📝 doc parameters in cursor.coffee

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Sawicki 2014-02-06 16:03:00 -08:00
parent bbce381e16
commit fd7c2e92c5

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@ -56,12 +56,11 @@ class Cursor
# Public: Moves a cursor to a given screen position.
# * screenPosition:
# An {Array} of two numbers: the screen row, and the screen column.
# * options:
# + autoscroll:
# A Boolean which, if `true`, scrolls the {Editor} to wherever the
# cursor moves to.
# screenPosition - An {Array} of two numbers: the screen row, and the screen
# column.
# options - An {Object} with the following keys:
# :autoscroll - A Boolean which, if `true`, scrolls the {Editor} to wherever
# the cursor moves to.
setScreenPosition: (screenPosition, options={}) ->
@changePosition options, =>
@marker.setHeadScreenPosition(screenPosition, options)
@ -72,12 +71,11 @@ class Cursor
# Public: Moves a cursor to a given buffer position.
# * bufferPosition:
# An {Array} of two numbers: the buffer row, and the buffer column.
# * options:
# + autoscroll:
# A Boolean which, if `true`, scrolls the {Editor} to wherever the
# cursor moves to.
# bufferPosition - An {Array} of two numbers: the buffer row, and the buffer
# column.
# options - An {Object} with the following keys:
# :autoscroll - A Boolean which, if `true`, scrolls the {Editor} to wherever
# the cursor moves to.
setBufferPosition: (bufferPosition, options={}) ->
@changePosition options, =>
@marker.setHeadBufferPosition(bufferPosition, options)
@ -102,11 +100,11 @@ class Cursor
# Public: Get the RegExp used by the cursor to determine what a "word" is.
# * options:
# + includeNonWordCharacters:
# A Boolean indicating whether to include non-word characters in the regex.
# options: An {Object} with the following keys:
# :includeNonWordCharacters - A {Boolean} indicating whether to include
# non-word characters in the regex.
# Returns a RegExp.
# Returns a {RegExp}.
wordRegExp: ({includeNonWordCharacters}={})->
includeNonWordCharacters ?= true
nonWordCharacters = atom.config.get('editor.nonWordCharacters')
@ -120,7 +118,7 @@ class Cursor
# "Last" is defined as the most recently added cursor.
# Returns a Boolean.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isLastCursor: ->
this == @editor.getCursor()
@ -129,7 +127,7 @@ class Cursor
# "Surrounded" here means that all characters before and after the cursor is
# whitespace.
# Returns a Boolean.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isSurroundedByWhitespace: ->
{row, column} = @getBufferPosition()
range = [[row, Math.min(0, column - 1)], [row, Math.max(0, column + 1)]]
@ -215,9 +213,9 @@ class Cursor
# Public: Moves the cursor left one screen column.
# * options:
# + moveToEndOfSelection:
# if true, move to the left of the selection if a selection exists.
# options - An {Object} with the following keys:
# :moveToEndOfSelection - if true, move to the left of the selection if a
# selection exists.
moveLeft: ({moveToEndOfSelection}={}) ->
range = @marker.getScreenRange()
if moveToEndOfSelection and not range.isEmpty()
@ -229,9 +227,9 @@ class Cursor
# Public: Moves the cursor right one screen column.
# * options:
# + moveToEndOfSelection:
# if true, move to the right of the selection if a selection exists.
# options - An {Object} with the following keys:
# :moveToEndOfSelection - if true, move to the right of the selection if a
# selection exists.
moveRight: ({moveToEndOfSelection}={}) ->
range = @marker.getScreenRange()
if moveToEndOfSelection and not range.isEmpty()
@ -311,12 +309,12 @@ class Cursor
# Public: Retrieves the buffer position of where the current word starts.
# * options:
# + wordRegex:
# A RegExp indicating what constitutes a "word" (default: {.wordRegExp})
# + includeNonWordCharacters:
# A Boolean indicating whether to include non-word characters in the
# default word regex. Has no effect if wordRegex is set.
# options - An {Object} with the following keys:
# :wordRegex - A {RegExp} indicating what constitutes a "word"
# (default: {.wordRegExp}).
# :includeNonWordCharacters - A {Boolean} indicating whether to include
# non-word characters in the default word regex.
# Has no effect if wordRegex is set.
# Returns a {Range}.
getBeginningOfCurrentWordBufferPosition: (options = {}) ->
@ -379,12 +377,12 @@ class Cursor
# Public: Retrieves the buffer position of where the current word ends.
# * options:
# + wordRegex:
# A RegExp indicating what constitutes a "word" (default: {.wordRegExp})
# + includeNonWordCharacters:
# A Boolean indicating whether to include non-word characters in the
# default word regex. Has no effect if wordRegex is set.
# options - An {Object} with the following keys:
# :wordRegex - A {RegExp} indicating what constitutes a "word"
# (default: {.wordRegExp})
# :includeNonWordCharacters - A Boolean indicating whether to include
# non-word characters in the default word regex.
# Has no effect if wordRegex is set.
# Returns a {Range}.
getEndOfCurrentWordBufferPosition: (options = {}) ->
@ -403,9 +401,9 @@ class Cursor
# Public: Retrieves the buffer position of where the next word starts.
# * options:
# + wordRegex:
# A RegExp indicating what constitutes a "word" (default: {.wordRegExp})
# options -
# :wordRegex - A {RegExp} indicating what constitutes a "word"
# (default: {.wordRegExp}).
# Returns a {Range}.
getBeginningOfNextWordBufferPosition: (options = {}) ->
@ -422,9 +420,9 @@ class Cursor
# Public: Returns the buffer Range occupied by the word located under the cursor.
# * options:
# + wordRegex:
# A RegExp indicating what constitutes a "word" (default: {.wordRegExp})
# options -
# :wordRegex - A {RegExp} indicating what constitutes a "word"
# (default: {.wordRegExp}).
getCurrentWordBufferRange: (options={}) ->
startOptions = _.extend(_.clone(options), allowPrevious: false)
endOptions = _.extend(_.clone(options), allowNext: false)
@ -432,9 +430,9 @@ class Cursor
# Public: Returns the buffer Range for the current line.
# * options:
# + includeNewline:
# A boolean which controls whether the Range should include the newline.
# options -
# :includeNewline: - A {Boolean} which controls whether the Range should
# include the newline.
getCurrentLineBufferRange: (options) ->
@editor.bufferRangeForBufferRow(@getBufferRow(), options)