Directory = require 'directory' fs = require 'fs' describe "Directory", -> directory = null beforeEach -> directory = new Directory(require.resolve('fixtures')) afterEach -> describe "when the contents of the directory change on disk", -> temporaryFilePath = null beforeEach -> temporaryFilePath = fs.join(require.resolve('fixtures'), 'temporary') fs.remove(temporaryFilePath) if fs.exists(temporaryFilePath) afterEach -> fs.remove(temporaryFilePath) if fs.exists(temporaryFilePath) it "triggers 'contents-change' event handlers", -> changeHandler = null runs -> changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('changeHandler') directory.on 'contents-change', changeHandler fs.write(temporaryFilePath, '') waitsFor "first change", -> changeHandler.callCount > 0 runs -> changeHandler.reset() fs.remove(temporaryFilePath) waitsFor "second change", -> changeHandler.callCount > 0 describe "when the directory unsubscribes from events", -> temporaryFilePath = null beforeEach -> temporaryFilePath = fs.join(directory.path, 'temporary') fs.remove(temporaryFilePath) if fs.exists(temporaryFilePath) afterEach -> fs.remove(temporaryFilePath) if fs.exists(temporaryFilePath) it "no longer triggers events", -> changeHandler = null runs -> changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('changeHandler') directory.on 'contents-change', changeHandler fs.write(temporaryFilePath, '') waitsFor "change event", -> changeHandler.callCount > 0 runs -> changeHandler.reset() waits 20 runs -> fs.remove(temporaryFilePath) waits 20 runs -> expect(changeHandler.callCount).toBe 0