'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const os = require('os'); const path = require('path'); const glob = require('glob'); const spawnSync = require('../lib/spawn-sync'); const publishRelease = require('publish-release'); const releaseNotes = require('./lib/release-notes'); const uploadToS3 = require('./lib/upload-to-s3'); const uploadLinuxPackages = require('./lib/upload-linux-packages'); const CONFIG = require('../config'); const yargs = require('yargs'); const argv = yargs .usage('Usage: $0 [options]') .help('help') .describe( 'assets-path', 'Path to the folder where all release assets are stored' ) .describe( 's3-path', 'Indicates the S3 path in which the assets should be uploaded' ) .describe( 'create-github-release', 'Creates a GitHub release for this build, draft if release branch or public if Nightly' ) .describe( 'linux-repo-name', 'If specified, uploads Linux packages to the given repo name on packagecloud' ) .wrap(yargs.terminalWidth()).argv; const releaseVersion = CONFIG.computedAppVersion; const isNightlyRelease = CONFIG.channel === 'nightly'; const assetsPath = argv.assetsPath || CONFIG.buildOutputPath; const assetsPattern = '/**/*(*.exe|*.zip|*.nupkg|*.tar.gz|*.rpm|*.deb|RELEASES*|atom-api.json)'; const assets = glob.sync(assetsPattern, { root: assetsPath, nodir: true }); const bucketPath = argv.s3Path || `releases/v${releaseVersion}/`; if (!assets || assets.length === 0) { console.error(`No assets found under specified path: ${assetsPath}`); process.exit(1); } async function uploadArtifacts() { let releaseForVersion = await releaseNotes.getRelease( releaseVersion, process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN ); if (releaseForVersion.exists && !releaseForVersion.isDraft) { console.log( `Published release already exists for ${releaseVersion}, skipping upload.` ); return; } console.log( `Uploading ${ assets.length } release assets for ${releaseVersion} to S3 under '${bucketPath}'` ); await uploadToS3( process.env.ATOM_RELEASES_S3_KEY, process.env.ATOM_RELEASES_S3_SECRET, process.env.ATOM_RELEASES_S3_BUCKET, bucketPath, assets ); if (argv.linuxRepoName) { await uploadLinuxPackages( argv.linuxRepoName, process.env.PACKAGE_CLOUD_API_KEY, releaseVersion, assets ); } else { console.log( '\nNo Linux package repo name specified, skipping Linux package upload.' ); } const oldReleaseNotes = releaseForVersion.releaseNotes; if (oldReleaseNotes) { const oldReleaseNotesPath = path.resolve( os.tmpdir(), 'OLD_RELEASE_NOTES.md' ); console.log( `Saving existing ${releaseVersion} release notes to ${oldReleaseNotesPath}` ); fs.writeFileSync(oldReleaseNotesPath, oldReleaseNotes, 'utf8'); // This line instructs VSTS to upload the file as an artifact console.log( `##vso[artifact.upload containerfolder=OldReleaseNotes;artifactname=OldReleaseNotes;]${oldReleaseNotesPath}` ); } if (argv.createGithubRelease) { console.log(`\nGenerating new release notes for ${releaseVersion}`); let newReleaseNotes = ''; if (isNightlyRelease) { newReleaseNotes = await releaseNotes.generateForNightly( releaseVersion, process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN, oldReleaseNotes ); } else { newReleaseNotes = await releaseNotes.generateForVersion( releaseVersion, process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN, oldReleaseNotes ); } console.log(`New release notes:\n\n${newReleaseNotes}`); const releaseSha = !isNightlyRelease ? spawnSync('git', ['rev-parse', 'HEAD']) .stdout.toString() .trimEnd() : 'master'; // Nightly tags are created in atom/atom-nightly-releases so the SHA is irrelevant console.log(`Creating GitHub release v${releaseVersion}`); const release = await publishReleaseAsync({ token: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN, owner: 'atom', repo: !isNightlyRelease ? 'atom' : 'atom-nightly-releases', name: CONFIG.computedAppVersion, notes: newReleaseNotes, target_commitish: releaseSha, tag: `v${CONFIG.computedAppVersion}`, draft: !isNightlyRelease, prerelease: CONFIG.channel !== 'stable', editRelease: true, reuseRelease: true, skipIfPublished: true, assets }); console.log('Release published successfully: ', release.html_url); } else { console.log('Skipping GitHub release creation'); } } async function publishReleaseAsync(options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { publishRelease(options, (err, release) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(release); } }); }); } // Wrap the call the async function and catch errors from its promise because // Node.js doesn't yet allow use of await at the script scope uploadArtifacts().catch(err => { console.error('An error occurred while uploading the release:\n\n', err); process.exit(1); });