# Getting Started Welcome to Atom! This guide provides a quick introduction so you can be productive as quickly as possible. There are also guides which cover [configuring], [theming], and [extending] Atom. ## The Command Palette If there's one key-command you remember in Atom, it should be `cmd-shift-P`. You can always press `cmd-shift-P` to bring up a list of commands (and key bindings) that are relevant to the currently focused interface element. This is a great way to explore the system and learn key bindings interactively. For information about adding or changing a key binding refer to the [customizing key bindings][key-bindings] section. ![Command Palette] ## The Basics ### Working With Files Atom windows are scoped to a single directory on disk. If you launch Atom from the command line via the `atom` command and don't specify a path, Atom opens a window for the current working directory. The current window's directory will be visible as the root of the tree view on the left, and also serve as the context for all file-related operations. #### Finding Files The fastest way to find a file is to use the fuzzy finder. Press `cmd-t` and begin typing the name of the file you're looking for. If you are looking for a file that is already open press `cmd-b` to bring up a searchable list of open files. If you are using Git you can use `cmd-shift-b` to search the list of files modified and untracked in your project's repository. You can also use the tree view to navigate to a file. To open and focus the the tree view, press `ctrl-0`. The tree view can be toggled open and closed with `cmd-\`. #### Adding, Moving, Deleting Files You can add, move, and delete files and folders by right-clicking them in the tree view and selecting the desired operation from the context menu. You can also perform these operations from the keyboard by selecting a file or folder and using `a` to add, `m` to move, and `delete` to delete. ### Searching #### Find and Replace To search within a buffer use `cmd-f`. To search the entire project use `cmd-shift-f`. #### Navigating By Symbols To jump to a symbol such as a method definition, press `cmd-r`. This opens a list of all symbols in the current file, which you can fuzzy filter similarly to `cmd-t`. To search for symbols across your project, use `cmd-shift-r`. First you'll need to make sure you have `tags` (or `TAGS`) file generated for your project. This can be done by installing [ctags](http://ctags.sourceforge.net/) and running a command such as `ctags -R src/` from the command line in your project's root directory. Using [Homebrew](http://brew.sh/)? Just run `brew install ctags`. You can customize how tags are generated by creating your own `.ctags` file in your home directory (`~/.ctags`). Here is [a good example][ctags] to start from. ### Split Panes You can split any editor pane horizontally or vertically by using `cmd-k right` or `cmd-k down`. Once you have a split pane, you can move focus between them with `cmd-k cmd-right` or `cmd-k cmd-down`. To close a pane, close all its editors with `cmd-w`, then press `cmd-w` one more time to close the pane. You can configure panes to auto-close when empty in the Settings view. ### Folding You can fold blocks of code by clicking the arrows that appear when you hover your mouse cursor over the gutter. You can also fold and unfold from the keyboard with `alt-cmd-[` and `alt-cmd-]`. To fold everything, use `alt-cmd-shift-{` and to unfold everything use `alt-cmd-shift-}`. You can also fold at a specific indentation level with `cmd-k cmd-N` where N is the indentation depth. ### Soft-Wrap If you want to toggle soft wrap, trigger the command from the command palette. Press `cmd-shift-P` to open the palette, then type "wrap" to find the correct command. By default, lines will wrap based on the size of the editor. If you prefer to wrap at a specific line length, toggle "Wrap at preferred line length" in preferences. ## Configuration Press `cmd-,` to open the Settings view. This is the place to change settings, install packages, and change the theme. For more advanced configuration see the [customization guide][customization]. [configuring]: customizing-atom.md [theming]: creating-a-theme.md [extending]: creating-a-package.md [customization]: customizing-atom.md [key-bindings]: customizing-atom.md#customizing-key-bindings [command palette]: https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1424/1091618/ee7c3554-166a-11e3-9955-aaa61bb5509c.png [ctags]: https://github.com/atom/symbols-view/blob/master/lib/.ctags