diff --git a/resources/mac/app-Info.plist b/resources/mac/app-Info.plist
index 7df73dc8b..328fb0bf1 100644
--- a/resources/mac/app-Info.plist
+++ b/resources/mac/app-Info.plist
@@ -1,68 +1,488 @@
- BuildMachineOSBuild
- 12D78
- CFBundleDevelopmentRegion
- English
- CFBundleDocumentTypes
- CFBundleTypeIconFile
- file.icns
- CFBundleTypeRole
- Editor
- LSItemContentTypes
- public.folder
- public.plain-text
- CFBundleExecutable
- Atom
- CFBundleIconFile
- atom.icns
- CFBundleIdentifier
- com.github.atom
- CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion
- 6.0
- CFBundleName
- Atom
- CFBundlePackageType
- CFBundleShortVersionString
- CFBundleSignature
- ????
- CFBundleVersion
- DTCompiler
- com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0
- DTPlatformBuild
- 4H1003
- DTPlatformVersion
- GM
- DTSDKBuild
- 12D78
- DTXcode
- 0462
- DTXcodeBuild
- 4H1003
- LSApplicationCategoryType
- public.app-category.developer-tools
- NSMainNibFile
- MainMenu
- NSPrincipalClass
- AtomApplication
- https://speakeasy.githubapp.com/apps/27/appcast.xml
- SUPublicDSAKeyFile
- speakeasy.pem
- SUScheduledCheckInterval
- 3600
+ CFBundleName = "Atom";
+ CFBundleShortVersionString = "${VERSION}";
+ CFBundleVersion = "${VERSION}";
+ CFBundleIdentifier = "com.github.atom";
+ CFBundleDevelopmentRegion = English;
+ CFBundleExecutable = "Atom";
+ CFBundleIconFile = "atom.icns";
+ CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion = "6.0";
+ CFBundlePackageType = APPL;
+ CFBundleSignature = "????";
+ LSApplicationCategoryType = "public.app-category.developer-tools";
+ LSMinimumSystemVersion = "10.7";
+ NSAppleScriptEnabled = YES;
+ NSMainNibFile = MainMenu;
+ NSPrincipalClass = AtomApplication;
+ SUFeedURL = "https://speakeasy.githubapp.com/apps/27/appcast.xml";
+ SUPublicDSAKeyFile = "speakeasy.pem";
+ SUScheduledCheckInterval = "3600";
+ CFBundleDocumentTypes = (
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "ADA source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (adb, ads);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Compiled AppleScript";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (scpt);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = AS;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "AppleScript source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (applescript);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = AS;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "ActionScript source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (as);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = AS;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "ASP document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (asp, asa);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = ASP;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "ASP.NET document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (aspx, ascx, asmx, ashx);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = ASP;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "BibTeX bibliography";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (bib);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = BibTeX;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "C source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (c);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = C;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "C++ source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (cc, cp, cpp, cxx, "c++");
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = "C++";
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "C# source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (cs);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = "C#";
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "CoffeeScript source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (coffee);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = CoffeeScript;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Context Free Design Grammar";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (cfdg);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Comma separated values";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (csv);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Text;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Tab separated values";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (tsv);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Text;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "CGI script";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (cgi, fcgi);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Configuration file";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (cfg, conf, config, htaccess);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Cascading style sheet";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (css);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = CSS;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Differences file";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (diff);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Diff;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Document Type Definition";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (dtd);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = XML;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Dylan source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (dylan);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Erlang source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (erl, hrl);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Erlang;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "F-Script source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (fscript);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = "Blank";
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Fortran source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (f, for, fpp, f77, f90, f95);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Fortran;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Header";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (h, pch);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = H;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "C++ header";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (hh, hpp, hxx, "h++");
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = "H++";
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "GTD document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (gtd, gtdlog);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = GTD;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Haskell source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (hs, lhs);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Haskell;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "HTML document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (htm, html, phtml, shtml);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = HTML;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Include file";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (inc);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "iCalendar schedule";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (ics);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "MS Windows initialization file";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (ini);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = INI;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Io source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (io);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Java source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (java);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Java;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "BeanShell script";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (bsh);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Java;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Java properties file";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (properties);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Java;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "JavaScript source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (js, htc);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = JavaScript;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Java Server Page";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (jsp);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Java;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "JSON file";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (json);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = JSON;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "LDAP Data Interchange Format";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (ldif);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Lisp source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (lisp, cl, l, lsp, mud, el);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Lisp;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Log file";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (log);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Text;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Logo source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (logo);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Lua source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (lua);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Lua;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Markdown document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (markdown, mdown, markdn, md);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Markdown;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Mediawiki document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (wiki, wikipedia, mediawiki);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Text;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "MIPS assembler source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (s, mips, spim, asm);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Modula-3 source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (m3, cm3);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "MoinMoin document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (moinmoin);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Text;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Objective-C source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (m);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = "Obj-C";
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Objective-C++ source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (mm);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = "Obj-C++";
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "OCaml source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (ml, mli, mll, mly);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Pascal source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (pas, p);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Pascal;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Patch file";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (patch);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Patch;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Perl source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (pl, pod, perl);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Perl;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Perl module";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (pm);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Perl;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "PHP source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (php, php3, php4, php5);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = PHP;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "PostScript source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (ps, eps);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Property list";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (dict, plist, scriptSuite, scriptTerminology);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Plist;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Python source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (py, rpy, cpy, python);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Python;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "R source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (r, s);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = R;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Ragel source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (rl, ragel);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Ragel;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Remind document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (rem, remind);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "reStructuredText document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (rst, rest);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = reST;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "HTML with embedded Ruby";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (rhtml);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = RHTML;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "SQL with embedded Ruby";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (erbsql);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = SQL;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Ruby source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (rb, rbx, rjs, rxml);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Ruby;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Scheme source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (scm, sch);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Setext document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (ext);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Text;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Shell script";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (sh, ss, bashrc, "bash_profile", "bash_login", profile, "bash_logout");
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Shell;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Slate source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (slate);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "SQL source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (sql);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = SQL;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Standard ML source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (sml);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Strings document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (strings);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Strings;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Scalable vector graphics";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (svg);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = XML;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "SWIG source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (i, swg);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = SWIG;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Tcl source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (tcl);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "TeX document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (tex, sty, cls);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = TeX;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Plain text document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (text, txt, utf8);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Text;
+ CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = ("text/plain");
+ CFBundleTypeOSTypes = (TEXT, sEXT, ttro);
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Textile document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (textile);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Text;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "XHTML document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (xhtml);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = XML;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "XML document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (xml, xsd, xib, rss, tld, pt, cpt, dtml);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = XML;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "XSL stylesheet";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (xsl, xslt);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = XML;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Electronic business card";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (vcf, vcard);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Visual Basic source";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (vb);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "YAML document";
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (yaml, yml);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = YAML;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ /* generic types */
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Text document"; /* generic plain text types */
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (nfo);
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Text;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Source"; /* generic source code types */
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (
+ g, vss, d, e, gri, inf, mel, build, re,
+ textmate, fxscript, lgt
+ );
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Document"; /* generic document types */
+ CFBundleTypeExtensions = (
+ cfm, cfml, dbm, dbml, dist, dot, ics, ifb, dwt, g,
+ in, l, m4, mp, mtml, orig, pde,
+ rej, servlet, s5, tmp, tpl, tt,
+ xql, yy, "*"
+ );
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = Blank;
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeName = "Document";
+ CFBundleTypeIconFile = GenericDocumentIcon;
+ CFBundleTypeOSTypes = ("****");
+ CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
+ LSItemContentTypes = ( public.data );
+ },
+ { CFBundleTypeRole = "Editor";
+ LSItemContentTypes = ( "public.directory", "com.apple.bundle", "com.apple.resolvable" );
+ },
+ );
diff --git a/resources/mac/helper-Info.plist b/resources/mac/helper-Info.plist
index f697a65c0..2fb05d7e0 100644
--- a/resources/mac/helper-Info.plist
+++ b/resources/mac/helper-Info.plist
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
- BuildMachineOSBuild
- 12D78
@@ -24,24 +22,8 @@
- DTCompiler
- com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0
- DTPlatformBuild
- 4H1003
- DTPlatformVersion
- GM
- DTSDKBuild
- 12D78
- DTXcode
- 0462
- DTXcodeBuild
- 4H1003
- LSFileQuarantineEnabled
- 10.5.0
+ 10.7.0