const fs = require('fs-plus'); const path = require('path'); const temp = require('temp').track(); const dedent = require('dedent'); const ConfigFile = require('../src/config-file'); describe('ConfigFile', () => { let filePath, configFile, subscription; beforeEach(async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const tempDir = fs.realpathSync(temp.mkdirSync()); filePath = path.join(tempDir, 'the-config.cson'); }); afterEach(() => { subscription.dispose(); }); describe('when the file does not exist', () => { it('returns an empty object from .get()', async () => { configFile = new ConfigFile(filePath); subscription = await; expect(configFile.get()).toEqual({}); }); }); describe('when the file is empty', () => { it('returns an empty object from .get()', async () => { writeFileSync(filePath, ''); configFile = new ConfigFile(filePath); subscription = await; expect(configFile.get()).toEqual({}); }); }); describe('when the file is updated with valid CSON', () => { it('notifies onDidChange observers with the data', async () => { configFile = new ConfigFile(filePath); subscription = await; const event = new Promise(resolve => configFile.onDidChange(resolve)); writeFileSync( filePath, dedent` '*': foo: 'bar' 'javascript': foo: 'baz' ` ); expect(await event).toEqual({ '*': { foo: 'bar' }, javascript: { foo: 'baz' } }); expect(configFile.get()).toEqual({ '*': { foo: 'bar' }, javascript: { foo: 'baz' } }); }); }); describe('when the file is updated with invalid CSON', () => { it('notifies onDidError observers', async () => { configFile = new ConfigFile(filePath); subscription = await; const message = new Promise(resolve => configFile.onDidError(resolve)); writeFileSync( filePath, dedent` um what? `, 2 ); expect(await message).toContain('Failed to load `the-config.cson`'); const event = new Promise(resolve => configFile.onDidChange(resolve)); writeFileSync( filePath, dedent` '*': foo: 'bar' 'javascript': foo: 'baz' `, 4 ); expect(await event).toEqual({ '*': { foo: 'bar' }, javascript: { foo: 'baz' } }); }); }); describe('', () => { let path0, path1; beforeEach(() => { path0 = filePath; path1 = path.join(fs.realpathSync(temp.mkdirSync()), 'the-config.cson'); configFile =; }); it('returns an existing ConfigFile', () => { const cf =; expect(cf).toEqual(configFile); }); it('creates a new ConfigFile for unrecognized paths', () => { const cf =; expect(cf).not.toEqual(configFile); }); }); }); function writeFileSync(filePath, content, seconds = 2) { const utime = / 1000 + seconds; fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content); fs.utimesSync(filePath, utime, utime); }