ATOM_SRC_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__) BUILD_DIR = '/tmp/atom-build' desc "Build Atom via `xcodebuild`" task :build => "create-xcode-project" do command = "xcodebuild -target Atom SYMROOT=#{BUILD_DIR}" output = `#{command}` if $?.exitstatus != 0 $stderr.puts "Error #{$?.exitstatus}:\n#{output}" exit($?.exitstatus) end end desc "Create xcode project from gyp file" task "create-xcode-project" => ["update-cef", "update-node"] do `rm -rf atom.xcodeproj` `script/generate-sources-gypi` `gyp --depth=. -D CODE_SIGN="#{ENV['CODE_SIGN']}" atom.gyp` end desc "Update CEF to the latest version specified by the prebuilt-cef submodule" task "update-cef" => "bootstrap" do exit 1 unless system %{script/update-cefode} Dir.glob('cef/*.gypi').each do |filename| `sed -i '' -e "s/'include\\//'cef\\/include\\//" -e "s/'libcef_dll\\//'cef\\/libcef_dll\\//" #{filename}` end end desc "Download node binary" task "update-node" do `script/update-node v0.10.1` end desc "Download debug symbols for CEF" task "download-cef-symbols" => "update-cef" do sh %{script/update-cefode -s} end task "bootstrap" do `script/bootstrap` end desc "Copies to /Applications and creates `atom` cli app" task :install => [:build] do path = application_path() exit 1 if not path # Install dest_path = "/Applications/#{File.basename(path)}" `rm -rf #{dest_path}` `cp -a #{path} #{File.expand_path(dest_path)}` # Install atom cli if"/opt/boxen") cli_path = "/opt/boxen/bin/atom" elsif"/opt/github") cli_path = "/opt/github/bin/atom" elsif"/usr/local") cli_path = "/usr/local/bin/atom" else raise "Missing directory for `atom` binary" end FileUtils.cp("#{ATOM_SRC_PATH}/", cli_path) FileUtils.chmod(0755, cli_path) Rake::Task["clone-default-bundles"].invoke() puts "\033[32mAtom is installed at `#{dest_path}`. Atom cli is installed at `#{cli_path}`\033[0m" end task "setup-codesigning" do ENV['CODE_SIGN'] = "Developer ID Application: GitHub" end desc "Clone default bundles into vendor/bundles directory" task "clone-default-bundles" do `git submodule --quiet sync` `git submodule --quiet update --recursive --init` end desc "Clean build Atom via `xcodebuild`" task :clean do output = `xcodebuild clean` `rm -rf #{application_path()}` `rm -rf #{BUILD_DIR}` `rm -rf /tmp/atom-coffee-cache` `rm -rf node_modules` `rm -rf cef` end desc "Run the specs" task :test => ["clean", "update-cef", "clone-default-bundles", "build"] do `pkill Atom` if path = application_path() cmd = "#{path}/Contents/MacOS/Atom --test --resource-path=#{ATOM_SRC_PATH}" system(cmd) exit($?.exitstatus) else exit(1) end end desc "Run the benchmarks" task :benchmark do Rake::Task["run"].invoke("--benchmark") end task :nof do system %{find . -name * | grep --invert-match --regexp "#{BUILD_DIR}\\|__package-name__" | xargs sed -E -i "" "s/f+(it|describe) +(['\\"])/\\1 \\2/g"} end task :tags do system %{find src native cef vendor -not -name "*" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ctags} end def application_path applications = FileList["#{BUILD_DIR}/**/"] if applications.size == 0 $stderr.puts "No Atom application found in directory `#{BUILD_DIR}`" elsif applications.size > 1 $stderr.puts "Multiple Atom applications found \n\t" + applications.join("\n\t") else return applications.first end return nil end