Delete RowMap and its specs

After transitioning to `DisplayLayer` we don't need this object anymore.
This commit is contained in:
Antonio Scandurra 2016-07-29 17:12:44 +02:00
parent e249b26a38
commit fd94acc2e8
2 changed files with 0 additions and 224 deletions

View File

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
RowMap = require '../src/row-map'
describe "RowMap", ->
map = null
beforeEach ->
map = new RowMap
describe "::screenRowRangeForBufferRow(bufferRow)", ->
it "returns the range of screen rows corresponding to the given buffer row", ->
map.spliceRegions(0, 0, [
{bufferRows: 5, screenRows: 5}
{bufferRows: 1, screenRows: 5}
{bufferRows: 5, screenRows: 5}
{bufferRows: 5, screenRows: 1}
expect(map.screenRowRangeForBufferRow(0)).toEqual [0, 1]
expect(map.screenRowRangeForBufferRow(5)).toEqual [5, 10]
expect(map.screenRowRangeForBufferRow(6)).toEqual [10, 11]
expect(map.screenRowRangeForBufferRow(11)).toEqual [15, 16]
expect(map.screenRowRangeForBufferRow(12)).toEqual [15, 16]
expect(map.screenRowRangeForBufferRow(16)).toEqual [16, 17]
describe "::bufferRowRangeForScreenRow(screenRow)", ->
it "returns the range of buffer rows corresponding to the given screen row", ->
map.spliceRegions(0, 0, [
{bufferRows: 5, screenRows: 5}
{bufferRows: 1, screenRows: 5}
{bufferRows: 5, screenRows: 5}
{bufferRows: 5, screenRows: 1}
expect(map.bufferRowRangeForScreenRow(0)).toEqual [0, 1]
expect(map.bufferRowRangeForScreenRow(5)).toEqual [5, 6]
expect(map.bufferRowRangeForScreenRow(6)).toEqual [5, 6]
expect(map.bufferRowRangeForScreenRow(10)).toEqual [6, 7]
expect(map.bufferRowRangeForScreenRow(14)).toEqual [10, 11]
expect(map.bufferRowRangeForScreenRow(15)).toEqual [11, 16]
expect(map.bufferRowRangeForScreenRow(16)).toEqual [16, 17]
describe "::spliceRegions(startBufferRow, bufferRowCount, regions)", ->
it "can insert regions when empty", ->
regions = [
{bufferRows: 5, screenRows: 5}
{bufferRows: 1, screenRows: 5}
{bufferRows: 5, screenRows: 5}
{bufferRows: 5, screenRows: 1}
map.spliceRegions(0, 0, regions)
expect(map.getRegions()).toEqual regions
it "can insert wrapped lines into rectangular regions", ->
map.spliceRegions(0, 0, [{bufferRows: 10, screenRows: 10}])
map.spliceRegions(5, 0, [{bufferRows: 1, screenRows: 3}])
expect(map.getRegions()).toEqual [
{bufferRows: 5, screenRows: 5}
{bufferRows: 1, screenRows: 3}
{bufferRows: 5, screenRows: 5}
it "can splice wrapped lines into rectangular regions", ->
map.spliceRegions(0, 0, [{bufferRows: 10, screenRows: 10}])
map.spliceRegions(5, 1, [{bufferRows: 1, screenRows: 3}])
expect(map.getRegions()).toEqual [
{bufferRows: 5, screenRows: 5}
{bufferRows: 1, screenRows: 3}
{bufferRows: 4, screenRows: 4}
it "can splice folded lines into rectangular regions", ->
map.spliceRegions(0, 0, [{bufferRows: 10, screenRows: 10}])
map.spliceRegions(5, 3, [{bufferRows: 3, screenRows: 1}])
expect(map.getRegions()).toEqual [
{bufferRows: 5, screenRows: 5}
{bufferRows: 3, screenRows: 1}
{bufferRows: 2, screenRows: 2}
it "can replace folded regions with a folded region that surrounds them", ->
map.spliceRegions(0, 0, [
{bufferRows: 3, screenRows: 3}
{bufferRows: 3, screenRows: 1}
{bufferRows: 1, screenRows: 1}
{bufferRows: 3, screenRows: 1}
{bufferRows: 3, screenRows: 3}
map.spliceRegions(2, 8, [{bufferRows: 8, screenRows: 1}])
expect(map.getRegions()).toEqual [
{bufferRows: 2, screenRows: 2}
{bufferRows: 8, screenRows: 1}
{bufferRows: 3, screenRows: 3}
it "merges adjacent rectangular regions", ->
map.spliceRegions(0, 0, [
{bufferRows: 3, screenRows: 3}
{bufferRows: 3, screenRows: 1}
{bufferRows: 1, screenRows: 1}
{bufferRows: 3, screenRows: 1}
{bufferRows: 3, screenRows: 3}
map.spliceRegions(3, 7, [{bufferRows: 5, screenRows: 5}])

View File

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
{spliceWithArray} = require 'underscore-plus'
# Used by the display buffer to map screen rows to buffer rows and vice-versa.
# This mapping may not be 1:1 due to folds and soft-wraps. This object maintains
# an array of regions, which contain `bufferRows` and `screenRows` fields.
# Rectangular Regions:
# If a region has the same number of buffer rows and screen rows, it is referred
# to as "rectangular", and represents one or more non-soft-wrapped, non-folded
# lines.
# Trapezoidal Regions:
# If a region has one buffer row and more than one screen row, it represents a
# soft-wrapped line. If a region has one screen row and more than one buffer
# row, it represents folded lines
module.exports =
class RowMap
constructor: ->
@regions = []
# Public: Returns a copy of all the regions in the map
getRegions: ->
# Public: Returns an end-row-exclusive range of screen rows corresponding to
# the given buffer row. If the buffer row is soft-wrapped, the range may span
# multiple screen rows. Otherwise it will span a single screen row.
screenRowRangeForBufferRow: (targetBufferRow) ->
{region, bufferRows, screenRows} = @traverseToBufferRow(targetBufferRow)
if region? and region.bufferRows isnt region.screenRows
[screenRows, screenRows + region.screenRows]
screenRows += targetBufferRow - bufferRows
[screenRows, screenRows + 1]
# Public: Returns an end-row-exclusive range of buffer rows corresponding to
# the given screen row. If the screen row is the first line of a folded range
# of buffer rows, the range may span multiple buffer rows. Otherwise it will
# span a single buffer row.
bufferRowRangeForScreenRow: (targetScreenRow) ->
{region, screenRows, bufferRows} = @traverseToScreenRow(targetScreenRow)
if region? and region.bufferRows isnt region.screenRows
[bufferRows, bufferRows + region.bufferRows]
bufferRows += targetScreenRow - screenRows
[bufferRows, bufferRows + 1]
# Public: If the given buffer row is part of a folded row range, returns that
# row range. Otherwise returns a range spanning only the given buffer row.
bufferRowRangeForBufferRow: (targetBufferRow) ->
{region, bufferRows} = @traverseToBufferRow(targetBufferRow)
if region? and region.bufferRows isnt region.screenRows
[bufferRows, bufferRows + region.bufferRows]
[targetBufferRow, targetBufferRow + 1]
# Public: Given a starting buffer row, the number of buffer rows to replace,
# and an array of regions of shape {bufferRows: n, screenRows: m}, splices
# the regions at the appropriate location in the map. This method is used by
# display buffer to keep the map updated when the underlying buffer changes.
spliceRegions: (startBufferRow, bufferRowCount, regions) ->
endBufferRow = startBufferRow + bufferRowCount
{index, bufferRows} = @traverseToBufferRow(startBufferRow)
precedingRows = startBufferRow - bufferRows
count = 0
while region = @regions[index + count]
bufferRows += region.bufferRows
if bufferRows >= endBufferRow
followingRows = bufferRows - endBufferRow
if precedingRows > 0
regions.unshift({bufferRows: precedingRows, screenRows: precedingRows})
if followingRows > 0
regions.push({bufferRows: followingRows, screenRows: followingRows})
spliceWithArray(@regions, index, count, regions)
@mergeAdjacentRectangularRegions(index - 1, index + regions.length)
traverseToBufferRow: (targetBufferRow) ->
bufferRows = 0
screenRows = 0
for region, index in @regions
if (bufferRows + region.bufferRows) > targetBufferRow
return {region, index, screenRows, bufferRows}
bufferRows += region.bufferRows
screenRows += region.screenRows
{index, screenRows, bufferRows}
traverseToScreenRow: (targetScreenRow) ->
bufferRows = 0
screenRows = 0
for region, index in @regions
if (screenRows + region.screenRows) > targetScreenRow
return {region, index, screenRows, bufferRows}
bufferRows += region.bufferRows
screenRows += region.screenRows
{index, screenRows, bufferRows}
mergeAdjacentRectangularRegions: (startIndex, endIndex) ->
for index in [endIndex..startIndex]
if 0 < index < @regions.length
leftRegion = @regions[index - 1]
rightRegion = @regions[index]
leftIsRectangular = leftRegion.bufferRows is leftRegion.screenRows
rightIsRectangular = rightRegion.bufferRows is rightRegion.screenRows
if leftIsRectangular and rightIsRectangular
@regions.splice index - 1, 2,
bufferRows: leftRegion.bufferRows + rightRegion.bufferRows
screenRows: leftRegion.screenRows + rightRegion.screenRows
# Public: Returns an array of strings describing the map's regions.
inspect: ->
for {bufferRows, screenRows} in @regions