PaneContainerView = require '../src/pane-container-view' PaneView = require '../src/pane-view' {fs, $, View} = require 'atom' path = require 'path' temp = require 'temp' describe "PaneView", -> [container, view1, view2, editor1, editor2, pane, paneModel] = [] class TestView extends View @deserialize: ({id, text}) -> new TestView({id, text}) @content: ({id, text}) -> @div class: 'test-view', id: id, tabindex: -1, text initialize: ({@id, @text}) -> serialize: -> { deserializer: 'TestView', @id, @text } getUri: -> @id isEqual: (other) -> other? and @id == and @text == other.text beforeEach -> atom.deserializers.add(TestView) container = new PaneContainerView view1 = new TestView(id: 'view-1', text: 'View 1') view2 = new TestView(id: 'view-2', text: 'View 2') editor1 = atom.project.openSync('sample.js') editor2 = atom.project.openSync('sample.txt') pane = new PaneView(view1, editor1, view2, editor2) paneModel = pane.model container.setRoot(pane) afterEach -> atom.deserializers.remove(TestView) describe "when the active pane item changes", -> it "hides all item views except the one being shown and sets the activeItem", -> expect(pane.activeItem).toBe view1 expect(view1.css('display')).not.toBe 'none' pane.activateItem(view2) expect(view1.css('display')).toBe 'none' expect(view2.css('display')).not.toBe 'none' it "triggers 'pane:active-item-changed'", -> itemChangedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("itemChangedHandler") container.on 'pane:active-item-changed', itemChangedHandler expect(pane.activeItem).toBe view1 paneModel.activateItem(view2) paneModel.activateItem(view2) expect(itemChangedHandler.callCount).toBe 1 expect(itemChangedHandler.argsForCall[0][1]).toBe view2 itemChangedHandler.reset() paneModel.activateItem(editor1) expect(itemChangedHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(itemChangedHandler.argsForCall[0][1]).toBe editor1 itemChangedHandler.reset() it "transfers focus to the new active view if the previous view was focused", -> container.attachToDom() pane.focus() expect(pane.activeView).not.toBe view2 expect(pane.activeView).toMatchSelector ':focus' paneModel.activateItem(view2) expect(view2).toMatchSelector ':focus' describe "when the new activeItem is a model", -> it "shows the item's view or creates and shows a new view for the item if none exists", -> initialViewCount = pane.itemViews.find('.test-view').length model1 = id: 'test-model-1' text: 'Test Model 1' serialize: -> {@id, @text} getViewClass: -> TestView model2 = id: 'test-model-2' text: 'Test Model 2' serialize: -> {@id, @text} getViewClass: -> TestView paneModel.activateItem(model1) paneModel.activateItem(model2) expect(pane.itemViews.find('.test-view').length).toBe initialViewCount + 2 paneModel.activatePreviousItem() expect(pane.itemViews.find('.test-view').length).toBe initialViewCount + 2 paneModel.destroyItem(model2) expect(pane.itemViews.find('.test-view').length).toBe initialViewCount + 1 paneModel.destroyItem(model1) expect(pane.itemViews.find('.test-view').length).toBe initialViewCount describe "when the new activeItem is a view", -> it "appends it to the itemViews div if it hasn't already been appended and shows it", -> expect(pane.itemViews.find('#view-2')).not.toExist() paneModel.activateItem(view2) expect(pane.itemViews.find('#view-2')).toExist() paneModel.activateItem(view1) paneModel.activateItem(view2) expect(pane.itemViews.find('#view-2').length).toBe 1 describe "when an item is destroyed", -> it "triggers the 'pane:item-removed' event with the item and its former index", -> itemRemovedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("itemRemovedHandler") pane.on 'pane:item-removed', itemRemovedHandler paneModel.destroyItem(editor1) expect(itemRemovedHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(itemRemovedHandler.argsForCall[0][1..2]).toEqual [editor1, 1] describe "when the destroyed item is a view", -> it "removes the item from the 'item-views' div", -> expect(view1.parent()).toMatchSelector pane.itemViews paneModel.destroyItem(view1) expect(view1.parent()).not.toMatchSelector pane.itemViews describe "when the destroyed item is a model", -> it "removes the associated view", -> paneModel.activateItem(editor1) expect(pane.itemViews.find('.editor').length).toBe 1 pane.destroyItem(editor1) expect(pane.itemViews.find('.editor').length).toBe 0 describe "when an item is moved within the same pane", -> it "emits a 'pane:item-moved' event with the item and the new index", -> pane.on 'pane:item-moved', itemMovedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("itemMovedHandler") paneModel.moveItem(view1, 2) expect(itemMovedHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(itemMovedHandler.argsForCall[0][1..2]).toEqual [view1, 2] describe "when an item is moved to another pane", -> it "detaches the item's view rather than removing it", -> paneModel2 = paneModel.splitRight()'preservative', 1234) paneModel.moveItemToPane(view1, paneModel2, 1) expect('preservative')).toBe 1234 paneModel2.activateItemAtIndex(1) expect('preservative')).toBe 1234 describe "::saveActiveItemAs()", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(atom, 'showSaveDialogSync').andReturn('/selected/path') describe "when the current item has a saveAs method", -> it "opens the save dialog and calls saveAs on the item with the selected path", -> spyOn(editor2, 'saveAs') pane.activateItem(editor2) pane.saveActiveItemAs() expect(atom.showSaveDialogSync).toHaveBeenCalledWith(path.dirname(editor2.getPath())) expect(editor2.saveAs).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/selected/path') describe "when the current item does not have a saveAs method", -> it "does nothing", -> expect(pane.activeItem.saveAs).toBeUndefined() pane.saveActiveItemAs() expect(atom.showSaveDialogSync).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe "pane:show-next-item and pane:show-previous-item", -> it "advances forward/backward through the pane's items, looping around at either end", -> expect(pane.activeItem).toBe view1 pane.trigger 'pane:show-previous-item' expect(pane.activeItem).toBe editor2 pane.trigger 'pane:show-previous-item' expect(pane.activeItem).toBe view2 pane.trigger 'pane:show-next-item' expect(pane.activeItem).toBe editor2 pane.trigger 'pane:show-next-item' expect(pane.activeItem).toBe view1 describe "pane:show-item-N events", -> it "shows the (n-1)th item if it exists", -> pane.trigger 'pane:show-item-2' expect(pane.activeItem).toBe pane.itemAtIndex(1) pane.trigger 'pane:show-item-1' expect(pane.activeItem).toBe pane.itemAtIndex(0) pane.trigger 'pane:show-item-9' # don't fail on out-of-bounds indices expect(pane.activeItem).toBe pane.itemAtIndex(0) describe "when the title of the active item changes", -> it "emits pane:active-item-title-changed", -> activeItemTitleChangedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("activeItemTitleChangedHandler") pane.on 'pane:active-item-title-changed', activeItemTitleChangedHandler expect(pane.activeItem).toBe view1 view2.trigger 'title-changed' expect(activeItemTitleChangedHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() view1.trigger 'title-changed' expect(activeItemTitleChangedHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() activeItemTitleChangedHandler.reset() pane.activateItem(view2) view2.trigger 'title-changed' expect(activeItemTitleChangedHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "when an unmodifed buffer's path is deleted", -> it "removes the pane item", -> filePath = temp.openSync('atom').path editor = atom.project.openSync(filePath) pane.activateItem(editor) expect(pane.items).toHaveLength(5) fs.removeSync(filePath) waitsFor -> pane.items.length == 4 describe "::remove()", -> it "destroys all the pane's items", -> pane.remove() expect(editor1.isDestroyed()).toBe true expect(editor2.isDestroyed()).toBe true it "triggers a 'pane:removed' event with the pane", -> removedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("removedHandler") container.on 'pane:removed', removedHandler pane.remove() expect(removedHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(removedHandler.argsForCall[0][1]).toBe pane describe "when there are other panes", -> [paneToLeft, paneToRight] = [] beforeEach -> pane.activateItem(editor1) paneToLeft = pane.splitLeft(pane.copyActiveItem()) paneToRight = pane.splitRight(pane.copyActiveItem()) container.attachToDom() describe "when the removed pane is active", -> it "makes the next the next pane active and focuses it", -> pane.activate() pane.remove() expect(paneToLeft.isActive()).toBeFalsy() expect(paneToRight.isActive()).toBeTruthy() expect(paneToRight).toMatchSelector ':has(:focus)' describe "when the removed pane is not active", -> it "does not affect the active pane or the focus", -> paneToLeft.focus() expect(paneToLeft.isActive()).toBeTruthy() expect(paneToRight.isActive()).toBeFalsy() pane.remove() expect(paneToLeft.isActive()).toBeTruthy() expect(paneToRight.isActive()).toBeFalsy() expect(paneToLeft).toMatchSelector ':has(:focus)' describe "when it is the last pane", -> beforeEach -> expect(container.getPanes().length).toBe 1 atom.workspaceView = focus: jasmine.createSpy("workspaceView.focus") describe "when the removed pane is focused", -> it "calls focus on workspaceView so we don't lose focus", -> container.attachToDom() pane.focus() pane.remove() expect(atom.workspaceView.focus).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "when the removed pane is not focused", -> it "does not call focus on root view", -> expect(pane).not.toMatchSelector ':has(:focus)' pane.remove() expect(atom.workspaceView.focus).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe "::getNextPane()", -> it "returns the next pane if one exists, wrapping around from the last pane to the first", -> pane.activateItem(editor1) expect(pane.getNextPane()).toBeUndefined pane2 = pane.splitRight(pane.copyActiveItem()) expect(pane.getNextPane()).toBe pane2 expect(pane2.getNextPane()).toBe pane describe "when the pane is focused", -> beforeEach -> container.attachToDom() it "focuses the active item view", -> focusHandler = jasmine.createSpy("focusHandler") pane.activeItem.on 'focus', focusHandler pane.focus() expect(focusHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() it "triggers 'pane:became-active' if it was not previously active", -> pane2 = pane.splitRight(view2) # Make pane inactive becameActiveHandler = jasmine.createSpy("becameActiveHandler") pane.on 'pane:became-active', becameActiveHandler expect(pane.isActive()).toBeFalsy() pane.focusin() expect(pane.isActive()).toBeTruthy() pane.focusin() expect(becameActiveHandler.callCount).toBe 1 it "triggers 'pane:became-inactive' when it was previously active", -> pane2 = pane.splitRight(view2) # Make pane inactive becameInactiveHandler = jasmine.createSpy("becameInactiveHandler") pane.on 'pane:became-inactive', becameInactiveHandler expect(pane.isActive()).toBeFalsy() pane.focusin() expect(pane.isActive()).toBeTruthy() pane.splitRight(pane.copyActiveItem()) expect(pane.isActive()).toBeFalsy() expect(becameInactiveHandler.callCount).toBe 1 describe "split methods", -> [pane1, view3, view4] = [] beforeEach -> pane1 = pane pane.activateItem(editor1) view3 = new TestView(id: 'view-3', text: 'View 3') view4 = new TestView(id: 'view-4', text: 'View 4') describe "splitRight(items...)", -> it "builds a row if needed, then appends a new pane after itself", -> # creates the new pane with a copy of the active item if none are given pane2 = pane1.splitRight(pane1.copyActiveItem()) expect(container.find('.pane-row .pane').toArray()).toEqual [pane1[0], pane2[0]] expect(pane2.items).toEqual [editor1] expect(pane2.activeItem).not.toBe editor1 # it's a copy pane3 = pane2.splitRight(view3, view4) expect(pane3.getItems()).toEqual [view3, view4] expect(container.find('.pane-row .pane').toArray()).toEqual [pane[0], pane2[0], pane3[0]] it "builds a row if needed, then appends a new pane after itself ", -> # creates the new pane with a copy of the active item if none are given pane2 = pane1.splitRight() expect(container.find('.pane-row .pane').toArray()).toEqual [pane1[0], pane2[0]] expect(pane2.items).toEqual [] expect(pane2.activeItem).toBeUndefined() pane3 = pane2.splitRight() expect(container.find('.pane-row .pane').toArray()).toEqual [pane1[0], pane2[0], pane3[0]] expect(pane3.items).toEqual [] expect(pane3.activeItem).toBeUndefined() describe "splitLeft(items...)", -> it "builds a row if needed, then appends a new pane before itself", -> # creates the new pane with a copy of the active item if none are given pane2 = pane.splitLeft(pane1.copyActiveItem()) expect(container.find('.pane-row .pane').toArray()).toEqual [pane2[0], pane[0]] expect(pane2.items).toEqual [editor1] expect(pane2.activeItem).not.toBe editor1 # it's a copy pane3 = pane2.splitLeft(view3, view4) expect(pane3.getItems()).toEqual [view3, view4] expect(container.find('.pane-row .pane').toArray()).toEqual [pane3[0], pane2[0], pane[0]] describe "splitDown(items...)", -> it "builds a column if needed, then appends a new pane after itself", -> # creates the new pane with a copy of the active item if none are given pane2 = pane.splitDown(pane1.copyActiveItem()) expect(container.find('.pane-column .pane').toArray()).toEqual [pane[0], pane2[0]] expect(pane2.items).toEqual [editor1] expect(pane2.activeItem).not.toBe editor1 # it's a copy pane3 = pane2.splitDown(view3, view4) expect(pane3.getItems()).toEqual [view3, view4] expect(container.find('.pane-column .pane').toArray()).toEqual [pane[0], pane2[0], pane3[0]] describe "splitUp(items...)", -> it "builds a column if needed, then appends a new pane before itself", -> # creates the new pane with a copy of the active item if none are given pane2 = pane.splitUp(pane1.copyActiveItem()) expect(container.find('.pane-column .pane').toArray()).toEqual [pane2[0], pane[0]] expect(pane2.items).toEqual [editor1] expect(pane2.activeItem).not.toBe editor1 # it's a copy pane3 = pane2.splitUp(view3, view4) expect(pane3.getItems()).toEqual [view3, view4] expect(container.find('.pane-column .pane').toArray()).toEqual [pane3[0], pane2[0], pane[0]] describe "::itemForUri(uri)", -> it "returns the item for which a call to .getUri() returns the given uri", -> expect(pane.itemForUri(editor1.getUri())).toBe editor1 expect(pane.itemForUri(editor2.getUri())).toBe editor2 describe "serialization", -> it "can serialize and deserialize the pane and all its items", -> newPane = new PaneView(pane.model.testSerialization()) expect(newPane.getItems()).toEqual [view1, editor1, view2, editor2] it "restores the active item on deserialization", -> pane.activateItem(editor2) newPane = new PaneView(pane.model.testSerialization()) expect(newPane.activeItem).toEqual editor2 it "does not show items that cannot be deserialized", -> spyOn(console, 'warn') class Unserializable getViewClass: -> TestView pane.activateItem(new Unserializable) newPane = new PaneView(pane.model.testSerialization()) expect(newPane.activeItem).toEqual pane.items[0] expect(newPane.items.length).toBe pane.items.length - 1 it "focuses the pane after attach only if had focus when serialized", -> container.attachToDom() pane.focus() container2 = new PaneContainerView(container.model.testSerialization()) pane2 = container2.getRoot() container2.attachToDom() expect(pane2).toMatchSelector(':has(:focus)') $(document.activeElement).blur() container3 = new PaneContainerView(container.model.testSerialization()) pane3 = container3.getRoot() container3.attachToDom() expect(pane3).not.toMatchSelector(':has(:focus)')