machine: environment: XCODE_SCHEME: test XCODE_WORKSPACE: test XCODE_PROJECT: test xcode: version: 7.3 general: artifacts: - out/ - out/ - docs/output/atom-api.json dependencies: pre: - curl -o- | bash - nvm install 4.4.7 - nvm use 4.4.7 - npm install -g npm override: - script/build --code-sign --compress-artifacts cache_directories: - electron - apm/node_modules - script/node_modules - node_modules - ~/.atom/compile-cache test: override: - script/lint - osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to keystroke "x"' # clear screen saver - caffeinate -s script/test # Run with caffeinate to prevent screen saver experimental: notify: branches: only: - master