const { TextEditor, TextBuffer } = require('atom'); const MIN_SIZE_IN_KB = 0 * 1024; const MAX_SIZE_IN_KB = 10 * 1024; const SIZE_STEP_IN_KB = 1024; const LINE_TEXT = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet\n'; const TEXT = LINE_TEXT.repeat( Math.ceil((MAX_SIZE_IN_KB * 1024) / LINE_TEXT.length) ); module.exports = async ({ test }) => { const data = []; document.body.appendChild(atom.workspace.getElement()); atom.packages.loadPackages(); await atom.packages.activate(); for (let pane of atom.workspace.getPanes()) { pane.destroy(); } for ( let sizeInKB = MIN_SIZE_IN_KB; sizeInKB < MAX_SIZE_IN_KB; sizeInKB += SIZE_STEP_IN_KB ) { const text = TEXT.slice(0, sizeInKB * 1024); console.log(text.length / 1024); let t0 =; const buffer = new TextBuffer({ text }); const editor = new TextEditor({ buffer, autoHeight: false, largeFileMode: true }); atom.grammars.autoAssignLanguageMode(buffer); atom.workspace.getActivePane().activateItem(editor); let t1 =; data.push({ name: 'Opening a large file', x: sizeInKB, duration: t1 - t0 }); const tickDurations = []; for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { await timeout(50); t0 =; await timeout(0); t1 =; tickDurations[i] = t1 - t0; } data.push({ name: 'Max time event loop was blocked after opening a large file', x: sizeInKB, duration: Math.max(...tickDurations) }); t0 =; editor.setCursorScreenPosition( editor.element.screenPositionForPixelPosition({ top: 100, left: 30 }) ); t1 =; data.push({ name: 'Clicking the editor after opening a large file', x: sizeInKB, duration: t1 - t0 }); t0 =; editor.element.setScrollTop(editor.element.getScrollTop() + 100); t1 =; data.push({ name: 'Scrolling down after opening a large file', x: sizeInKB, duration: t1 - t0 }); editor.destroy(); buffer.destroy(); await timeout(10000); } atom.workspace.getElement().remove(); return data; }; function timeout(duration) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, duration)); }