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synced 2024-11-11 04:48:44 +03:00
Organize DisplayBufferMarker into sections. Add docs from Marker
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,26 @@ EmitterMixin = require('emissary').Emitter
{Emitter} = require 'event-kit'
Grim = require 'grim'
# Essential: Represents a buffer annotation that remains logically stationary
# even as the buffer changes. This is used to represent cursors, folds, snippet
# targets, misspelled words, and anything else that needs to track a logical
# location in the buffer over time.
# ### Head and Tail
# Markers always have a *head* and sometimes have a *tail*. If you think of a
# marker as an editor selection, the tail is the part that's stationary and the
# head is the part that moves when the mouse is moved. A marker without a tail
# always reports an empty range at the head position. A marker with a head position
# greater than the tail is in a "normal" orientation. If the head precedes the
# tail the marker is in a "reversed" orientation.
# ### Validity
# Markers are considered *valid* when they are first created. Depending on the
# invalidation strategy you choose, certain changes to the buffer can cause a
# marker to become invalid, for example if the text surrounding the marker is
# deleted. See {Editor::markBufferRange} for invalidation strategies.
module.exports =
class DisplayBufferMarker
@ -18,6 +38,10 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
wasValid: true
deferredChangeEvents: null
Section: Construction and Destruction
constructor: ({@bufferMarker, @displayBuffer}) ->
@emitter = new Emitter
@id = @bufferMarker.id
@ -30,9 +54,49 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
@subscribe @bufferMarker.onDidDestroy => @destroyed()
@subscribe @bufferMarker.onDidChange (event) => @notifyObservers(event)
# Essential: Destroys the marker, causing it to emit the 'destroyed' event. Once
# destroyed, a marker cannot be restored by undo/redo operations.
destroy: ->
# Essential: Creates and returns a new {Marker} with the same properties as this
# marker.
# * `properties` {Object}
copy: (properties) ->
Section: Event Subscription
# Essential: Invoke the given callback when the state of the marker changes.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called when the marker changes.
# * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
# * `oldHeadPosition` {Point} representing the former head position
# * `newHeadPosition` {Point} representing the new head position
# * `oldTailPosition` {Point} representing the former tail position
# * `newTailPosition` {Point} representing the new tail position
# * `wasValid` {Boolean} indicating whether the marker was valid before the change
# * `isValid` {Boolean} indicating whether the marker is now valid
# * `hadTail` {Boolean} indicating whether the marker had a tail before the change
# * `hasTail` {Boolean} indicating whether the marker now has a tail
# * `oldProperties` {Object} containing the marker's custom properties before the change.
# * `newProperties` {Object} containing the marker's custom properties after the change.
# * `textChanged` {Boolean} indicating whether this change was caused by a textual change
# to the buffer or whether the marker was manipulated directly via its public API.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChange: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-change', callback
# Essential: Invoke the given callback when the marker is destroyed.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called when the marker is destroyed.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidDestroy: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-destroy', callback
@ -45,154 +109,35 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
EmitterMixin::on.apply(this, arguments)
copy: (attributes) ->
Section: Marker Metadata
# Gets the screen range of the display marker.
# Returns a {Range}.
getScreenRange: ->
@displayBuffer.screenRangeForBufferRange(@getBufferRange(), wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)
# Modifies the screen range of the display marker.
# screenRange - The new {Range} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {Marker::setRange}
setScreenRange: (screenRange, options) ->
@setBufferRange(@displayBuffer.bufferRangeForScreenRange(screenRange), options)
# Gets the buffer range of the display marker.
# Returns a {Range}.
getBufferRange: ->
# Modifies the buffer range of the display marker.
# screenRange - The new {Range} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {Marker::setRange}
setBufferRange: (bufferRange, options) ->
@bufferMarker.setRange(bufferRange, options)
getPixelRange: ->
@displayBuffer.pixelRangeForScreenRange(@getScreenRange(), false)
# Retrieves the screen position of the marker's head.
# Returns a {Point}.
getHeadScreenPosition: ->
@displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition(@getHeadBufferPosition(), wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)
# Sets the screen position of the marker's head.
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer::bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setHeadScreenPosition: (screenPosition, options) ->
screenPosition = @displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition(screenPosition, options)
@setHeadBufferPosition(@displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition, options))
# Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's head.
# Returns a {Point}.
getHeadBufferPosition: ->
# Sets the buffer position of the marker's head.
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer::bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setHeadBufferPosition: (bufferPosition) ->
# Retrieves the screen position of the marker's tail.
# Returns a {Point}.
getTailScreenPosition: ->
@displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition(@getTailBufferPosition(), wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)
# Sets the screen position of the marker's tail.
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer::bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setTailScreenPosition: (screenPosition, options) ->
screenPosition = @displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition(screenPosition, options)
@setTailBufferPosition(@displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition, options))
# Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's tail.
# Returns a {Point}.
getTailBufferPosition: ->
# Sets the buffer position of the marker's tail.
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer::bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setTailBufferPosition: (bufferPosition) ->
# Retrieves the screen position of the marker's start. This will always be
# less than or equal to the result of {DisplayBufferMarker::getEndScreenPosition}.
# Returns a {Point}.
getStartScreenPosition: ->
@displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition(@getStartBufferPosition(), wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)
# Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's start. This will always be
# less than or equal to the result of {DisplayBufferMarker::getEndBufferPosition}.
# Returns a {Point}.
getStartBufferPosition: ->
# Retrieves the screen position of the marker's end. This will always be
# greater than or equal to the result of {DisplayBufferMarker::getStartScreenPosition}.
# Returns a {Point}.
getEndScreenPosition: ->
@displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition(@getEndBufferPosition(), wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)
# Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's end. This will always be
# greater than or equal to the result of {DisplayBufferMarker::getStartBufferPosition}.
# Returns a {Point}.
getEndBufferPosition: ->
# Sets the marker's tail to the same position as the marker's head.
# This only works if there isn't already a tail position.
# Returns a {Point} representing the new tail position.
plantTail: ->
# Removes the tail from the marker.
clearTail: ->
hasTail: ->
# Returns whether the head precedes the tail in the buffer
isReversed: ->
# Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether the marker is valid. Markers can be
# Essential: Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether the marker is valid. Markers can be
# invalidated when a region surrounding them in the buffer is changed.
isValid: ->
# Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether the marker has been destroyed. A marker
# Essential: Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether the marker has been destroyed. A marker
# can be invalid without being destroyed, in which case undoing the invalidating
# operation would restore the marker. Once a marker is destroyed by calling
# {Marker::destroy}, no undo/redo operation can ever bring it back.
isDestroyed: ->
# Extended: Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether the head precedes the tail.
isReversed: ->
# Extended: Returns an {Object} containing any custom properties associated with
# the marker.
getAttributes: ->
# Extended: Merges an {Object} containing new properties into the marker's
# existing properties.
# * `properties` {Object}
setAttributes: (attributes) ->
@ -200,18 +145,164 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
attributes = @displayBuffer.translateToBufferMarkerParams(attributes)
# Destroys the marker
destroy: ->
Section: Comparing to other markers
# Essential: Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether this marker is equivalent to
# another marker, meaning they have the same range and options.
# * `other` {Marker} other marker
isEqual: (other) ->
return false unless other instanceof @constructor
# Essential: Compares this marker to another based on their ranges.
# * `other` {Marker}
# Returns a {Number}
compare: (other) ->
Section: Managing the marker's range
# Essential: Gets the buffer range of the display marker.
# Returns a {Range}.
getBufferRange: ->
# Essential: Modifies the buffer range of the display marker.
# * `bufferRange` The new {Range} to use
# * `properties` (optional) {Object} properties to associate with the marker.
# * `reversed` {Boolean} If true, the marker will to be in a reversed orientation.
setBufferRange: (bufferRange, properties) ->
@bufferMarker.setRange(bufferRange, properties)
# Essential: Gets the screen range of the display marker.
# Returns a {Range}.
getScreenRange: ->
@displayBuffer.screenRangeForBufferRange(@getBufferRange(), wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)
# Essential: Modifies the screen range of the display marker.
# * `screenRange` The new {Range} to use
# * `properties` (optional) {Object} properties to associate with the marker.
# * `reversed` {Boolean} If true, the marker will to be in a reversed orientation.
setScreenRange: (screenRange, options) ->
@setBufferRange(@displayBuffer.bufferRangeForScreenRange(screenRange), options)
# Essential: Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's start. This will always be
# less than or equal to the result of {DisplayBufferMarker::getEndBufferPosition}.
# Returns a {Point}.
getStartBufferPosition: ->
# Essential: Retrieves the screen position of the marker's start. This will always be
# less than or equal to the result of {DisplayBufferMarker::getEndScreenPosition}.
# Returns a {Point}.
getStartScreenPosition: ->
@displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition(@getStartBufferPosition(), wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)
# Essential: Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's end. This will always be
# greater than or equal to the result of {DisplayBufferMarker::getStartBufferPosition}.
# Returns a {Point}.
getEndBufferPosition: ->
# Essential: Retrieves the screen position of the marker's end. This will always be
# greater than or equal to the result of {DisplayBufferMarker::getStartScreenPosition}.
# Returns a {Point}.
getEndScreenPosition: ->
@displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition(@getEndBufferPosition(), wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)
# Extended: Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's head.
# Returns a {Point}.
getHeadBufferPosition: ->
# Extended: Sets the buffer position of the marker's head.
# * `screenRange` The new {Point} to use
# * `properties` (optional) {Object} properties to associate with the marker.
setHeadBufferPosition: (bufferPosition, properties) ->
@bufferMarker.setHeadPosition(bufferPosition, properties)
# Extended: Retrieves the screen position of the marker's head.
# Returns a {Point}.
getHeadScreenPosition: ->
@displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition(@getHeadBufferPosition(), wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)
# Extended: Sets the screen position of the marker's head.
# * `screenRange` The new {Point} to use
# * `properties` (optional) {Object} properties to associate with the marker.
setHeadScreenPosition: (screenPosition, properties) ->
screenPosition = @displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition(screenPosition, properties)
@setHeadBufferPosition(@displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition, properties))
# Extended: Retrieves the buffer position of the marker's tail.
# Returns a {Point}.
getTailBufferPosition: ->
# Extended: Sets the buffer position of the marker's tail.
# * `screenRange` The new {Point} to use
# * `properties` (optional) {Object} properties to associate with the marker.
setTailBufferPosition: (bufferPosition) ->
# Extended: Retrieves the screen position of the marker's tail.
# Returns a {Point}.
getTailScreenPosition: ->
@displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition(@getTailBufferPosition(), wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)
# Extended: Sets the screen position of the marker's tail.
# * `screenRange` The new {Point} to use
# * `properties` (optional) {Object} properties to associate with the marker.
setTailScreenPosition: (screenPosition, options) ->
screenPosition = @displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition(screenPosition, options)
@setTailBufferPosition(@displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition, options))
# Extended: Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether the marker has a tail.
hasTail: ->
# Extended: Plants the marker's tail at the current head position. After calling
# the marker's tail position will be its head position at the time of the
# call, regardless of where the marker's head is moved.
# * `properties` (optional) {Object} properties to associate with the marker.
plantTail: ->
# Extended: Removes the marker's tail. After calling the marker's head position
# will be reported as its current tail position until the tail is planted
# again.
# * `properties` (optional) {Object} properties to associate with the marker.
clearTail: (properties) ->
Section: Private utility methods
# Returns a {String} representation of the marker
inspect: ->
"DisplayBufferMarker(id: #{@id}, bufferRange: #{@getBufferRange()})"
@ -268,3 +359,6 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
for event in deferredChangeEvents
@emit 'changed', event
@emitter.emit 'did-change', event
getPixelRange: ->
@displayBuffer.pixelRangeForScreenRange(@getScreenRange(), false)
Reference in New Issue
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