path = require 'path' fs = require 'fs' module.exports = (grunt) -> cmd = path.join('node_modules', '.bin', 'coffee') commonArgs = [path.join('build', 'node_modules', '.bin', 'biscotto'), '--'] opts = stdio: 'inherit' grunt.registerTask 'build-docs', 'Builds the API docs in src/app', -> done = @async() args = [commonArgs..., '--title', 'Atom API Documentation', '-o', 'docs/output/api', 'src/', '../text-buffer/src/', '../text-buffer/src/', '../text-buffer/src/'] grunt.util.spawn({cmd, args, opts}, done) grunt.registerTask 'lint-docs', 'Generate stats about the doc coverage', -> done = @async() args = [commonArgs..., '--noOutput', 'src/'] grunt.util.spawn({cmd, args, opts}, done) grunt.registerTask 'missing-docs', 'Generate stats about the doc coverage', -> done = @async() args = [commonArgs..., '--noOutput', '--missing', 'src/'] grunt.util.spawn({cmd, args, opts}, done) grunt.registerTask 'copy-docs', 'Copies over latest API docs to atom-docs', -> done = @async() fetchTag = (args..., callback) -> cmd = 'git' args = ['describe', '--abbrev=0', '--tags'] grunt.util.spawn {cmd, args}, (error, result) -> if error? callback(error) else callback(null, String(result).trim()) copyDocs = (tag, callback) -> cmd = 'cp' args = ['-r', 'docs/output/', "../{tag}/"] fs.exists "../", (exists) -> if exists grunt.util.spawn {cmd, args}, (error, result) -> if error? callback(error) else callback(null, tag) else grunt.log.error "../ doesn't exist" return false grunt.util.async.waterfall [fetchTag, copyDocs], done grunt.registerTask 'deploy-docs', 'Publishes latest API docs to', -> done = @async() docsRepoArgs = ['--work-tree=../atom-docs/', '--git-dir=../atom-docs/.git/'] fetchTag = (args..., callback) -> cmd = 'git' args = ['describe', '--abbrev=0', '--tags'] grunt.util.spawn {cmd, args}, (error, result) -> if error? callback(error) else callback(null, String(result).trim().split('.')[0..1].join('.')) stageDocs = (tag, callback) -> cmd = 'git' args = [docsRepoArgs..., 'add', "public/#{tag}"] grunt.util.spawn({cmd, args, opts}, callback) fetchSha = (args..., callback) -> cmd = 'git' args = ['rev-parse', 'HEAD'] grunt.util.spawn {cmd, args}, (error, result) -> if error? callback(error) else callback(null, String(result).trim()) commitChanges = (sha, callback) -> cmd = 'git' args = [docsRepoArgs..., 'commit', "-m Update API docs to #{sha}"] grunt.util.spawn({cmd, args, opts}, callback) pushOrigin = (args..., callback) -> cmd = 'git' args = [docsRepoArgs..., 'push', 'origin', 'master'] grunt.util.spawn({cmd, args, opts}, callback) pushHeroku = (args..., callback) -> cmd = 'git' args = [docsRepoArgs..., 'push', 'heroku', 'master'] grunt.util.spawn({cmd, args, opts}, callback) grunt.util.async.waterfall [fetchTag, stageDocs, fetchSha, commitChanges, pushOrigin, pushHeroku], done