{$, $$} = require '../src/space-pen-extensions' Exec = require('child_process').exec path = require 'path' Package = require '../src/package' ThemeManager = require '../src/theme-manager' _ = require "underscore-plus" temp = require "temp" describe "the `atom` global", -> describe 'window sizing methods', -> describe '::getPosition and ::setPosition', -> it 'sets the position of the window, and can retrieve the position just set', -> atom.setPosition(22, 45) expect(atom.getPosition()).toEqual x: 22, y: 45 describe '::getSize and ::setSize', -> originalSize = null beforeEach -> originalSize = atom.getSize() afterEach -> atom.setSize(originalSize.width, originalSize.height) it 'sets the size of the window, and can retrieve the size just set', -> atom.setSize(100, 400) expect(atom.getSize()).toEqual width: 100, height: 400 describe ".isReleasedVersion()", -> it "returns false if the version is a SHA and true otherwise", -> version = '0.1.0' spyOn(atom, 'getVersion').andCallFake -> version expect(atom.isReleasedVersion()).toBe true version = '36b5518' expect(atom.isReleasedVersion()).toBe false describe "when an update becomes available", -> subscription = null afterEach -> subscription?.dispose() it "invokes onUpdateAvailable listeners", -> updateAvailableHandler = jasmine.createSpy("update-available-handler") subscription = atom.onUpdateAvailable updateAvailableHandler autoUpdater = require('remote').require('auto-updater') autoUpdater.emit 'update-downloaded', null, "notes", "version" waitsFor -> updateAvailableHandler.callCount > 0 runs -> {releaseVersion} = updateAvailableHandler.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(releaseVersion).toBe 'version' describe "loading default config", -> it 'loads the default core config', -> expect(atom.config.get('core.excludeVcsIgnoredPaths')).toBe true expect(atom.config.get('core.followSymlinks')).toBe false expect(atom.config.get('editor.showInvisibles')).toBe false describe "window onerror handler", -> beforeEach -> spyOn atom, 'openDevTools' spyOn atom, 'executeJavaScriptInDevTools' it "will open the dev tools when an error is triggered", -> try a + 1 catch e window.onerror.call(window, e.toString(), 'abc', 2, 3, e) expect(atom.openDevTools).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(atom.executeJavaScriptInDevTools).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "::onWillThrowError", -> willThrowSpy = null beforeEach -> willThrowSpy = jasmine.createSpy() it "is called when there is an error", -> error = null atom.onWillThrowError(willThrowSpy) try a + 1 catch e error = e window.onerror.call(window, e.toString(), 'abc', 2, 3, e) delete willThrowSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0].preventDefault expect(willThrowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith message: error.toString() url: 'abc' line: 2 column: 3 originalError: error it "will not show the devtools when preventDefault() is called", -> willThrowSpy.andCallFake (errorObject) -> errorObject.preventDefault() atom.onWillThrowError(willThrowSpy) try a + 1 catch e window.onerror.call(window, e.toString(), 'abc', 2, 3, e) expect(willThrowSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(atom.openDevTools).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(atom.executeJavaScriptInDevTools).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe "::onDidThrowError", -> didThrowSpy = null beforeEach -> didThrowSpy = jasmine.createSpy() it "is called when there is an error", -> error = null atom.onDidThrowError(didThrowSpy) try a + 1 catch e error = e window.onerror.call(window, e.toString(), 'abc', 2, 3, e) expect(didThrowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith message: error.toString() url: 'abc' line: 2 column: 3 originalError: error describe "saving and loading", -> afterEach -> atom.mode = "spec" it "selects the state based on the current project paths", -> Atom = atom.constructor [dir1, dir2] = [temp.mkdirSync("dir1-"), temp.mkdirSync("dir2-")] loadSettings = _.extend Atom.getLoadSettings(), initialPaths: [dir1] windowState: null spyOn(Atom, 'getLoadSettings').andCallFake -> loadSettings spyOn(Atom, 'getStorageDirPath').andReturn(temp.mkdirSync("storage-dir-")) atom.mode = "editor" atom.state.stuff = "cool" atom.project.setPaths([dir1, dir2]) atom.saveSync.originalValue.call(atom) atom1 = Atom.loadOrCreate("editor") expect(atom1.state.stuff).toBeUndefined() loadSettings.initialPaths = [dir2, dir1] atom2 = Atom.loadOrCreate("editor") expect(atom2.state.stuff).toBe("cool")