path = require 'path' temp = require 'temp' Workspace = require '../src/workspace' Pane = require '../src/pane' {View} = require '../src/space-pen-extensions' platform = require './spec-helper-platform' _ = require 'underscore-plus' fstream = require 'fstream' fs = require 'fs-plus' Grim = require 'grim' describe "Workspace", -> workspace = null beforeEach -> atom.project.setPaths([atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('dir')]) atom.workspace = workspace = new Workspace describe "::open(uri, options)", -> openEvents = null beforeEach -> openEvents = [] workspace.onDidOpen (event) -> openEvents.push(event) spyOn(workspace.getActivePane(), 'activate').andCallThrough() describe "when the 'searchAllPanes' option is false (default)", -> describe "when called without a uri", -> it "adds and activates an empty editor on the active pane", -> [editor1, editor2] = [] waitsForPromise -> (editor) -> editor1 = editor runs -> expect(editor1.getPath()).toBeUndefined() expect(workspace.getActivePane().items).toEqual [editor1] expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem()).toBe editor1 expect(workspace.getActivePane().activate).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(openEvents).toEqual [{uri: undefined, pane: workspace.getActivePane(), item: editor1, index: 0}] openEvents = [] waitsForPromise -> (editor) -> editor2 = editor runs -> expect(editor2.getPath()).toBeUndefined() expect(workspace.getActivePane().items).toEqual [editor1, editor2] expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem()).toBe editor2 expect(workspace.getActivePane().activate).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(openEvents).toEqual [{uri: undefined, pane: workspace.getActivePane(), item: editor2, index: 1}] describe "when called with a uri", -> describe "when the active pane already has an editor for the given uri", -> it "activates the existing editor on the active pane", -> editor = null editor1 = null editor2 = null waitsForPromise ->'a').then (o) -> editor1 = o'b').then (o) -> editor2 = o'a').then (o) -> editor = o runs -> expect(editor).toBe editor1 expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem()).toBe editor expect(workspace.getActivePane().activate).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(openEvents).toEqual [ { uri: atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('a') item: editor1 pane: atom.workspace.getActivePane() index: 0 } { uri: atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('b') item: editor2 pane: atom.workspace.getActivePane() index: 1 } { uri: atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('a') item: editor1 pane: atom.workspace.getActivePane() index: 0 } ] describe "when the active pane does not have an editor for the given uri", -> it "adds and activates a new editor for the given path on the active pane", -> editor = null waitsForPromise ->'a').then (o) -> editor = o runs -> expect(editor.getURI()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('a') expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem()).toBe editor expect(workspace.getActivePane().items).toEqual [editor] expect(workspace.getActivePane().activate).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "when the 'searchAllPanes' option is true", -> describe "when an editor for the given uri is already open on an inactive pane", -> it "activates the existing editor on the inactive pane, then activates that pane", -> editor1 = null editor2 = null pane1 = workspace.getActivePane() pane2 = workspace.getActivePane().splitRight() waitsForPromise -> pane1.activate()'a').then (o) -> editor1 = o waitsForPromise -> pane2.activate()'b').then (o) -> editor2 = o runs -> expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem()).toBe editor2 waitsForPromise ->'a', searchAllPanes: true) runs -> expect(workspace.getActivePane()).toBe pane1 expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem()).toBe editor1 describe "when no editor for the given uri is open in any pane", -> it "opens an editor for the given uri in the active pane", -> editor = null waitsForPromise ->'a', searchAllPanes: true).then (o) -> editor = o runs -> expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem()).toBe editor describe "when the 'split' option is set", -> describe "when the 'split' option is 'left'", -> it "opens the editor in the leftmost pane of the current pane axis", -> pane1 = workspace.getActivePane() pane2 = pane1.splitRight() expect(workspace.getActivePane()).toBe pane2 editor = null waitsForPromise ->'a', split: 'left').then (o) -> editor = o runs -> expect(workspace.getActivePane()).toBe pane1 expect(pane1.items).toEqual [editor] expect(pane2.items).toEqual [] # Focus right pane and reopen the file on the left waitsForPromise -> pane2.focus()'a', split: 'left').then (o) -> editor = o runs -> expect(workspace.getActivePane()).toBe pane1 expect(pane1.items).toEqual [editor] expect(pane2.items).toEqual [] describe "when a pane axis is the leftmost sibling of the current pane", -> it "opens the new item in the current pane", -> editor = null pane1 = workspace.getActivePane() pane2 = pane1.splitLeft() pane3 = pane2.splitDown() pane1.activate() expect(workspace.getActivePane()).toBe pane1 waitsForPromise ->'a', split: 'left').then (o) -> editor = o runs -> expect(workspace.getActivePane()).toBe pane1 expect(pane1.items).toEqual [editor] describe "when the 'split' option is 'right'", -> it "opens the editor in the rightmost pane of the current pane axis", -> editor = null pane1 = workspace.getActivePane() pane2 = null waitsForPromise ->'a', split: 'right').then (o) -> editor = o runs -> pane2 = workspace.getPanes().filter((p) -> p isnt pane1)[0] expect(workspace.getActivePane()).toBe pane2 expect(pane1.items).toEqual [] expect(pane2.items).toEqual [editor] # Focus right pane and reopen the file on the right waitsForPromise -> pane1.focus()'a', split: 'right').then (o) -> editor = o runs -> expect(workspace.getActivePane()).toBe pane2 expect(pane1.items).toEqual [] expect(pane2.items).toEqual [editor] describe "when a pane axis is the rightmost sibling of the current pane", -> it "opens the new item in a new pane split to the right of the current pane", -> editor = null pane1 = workspace.getActivePane() pane2 = pane1.splitRight() pane3 = pane2.splitDown() pane1.activate() expect(workspace.getActivePane()).toBe pane1 pane4 = null waitsForPromise ->'a', split: 'right').then (o) -> editor = o runs -> pane4 = workspace.getPanes().filter((p) -> p isnt pane1)[0] expect(workspace.getActivePane()).toBe pane4 expect(pane4.items).toEqual [editor] expect(workspace.paneContainer.root.children[0]).toBe pane1 expect(workspace.paneContainer.root.children[1]).toBe pane4 describe "when passed a path that matches a custom opener", -> it "returns the resource returned by the custom opener", -> fooOpener = (pathToOpen, options) -> {foo: pathToOpen, options} if pathToOpen?.match(/\.foo/) barOpener = (pathToOpen) -> {bar: pathToOpen} if pathToOpen?.match(/^bar:\/\//) workspace.addOpener(fooOpener) workspace.addOpener(barOpener) waitsForPromise -> pathToOpen = atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve(''), hey: "there").then (item) -> expect(item).toEqual {foo: pathToOpen, options: {hey: "there"}} waitsForPromise ->"bar://baz").then (item) -> expect(item).toEqual {bar: "bar://baz"} it "notifies ::onDidAddTextEditor observers", -> absolutePath = require.resolve('./fixtures/dir/a') newEditorHandler = jasmine.createSpy('newEditorHandler') workspace.onDidAddTextEditor newEditorHandler editor = null waitsForPromise -> (e) -> editor = e runs -> expect(newEditorHandler.argsForCall[0][0].textEditor).toBe editor it "records a deprecation warning on the appropriate package if the item has a ::getUri method instead of ::getURI", -> jasmine.snapshotDeprecations() waitsForPromise -> atom.packages.activatePackage('package-with-deprecated-pane-item-method') waitsForPromise ->"test") runs -> deprecations = Grim.getDeprecations() expect(deprecations.length).toBe 1 expect(deprecations[0].message).toBe "Pane item with class `TestItem` should implement `::getURI` instead of `::getUri`." expect(deprecations[0].getStacks()[0].metadata.packageName).toBe "package-with-deprecated-pane-item-method" jasmine.restoreDeprecationsSnapshot() describe "when there is an error opening the file", -> notificationSpy = null beforeEach -> atom.notifications.onDidAddNotification notificationSpy = jasmine.createSpy() describe "when a large file is opened", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(fs, 'getSizeSync').andReturn 2 * 1048577 # 2MB it "creates a notification", -> waitsForPromise ->'file1') runs -> expect(notificationSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() notification = notificationSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(notification.getType()).toBe 'warning' expect(notification.getMessage()).toContain '< 2MB' describe "when a file does not exist", -> it "creates an empty buffer for the specified path", -> waitsForPromise ->'') runs -> editor = workspace.getActiveTextEditor() expect(notificationSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(editor.getPath()).toContain '' describe "when the user does not have access to the file", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(fs, 'openSync').andCallFake (path) -> error = new Error("EACCES, permission denied '#{path}'") error.path = path error.code = 'EACCES' throw error it "creates a notification", -> waitsForPromise ->'file1') runs -> expect(notificationSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() notification = notificationSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(notification.getType()).toBe 'warning' expect(notification.getMessage()).toContain 'Permission denied' expect(notification.getMessage()).toContain 'file1' describe "when the the operation is not permitted", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(fs, 'openSync').andCallFake (path) -> error = new Error("EPERM, operation not permitted '#{path}'") error.path = path error.code = 'EPERM' throw error it "creates a notification", -> waitsForPromise ->'file1') runs -> expect(notificationSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() notification = notificationSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(notification.getType()).toBe 'warning' expect(notification.getMessage()).toContain 'Unable to open' expect(notification.getMessage()).toContain 'file1' describe "when the the file is already open in windows", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(fs, 'openSync').andCallFake (path) -> error = new Error("EBUSY, resource busy or locked '#{path}'") error.path = path error.code = 'EBUSY' throw error it "creates a notification", -> waitsForPromise ->'file1') runs -> expect(notificationSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() notification = notificationSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(notification.getType()).toBe 'warning' expect(notification.getMessage()).toContain 'Unable to open' expect(notification.getMessage()).toContain 'file1' describe "when there is an unhandled error", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(fs, 'openSync').andCallFake (path) -> throw new Error("I dont even know what is happening right now!!") it "creates a notification", -> open = ->'file1', workspace.getActivePane()) expect(open).toThrow() describe "::reopenItem()", -> it "opens the uri associated with the last closed pane that isn't currently open", -> pane = workspace.getActivePane() waitsForPromise ->'a').then ->'b').then ->'file1').then -> runs -> # does not reopen items with no uri expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getURI()).toBeUndefined() pane.destroyActiveItem() waitsForPromise -> workspace.reopenItem() runs -> expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getURI()).not.toBeUndefined() # destroy all items expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getURI()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('file1') pane.destroyActiveItem() expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getURI()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('b') pane.destroyActiveItem() expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getURI()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('a') pane.destroyActiveItem() # reopens items with uris expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem()).toBeUndefined() waitsForPromise -> workspace.reopenItem() runs -> expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getURI()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('a') # does not reopen items that are already open waitsForPromise ->'b') runs -> expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getURI()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('b') waitsForPromise -> workspace.reopenItem() runs -> expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getURI()).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('file1') describe "::increase/decreaseFontSize()", -> it "increases/decreases the font size without going below 1", -> atom.config.set('editor.fontSize', 1) workspace.increaseFontSize() expect(atom.config.get('editor.fontSize')).toBe 2 workspace.increaseFontSize() expect(atom.config.get('editor.fontSize')).toBe 3 workspace.decreaseFontSize() expect(atom.config.get('editor.fontSize')).toBe 2 workspace.decreaseFontSize() expect(atom.config.get('editor.fontSize')).toBe 1 workspace.decreaseFontSize() expect(atom.config.get('editor.fontSize')).toBe 1 describe "::resetFontSize()", -> it "resets the font size to the window's starting font size", -> originalFontSize = atom.config.get('editor.fontSize') workspace.increaseFontSize() expect(atom.config.get('editor.fontSize')).toBe originalFontSize + 1 workspace.resetFontSize() expect(atom.config.get('editor.fontSize')).toBe originalFontSize workspace.decreaseFontSize() expect(atom.config.get('editor.fontSize')).toBe originalFontSize - 1 workspace.resetFontSize() expect(atom.config.get('editor.fontSize')).toBe originalFontSize it "does nothing if the font size has not been changed", -> originalFontSize = atom.config.get('editor.fontSize') workspace.resetFontSize() expect(atom.config.get('editor.fontSize')).toBe originalFontSize it "resets the font size when the editor's font size changes", -> originalFontSize = atom.config.get('editor.fontSize') atom.config.set('editor.fontSize', originalFontSize + 1) workspace.resetFontSize() expect(atom.config.get('editor.fontSize')).toBe originalFontSize atom.config.set('editor.fontSize', originalFontSize - 1) workspace.resetFontSize() expect(atom.config.get('editor.fontSize')).toBe originalFontSize describe "::openLicense()", -> it "opens the license as plain-text in a buffer", -> waitsForPromise -> workspace.openLicense() runs -> expect(workspace.getActivePaneItem().getText()).toMatch /Copyright/ describe "::observeTextEditors()", -> it "invokes the observer with current and future text editors", -> observed = [] waitsForPromise -> waitsForPromise -> waitsForPromise -> workspace.openLicense() runs -> workspace.observeTextEditors (editor) -> observed.push(editor) waitsForPromise -> expect(observed).toEqual workspace.getTextEditors() describe "when an editor is destroyed", -> it "removes the editor", -> editor = null waitsForPromise ->"a").then (e) -> editor = e runs -> expect(workspace.getTextEditors()).toHaveLength 1 editor.destroy() expect(workspace.getTextEditors()).toHaveLength 0 it "stores the active grammars used by all the open editors", -> waitsForPromise -> atom.packages.activatePackage('language-javascript') waitsForPromise -> atom.packages.activatePackage('language-coffee-script') waitsForPromise -> atom.packages.activatePackage('language-todo') waitsForPromise ->'') runs -> atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor().setText """ i = /test/; #FIXME """ state = atom.workspace.serialize() expect(state.packagesWithActiveGrammars).toEqual ['language-coffee-script', 'language-javascript', 'language-todo'] jsPackage = atom.packages.getLoadedPackage('language-javascript') coffeePackage = atom.packages.getLoadedPackage('language-coffee-script') spyOn(jsPackage, 'loadGrammarsSync') spyOn(coffeePackage, 'loadGrammarsSync') workspace2 = Workspace.deserialize(state) expect(jsPackage.loadGrammarsSync.callCount).toBe 1 expect(coffeePackage.loadGrammarsSync.callCount).toBe 1 describe "document.title", -> describe "when the project has no path", -> it "sets the title to 'untitled'", -> atom.project.setPaths([]) expect(document.title).toBe 'untitled - Atom' describe "when the project has a path", -> beforeEach -> waitsForPromise ->'b') describe "when there is an active pane item", -> it "sets the title to the pane item's title plus the project path", -> item = atom.workspace.getActivePaneItem() expect(document.title).toBe "#{item.getTitle()} - #{atom.project.getPaths()[0]} - Atom" describe "when the title of the active pane item changes", -> it "updates the window title based on the item's new title", -> editor = atom.workspace.getActivePaneItem() editor.buffer.setPath(path.join(temp.dir, 'hi')) expect(document.title).toBe "#{editor.getTitle()} - #{atom.project.getPaths()[0]} - Atom" describe "when the active pane's item changes", -> it "updates the title to the new item's title plus the project path", -> atom.workspace.getActivePane().activateNextItem() item = atom.workspace.getActivePaneItem() expect(document.title).toBe "#{item.getTitle()} - #{atom.project.getPaths()[0]} - Atom" describe "when the last pane item is removed", -> it "updates the title to contain the project's path", -> atom.workspace.getActivePane().destroy() expect(atom.workspace.getActivePaneItem()).toBeUndefined() expect(document.title).toBe "#{atom.project.getPaths()[0]} - Atom" describe "when an inactive pane's item changes", -> it "does not update the title", -> pane = atom.workspace.getActivePane() pane.splitRight() initialTitle = document.title pane.activateNextItem() expect(document.title).toBe initialTitle describe "when the workspace is deserialized", -> beforeEach -> waitsForPromise ->'a') it "updates the title to contain the project's path", -> document.title = null workspace2 = atom.workspace.testSerialization() item = atom.workspace.getActivePaneItem() expect(document.title).toBe "#{item.getTitle()} - #{atom.project.getPaths()[0]} - Atom" workspace2.destroy() describe "document edited status", -> [item1, item2] = [] beforeEach -> waitsForPromise ->'a') waitsForPromise ->'b') runs -> [item1, item2] = atom.workspace.getPaneItems() spyOn(atom, 'setDocumentEdited') it "calls atom.setDocumentEdited when the active item changes", -> expect(atom.workspace.getActivePaneItem()).toBe item2 item1.insertText('a') expect(item1.isModified()).toBe true atom.workspace.getActivePane().activateNextItem() expect(atom.setDocumentEdited).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true) it "calls atom.setDocumentEdited when the active item's modified status changes", -> expect(atom.workspace.getActivePaneItem()).toBe item2 item2.insertText('a') advanceClock(item2.getBuffer().getStoppedChangingDelay()) expect(item2.isModified()).toBe true expect(atom.setDocumentEdited).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true) item2.undo() advanceClock(item2.getBuffer().getStoppedChangingDelay()) expect(item2.isModified()).toBe false expect(atom.setDocumentEdited).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false) describe "adding panels", -> class TestItem class TestItemElement extends HTMLElement constructor: -> initialize: (@model) -> this getModel: -> @model beforeEach -> atom.views.addViewProvider TestItem, (model) -> new TestItemElement().initialize(model) describe '::addLeftPanel(model)', -> it 'adds a panel to the correct panel container', -> expect(atom.workspace.getLeftPanels().length).toBe(0) atom.workspace.panelContainers.left.onDidAddPanel addPanelSpy = jasmine.createSpy() model = new TestItem panel = atom.workspace.addLeftPanel(item: model) expect(panel).toBeDefined() expect(addPanelSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({panel, index: 0}) itemView = atom.views.getView(atom.workspace.getLeftPanels()[0].getItem()) expect(itemView instanceof TestItemElement).toBe(true) expect(itemView.getModel()).toBe(model) describe '::addRightPanel(model)', -> it 'adds a panel to the correct panel container', -> expect(atom.workspace.getRightPanels().length).toBe(0) atom.workspace.panelContainers.right.onDidAddPanel addPanelSpy = jasmine.createSpy() model = new TestItem panel = atom.workspace.addRightPanel(item: model) expect(panel).toBeDefined() expect(addPanelSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({panel, index: 0}) itemView = atom.views.getView(atom.workspace.getRightPanels()[0].getItem()) expect(itemView instanceof TestItemElement).toBe(true) expect(itemView.getModel()).toBe(model) describe '::addTopPanel(model)', -> it 'adds a panel to the correct panel container', -> expect(atom.workspace.getTopPanels().length).toBe(0) addPanelSpy = jasmine.createSpy() model = new TestItem panel = atom.workspace.addTopPanel(item: model) expect(panel).toBeDefined() expect(addPanelSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({panel, index: 0}) itemView = atom.views.getView(atom.workspace.getTopPanels()[0].getItem()) expect(itemView instanceof TestItemElement).toBe(true) expect(itemView.getModel()).toBe(model) describe '::addBottomPanel(model)', -> it 'adds a panel to the correct panel container', -> expect(atom.workspace.getBottomPanels().length).toBe(0) atom.workspace.panelContainers.bottom.onDidAddPanel addPanelSpy = jasmine.createSpy() model = new TestItem panel = atom.workspace.addBottomPanel(item: model) expect(panel).toBeDefined() expect(addPanelSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({panel, index: 0}) itemView = atom.views.getView(atom.workspace.getBottomPanels()[0].getItem()) expect(itemView instanceof TestItemElement).toBe(true) expect(itemView.getModel()).toBe(model) describe '::addModalPanel(model)', -> it 'adds a panel to the correct panel container', -> expect(atom.workspace.getModalPanels().length).toBe(0) atom.workspace.panelContainers.modal.onDidAddPanel addPanelSpy = jasmine.createSpy() model = new TestItem panel = atom.workspace.addModalPanel(item: model) expect(panel).toBeDefined() expect(addPanelSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({panel, index: 0}) itemView = atom.views.getView(atom.workspace.getModalPanels()[0].getItem()) expect(itemView instanceof TestItemElement).toBe(true) expect(itemView.getModel()).toBe(model) describe "::panelForItem(item)", -> it "returns the panel associated with the item", -> item = new TestItem panel = atom.workspace.addLeftPanel(item: item) itemWithNoPanel = new TestItem expect(atom.workspace.panelForItem(item)).toBe panel expect(atom.workspace.panelForItem(itemWithNoPanel)).toBe null describe "::scan(regex, options, callback)", -> describe "when called with a regex", -> it "calls the callback with all regex results in all files in the project", -> results = [] waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.scan /(a)+/, (result) -> results.push(result) runs -> expect(results).toHaveLength(3) expect(results[0].filePath).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('a') expect(results[0].matches).toHaveLength(3) expect(results[0].matches[0]).toEqual matchText: 'aaa' lineText: 'aaa bbb' lineTextOffset: 0 range: [[0, 0], [0, 3]] it "works with with escaped literals (like $ and ^)", -> results = [] waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.scan /\$\w+/, (result) -> results.push(result) runs -> expect(results.length).toBe 1 {filePath, matches} = results[0] expect(filePath).toBe atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('a') expect(matches).toHaveLength 1 expect(matches[0]).toEqual matchText: '$bill' lineText: 'dollar$bill' lineTextOffset: 0 range: [[2, 6], [2, 11]] it "works on evil filenames", -> platform.generateEvilFiles() atom.project.setPaths([path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'evil-files')]) paths = [] matches = [] waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.scan /evil/, (result) -> paths.push(result.filePath) matches = matches.concat(result.matches) runs -> _.each(matches, (m) -> expect(m.matchText).toEqual 'evil') if platform.isWindows() expect(paths.length).toBe 3 expect(paths[0]).toMatch /a_file_with_utf8.txt$/ expect(paths[1]).toMatch /file with spaces.txt$/ expect(path.basename(paths[2])).toBe "utfa\" else expect(paths.length).toBe 5 expect(paths[0]).toMatch /a_file_with_utf8.txt$/ expect(paths[1]).toMatch /file with spaces.txt$/ expect(paths[2]).toMatch /goddam\nnewlines$/m expect(paths[3]).toMatch /quote".txt$/m expect(path.basename(paths[4])).toBe "utfa\" it "ignores case if the regex includes the `i` flag", -> results = [] waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.scan /DOLLAR/i, (result) -> results.push(result) runs -> expect(results).toHaveLength 1 describe "when the core.excludeVcsIgnoredPaths config is truthy", -> [projectPath, ignoredPath] = [] beforeEach -> sourceProjectPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'git', 'working-dir') projectPath = path.join(temp.mkdirSync("atom")) writerStream = fstream.Writer(projectPath) fstream.Reader(sourceProjectPath).pipe(writerStream) waitsFor (done) -> writerStream.on 'close', done writerStream.on 'error', done runs -> fs.rename(path.join(projectPath, 'git.git'), path.join(projectPath, '.git')) ignoredPath = path.join(projectPath, 'ignored.txt') fs.writeFileSync(ignoredPath, 'this match should not be included') afterEach -> fs.removeSync(projectPath) if fs.existsSync(projectPath) it "excludes ignored files", -> atom.project.setPaths([projectPath]) atom.config.set('core.excludeVcsIgnoredPaths', true) resultHandler = jasmine.createSpy("result found") waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.scan /match/, (results) -> resultHandler() runs -> expect(resultHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it "includes only files when a directory filter is specified", -> projectPath = path.join(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'dir')) atom.project.setPaths([projectPath]) filePath = path.join(projectPath, 'a-dir', 'oh-git') paths = [] matches = [] waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.scan /aaa/, paths: ["a-dir#{path.sep}"], (result) -> paths.push(result.filePath) matches = matches.concat(result.matches) runs -> expect(paths.length).toBe 1 expect(paths[0]).toBe filePath expect(matches.length).toBe 1 it "includes files and folders that begin with a '.'", -> projectPath = temp.mkdirSync() filePath = path.join(projectPath, '.text') fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'match this') atom.project.setPaths([projectPath]) paths = [] matches = [] waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.scan /match this/, (result) -> paths.push(result.filePath) matches = matches.concat(result.matches) runs -> expect(paths.length).toBe 1 expect(paths[0]).toBe filePath expect(matches.length).toBe 1 it "excludes values in core.ignoredNames", -> projectPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'git', 'working-dir') ignoredNames = atom.config.get("core.ignoredNames") ignoredNames.push("a") atom.config.set("core.ignoredNames", ignoredNames) resultHandler = jasmine.createSpy("result found") waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.scan /dollar/, (results) -> resultHandler() runs -> expect(resultHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it "scans buffer contents if the buffer is modified", -> editor = null results = [] waitsForPromise ->'a').then (o) -> editor = o editor.setText("Elephant") waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.scan /a|Elephant/, (result) -> results.push result runs -> expect(results).toHaveLength 3 resultForA = _.find results, ({filePath}) -> path.basename(filePath) is 'a' expect(resultForA.matches).toHaveLength 1 expect(resultForA.matches[0].matchText).toBe 'Elephant' it "ignores buffers outside the project", -> editor = null results = [] waitsForPromise -> (o) -> editor = o editor.setText("Elephant") waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.scan /Elephant/, (result) -> results.push result runs -> expect(results).toHaveLength 0 describe "when the project has multiple root directories", -> [dir1, dir2, file1, file2] = [] beforeEach -> [dir1] = atom.project.getPaths() file1 = path.join(dir1, "a-dir", "oh-git") dir2 = temp.mkdirSync("a-second-dir") aDir2 = path.join(dir2, "a-dir") file2 = path.join(aDir2, "a-file") fs.mkdirSync(aDir2) fs.writeFileSync(file2, "ccc aaaa") atom.project.addPath(dir2) it "searches matching files in all of the project's root directories", -> resultPaths = [] waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.scan /aaaa/, ({filePath}) -> resultPaths.push(filePath) runs -> expect(resultPaths.sort()).toEqual([file1, file2].sort()) describe "when an inclusion path starts with the basename of a root directory", -> it "interprets the inclusion path as starting from that directory", -> waitsForPromise -> resultPaths = [] atom.workspace .scan /aaaa/, paths: ["dir"], ({filePath}) -> resultPaths.push(filePath) unless filePath in resultPaths .then -> expect(resultPaths).toEqual([file1]) waitsForPromise -> resultPaths = [] atom.workspace .scan /aaaa/, paths: [path.join("dir", "a-dir")], ({filePath}) -> resultPaths.push(filePath) unless filePath in resultPaths .then -> expect(resultPaths).toEqual([file1]) waitsForPromise -> resultPaths = [] atom.workspace .scan /aaaa/, paths: [path.basename(dir2)], ({filePath}) -> resultPaths.push(filePath) unless filePath in resultPaths .then -> expect(resultPaths).toEqual([file2]) waitsForPromise -> resultPaths = [] atom.workspace .scan /aaaa/, paths: [path.join(path.basename(dir2), "a-dir")], ({filePath}) -> resultPaths.push(filePath) unless filePath in resultPaths .then -> expect(resultPaths).toEqual([file2]) describe "::replace(regex, replacementText, paths, iterator)", -> [filePath, commentFilePath, sampleContent, sampleCommentContent] = [] beforeEach -> atom.project.setPaths([atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('../')]) filePath = atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('sample.js') commentFilePath = atom.project.getDirectories()[0]?.resolve('sample-with-comments.js') sampleContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString() sampleCommentContent = fs.readFileSync(commentFilePath).toString() afterEach -> fs.writeFileSync(filePath, sampleContent) fs.writeFileSync(commentFilePath, sampleCommentContent) describe "when a file doesn't exist", -> it "calls back with an error", -> errors = [] missingPath = path.resolve('/not-a-file.js') expect(fs.existsSync(missingPath)).toBeFalsy() waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.replace /items/gi, 'items', [missingPath], (result, error) -> errors.push(error) runs -> expect(errors).toHaveLength 1 expect(errors[0].path).toBe missingPath describe "when called with unopened files", -> it "replaces properly", -> results = [] waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.replace /items/gi, 'items', [filePath], (result) -> results.push(result) runs -> expect(results).toHaveLength 1 expect(results[0].filePath).toBe filePath expect(results[0].replacements).toBe 6 describe "when a buffer is already open", -> it "replaces properly and saves when not modified", -> editor = null results = [] waitsForPromise ->'sample.js').then (o) -> editor = o runs -> expect(editor.isModified()).toBeFalsy() waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.replace /items/gi, 'items', [filePath], (result) -> results.push(result) runs -> expect(results).toHaveLength 1 expect(results[0].filePath).toBe filePath expect(results[0].replacements).toBe 6 expect(editor.isModified()).toBeFalsy() it "does not replace when the path is not specified", -> editor = null results = [] waitsForPromise ->'sample-with-comments.js').then (o) -> editor = o waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.replace /items/gi, 'items', [commentFilePath], (result) -> results.push(result) runs -> expect(results).toHaveLength 1 expect(results[0].filePath).toBe commentFilePath it "does NOT save when modified", -> editor = null results = [] waitsForPromise ->'sample.js').then (o) -> editor = o runs -> editor.buffer.setTextInRange([[0,0],[0,0]], 'omg') expect(editor.isModified()).toBeTruthy() waitsForPromise -> atom.workspace.replace /items/gi, 'okthen', [filePath], (result) -> results.push(result) runs -> expect(results).toHaveLength 1 expect(results[0].filePath).toBe filePath expect(results[0].replacements).toBe 6 expect(editor.isModified()).toBeTruthy() describe "::saveActivePaneItem()", -> editor = null beforeEach -> waitsForPromise ->'sample.js').then (o) -> editor = o describe "when there is an error", -> it "emits a warning notification when the file cannot be saved", -> spyOn(editor, 'save').andCallFake -> throw new Error("'/some/file' is a directory") atom.notifications.onDidAddNotification addedSpy = jasmine.createSpy() atom.workspace.saveActivePaneItem() expect(addedSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(addedSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0].getType()).toBe 'warning' it "emits a warning notification when the directory cannot be written to", -> spyOn(editor, 'save').andCallFake -> throw new Error("ENOTDIR, not a directory '/Some/dir/and-a-file.js'") atom.notifications.onDidAddNotification addedSpy = jasmine.createSpy() atom.workspace.saveActivePaneItem() expect(addedSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(addedSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0].getType()).toBe 'warning' it "emits a warning notification when the user does not have permission", -> spyOn(editor, 'save').andCallFake -> error = new Error("EACCES, permission denied '/Some/dir/and-a-file.js'") error.code = 'EACCES' error.path = '/Some/dir/and-a-file.js' throw error atom.notifications.onDidAddNotification addedSpy = jasmine.createSpy() atom.workspace.saveActivePaneItem() expect(addedSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(addedSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0].getType()).toBe 'warning' it "emits a warning notification when the operation is not permitted", -> spyOn(editor, 'save').andCallFake -> error = new Error("EPERM, operation not permitted '/Some/dir/and-a-file.js'") error.code = 'EPERM' error.path = '/Some/dir/and-a-file.js' throw error it "emits a warning notification when the file is already open by another app", -> spyOn(editor, 'save').andCallFake -> error = new Error("EBUSY, resource busy or locked '/Some/dir/and-a-file.js'") error.code = 'EBUSY' error.path = '/Some/dir/and-a-file.js' throw error atom.notifications.onDidAddNotification addedSpy = jasmine.createSpy() atom.workspace.saveActivePaneItem() expect(addedSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() notificaiton = addedSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(notificaiton.getType()).toBe 'warning' expect(notificaiton.getMessage()).toContain 'Unable to save' it "emits a warning notification when the file system is read-only", -> spyOn(editor, 'save').andCallFake -> error = new Error("EROFS, read-only file system '/Some/dir/and-a-file.js'") error.code = 'EROFS' error.path = '/Some/dir/and-a-file.js' throw error atom.notifications.onDidAddNotification addedSpy = jasmine.createSpy() atom.workspace.saveActivePaneItem() expect(addedSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() notification = addedSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(notification.getType()).toBe 'warning' expect(notification.getMessage()).toContain 'Unable to save' it "emits a warning notification when the file cannot be saved", -> spyOn(editor, 'save').andCallFake -> throw new Error("no one knows") save = -> atom.workspace.saveActivePaneItem() expect(save).toThrow()