const { conditionPromise } = require('./async-spec-helpers'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const temp = require('temp').track(); const AtomEnvironment = require('../src/atom-environment'); describe('AtomEnvironment', () => { afterEach(() => { try { temp.cleanupSync(); } catch (error) {} }); describe('window sizing methods', () => { describe('::getPosition and ::setPosition', () => { let originalPosition = null; beforeEach(() => (originalPosition = atom.getPosition())); afterEach(() => atom.setPosition(originalPosition.x, originalPosition.y)); it('sets the position of the window, and can retrieve the position just set', () => { atom.setPosition(22, 45); expect(atom.getPosition()).toEqual({ x: 22, y: 45 }); }); }); describe('::getSize and ::setSize', () => { let originalSize = null; beforeEach(() => (originalSize = atom.getSize())); afterEach(() => atom.setSize(originalSize.width, originalSize.height)); it('sets the size of the window, and can retrieve the size just set', async () => { const newWidth = originalSize.width - 12; const newHeight = originalSize.height - 23; await atom.setSize(newWidth, newHeight); expect(atom.getSize()).toEqual({ width: newWidth, height: newHeight }); }); }); }); describe('.isReleasedVersion()', () => { it('returns false if the version is a SHA and true otherwise', () => { let version = '0.1.0'; spyOn(atom, 'getVersion').andCallFake(() => version); expect(atom.isReleasedVersion()).toBe(true); version = '36b5518'; expect(atom.isReleasedVersion()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('.versionSatisfies()', () => { it('returns appropriately for provided range', () => { let testPulsarVersion = '0.1.0'; spyOn(atom, 'getVersion').andCallFake(() => testPulsarVersion); expect(atom.versionSatisfies('>0.2.0')).toBe(false); expect(atom.versionSatisfies('>=0.x.x <=2.x.x')).toBe(true); expect(atom.versionSatisfies('^0.1.x')).toBe(true); }); }); describe('loading default config', () => { it('loads the default core config schema', () => { expect(atom.config.get('core.excludeVcsIgnoredPaths')).toBe(true); expect(atom.config.get('core.followSymlinks')).toBe(true); expect(atom.config.get('editor.showInvisibles')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('window onerror handler', () => { let devToolsPromise = null; beforeEach(() => { devToolsPromise = Promise.resolve(); spyOn(atom, 'openDevTools').andReturn(devToolsPromise); spyOn(atom, 'executeJavaScriptInDevTools'); }); it('will open the dev tools when an error is triggered', async () => { try { a + 1; // eslint-disable-line no-undef, no-unused-expressions } catch (e) { window.onerror(e.toString(), 'abc', 2, 3, e); } await devToolsPromise; expect(atom.openDevTools).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(atom.executeJavaScriptInDevTools).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('::onWillThrowError', () => { let willThrowSpy = null; beforeEach(() => { willThrowSpy = jasmine.createSpy(); }); it('is called when there is an error', () => { let error = null; atom.onWillThrowError(willThrowSpy); try { a + 1; // eslint-disable-line no-undef, no-unused-expressions } catch (e) { error = e; window.onerror(e.toString(), 'abc', 2, 3, e); } delete willThrowSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0].preventDefault; expect(willThrowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: error.toString(), url: 'abc', line: 2, column: 3, originalError: error }); }); it('will not show the devtools when preventDefault() is called', () => { willThrowSpy.andCallFake(errorObject => errorObject.preventDefault()); atom.onWillThrowError(willThrowSpy); try { a + 1; // eslint-disable-line no-undef, no-unused-expressions } catch (e) { window.onerror(e.toString(), 'abc', 2, 3, e); } expect(willThrowSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(atom.openDevTools).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(atom.executeJavaScriptInDevTools).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('::onDidThrowError', () => { let didThrowSpy = null; beforeEach(() => (didThrowSpy = jasmine.createSpy())); it('is called when there is an error', () => { let error = null; atom.onDidThrowError(didThrowSpy); try { a + 1; // eslint-disable-line no-undef, no-unused-expressions } catch (e) { error = e; window.onerror(e.toString(), 'abc', 2, 3, e); } expect(didThrowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: error.toString(), url: 'abc', line: 2, column: 3, originalError: error }); }); }); }); describe('.assert(condition, message, callback)', () => { let errors = null; beforeEach(() => { errors = []; spyOn(atom, 'isReleasedVersion').andReturn(true); atom.onDidFailAssertion(error => errors.push(error)); }); describe('if the condition is false', () => { it('notifies onDidFailAssertion handlers with an error object based on the call site of the assertion', () => { const result = atom.assert(false, 'a == b'); expect(result).toBe(false); expect(errors.length).toBe(1); expect(errors[0].message).toBe('Assertion failed: a == b'); expect(errors[0].stack).toContain('atom-environment-spec'); }); describe('if passed a callback function', () => { it("calls the callback with the assertion failure's error object", () => { let error = null; atom.assert(false, 'a == b', e => (error = e)); expect(error).toBe(errors[0]); }); }); describe('if passed metadata', () => { it("assigns the metadata on the assertion failure's error object", () => { atom.assert(false, 'a == b', { foo: 'bar' }); expect(errors[0].metadata).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' }); }); }); describe('when Atom has been built from source', () => { it('throws an error', () => { atom.isReleasedVersion.andReturn(false); expect(() => atom.assert(false, 'testing')).toThrow( 'Assertion failed: testing' ); }); }); }); describe('if the condition is true', () => { it('does nothing', () => { const result = atom.assert(true, 'a == b'); expect(result).toBe(true); expect(errors).toEqual([]); }); }); }); describe('saving and loading', () => { beforeEach(() => (atom.enablePersistence = true)); afterEach(() => (atom.enablePersistence = false)); it('selects the state based on the current project paths', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const [dir1, dir2] = [temp.mkdirSync('dir1-'), temp.mkdirSync('dir2-')]; const loadSettings = Object.assign(atom.getLoadSettings(), { initialProjectRoots: [dir1], windowState: null }); spyOn(atom, 'getLoadSettings').andCallFake(() => loadSettings); spyOn(atom, 'serialize').andReturn({ stuff: 'cool' }); atom.project.setPaths([dir1, dir2]); // State persistence will fail if other Atom instances are running expect(await atom.stateStore.connect()).toBe(true); await atom.saveState(); expect(await atom.loadState()).toBeFalsy(); loadSettings.initialProjectRoots = [dir2, dir1]; expect(await atom.loadState()).toEqual({ stuff: 'cool' }); }); it('saves state when the CPU is idle after a keydown or mousedown event', () => { const atomEnv = new AtomEnvironment({ applicationDelegate: global.atom.applicationDelegate }); const idleCallbacks = []; atomEnv.initialize({ window: { requestIdleCallback(callback) { idleCallbacks.push(callback); }, addEventListener() {}, removeEventListener() {} }, document: document.implementation.createHTMLDocument() }); spyOn(atomEnv, 'saveState'); const keydown = new KeyboardEvent('keydown'); atomEnv.document.dispatchEvent(keydown); advanceClock(atomEnv.saveStateDebounceInterval); idleCallbacks.shift()(); expect(atomEnv.saveState).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ isUnloading: false }); expect(atomEnv.saveState).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith({ isUnloading: true }); atomEnv.saveState.reset(); const mousedown = new MouseEvent('mousedown'); atomEnv.document.dispatchEvent(mousedown); advanceClock(atomEnv.saveStateDebounceInterval); idleCallbacks.shift()(); expect(atomEnv.saveState).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ isUnloading: false }); expect(atomEnv.saveState).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith({ isUnloading: true }); atomEnv.destroy(); }); it('ignores mousedown/keydown events happening after calling prepareToUnloadEditorWindow', async () => { const atomEnv = new AtomEnvironment({ applicationDelegate: global.atom.applicationDelegate }); const idleCallbacks = []; atomEnv.initialize({ window: { requestIdleCallback(callback) { idleCallbacks.push(callback); }, addEventListener() {}, removeEventListener() {} }, document: document.implementation.createHTMLDocument() }); spyOn(atomEnv, 'saveState'); let mousedown = new MouseEvent('mousedown'); atomEnv.document.dispatchEvent(mousedown); expect(atomEnv.saveState).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); await atomEnv.prepareToUnloadEditorWindow(); expect(atomEnv.saveState).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ isUnloading: true }); advanceClock(atomEnv.saveStateDebounceInterval); idleCallbacks.shift()(); expect(atomEnv.saveState.calls.length).toBe(1); mousedown = new MouseEvent('mousedown'); atomEnv.document.dispatchEvent(mousedown); advanceClock(atomEnv.saveStateDebounceInterval); idleCallbacks.shift()(); expect(atomEnv.saveState.calls.length).toBe(1); atomEnv.destroy(); }); it('serializes the project state with all the options supplied in saveState', async () => { spyOn(atom.project, 'serialize').andReturn({ foo: 42 }); await atom.saveState({ anyOption: 'any option' }); expect(atom.project.serialize.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(atom.project.serialize.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqual({ anyOption: 'any option' }); }); it('serializes the text editor registry', async () => { await atom.packages.activatePackage('language-text'); const editor = await'sample.js'); expect(atom.grammars.assignLanguageMode(editor, 'text.plain')).toBe(true); const atom2 = new AtomEnvironment({ applicationDelegate: atom.applicationDelegate, window: document.createElement('div'), document: Object.assign(document.createElement('div'), { body: document.createElement('div'), head: document.createElement('div') }) }); atom2.initialize({ document, window }); await atom2.deserialize(atom.serialize()); await atom2.packages.activatePackage('language-text'); const editor2 = atom2.workspace.getActiveTextEditor(); expect( editor2 .getBuffer() .getLanguageMode() .getLanguageId() ).toBe('text.plain'); atom2.destroy(); }); describe('deserialization failures', () => { it('propagates unrecognized project state restoration failures', async () => { let err; spyOn(atom.project, 'deserialize').andCallFake(() => { err = new Error('deserialization failure'); return Promise.reject(err); }); spyOn(atom.notifications, 'addError'); await atom.deserialize({ project: 'should work' }); expect(atom.notifications.addError).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Unable to deserialize project', { description: 'deserialization failure', stack: err.stack } ); }); it('disregards missing project folder errors', async () => { spyOn(atom.project, 'deserialize').andCallFake(() => { const err = new Error('deserialization failure'); err.missingProjectPaths = ['nah']; return Promise.reject(err); }); spyOn(atom.notifications, 'addError'); await atom.deserialize({ project: 'should work' }); expect(atom.notifications.addError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('openInitialEmptyEditorIfNecessary', () => { describe('when there are no paths set', () => { beforeEach(() => spyOn(atom, 'getLoadSettings').andReturn({ hasOpenFiles: false }) ); it('opens an empty buffer', () => { spyOn(atom.workspace, 'open'); atom.openInitialEmptyEditorIfNecessary(); expect(, { pending: true }); }); it('does not open an empty buffer when a buffer is already open', async () => { await; spyOn(atom.workspace, 'open'); atom.openInitialEmptyEditorIfNecessary(); expect(; }); it('does not open an empty buffer when core.openEmptyEditorOnStart is false', async () => { atom.config.set('core.openEmptyEditorOnStart', false); spyOn(atom.workspace, 'open'); atom.openInitialEmptyEditorIfNecessary(); expect(; }); }); describe('when the project has a path', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(atom, 'getLoadSettings').andReturn({ hasOpenFiles: true }); spyOn(atom.workspace, 'open'); }); it('does not open an empty buffer', () => { atom.openInitialEmptyEditorIfNecessary(); expect(; }); }); }); describe('adding a project folder', () => { it('does nothing if the user dismisses the file picker', () => { const projectRoots = atom.project.getPaths(); spyOn(atom, 'pickFolder').andCallFake(callback => callback(null)); atom.addProjectFolder(); expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual(projectRoots); }); describe('when there is no saved state for the added folders', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(atom, 'loadState').andReturn(Promise.resolve(null)); spyOn(atom, 'attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths'); }); it('adds the selected folder to the project', async () => { atom.project.setPaths([]); const tempDirectory = temp.mkdirSync('a-new-directory'); spyOn(atom, 'pickFolder').andCallFake(callback => callback([tempDirectory]) ); await atom.addProjectFolder(); expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([tempDirectory]); expect(atom.attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when there is saved state for the relevant directories', () => { const state = Symbol('savedState'); beforeEach(() => { spyOn(atom, 'getStateKey').andCallFake(dirs => dirs.join(':')); spyOn(atom, 'loadState').andCallFake(async key => key === __dirname ? state : null ); spyOn(atom, 'attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths'); spyOn(atom, 'pickFolder').andCallFake(callback => callback([__dirname]) ); atom.project.setPaths([]); }); describe('when there are no project folders', () => { it('attempts to restore the project state', async () => { await atom.addProjectFolder(); expect(atom.attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths).toHaveBeenCalledWith( state, [__dirname] ); expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when there are already project folders', () => { const openedPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures'); beforeEach(() => atom.project.setPaths([openedPath])); it('does not attempt to restore the project state, instead adding the project paths', async () => { await atom.addProjectFolder(); expect( atom.attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([openedPath, __dirname]); }); }); }); }); describe('attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths(state, projectPaths, filesToOpen)', () => { describe('when the window is clean (empty or has only unnamed, unmodified buffers)', () => { beforeEach(async () => { // Unnamed, unmodified buffer doesn't count toward "clean"-ness await; }); it('automatically restores the saved state into the current environment', async () => { const projectPath = temp.mkdirSync(); const filePath1 = path.join(projectPath, 'file-1'); const filePath2 = path.join(projectPath, 'file-2'); const filePath3 = path.join(projectPath, 'file-3'); fs.writeFileSync(filePath1, 'abc'); fs.writeFileSync(filePath2, 'def'); fs.writeFileSync(filePath3, 'ghi'); const env1 = new AtomEnvironment({ applicationDelegate: atom.applicationDelegate }); env1.project.setPaths([projectPath]); await; await; await; const env1State = env1.serialize(); env1.destroy(); const env2 = new AtomEnvironment({ applicationDelegate: atom.applicationDelegate }); await env2.attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths( env1State, [projectPath], [filePath2] ); const restoredURIs = env2.workspace.getPaneItems().map(p => p.getURI()); expect(restoredURIs).toEqual([filePath1, filePath2, filePath3]); env2.destroy(); }); describe('when a dock has a non-text editor', () => { it("doesn't prompt the user to restore state", () => { const dock = atom.workspace.getLeftDock(); dock.getActivePane().addItem({ getTitle() { return 'title'; }, element: document.createElement('div') }); const state = {}; spyOn(atom, 'confirm'); atom.attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths( state, [__dirname], [__filename] ); expect(atom.confirm).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('when the window is dirty', () => { let editor; beforeEach(async () => { editor = await; editor.setText('new editor'); }); describe('when a dock has a modified editor', () => { it('prompts the user to restore the state', () => { const dock = atom.workspace.getLeftDock(); dock.getActivePane().addItem(editor); spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andReturn(1); spyOn(atom.project, 'addPath'); spyOn(atom.workspace, 'open'); const state = Symbol('state'); atom.attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths( state, [__dirname], [__filename] ); expect(atom.confirm).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('prompts the user to restore the state in a new window, discarding it and adding folder to current window', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andCallFake((options, callback) => callback(1)); spyOn(atom.project, 'addPath'); spyOn(atom.workspace, 'open'); const state = Symbol('state'); atom.attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths( state, [__dirname], [__filename] ); expect(atom.confirm).toHaveBeenCalled(); await conditionPromise(() => atom.project.addPath.callCount === 1); expect(atom.project.addPath).toHaveBeenCalledWith(__dirname); expect(; expect(; }); it('prompts the user to restore the state in a new window, opening a new window', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andCallFake((options, callback) => callback(0)); spyOn(atom, 'open'); const state = Symbol('state'); atom.attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths( state, [__dirname], [__filename] ); expect(atom.confirm).toHaveBeenCalled(); await conditionPromise(() => === 1); expect({ pathsToOpen: [__dirname, __filename], newWindow: true, devMode: atom.inDevMode(), safeMode: atom.inSafeMode() }); }); }); }); describe('::unloadEditorWindow()', () => { it('saves the BlobStore so it can be loaded after reload', () => { const configDirPath = temp.mkdirSync('atom-spec-environment'); const fakeBlobStore = jasmine.createSpyObj('blob store', ['save']); const atomEnvironment = new AtomEnvironment({ applicationDelegate: atom.applicationDelegate, enablePersistence: true }); atomEnvironment.initialize({ configDirPath, blobStore: fakeBlobStore, window, document }); atomEnvironment.unloadEditorWindow(); expect(; atomEnvironment.destroy(); }); }); describe('::destroy()', () => { it('does not throw exceptions when unsubscribing from ipc events (regression)', async () => { const fakeDocument = { addEventListener() {}, removeEventListener() {}, head: document.createElement('head'), body: document.createElement('body') }; const atomEnvironment = new AtomEnvironment({ applicationDelegate: atom.applicationDelegate }); atomEnvironment.initialize({ window, document: fakeDocument }); spyOn(atomEnvironment.packages, 'loadPackages').andReturn( Promise.resolve() ); spyOn(atomEnvironment.packages, 'activate').andReturn(Promise.resolve()); spyOn(atomEnvironment, 'displayWindow').andReturn(Promise.resolve()); await atomEnvironment.startEditorWindow(); atomEnvironment.unloadEditorWindow(); atomEnvironment.destroy(); }); }); describe('::whenShellEnvironmentLoaded()', () => { let atomEnvironment, envLoaded, spy; beforeEach(() => { let resolvePromise = null; const promise = new Promise(resolve => { resolvePromise = resolve; }); envLoaded = () => { resolvePromise(); return promise; }; atomEnvironment = new AtomEnvironment({ applicationDelegate: atom.applicationDelegate, updateProcessEnv() { return promise; } }); atomEnvironment.initialize({ window, document }); spy = jasmine.createSpy(); }); afterEach(() => atomEnvironment.destroy()); it('is triggered once the shell environment is loaded', async () => { atomEnvironment.whenShellEnvironmentLoaded(spy); atomEnvironment.updateProcessEnvAndTriggerHooks(); await envLoaded(); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('triggers the callback immediately if the shell environment is already loaded', async () => { atomEnvironment.updateProcessEnvAndTriggerHooks(); await envLoaded(); atomEnvironment.whenShellEnvironmentLoaded(spy); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('::openLocations(locations)', () => { beforeEach(() => { atom.project.setPaths([]); }); describe('when there is no saved state', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(atom, 'loadState').andReturn(Promise.resolve(null)); }); describe('when the opened path exists', () => { it('opens a file', async () => { const pathToOpen = __filename; await atom.openLocations([ { pathToOpen, exists: true, isFile: true } ]); expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([]); }); it('opens a directory as a project folder', async () => { const pathToOpen = __dirname; await atom.openLocations([ { pathToOpen, exists: true, isDirectory: true } ]); expect(atom.workspace.getTextEditors().map(e => e.getPath())).toEqual( [] ); expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([pathToOpen]); }); }); describe('when the opened path does not exist', () => { it('opens it as a new file', async () => { const pathToOpen = path.join( __dirname, 'this-path-does-not-exist.txt' ); await atom.openLocations([{ pathToOpen, exists: false }]); expect(atom.workspace.getTextEditors().map(e => e.getPath())).toEqual( [pathToOpen] ); expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([]); }); it('may be required to be an existing directory', async () => { spyOn(atom.notifications, 'addWarning'); const nonExistent = path.join(__dirname, 'no'); const existingFile = __filename; const existingDir = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures'); await atom.openLocations([ { pathToOpen: nonExistent, isDirectory: true }, { pathToOpen: existingFile, isDirectory: true }, { pathToOpen: existingDir, isDirectory: true } ]); expect(atom.workspace.getTextEditors()).toEqual([]); expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([existingDir]); expect(atom.notifications.addWarning).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Unable to open project folders', { description: `The directories \`${nonExistent}\` and \`${existingFile}\` do not exist.` } ); }); }); describe('when the opened path is handled by a registered directory provider', () => { let serviceDisposable; beforeEach(() => { serviceDisposable = atom.packages.serviceHub.provide( '', '0.1.0', { directoryForURISync(uri) { if (uri.startsWith('remote://')) { return { getPath() { return uri; } }; } else { return null; } } } ); waitsFor(() => atom.project.directoryProviders.length > 0); }); afterEach(() => { serviceDisposable.dispose(); }); it("adds it to the project's paths as is", async () => { const pathToOpen = 'remote://server:7644/some/dir/path'; spyOn(atom.project, 'addPath'); await atom.openLocations([{ pathToOpen }]); expect(atom.project.addPath).toHaveBeenCalledWith(pathToOpen); }); }); }); describe('when there is saved state for the relevant directories', () => { const state = Symbol('savedState'); beforeEach(() => { spyOn(atom, 'getStateKey').andCallFake(dirs => dirs.join(':')); spyOn(atom, 'loadState').andCallFake(function(key) { if (key === __dirname) { return Promise.resolve(state); } else { return Promise.resolve(null); } }); spyOn(atom, 'attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths'); }); describe('when there are no project folders', () => { it('attempts to restore the project state', async () => { const pathToOpen = __dirname; await atom.openLocations([{ pathToOpen, isDirectory: true }]); expect(atom.attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths).toHaveBeenCalledWith( state, [pathToOpen], [] ); expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([]); }); it('includes missing mandatory project folders in computation of initial state key', async () => { const existingDir = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures'); const missingDir = path.join(__dirname, 'no'); atom.loadState.andCallFake(function(key) { if (key === `${existingDir}:${missingDir}`) { return Promise.resolve(state); } else { return Promise.resolve(null); } }); await atom.openLocations([ { pathToOpen: existingDir }, { pathToOpen: missingDir, isDirectory: true } ]); expect(atom.attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths).toHaveBeenCalledWith( state, [existingDir], [] ); expect(atom.project.getPaths(), [existingDir]); }); it('opens the specified files', async () => { await atom.openLocations([ { pathToOpen: __dirname, isDirectory: true }, { pathToOpen: __filename } ]); expect(atom.attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths).toHaveBeenCalledWith( state, [__dirname], [__filename] ); expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when there are already project folders', () => { beforeEach(() => atom.project.setPaths([__dirname])); it('does not attempt to restore the project state, instead adding the project paths', async () => { const pathToOpen = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures'); await atom.openLocations([ { pathToOpen, exists: true, isDirectory: true } ]); expect( atom.attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([__dirname, pathToOpen]); }); it('opens the specified files', async () => { const pathToOpen = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures'); const fileToOpen = path.join(pathToOpen, 'michelle-is-awesome.txt'); await atom.openLocations([ { pathToOpen, exists: true, isDirectory: true }, { pathToOpen: fileToOpen, exists: true, isFile: true } ]); expect( atom.attemptRestoreProjectStateForPaths ).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith(state, [pathToOpen], [fileToOpen]); expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([__dirname, pathToOpen]); }); }); }); }); describe('::getReleaseChannel()', () => { let version; beforeEach(() => { spyOn(atom, 'getVersion').andCallFake(() => version); }); it('returns the correct channel based on the version number', () => { version = '1.5.6'; expect(atom.getReleaseChannel()).toBe('stable'); version = '1.5.0-beta10'; expect(atom.getReleaseChannel()).toBe('beta'); version = '1.7.0-dev-5340c91'; expect(atom.getReleaseChannel()).toBe('dev'); }); }); });