$ = require 'jquery' fsUtils = require 'fs-utils' {less} = require 'less' describe "Window", -> projectPath = null beforeEach -> spyOn(atom, 'getPathToOpen').andReturn(project.getPath()) window.handleWindowEvents() window.deserializeWindowState() projectPath = project.getPath() afterEach -> window.shutdown() $(window).off 'beforeunload' describe "when the window is loaded", -> it "doesn't have .is-blurred on the body tag", -> expect($("body")).not.toHaveClass("is-blurred") describe "when the window is blurred", -> beforeEach -> $(window).trigger 'blur' afterEach -> $('body').removeClass('is-blurred') it "adds the .is-blurred class on the body", -> expect($("body")).toHaveClass("is-blurred") describe "when the window is focused again", -> it "removes the .is-blurred class from the body", -> $(window).trigger 'focus' expect($("body")).not.toHaveClass("is-blurred") describe "window:close event", -> describe "when no pane items are modified", -> it "calls window.close", -> spyOn window, 'close' $(window).trigger 'window:close' expect(window.close).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "when pane items are are modified", -> it "prompts user to save and and calls window.close", -> spyOn(window, 'close') spyOn(atom, "confirm").andCallFake (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, noSave) -> noSave() editSession = rootView.open("sample.js") editSession.insertText("I look different, I feel different.") $(window).trigger 'window:close' expect(window.close).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(atom.confirm).toHaveBeenCalled() it "prompts user to save and aborts if dialog is canceled", -> spyOn(window, 'close') spyOn(atom, "confirm").andCallFake (a, b, c, d, e, cancel) -> cancel() editSession = rootView.open("sample.js") editSession.insertText("I look different, I feel different.") $(window).trigger 'window:close' expect(window.close).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(atom.confirm).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "requireStylesheet(path)", -> it "synchronously loads css at the given path and installs a style tag for it in the head", -> cssPath = project.resolve('css.css') lengthBefore = $('head style').length requireStylesheet(cssPath) expect($('head style').length).toBe lengthBefore + 1 element = $('head style[id*="css.css"]') expect(element.attr('id')).toBe cssPath expect(element.text()).toBe fsUtils.read(cssPath) # doesn't append twice requireStylesheet(cssPath) expect($('head style').length).toBe lengthBefore + 1 $('head style[id*="css.css"]').remove() it "synchronously loads and parses less files at the given path and installs a style tag for it in the head", -> lessPath = project.resolve('sample.less') lengthBefore = $('head style').length requireStylesheet(lessPath) expect($('head style').length).toBe lengthBefore + 1 element = $('head style[id*="sample.less"]') expect(element.attr('id')).toBe lessPath expect(element.text()).toBe """ #header { color: #4d926f; } h2 { color: #4d926f; } """ # doesn't append twice requireStylesheet(lessPath) expect($('head style').length).toBe lengthBefore + 1 $('head style[id*="sample.less"]').remove() it "supports requiring css and less stylesheets without an explicit extension", -> requireStylesheet 'fixtures/css' expect($('head style[id*="css.css"]').attr('id')).toBe project.resolve('css.css') requireStylesheet 'fixtures/sample' expect($('head style[id*="sample.less"]').attr('id')).toBe project.resolve('sample.less') $('head style[id*="css.css"]').remove() $('head style[id*="sample.less"]').remove() describe ".removeStylesheet(path)", -> it "removes styling applied by given stylesheet path", -> cssPath = require.resolve(fsUtils.join("fixtures", "css.css")) expect($(document.body).css('font-weight')).not.toBe("bold") requireStylesheet(cssPath) expect($(document.body).css('font-weight')).toBe("bold") removeStylesheet(cssPath) expect($(document.body).css('font-weight')).not.toBe("bold") describe ".shutdown()", -> it "saves the serialized state of the window so it can be deserialized after reload", -> projectPath = project.getPath() expect(atom.getWindowState()).toEqual {} # JSON.stringify removes keys with undefined values rootViewState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(rootView.serialize())) projectState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(project.serialize())) syntaxState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(syntax.serialize())) window.shutdown() windowState = atom.getWindowState() expect(windowState.rootView).toEqual rootViewState expect(windowState.project).toEqual projectState expect(windowState.syntax).toEqual syntaxState expect(atom.saveWindowState).toHaveBeenCalled() it "unsubscribes from all buffers", -> rootView.open('sample.js') buffer = rootView.getActivePaneItem().buffer rootView.getActivePane().splitRight() expect(window.rootView.find('.editor').length).toBe 2 window.shutdown() expect(buffer.subscriptionCount()).toBe 0 it "only serializes window state the first time it is called", -> window.shutdown() window.shutdown() expect(atom.saveWindowState.callCount).toBe 1 describe ".installAtomCommand(commandPath)", -> commandPath = '/tmp/installed-atom-command/atom' afterEach -> fsUtils.remove(commandPath) if fsUtils.exists(commandPath) describe "when the command path doesn't exist", -> it "copies atom.sh to the specified path", -> expect(fsUtils.exists(commandPath)).toBeFalsy() window.installAtomCommand(commandPath) expect(fsUtils.exists(commandPath)).toBeTruthy() expect(fsUtils.read(commandPath).length).toBeGreaterThan 1 describe ".deserialize(state)", -> class Foo @deserialize: ({name}) -> new Foo(name) constructor: (@name) -> beforeEach -> registerDeserializer(Foo) afterEach -> unregisterDeserializer(Foo) it "calls deserialize on the deserializer for the given state object, or returns undefined if one can't be found", -> object = deserialize({ deserializer: 'Foo', name: 'Bar' }) expect(object.name).toBe 'Bar' expect(deserialize({ deserializer: 'Bogus' })).toBeUndefined() describe "when the deserializer has a version", -> beforeEach -> Foo.version = 2 describe "when the deserialized state has a matching version", -> it "attempts to deserialize the state", -> object = deserialize({ deserializer: 'Foo', version: 2, name: 'Bar' }) expect(object.name).toBe 'Bar' describe "when the deserialized state has a non-matching version", -> it "returns undefined", -> expect(deserialize({ deserializer: 'Foo', version: 3, name: 'Bar' })).toBeUndefined() expect(deserialize({ deserializer: 'Foo', version: 1, name: 'Bar' })).toBeUndefined() expect(deserialize({ deserializer: 'Foo', name: 'Bar' })).toBeUndefined()