Replace local exec function calls with grunt.util.spawn

This commit is contained in:
probablycorey 2013-06-18 11:13:36 -07:00
parent 22b7ae2136
commit fc7b8b4bf1

View File

@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.registerTask 'codesign', 'Codesign the app', ->
done = @async()
args = ["-f", "-v", "-s", "Developer ID Application: GitHub", SHELL_APP_DIR]
exec "codesign", args, (error) -> done(!error?)
grunt.util.spawn cmd: "codesign", args: args, (error) -> done(!error?)
grunt.registerTask 'install', 'Install the built application', ->
@ -170,18 +170,19 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
done = @async()
commands = []
commands.push (callback) ->
exec('script/bootstrap', callback)
grunt.util.spawn cmd: 'script/bootstrap', callback
commands.push (result, callback) ->
exec('script/update-atom-shell', callback)
grunt.util.spawn cmd: 'script/update-atom-shell', callback
grunt.util.async.waterfall commands, (error) -> done(!error?)
grunt.registerTask 'test', 'Run the specs', ->
done = @async()
commands = []
commands.push (callback) ->
exec('pkill', ['Atom'], ignoreFailures: true, callback)
grunt.util.spawn cmd: 'pkill', args: ['Atom'], -> callback()
commands.push (result, callback) ->
exec(path.join(CONTENTS_DIR, 'MacOS', 'Atom'), ['--test', "--resource-path=#{__dirname}"], callback)
atomBinary = path.join(CONTENTS_DIR, 'MacOS', 'Atom')
grunt.util.spawn cmd: atomBinary, args: ['--test', "--resource-path=#{__dirname}"], callback
grunt.util.async.waterfall commands, (error) -> done(!error?)
grunt.registerTask('compile', ['coffee', 'less', 'cson'])
@ -189,31 +190,6 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.registerTask('ci', ['clean', 'bootstrap', 'build', 'test'])
grunt.registerTask('default', ['build'])
exec = (command, args, options, callback) ->
if grunt.util._.isFunction(args)
options = args
args = []
if grunt.util._.isFunction(options)
callback = options
options = undefined
spawned = spawn(command, args, options)
stdoutChunks = []
spawned.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> stdoutChunks.push(data)
stderrChunks = []
spawned.stderr.on 'data', (data) -> stderrChunks.push(data)
spawned.on 'close', (code) ->
if code is 0 or options?.ignoreFailures
callback(null, Buffer.concat(stdoutChunks).toString())
else if stderrChunks.length > 0
error = Buffer.concat(stderrChunks).toString()
error = "`#{command}` Failed with code: #{code}"
cp = (source, destination, {filter}={}) ->
copyFile = (source, destination) ->
if grunt.file.isLink(source)