2908c75fc
commit dff27eba18

View File

@ -738,6 +738,93 @@ describe "EditorComponent", ->
expect(selectionNode.offsetTop).toBe editor.getLineHeightInPixels()
expect(selectionNode.offsetLeft).toBe editor.pixelPositionForScreenPosition([1, 6]).left
describe "decoration highlight rendering", ->
[marker, decoration, scrollViewClientLeft] = []
beforeEach ->
scrollViewClientLeft = node.querySelector('.scroll-view').getBoundingClientRect().left
marker = editor.displayBuffer.markBufferRange([[2, 13], [3, 15]], invalidate: 'inside')
decoration = {type: 'highlight', class: 'test-highlight'}
editor.addDecorationForMarker(marker, decoration)
waitsFor -> not component.decorationChangedImmediate?
it "does not render highlights for off-screen lines until they come on-screen", ->
node.style.height = 2.5 * lineHeightInPixels + 'px'
marker = editor.displayBuffer.markBufferRange([[9, 2], [9, 4]], invalidate: 'inside')
editor.addDecorationForMarker(marker, type: 'highlight', class: 'some-highlight')
waitsFor -> not component.decorationChangedImmediate?
runs ->
# Should not be rendering range containing the marker
expect(component.getRenderedRowRange()[1]).toBeLessThan 9
regions = node.querySelectorAll('.some-highlight .region')
console.log component.getRenderedRowRange(), regions
# Nothing when outside the rendered row range
expect(regions.length).toBe 0
verticalScrollbarNode.scrollTop = 3.5 * lineHeightInPixels
verticalScrollbarNode.dispatchEvent(new UIEvent('scroll'))
regions = node.querySelectorAll('.some-highlight .region')
expect(regions.length).toBe 1
regionRect = regions[0].style
expect(regionRect.top).toBe 9 * lineHeightInPixels + 'px'
expect(regionRect.height).toBe 1 * lineHeightInPixels + 'px'
expect(regionRect.left).toBe 2 * charWidth + 'px'
expect(regionRect.width).toBe 2 * charWidth + 'px'
it "renders highlights decoration's marker is added", ->
regions = node.querySelectorAll('.test-highlight .region')
expect(regions.length).toBe 2
it "removes highlights when a decoration is removed", ->
editor.removeDecorationForMarker(marker, decoration)
waitsFor -> not component.decorationChangedImmediate?
runs ->
regions = node.querySelectorAll('.test-highlight .region')
expect(regions.length).toBe 0
it "moves rendered highlights when the marker moves", ->
regionStyle = node.querySelector('.test-highlight .region').style
originalTop = parseInt(regionStyle.top)
editor.getBuffer().insert([0, 0], '\n')
regionStyle = node.querySelector('.test-highlight .region').style
newTop = parseInt(regionStyle.top)
expect(newTop).toBe originalTop + lineHeightInPixels
it "removes highlights when a decoration's marker is destroyed", ->
waitsFor -> not component.decorationChangedImmediate?
runs ->
regions = node.querySelectorAll('.test-highlight .region')
expect(regions.length).toBe 0
it "only renders highlights when a decoration's marker is valid", ->
editor.getBuffer().insert([3, 2], 'n')
waitsFor -> not component.decorationChangedImmediate?
runs ->
expect(marker.isValid()).toBe false
regions = node.querySelectorAll('.test-highlight .region')
expect(regions.length).toBe 0
waitsFor -> not component.decorationChangedImmediate?
runs ->
expect(marker.isValid()).toBe true
regions = node.querySelectorAll('.test-highlight .region')
expect(regions.length).toBe 2
describe "hidden input field", ->
it "renders the hidden input field at the position of the last cursor if the cursor is on screen and the editor is focused", ->