// This module exports paths, names, and other metadata that is referenced // throughout the build. 'use strict' const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const repositoryRootPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..') const apmRootPath = path.join(repositoryRootPath, 'apm') const scriptRootPath = path.join(repositoryRootPath, 'script') const buildOutputPath = path.join(repositoryRootPath, 'out') const docsOutputPath = path.join(repositoryRootPath, 'docs', 'output') const intermediateAppPath = path.join(buildOutputPath, 'app') const symbolsPath = path.join(buildOutputPath, 'symbols') const electronDownloadPath = path.join(repositoryRootPath, 'electron') const homeDirPath = process.env.HOME || process.env.USERPROFILE const atomHomeDirPath = process.env.ATOM_HOME || path.join(homeDirPath, '.atom') const appMetadata = require(path.join(repositoryRootPath, 'package.json')) const apmMetadata = require(path.join(apmRootPath, 'package.json')) const channel = getChannel() module.exports = { appMetadata, apmMetadata, channel, repositoryRootPath, apmRootPath, scriptRootPath, buildOutputPath, docsOutputPath, intermediateAppPath, symbolsPath, electronDownloadPath, atomHomeDirPath, homeDirPath, getApmBinPath, getNpmBinPath, snapshotAuxiliaryData: {} } function getChannel () { if (appMetadata.version.match(/dev/)) { return 'dev' } else if (appMetadata.version.match(/beta/)) { return 'beta' } else { return 'stable' } } function getApmBinPath () { const apmBinName = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'apm.cmd' : 'apm' return path.join(apmRootPath, 'node_modules', 'atom-package-manager', 'bin', apmBinName) } function getNpmBinPath () { const npmBinName = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm' const localNpmBinPath = path.resolve(repositoryRootPath, 'script', 'node_modules', '.bin', npmBinName) return fs.existsSync(localNpmBinPath) ? localNpmBinPath : npmBinName }