const Gutter = require('../src/gutter') describe('Gutter', () => { const fakeGutterContainer = { scheduleComponentUpdate () {} } const name = 'name' describe('::hide', () => it('hides the gutter if it is visible.', () => { const options = { name, visible: true } const gutter = new Gutter(fakeGutterContainer, options) const events = [] gutter.onDidChangeVisible(gutter => events.push(gutter.isVisible())) expect(gutter.isVisible()).toBe(true) gutter.hide() expect(gutter.isVisible()).toBe(false) expect(events).toEqual([false]) gutter.hide() expect(gutter.isVisible()).toBe(false) // An event should only be emitted when the visibility changes. expect(events.length).toBe(1) })) describe('::show', () => it('shows the gutter if it is hidden.', () => { const options = { name, visible: false } const gutter = new Gutter(fakeGutterContainer, options) const events = [] gutter.onDidChangeVisible(gutter => events.push(gutter.isVisible())) expect(gutter.isVisible()).toBe(false) expect(gutter.isVisible()).toBe(true) expect(events).toEqual([true]) expect(gutter.isVisible()).toBe(true) // An event should only be emitted when the visibility changes. expect(events.length).toBe(1) })) describe('::destroy', () => { let mockGutterContainer, mockGutterContainerRemovedGutters beforeEach(() => { mockGutterContainerRemovedGutters = [] mockGutterContainer = { removeGutter (destroyedGutter) { mockGutterContainerRemovedGutters.push(destroyedGutter) } } }) it('removes the gutter from its container.', () => { const gutter = new Gutter(mockGutterContainer, { name }) gutter.destroy() expect(mockGutterContainerRemovedGutters).toEqual([gutter]) }) it('calls all callbacks registered on ::onDidDestroy.', () => { const gutter = new Gutter(mockGutterContainer, { name }) let didDestroy = false gutter.onDidDestroy(() => { didDestroy = true }) gutter.destroy() expect(didDestroy).toBe(true) }) it('does not allow destroying the line-number gutter', () => { const gutter = new Gutter(mockGutterContainer, { name: 'line-number' }) expect(gutter.destroy).toThrow() }) }) })