--- engines: duplication: minTokenMatch: 80 exclude_paths: - "spec/fixtures/**" - "packages/*/spec/fixtures/**" # Since Codacy exposes significantly little on the config. # We can use the rest of this document to solidify our settings. # # Quality Settings: (Below are changed values, rest are default) # * Pull requests won't pass the quality gate when: # - New issues are over: 15 'critical' # * Commits won't pass the quality gate: # - New issues are over: 15 'critical' # * The repository is below the quality goals when: # - Issues are over: 20% # - Complexity is over: 10% # - File is complex when over: 20 # - Duplication is over: 30 # - File is duplicated when over: 1 'cloned block' # - Coverage is under: 60% # Enabled Engines: # - CSSLint 1.0.5 # - CoffeeLint 2.1.0 # - ESLint 8.23.1 # - Hadolint 1.18.2 # - Jackson Linter 2.10.2 # - PMD 6.48.0 # - SpellCheck 0.8.0 # - Stylelint 14.2.0 #