const { sortMenuItems } = require('../src/menu-sort-helpers') describe('contextMenu', () => { describe('dedupes separators', () => { it('preserves existing submenus', () => { const items = [{ submenu: [] }] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual(items) }) }) describe('dedupes separators', () => { it('trims leading separators', () => { const items = [{ type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:one' }] const expected = [{ command: 'core:one' }] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual(expected) }) it('preserves separators at the begining of set two', () => { const items = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two' } ] const expected = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two' } ] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual(expected) }) it('trims trailing separators', () => { const items = [{ command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }] const expected = [{ command: 'core:one' }] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual(expected) }) it('removes duplicate separators across sets', () => { const items = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two' } ] const expected = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two' } ] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual(expected) }) }) describe('can move an item to a different group by merging groups', () => { it('can move a group of one item', () => { const items = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:three', after: ['core:one'] }, { type: 'separator' } ] const expected = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { command: 'core:three', after: ['core:one'] }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two' } ] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual(expected) }) it("moves all items in the moving item's group", () => { const items = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:three', after: ['core:one'] }, { command: 'core:four' }, { type: 'separator' } ] const expected = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { command: 'core:three', after: ['core:one'] }, { command: 'core:four' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two' } ] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual(expected) }) it("ignores positions relative to commands that don't exist", () => { const items = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:three', after: ['core:does-not-exist'] }, { command: 'core:four', after: ['core:one'] }, { type: 'separator' } ] const expected = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { command: 'core:three', after: ['core:does-not-exist'] }, { command: 'core:four', after: ['core:one'] }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two' } ] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual(expected) }) it('can handle recursive group merging', () => { const items = [ { command: 'core:one', after: ['core:three'] }, { command: 'core:two', before: ['core:one'] }, { command: 'core:three' } ] const expected = [ { command: 'core:three' }, { command: 'core:two', before: ['core:one'] }, { command: 'core:one', after: ['core:three'] } ] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual(expected) }) it('can merge multiple groups when given a list of before/after commands', () => { const items = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:three', after: ['core:one', 'core:two'] } ] const expected = [ { command: 'core:two' }, { command: 'core:one' }, { command: 'core:three', after: ['core:one', 'core:two'] } ] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual(expected) }) it('can merge multiple groups based on both before/after commands', () => { const items = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:three', after: ['core:one'], before: ['core:two'] } ] const expected = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { command: 'core:three', after: ['core:one'], before: ['core:two'] }, { command: 'core:two' } ] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual(expected) }) }) describe('sorts items within their ultimate group', () => { it('does a simple sort', () => { const items = [ { command: 'core:two', after: ['core:one'] }, { command: 'core:one' } ] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual([ { command: 'core:one' }, { command: 'core:two', after: ['core:one'] } ]) }) it('resolves cycles by ignoring things that conflict', () => { const items = [ { command: 'core:two', after: ['core:one'] }, { command: 'core:one', after: ['core:two'] } ] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual([ { command: 'core:one', after: ['core:two'] }, { command: 'core:two', after: ['core:one'] } ]) }) }) describe('sorts groups', () => { it('does a simple sort', () => { const items = [ { command: 'core:two', afterGroupContaining: ['core:one'] }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:one' } ] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual([ { command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two', afterGroupContaining: ['core:one'] } ]) }) it('resolves cycles by ignoring things that conflict', () => { const items = [ { command: 'core:two', afterGroupContaining: ['core:one'] }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:one', afterGroupContaining: ['core:two'] } ] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual([ { command: 'core:one', afterGroupContaining: ['core:two'] }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two', afterGroupContaining: ['core:one'] } ]) }) it('ignores references to commands that do not exist', () => { const items = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two', afterGroupContaining: ['core:does-not-exist'] } ] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual([ { command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two', afterGroupContaining: ['core:does-not-exist'] } ]) }) it('only respects the first matching [before|after]GroupContaining rule in a given group', () => { const items = [ { command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:three', beforeGroupContaining: ['core:one'] }, { command: 'core:four', afterGroupContaining: ['core:two'] }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two' } ] expect(sortMenuItems(items)).toEqual([ { command: 'core:three', beforeGroupContaining: ['core:one'] }, { command: 'core:four', afterGroupContaining: ['core:two'] }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:one' }, { type: 'separator' }, { command: 'core:two' } ]) }) }) })