Project = require 'project' Buffer = require 'text-buffer' fsUtils = require 'fs-utils' _ = require 'underscore' describe 'Buffer', -> [filePath, fileContents, buffer] = [] beforeEach -> filePath = require.resolve('fixtures/sample.js') fileContents = buffer = project.bufferForPath(filePath) afterEach -> buffer?.release() describe 'constructor', -> beforeEach -> buffer.release() buffer = null describe "when given a path", -> describe "when a file exists for the path", -> it "loads the contents of that file", -> filePath = require.resolve 'fixtures/sample.txt' buffer = project.bufferForPath(filePath) expect(buffer.getText()).toBe it "is not modified and has no undo history", -> buffer = project.bufferForPath(filePath) expect(buffer.isModified()).toBeFalsy() expect(buffer.undoManager.undoHistory.length).toBe 0 describe "when no file exists for the path", -> it "is modified and is initially empty", -> filePath = "does-not-exist.txt" expect(fsUtils.exists(filePath)).toBeFalsy() buffer = project.bufferForPath(filePath) expect(buffer.isModified()).toBeTruthy() expect(buffer.getText()).toBe '' describe "when no path is given", -> it "creates an empty buffer", -> buffer = project.bufferForPath(null) expect(buffer .getText()).toBe "" describe "path-changed event", -> [path, newPath, bufferToChange, eventHandler] = [] beforeEach -> path = fsUtils.join(fsUtils.resolveOnLoadPath("fixtures"), "atom-manipulate-me") newPath = "#{path}-i-moved" fsUtils.write(path, "") bufferToChange = project.bufferForPath(path) eventHandler = jasmine.createSpy('eventHandler') bufferToChange.on 'path-changed', eventHandler afterEach -> bufferToChange.destroy() fsUtils.remove(path) if fsUtils.exists(path) fsUtils.remove(newPath) if fsUtils.exists(newPath) it "triggers a `path-changed` event when path is changed", -> bufferToChange.saveAs(newPath) expect(eventHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(bufferToChange) it "triggers a `path-changed` event when the file is moved", -> jasmine.unspy(window, "setTimeout") fsUtils.remove(newPath) if fsUtils.exists(newPath) fsUtils.move(path, newPath) waitsFor "buffer path change", -> eventHandler.callCount > 0 runs -> expect(eventHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(bufferToChange) describe "when the buffer's on-disk contents change", -> path = null beforeEach -> path = "/tmp/tmp.txt" fsUtils.write(path, "first") buffer.release() buffer = project.bufferForPath(path).retain() afterEach -> buffer.release() buffer = null fsUtils.remove(path) if fsUtils.exists(path) it "does not trigger a change event when Atom modifies the file", -> buffer.insert([0,0], "HELLO!") changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy("buffer changed") buffer.on "changed", changeHandler waits 30 runs -> expect(changeHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe "when the buffer is in an unmodified state before the on-disk change", -> it "changes the memory contents of the buffer to match the new disk contents and triggers a 'changed' event", -> changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('changeHandler') buffer.on 'changed', changeHandler fsUtils.write(path, "second") expect(changeHandler.callCount).toBe 0 waitsFor "file to trigger change event", -> changeHandler.callCount > 0 runs -> [event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0] expect(event.oldRange).toEqual [[0, 0], [0, 5]] expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[0, 0], [0, 6]] expect(event.oldText).toBe "first" expect(event.newText).toBe "second" expect(buffer.isModified()).toBeFalsy() describe "when the buffer's memory contents differ from the *previous* disk contents", -> it "leaves the buffer in a modified state (does not update its memory contents)", -> fileChangeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('fileChange') buffer.file.on 'contents-changed', fileChangeHandler buffer.insert([0, 0], "a change") fsUtils.write(path, "second") expect(fileChangeHandler.callCount).toBe 0 waitsFor "file to trigger 'contents-changed' event", -> fileChangeHandler.callCount > 0 runs -> expect(buffer.isModified()).toBeTruthy() it "fires a single contents-conflicted event", -> buffer.insert([0, 0], "a change") buffer.insert([0, 0], "a second change") handler = jasmine.createSpy('fileChange') fsUtils.write(path, "second") buffer.on 'contents-conflicted', handler expect(handler.callCount).toBe 0 waitsFor -> handler.callCount > 0 runs -> expect(handler.callCount).toBe 1 describe "when the buffer's file is deleted (via another process)", -> [path, bufferToDelete] = [] beforeEach -> path = "/tmp/atom-file-to-delete.txt" fsUtils.write(path, 'delete me') bufferToDelete = project.bufferForPath(path) path = bufferToDelete.getPath() # symlinks may have been converted expect(bufferToDelete.getPath()).toBe path expect(bufferToDelete.isModified()).toBeFalsy() removeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('removeHandler') bufferToDelete.file.on 'removed', removeHandler fsUtils.remove(path) waitsFor "file to be removed", -> removeHandler.callCount > 0 afterEach -> bufferToDelete.destroy() it "retains its path and reports the buffer as modified", -> expect(bufferToDelete.getPath()).toBe path expect(bufferToDelete.isModified()).toBeTruthy() it "resumes watching of the file when it is re-saved", -> expect(bufferToDelete.fileExists()).toBeTruthy() expect(bufferToDelete.isInConflict()).toBeFalsy() fsUtils.write(path, 'moo') changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('changeHandler') bufferToDelete.on 'changed', changeHandler waitsFor 'change event', -> changeHandler.callCount > 0 describe "modified status", -> it "reports the modified status changing to true or false after the user changes buffer", -> modifiedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("modifiedHandler") buffer.on 'modified-status-changed', modifiedHandler expect(buffer.isModified()).toBeFalsy() buffer.insert([0,0], "hi") expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe true advanceClock(buffer.stoppedChangingDelay) expect(modifiedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true) modifiedHandler.reset() buffer.insert([0,2], "ho") advanceClock(buffer.stoppedChangingDelay) expect(modifiedHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() modifiedHandler.reset() buffer.undo() buffer.undo() advanceClock(buffer.stoppedChangingDelay) expect(modifiedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false) it "reports the modified status changing to true after the underlying file is deleted", -> buffer.release() filePath = "/tmp/atom-tmp-file" fsUtils.write(filePath, 'delete me') buffer = project.bufferForPath(filePath) modifiedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("modifiedHandler") buffer.on 'modified-status-changed', modifiedHandler fsUtils.remove(filePath) waitsFor "modified status to change", -> modifiedHandler.callCount runs -> expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe true it "reports the modified status changing to false after a modified buffer is saved", -> filePath = "/tmp/atom-tmp-file" fsUtils.write(filePath, '') buffer.release() buffer = project.bufferForPath(filePath) modifiedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("modifiedHandler") buffer.on 'modified-status-changed', modifiedHandler buffer.insert([0,0], "hi") advanceClock(buffer.stoppedChangingDelay) expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe true modifiedHandler.reset() expect(modifiedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false) expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe false modifiedHandler.reset() buffer.insert([0, 0], 'x') advanceClock(buffer.stoppedChangingDelay) expect(modifiedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true) expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe true it "reports the modified status changing to false after a modified buffer is reloaded", -> filePath = "/tmp/atom-tmp-file" fsUtils.write(filePath, '') buffer.release() buffer = project.bufferForPath(filePath) modifiedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("modifiedHandler") buffer.on 'modified-status-changed', modifiedHandler buffer.insert([0,0], "hi") advanceClock(buffer.stoppedChangingDelay) expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe true modifiedHandler.reset() buffer.reload() expect(modifiedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false) expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe false modifiedHandler.reset() buffer.insert([0, 0], 'x') advanceClock(buffer.stoppedChangingDelay) expect(modifiedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true) expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe true it "reports the modified status changing to false after a buffer to a non-existent file is saved", -> filePath = "/tmp/atom-tmp-file" fsUtils.remove(filePath) if fsUtils.exists(filePath) expect(fsUtils.exists(filePath)).toBeFalsy() buffer.release() buffer = project.bufferForPath(filePath) modifiedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("modifiedHandler") buffer.on 'modified-status-changed', modifiedHandler buffer.insert([0,0], "hi") advanceClock(buffer.stoppedChangingDelay) expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe true modifiedHandler.reset() expect(fsUtils.exists(filePath)).toBeTruthy() expect(modifiedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false) expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe false modifiedHandler.reset() buffer.insert([0, 0], 'x') advanceClock(buffer.stoppedChangingDelay) expect(modifiedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true) expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe true it "returns false for an empty buffer with no path", -> buffer.release() buffer = project.bufferForPath(null) expect(buffer.isModified()).toBeFalsy() it "returns true for a non-empty buffer with no path", -> buffer.release() buffer = project.bufferForPath(null) buffer.setText('a') expect(buffer.isModified()).toBeTruthy() buffer.setText('\n') expect(buffer.isModified()).toBeTruthy() describe ".getLines()", -> it "returns an array of lines in the text contents", -> expect(buffer.getLines().length).toBe fileContents.split("\n").length expect(buffer.getLines().join('\n')).toBe fileContents describe ".change(range, string)", -> changeHandler = null beforeEach -> changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('changeHandler') buffer.on 'changed', changeHandler describe "when used to insert (called with an empty range and a non-empty string)", -> describe "when the given string has no newlines", -> it "inserts the string at the location of the given range", -> range = [[3, 4], [3, 4]] buffer.change range, "foo" expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;" expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " foovar pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];" expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe " while(items.length > 0) {" expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() [event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0] expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 4], [3, 7]] expect(event.oldText).toBe "" expect(event.newText).toBe "foo" describe "when the given string has newlines", -> it "inserts the lines at the location of the given range", -> range = [[3, 4], [3, 4]] buffer.change range, "foo\n\nbar\nbaz" expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;" expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " foo" expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe "" expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe "bar" expect(buffer.lineForRow(6)).toBe "bazvar pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];" expect(buffer.lineForRow(7)).toBe " while(items.length > 0) {" expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() [event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0] expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 4], [6, 3]] expect(event.oldText).toBe "" expect(event.newText).toBe "foo\n\nbar\nbaz" describe "when used to remove (called with a non-empty range and an empty string)", -> describe "when the range is contained within a single line", -> it "removes the characters within the range", -> range = [[3, 4], [3, 7]] buffer.change range, "" expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;" expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];" expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe " while(items.length > 0) {" expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() [event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0] expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 4], [3, 4]] expect(event.oldText).toBe "var" expect(event.newText).toBe "" describe "when the range spans 2 lines", -> it "removes the characters within the range and joins the lines", -> range = [[3, 16], [4, 4]] buffer.change range, "" expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;" expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " var pivot = while(items.length > 0) {" expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe " current = items.shift();" expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() [event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0] expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 16], [3, 16]] expect(event.oldText).toBe "items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];\n " expect(event.newText).toBe "" describe "when the range spans more than 2 lines", -> it "removes the characters within the range, joining the first and last line and removing the lines in-between", -> buffer.change [[3, 16], [11, 9]], "" expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;" expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " var pivot = sort(Array.apply(this, arguments));" expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe "};" describe "when used to replace text with other text (called with non-empty range and non-empty string)", -> it "replaces the old text with the new text", -> range = [[3, 16], [11, 9]] oldText = buffer.getTextInRange(range) buffer.change range, "foo\nbar" expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;" expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " var pivot = foo" expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe "barsort(Array.apply(this, arguments));" expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe "};" expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() [event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0] expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 16], [4, 3]] expect(event.oldText).toBe oldText expect(event.newText).toBe "foo\nbar" it "allows a 'changed' event handler to safely undo the change", -> buffer.on 'changed', -> buffer.undo() buffer.change([0, 0], "hello") expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe "var quicksort = function () {" describe ".setText(text)", -> it "changes the entire contents of the buffer and emits a change event", -> lastRow = buffer.getLastRow() expectedPreRange = [[0,0], [lastRow, buffer.lineForRow(lastRow).length]] changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('changeHandler') buffer.on 'changed', changeHandler newText = "I know you are.\nBut what am I?" buffer.setText(newText) expect(buffer.getText()).toBe newText expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() [event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0] expect(event.newText).toBe newText expect(event.oldRange).toEqual expectedPreRange expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[0, 0], [1, 14]] describe ".save()", -> saveBuffer = null afterEach -> saveBuffer.release() describe "when the buffer has a path", -> filePath = null beforeEach -> filePath = '/tmp/temp.txt' fsUtils.write(filePath, "") saveBuffer = project.bufferForPath(filePath) saveBuffer.setText("blah") it "saves the contents of the buffer to the path", -> saveBuffer.setText 'Buffer contents!' expect( 'Buffer contents!' it "fires will-be-saved and saved events around the call to fsUtils.write", -> events = [] beforeSave1 = -> events.push('beforeSave1') beforeSave2 = -> events.push('beforeSave2') afterSave1 = -> events.push('afterSave1') afterSave2 = -> events.push('afterSave2') saveBuffer.on 'will-be-saved', beforeSave1 saveBuffer.on 'will-be-saved', beforeSave2 spyOn(fsUtils, 'write').andCallFake -> events.push 'fsUtils.write' saveBuffer.on 'saved', afterSave1 saveBuffer.on 'saved', afterSave2 expect(events).toEqual ['beforeSave1', 'beforeSave2', 'fsUtils.write', 'afterSave1', 'afterSave2'] it "fires will-reload and reloaded events when reloaded", -> events = [] saveBuffer.on 'will-reload', -> events.push 'will-reload' saveBuffer.on 'reloaded', -> events.push 'reloaded' saveBuffer.reload() expect(events).toEqual ['will-reload', 'reloaded'] describe "when the buffer has no path", -> it "throws an exception", -> saveBuffer = project.bufferForPath(null) saveBuffer.setText "hi" expect(-> describe "reload()", -> it "reloads current text from disk and clears any conflicts", -> buffer.setText("abc") buffer.conflict = true buffer.reload() expect(buffer.isModified()).toBeFalsy() expect(buffer.isInConflict()).toBeFalsy() expect(buffer.getText()).toBe(fileContents) describe ".saveAs(path)", -> [filePath, saveAsBuffer] = [] afterEach -> saveAsBuffer.release() it "saves the contents of the buffer to the path", -> filePath = '/tmp/temp.txt' fsUtils.remove filePath if fsUtils.exists(filePath) saveAsBuffer = project.bufferForPath(null).retain() eventHandler = jasmine.createSpy('eventHandler') saveAsBuffer.on 'path-changed', eventHandler saveAsBuffer.setText 'Buffer contents!' saveAsBuffer.saveAs(filePath) expect( 'Buffer contents!' expect(eventHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(saveAsBuffer) it "stops listening to events on previous path and begins listening to events on new path", -> originalPath = "/tmp/original.txt" newPath = "/tmp/new.txt" fsUtils.write(originalPath, "") saveAsBuffer = project.bufferForPath(originalPath).retain() changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('changeHandler') saveAsBuffer.on 'changed', changeHandler saveAsBuffer.saveAs(newPath) expect(changeHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() fsUtils.write(originalPath, "should not trigger buffer event") waits 20 runs -> expect(changeHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() fsUtils.write(newPath, "should trigger buffer event") waitsFor -> changeHandler.callCount > 0 describe ".getTextInRange(range)", -> describe "when range is empty", -> it "returns an empty string", -> range = [[1,1], [1,1]] expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe "" describe "when range spans one line", -> it "returns characters in range", -> range = [[2,8], [2,13]] expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe "items" lineLength = buffer.lineForRow(2).length range = [[2,0], [2,lineLength]] expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;" describe "when range spans multiple lines", -> it "returns characters in range (including newlines)", -> lineLength = buffer.lineForRow(2).length range = [[2,0], [3,0]] expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;\n" lineLength = buffer.lineForRow(2).length range = [[2,10], [4,10]] expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe "ems.length <= 1) return items;\n var pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];\n while(" describe "when the range starts before the start of the buffer", -> it "clips the range to the start of the buffer", -> expect(buffer.getTextInRange([[-Infinity, -Infinity], [0, Infinity]])).toBe buffer.lineForRow(0) describe "when the range ends after the end of the buffer", -> it "clips the range to the end of the buffer", -> expect(buffer.getTextInRange([[12], [13, Infinity]])).toBe buffer.lineForRow(12) describe ".scanInRange(range, regex, fn)", -> describe "when given a regex with a ignore case flag", -> it "does a case-insensitive search", -> matches = [] buffer.scanInRange /cuRRent/i, [[0,0], [12,0]], ({match, range}) -> matches.push(match) expect(matches.length).toBe 1 describe "when given a regex with no global flag", -> it "calls the iterator with the first match for the given regex in the given range", -> matches = [] ranges = [] buffer.scanInRange /cu(rr)ent/, [[4,0], [6,44]], ({match, range}) -> matches.push(match) ranges.push(range) expect(matches.length).toBe 1 expect(ranges.length).toBe 1 expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'current' expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr' expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]] describe "when given a regex with a global flag", -> it "calls the iterator with each match for the given regex in the given range", -> matches = [] ranges = [] buffer.scanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], ({match, range}) -> matches.push(match) ranges.push(range) expect(matches.length).toBe 3 expect(ranges.length).toBe 3 expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'current' expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr' expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]] expect(matches[1][0]).toBe 'current' expect(matches[1][1]).toBe 'rr' expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]] expect(matches[2][0]).toBe 'current' expect(matches[2][1]).toBe 'rr' expect(ranges[2]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]] describe "when the last regex match exceeds the end of the range", -> describe "when the portion of the match within the range also matches the regex", -> it "calls the iterator with the truncated match", -> matches = [] ranges = [] buffer.scanInRange /cu(r*)/g, [[4,0], [6,9]], ({match, range}) -> matches.push(match) ranges.push(range) expect(matches.length).toBe 2 expect(ranges.length).toBe 2 expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'curr' expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr' expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,10]] expect(matches[1][0]).toBe 'cur' expect(matches[1][1]).toBe 'r' expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,9]] describe "when the portion of the match within the range does not matches the regex", -> it "calls the iterator with the truncated match", -> matches = [] ranges = [] buffer.scanInRange /cu(r*)e/g, [[4,0], [6,9]], ({match, range}) -> matches.push(match) ranges.push(range) expect(matches.length).toBe 1 expect(ranges.length).toBe 1 expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'curre' expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr' expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,11]] describe "when the iterator calls the 'replace' control function with a replacement string", -> it "replaces each occurrence of the regex match with the string", -> ranges = [] buffer.scanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], ({range, replace}) -> ranges.push(range) replace("foo") expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]] expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]] expect(ranges[2]).toEqual [[6,30], [6,37]] expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe ' foo = items.shift();' expect(buffer.lineForRow(6)).toBe ' foo < pivot ? left.push(foo) : right.push(current);' it "allows the match to be replaced with the empty string", -> buffer.scanInRange /current/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], ({replace}) -> replace("") expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe ' = items.shift();' expect(buffer.lineForRow(6)).toBe ' < pivot ? left.push() : right.push(current);' describe "when the iterator calls the 'stop' control function", -> it "stops the traversal", -> ranges = [] buffer.scanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], ({range, stop}) -> ranges.push(range) stop() if ranges.length == 2 expect(ranges.length).toBe 2 describe ".backwardsScanInRange(range, regex, fn)", -> describe "when given a regex with no global flag", -> it "calls the iterator with the last match for the given regex in the given range", -> matches = [] ranges = [] buffer.backwardsScanInRange /cu(rr)ent/, [[4,0], [6,44]], ({match, range}) -> matches.push(match) ranges.push(range) expect(matches.length).toBe 1 expect(ranges.length).toBe 1 expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'current' expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr' expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]] describe "when given a regex with a global flag", -> it "calls the iterator with each match for the given regex in the given range, starting with the last match", -> matches = [] ranges = [] buffer.backwardsScanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], ({match, range}) -> matches.push(match) ranges.push(range) expect(matches.length).toBe 3 expect(ranges.length).toBe 3 expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'current' expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr' expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]] expect(matches[1][0]).toBe 'current' expect(matches[1][1]).toBe 'rr' expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]] expect(matches[2][0]).toBe 'current' expect(matches[2][1]).toBe 'rr' expect(ranges[2]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]] describe "when the iterator calls the 'replace' control function with a replacement string", -> it "replaces each occurrence of the regex match with the string", -> ranges = [] buffer.backwardsScanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], ({range, replace}) -> ranges.push(range) replace("foo") unless range.start.isEqual([6,6]) expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]] expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]] expect(ranges[2]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]] expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe ' foo = items.shift();' expect(buffer.lineForRow(6)).toBe ' current < pivot ? left.push(foo) : right.push(current);' describe "when the iterator calls the 'stop' control function", -> it "stops the traversal", -> ranges = [] buffer.backwardsScanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], ({range, stop}) -> ranges.push(range) stop() if ranges.length == 2 expect(ranges.length).toBe 2 expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]] expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]] describe ".characterIndexForPosition(position)", -> it "returns the total number of characters that precede the given position", -> expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([0, 0])).toBe 0 expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([0, 1])).toBe 1 expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([0, 29])).toBe 29 expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([1, 0])).toBe 30 expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([2, 0])).toBe 61 expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([12, 2])).toBe 408 expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([Infinity])).toBe 408 describe "when the buffer contains crlf line endings", -> it "returns the total number of characters that precede the given position", -> buffer.setText("line1\r\nline2\nline3\r\nline4") expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([1])).toBe 7 expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([2])).toBe 13 expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([3])).toBe 20 describe ".positionForCharacterIndex(position)", -> it "returns the position based on character index", -> expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(0)).toEqual [0, 0] expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(1)).toEqual [0, 1] expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(29)).toEqual [0, 29] expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(30)).toEqual [1, 0] expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(61)).toEqual [2, 0] expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(408)).toEqual [12, 2] describe "when the buffer contains crlf line endings", -> it "returns the position based on character index", -> buffer.setText("line1\r\nline2\nline3\r\nline4") expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(7)).toEqual [1, 0] expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(13)).toEqual [2, 0] expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(20)).toEqual [3, 0] describe "markers", -> markerCreatedHandler = null beforeEach -> buffer.on('marker-created', markerCreatedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("markerCreatedHandler")) describe "marker creation", -> it "allows markers to be created with ranges and positions", -> marker1 = buffer.markRange([[4, 20], [4, 23]]) expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] expect(marker1.getHeadPosition()).toEqual [4, 23] expect(marker1.getTailPosition()).toEqual [4, 20] marker2 = buffer.markPosition([4, 20]) expect(marker2.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 20]] expect(marker2.getHeadPosition()).toEqual [4, 20] expect(marker2.getTailPosition()).toEqual [4, 20] it "allows markers to be created in a reversed orientation", -> marker = buffer.markRange([[4, 20], [4, 23]], reverse: true) expect(marker.isReversed()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] expect(marker.getHeadPosition()).toEqual [4, 20] expect(marker.getTailPosition()).toEqual [4, 23] it "emits the 'marker-created' event when markers are created", -> marker = buffer.markRange([[4, 20], [4, 23]]) expect(markerCreatedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(marker) describe "marker manipulation", -> marker = null beforeEach -> marker = buffer.markRange([[4, 20], [4, 23]]) it "allows a marker's head and tail positions to be changed", -> marker.setHeadPosition([5, 3]) expect(marker.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [5, 3]] marker.setTailPosition([6, 3]) expect(marker.getRange()).toEqual [[5, 3], [6, 3]] expect(marker.isReversed()).toBeTruthy() it "clips head and tail positions to ensure they are in bounds", -> marker.setHeadPosition([-100, -5]) expect(marker.getRange()).toEqual([[0, 0], [4, 20]]) marker.setTailPosition([Infinity, Infinity]) expect(marker.getRange()).toEqual([[0, 0], [12, 2]]) it "allows a marker's tail to be placed and cleared", -> marker.clearTail() expect(marker.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 23], [4, 23]] marker.placeTail() marker.setHeadPosition([2, 0]) expect(marker.getRange()).toEqual [[2, 0], [4, 23]] expect(marker.isReversed()).toBeTruthy() it "returns whether the position changed", -> expect(marker.setHeadPosition([5, 3])).toBeTruthy() expect(marker.setHeadPosition([5, 3])).toBeFalsy() expect(marker.setTailPosition([6, 3])).toBeTruthy() expect(marker.setTailPosition([6, 3])).toBeFalsy() describe ".observeMarker(marker, callback)", -> [observeHandler, marker, subscription] = [] beforeEach -> observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy("observeHandler") marker = buffer.markRange([[4, 20], [4, 23]]) subscription = marker.observe(observeHandler) it "calls the callback when the marker's head position changes", -> marker.setHeadPosition([6, 2]) expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual { oldHeadPosition: [4, 23] newHeadPosition: [6, 2] oldTailPosition: [4, 20] newTailPosition: [4, 20] bufferChanged: false valid: true } observeHandler.reset() buffer.insert([6, 0], '...') expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual { oldTailPosition: [4, 20] newTailPosition: [4, 20] oldHeadPosition: [6, 2] newHeadPosition: [6, 5] bufferChanged: true valid: true } it "calls the given callback when the marker's tail position changes", -> marker.setTailPosition([6, 2]) expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual { oldHeadPosition: [4, 23] newHeadPosition: [4, 23] oldTailPosition: [4, 20] newTailPosition: [6, 2] bufferChanged: false valid: true } observeHandler.reset() buffer.insert([6, 0], '...') expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual { oldHeadPosition: [4, 23] newHeadPosition: [4, 23] oldTailPosition: [6, 2] newTailPosition: [6, 5] bufferChanged: true valid: true } it "calls the callback when the selection's tail is cleared", -> marker.clearTail() expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual { oldHeadPosition: [4, 23] newHeadPosition: [4, 23] oldTailPosition: [4, 20] newTailPosition: [4, 23] bufferChanged: false valid: true } it "only calls the callback once when both the marker's head and tail positions change due to the same operation", -> buffer.insert([4, 0], '...') expect(observeHandler.callCount).toBe 1 expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual { oldTailPosition: [4, 20] newTailPosition: [4, 23] oldHeadPosition: [4, 23] newHeadPosition: [4, 26] bufferChanged: true valid: true } observeHandler.reset() marker.setRange([[0, 0], [1, 1]]) expect(observeHandler.callCount).toBe 1 expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual { oldTailPosition: [4, 23] newTailPosition: [0, 0] oldHeadPosition: [4, 26] newHeadPosition: [1, 1] bufferChanged: false valid: true } it "calls the callback with the valid flag set to false when the marker is invalidated", -> buffer.deleteRow(4) expect(observeHandler.callCount).toBe 1 expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual { oldTailPosition: [4, 20] newTailPosition: [4, 20] oldHeadPosition: [4, 23] newHeadPosition: [4, 23] bufferChanged: true valid: false } observeHandler.reset() buffer.undo() expect(observeHandler.callCount).toBe 1 expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual { oldTailPosition: [4, 20] newTailPosition: [4, 20] oldHeadPosition: [4, 23] newHeadPosition: [4, 23] bufferChanged: true valid: true } it "allows the observation subscription to be cancelled", -> subscription.cancel() marker.setHeadPosition([6, 2]) expect(observeHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe ".findMarkers(attributes)", -> [marker1, marker2, marker3, marker4] = [] beforeEach -> marker1 = buffer.markRange([[0, 0], [3, 0]], class: 'a') marker2 = buffer.markRange([[0, 0], [5, 0]], class: 'a') marker3 = buffer.markRange([[6, 0], [7, 0]], class: 'a') marker4 = buffer.markRange([[9, 0], [10, 0]], class: 'b') it "returns the markers matching the given attributes, sorted by the buffer location and size of their ranges", -> expect(buffer.findMarkers(class: 'a')).toEqual [marker2, marker1, marker3] it "allows the startRow and endRow to be specified", -> expect(buffer.findMarkers(class: 'a', startRow: 0)).toEqual [marker2, marker1] expect(buffer.findMarkers(class: 'a', startRow: 0, endRow: 3)).toEqual [marker1] expect(buffer.findMarkers(endRow: 10)).toEqual [marker4] describe "marker destruction", -> marker = null beforeEach -> marker = buffer.markRange([[4, 20], [4, 23]]) it "allows a marker to be destroyed", -> marker.destroy() expect(buffer.getMarker( it "does not restore invalidated markers that have been destroyed", -> buffer.delete([[4, 15], [4, 25]]) expect(buffer.getMarker( marker.destroy() buffer.undo() expect(buffer.getMarker( # even "invalidationStrategy: never" markers get destroyed properly marker2 = buffer.markRange([[4, 20], [4, 23]], invalidationStrategy: 'never') buffer.delete([[4, 15], [4, 25]]) marker2.destroy() buffer.undo() expect(buffer.getMarker( it "emits 'destroyed' on the marker when it is destroyed", -> marker.on 'destroyed', destroyedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("destroyedHandler") marker.destroy() expect(destroyedHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "marker updates due to buffer changes", -> [marker1, marker2, marker3] = [] beforeEach -> marker1 = buffer.markRange([[4, 20], [4, 23]]) marker2 = buffer.markRange([[4, 20], [4, 23]], invalidationStrategy: 'never') marker3 = buffer.markRange([[4, 20], [4, 23]], invalidationStrategy: 'between') describe "when the buffer changes due to a new operation", -> describe "when the change precedes the marker range", -> it "moves the marker", -> buffer.insert([4, 5], '...') expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 23], [4, 26]] buffer.delete([[4, 5], [4, 8]]) expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] buffer.insert([0, 0], '\nhi\n') expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[6, 20], [6, 23]] # undo works buffer.undo() expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] buffer.undo() expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 23], [4, 26]] describe "when the change follows the marker range", -> it "does not move the marker", -> buffer.insert([6, 5], '...') expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] buffer.delete([[6, 5], [6, 8]]) expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] buffer.insert([10, 0], '\nhi\n') expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] describe "when the change is an insertion at the start of the marker range", -> it "does not move the start point, but does move the end point", -> buffer.insert([4, 20], '...') expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 26]] describe "when the invalidation strategy is 'between'", -> it "invalidates the marker", -> buffer.insert([4, 20], '...') expect(marker3.isValid()).toBeFalsy() describe "when the change is an insertion at the end of the marker range", -> it "moves the end point", -> buffer.insert([4, 23], '...') expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 26]] describe "when the invalidation strategy is 'between'", -> it "invalidates the marker", -> buffer.insert([4, 23], '...') expect(marker3.isValid()).toBeFalsy() describe "when the change surrounds the marker range", -> describe "when the marker's invalidation strategy is 'contains' (the default)", -> it "invalidates the marker", -> buffer.delete([[4, 15], [4, 25]]) expect(marker1.isValid()).toBeFalsy() buffer.undo() expect(marker1.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] describe "when the marker's invalidation strategy is 'between'", -> it "invalidates the marker", -> buffer.delete([[4, 15], [4, 25]]) expect(marker3.isValid()).toBeFalsy() buffer.undo() expect(marker3.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker3.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] describe "when the marker's invalidation strategy is 'never'", -> it "does not invalidate the marker, but sets it to an empty range at the end of the change", -> buffer.change([[4, 15], [4, 25]], "...") expect(marker2.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker2.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 18], [4, 18]] buffer.undo() expect(marker2.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker2.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] describe "when the change straddles the start of the marker range", -> describe "when the marker's invalidation strategy is 'contains' (the default)", -> it "invalidates the marker", -> buffer.delete([[4, 15], [4, 22]]) expect(marker1.isValid()).toBeFalsy() buffer.undo() expect(marker1.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] describe "when the marker's invalidation strategy is 'between'", -> it "invalidates the marker", -> buffer.delete([[4, 15], [4, 22]]) expect(marker3.isValid()).toBeFalsy() buffer.undo() expect(marker3.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker3.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] describe "when the marker's invalidation strategy is 'never'", -> it "moves the start of the marker range to the end of the change", -> buffer.delete([[4, 15], [4, 22]]) expect(marker2.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker2.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 15], [4, 16]] buffer.undo() expect(marker2.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker2.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] describe "when the change straddles the end of the marker range", -> describe "when the marker's invalidation strategy is 'contains' (the default)", -> it "invalidates the marker", -> buffer.delete([[4, 22], [4, 25]]) expect(marker1.isValid()).toBeFalsy() buffer.undo() expect(marker1.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] describe "when the marker's invalidation strategy is 'between'", -> it "invalidates the marker", -> buffer.delete([[4, 22], [4, 25]]) expect(marker3.isValid()).toBeFalsy() buffer.undo() expect(marker3.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker3.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] describe "when the marker's invalidation strategy is 'never'", -> it "moves the end of the marker range to the start of the change", -> buffer.delete([[4, 22], [4, 25]]) expect(marker2.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker2.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 22]] buffer.undo() expect(marker2.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker2.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] describe "when the change is between the start and the end of the marker range", -> describe "when the marker's invalidation strategy is 'contains' (the default)", -> it "does not invalidate the marker", -> buffer.insert([4, 21], 'x') expect(marker1.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 24]] buffer.undo() expect(marker1.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] describe "when the marker's invalidation strategy is 'between'", -> it "invalidates the marker", -> buffer.insert([4, 21], 'x') expect(marker3.isValid()).toBeFalsy() buffer.undo() expect(marker3.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker3.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] describe "when the marker's invalidation strategy is 'never'", -> it "moves the end of the marker range to the start of the change", -> buffer.insert([4, 21], 'x') expect(marker2.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker2.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 24]] buffer.undo() expect(marker2.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker2.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] describe "when the buffer changes due to the undo or redo of a previous operation", -> it "restores invalidated markers when undoing/redoing in the other direction", -> buffer.change([[4, 21], [4, 24]], "foo") expect(marker1.isValid()).toBeFalsy() marker3 = buffer.markRange([[4, 20], [4, 23]]) buffer.undo() expect(marker1.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker1.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] expect(marker3.isValid()).toBeFalsy() marker4 = buffer.markRange([[4, 20], [4, 23]]) buffer.redo() expect(marker3.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker3.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] expect(marker4.isValid()).toBeFalsy() buffer.undo() expect(marker4.isValid()).toBeTruthy() expect(marker4.getRange()).toEqual [[4, 20], [4, 23]] describe ".markersForPosition(position)", -> it "returns all markers that intersect the given position", -> m1 = buffer.markRange([[3, 4], [3, 10]]) m2 = buffer.markRange([[3, 4], [3, 5]]) m3 = buffer.markPosition([3, 5]) expect(_.difference(buffer.markersForPosition([3, 5]), [m1, m2, m3]).length).toBe 0 expect(_.difference(buffer.markersForPosition([3, 4]), [m1, m2]).length).toBe 0 expect(_.difference(buffer.markersForPosition([3, 10]), [m1]).length).toBe 0 describe ".usesSoftTabs()", -> it "returns true if the first indented line begins with tabs", -> buffer.setText("function() {\n foo();\n}") expect(buffer.usesSoftTabs()).toBeTruthy() buffer.setText("function() {\n\tfoo();\n}") expect(buffer.usesSoftTabs()).toBeFalsy() buffer.setText("") expect(buffer.usesSoftTabs()).toBeUndefined() describe ".isEmpty()", -> it "returns true for an empty buffer", -> buffer.setText('') expect(buffer.isEmpty()).toBeTruthy() it "returns false for a non-empty buffer", -> buffer.setText('a') expect(buffer.isEmpty()).toBeFalsy() buffer.setText('a\nb\nc') expect(buffer.isEmpty()).toBeFalsy() buffer.setText('\n') expect(buffer.isEmpty()).toBeFalsy() describe "'contents-modified' event", -> it "triggers the 'contents-modified' event with the current modified status when the buffer changes, rate-limiting events with a delay", -> delay = buffer.stoppedChangingDelay contentsModifiedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("contentsModifiedHandler") buffer.on 'contents-modified', contentsModifiedHandler buffer.insert([0, 0], 'a') expect(contentsModifiedHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() advanceClock(delay / 2) buffer.insert([0, 0], 'b') expect(contentsModifiedHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() advanceClock(delay / 2) expect(contentsModifiedHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() advanceClock(delay / 2) expect(contentsModifiedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true) contentsModifiedHandler.reset() buffer.undo() buffer.undo() advanceClock(delay) expect(contentsModifiedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false) describe ".append(text)", -> it "adds text to the end of the buffer", -> buffer.setText("") buffer.append("a") expect(buffer.getText()).toBe "a" buffer.append("b\nc"); expect(buffer.getText()).toBe "ab\nc" describe "line ending support", -> describe ".lineEndingForRow(line)", -> it "return the line ending for each buffer line", -> buffer.setText("a\r\nb\nc") expect(buffer.lineEndingForRow(0)).toBe '\r\n' expect(buffer.lineEndingForRow(1)).toBe '\n' expect(buffer.lineEndingForRow(2)).toBeUndefined() describe ".lineForRow(line)", -> it "returns the line text without the line ending for both lf and crlf lines", -> buffer.setText("a\r\nb\nc") expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe 'a' expect(buffer.lineForRow(1)).toBe 'b' expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe 'c' describe ".getText()", -> it "returns the text with the corrent line endings for each row", -> buffer.setText("a\r\nb\nc") expect(buffer.getText()).toBe "a\r\nb\nc" buffer.setText("a\r\nb\nc\n") expect(buffer.getText()).toBe "a\r\nb\nc\n" describe "when editing a line", -> it "preserves the existing line ending", -> buffer.setText("a\r\nb\nc") buffer.insert([0, 1], "1") expect(buffer.getText()).toBe "a1\r\nb\nc" describe "when inserting text with multiple lines", -> describe "when the current line has a line ending", -> it "uses the same line ending as the line where the text is inserted", -> buffer.setText("a\r\n") buffer.insert([0,1], "hello\n1\n\n2") expect(buffer.getText()).toBe "ahello\r\n1\r\n\r\n2\r\n" describe "when the current line has no line ending (because it's the last line of the buffer)", -> describe "when the buffer contains only a single line", -> it "honors the line endings in the inserted text", -> buffer.setText("initialtext") buffer.append("hello\n1\r\n2\n") expect(buffer.getText()).toBe "initialtexthello\n1\r\n2\n" describe "when the buffer contains a preceding line", -> it "uses the line ending of the preceding line", -> buffer.setText("\ninitialtext") buffer.append("hello\n1\r\n2\n") expect(buffer.getText()).toBe "\ninitialtexthello\n1\n2\n" describe ".clipPosition(position)", -> describe "when the position is before the start of the buffer", -> it "returns the first position in the buffer", -> expect(buffer.clipPosition([-1,0])).toEqual [0,0] expect(buffer.clipPosition([0,-1])).toEqual [0,0] expect(buffer.clipPosition([-1,-1])).toEqual [0,0] describe "when the position is after the end of the buffer", -> it "returns the last position in the buffer", -> buffer.setText('some text') expect(buffer.clipPosition([1, 0])).toEqual [0,9] expect(buffer.clipPosition([0,10])).toEqual [0,9] expect(buffer.clipPosition([10,Infinity])).toEqual [0,9] describe "serialization", -> serializedState = null reloadBuffer = () -> serializedState = buffer.serialize() buffer.release() buffer = Buffer.deserialize(serializedState) describe "when the serialized buffer had no unsaved changes", -> it "loads the current contents of the file at the serialized path", -> path = buffer.getPath() text = buffer.getText() reloadBuffer() expect(serializedState.text).toBeUndefined() expect(buffer.getPath()).toBe(path) expect(buffer.getText()).toBe(text) describe "when the serialized buffer had unsaved changes", -> it "restores the previous unsaved state of the buffer", -> path = buffer.getPath() previousText = buffer.getText() buffer.setText("abc") reloadBuffer() expect(serializedState.text).toBe "abc" expect(buffer.getPath()).toBe(path) expect(buffer.getText()).toBe("abc") buffer.setText(previousText) expect(buffer.isModified()).toBeFalsy() describe "when the serialized buffer was unsaved and had no path", -> it "restores the previous unsaved state of the buffer", -> buffer.setPath(undefined) buffer.setText("abc") reloadBuffer() expect(serializedState.path).toBeUndefined() expect(buffer.getPath()).toBeUndefined() expect(buffer.getText()).toBe("abc") it "never deserializes two separate instances of the same buffer", -> serializedState = buffer.serialize() buffer.release() buffer = Buffer.deserialize(serializedState) expect(Buffer.deserialize(serializedState)).toBe buffer