require 'timeout' ATOM_SRC_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__) BUILD_DIR = 'atom-build' desc "Create xcode project from gpy file" task "create-project" do `rm -rf atom.xcodeproj` `python tools/gyp/gyp --depth=. atom.gyp` end desc "Build Atom via `xcodebuild`" task :build => "create-project" do `script/bootstrap` command = "xcodebuild -target Atom configuration=Release SYMROOT=#{BUILD_DIR}" output = `#{command}` if $?.exitstatus != 0 $stderr.puts "Error #{$?.exitstatus}:\n#{output}" exit($?.exitstatus) end end desc "Creates symlink from `application_path() to /Applications/Atom and creates `atom` cli app" task :install => :build do path = application_path() exit 1 if not path # Install dest = "/Applications/#{File.basename(path)}" `rm -rf #{dest}` `cp -r #{path} #{File.expand_path(dest)}` # Install cli atom usr_bin_path = default_usr_bin_path = "/opt/github/bin" cli_path = "#{usr_bin_path}/atom" unless File.exists?(cli_path) print "Where do you want the cli binary insalled (#{default_usr_bin_path}): " usr_bin_path = $stdin.gets.strip usr_bin_path = default_usr_bin_path if usr_bin_path.empty? end if !Dir.exists?(usr_bin_path) $stderr.puts "ERROR: Failed to install atom cli tool at '#{usr_bin_path}'" exit 1 end `echo '#!/bin/sh\nopen #{dest} -n --args --resource-path="#{ATOM_SRC_PATH}" --executed-from="$(pwd)" $@' > #{cli_path} && chmod 755 #{cli_path}` # Create ~/.atom dot_atom_path = ENV['HOME'] + "/.atom" dot_atom_template_path = ATOM_SRC_PATH + "/.atom" replace_dot_atom = false if File.exists?(dot_atom_path) && !File.symlink?("#{dot_atom_path}/") print "I am going to replace '#{dot_atom_path}' with the default .atom directory (y/n): " replace_dot_atom = true if STDIN.gets.strip =~ /^y/i end if replace_dot_atom `rm -rf "#{dot_atom_path}"` `mkdir "#{dot_atom_path}"` `cp "#{dot_atom_template_path}/" "#{dot_atom_path}"` for path in Dir.entries(dot_atom_template_path) next if ["..", ".", ""].include? path `ln -s "#{dot_atom_template_path}/#{path}" "#{dot_atom_path}"` end end puts "\033[32mType `atom` to start Atom! In Atom press `cmd-,` to edit your `.atom` directory\033[0m" end desc "Clean build Atom via `xcodebuild`" task :clean do output = `xcodebuild clean` end desc "Run Atom" task :run, [:atom_arg] => :build do |name, args| if path = application_path() cmd = "#{path}/Contents/MacOS/Atom #{args[:atom_arg]} 2> /dev/null" exitstatus = system(cmd) exit(exitstatus) else exit(1) end end desc "Run the specs" task :test => :clean do Rake::Task["run"].invoke("--test") end desc "Run the benchmarks" task :benchmark do Rake::Task["run"].invoke("--benchmark") end task :nof do system %{find . -name * | xargs sed -E -i "" "s/f+(it|describe) +(['\\"])/\\1 \\2/g"} end def application_path applications = FileList["#{BUILD_DIR}/**/"] if applications.size == 0 $stderr.puts "No Atom application found in directory `#{BUILD_DIR}`" elsif applications.size > 1 $stderr.puts "Multiple Atom applications found \n\t" + applications.join("\n\t") else return applications.first end return nil end