* Improved: Theme changes now immediately take effect * Fixed: Wrap in quotes/parens now works in split panes * Improved: Autocomplete now includes CSS property names and values * Improved: Settings GUI is now a pane item * Added: Support package filtering in Settings GUI * Added: Dynamically load all config options in the Settings GUI * Added: Ability to bookmark lines and navigate bookmarks * Fixed: Error when inserting newlines in CSS * Fixed: Folding all will fold comments as well * Added: Ability to fold all code at a given indentation level * Improved: cmd-n now opens a new tab and cmd-shift-n now opens a new window. * Added: Inspect Element context menu * Fixed: Save As dialog now defaults to directory path of current editor * Fixed: Using toggle comment shortcut respects indentation level * Fixed: Search never completing in the command panel * Fixed: cmd-n now works when no windows are open * Fixed: Error selecting a grammar for an untitled editor * Added: j/k now can be used to navigate the tree view and archive editor * Fixed: Atom can now be launched when ~/.atom/config.cson doesn't exist * Added: Initial collaboration sessions * Fixed: Empty lines being deleted via uppercase/downcase command * Fixed: Keybindings not working when using non-English keyboard language * Fixed: cmd-shift-p and cmd-alt-w not doing anything when pressed * Improved: Use grunt (instead of rake) for build system * Fixed: Java files not syntax highlighting correctly. * Fixed: LESS/CSS now indents properly after hitting enter. * Added: Support for browsing .tar.gz and .zip files in the editor * Added: TODO/FIXME/CHANGED are now highlighted in comments. * Fixed: Full screen state of windows is now persisted across restarts. * Added: Makefile syntax highlighting now included. * Added: Open fuzzy finder to specific line using colon suffix (i.e ':25') * Fixed: Issues deleting and moving over certain UTF-8 characters * Fixed: Tree view not properly highlighting or revealing for open images. * Added: Packages can now be installed from the configuration UI. * Fixed: .git folder now ignored by default when searching * Fixed: Not being able to disable packages from configuration UI. * Fixed: Fuzzy finder showing poor results for entered text * Improved: App icon * Fixed: Fuzzy finder being empty sometimes * Improved: App icon * Fixed: End of line invisibles rendering incorrectly with the indent guide * Fixed: Updates not installing automatically on restart * Fixed: Wrap guide not displaying * Fixed: Error when saving with the markdown preview focused * Fixed: Atom always running in dev mode * Fixed: Crash when running in dev mode without a path to the Atom source * Fixed: Freeze when editing a RoR class * Added: meta-N to open a new untitled editor in the current window * Fixed: Styling in command logger * Added: XML and Ruby syntax highlighting in Markdown files * Fixed: Error when editing files in a HEAD-less Git repository * Fixed: Invisible characters not being visible when enabled * Added: Editor gutter now displays Git status for lines * Improved: Startup time * Added: SQL bundle now included * Added: PEG.js bundle now included * Added: Hyperlinks can now be opened with ctrl-O * Fixed: PHP syntax highlighting