path = require 'path' temp = require 'temp' CSON = require 'season' fs = require 'fs-plus' Grim = require 'grim' describe "Config", -> dotAtomPath = null beforeEach -> dotAtomPath = temp.path('dot-atom-dir') atom.config.configDirPath = dotAtomPath atom.config.configFilePath = path.join(atom.config.configDirPath, "atom.config.cson") describe ".get(keyPath, {scope, sources, excludeSources})", -> it "allows a key path's value to be read", -> expect(atom.config.set("", 42)).toBe true expect(atom.config.get("")).toBe 42 expect(atom.config.get("foo.quux")).toBeUndefined() it "returns a deep clone of the key path's value", -> atom.config.set('value', array: [1, b: 2, 3]) retrievedValue = atom.config.get('value') retrievedValue.array[0] = 4 retrievedValue.array[1].b = 2.1 expect(atom.config.get('value')).toEqual(array: [1, b: 2, 3]) it "merges defaults into the returned value if both the assigned value and the default value are objects", -> atom.config.setDefaults("", baz: 1, ok: 2) atom.config.set("", baz: 3) expect(atom.config.get("")).toEqual {baz: 3, ok: 2} atom.config.setDefaults("other", baz: 1) atom.config.set("other", 7) expect(atom.config.get("other")).toBe 7 atom.config.set("bar.baz", a: 3) atom.config.setDefaults("bar", baz: 7) expect(atom.config.get("bar.baz")).toEqual {a: 3} describe "when a 'sources' option is specified", -> it "only retrieves values from the specified sources", -> atom.config.set("x.y", 1, scopeSelector: ".foo", source: "a") atom.config.set("x.y", 2, scopeSelector: ".foo", source: "b") atom.config.set("x.y", 3, scopeSelector: ".foo", source: "c") atom.config.setSchema("x.y", type: "integer", default: 4) expect(atom.config.get("x.y", sources: ["a"], scope: [".foo"])).toBe 1 expect(atom.config.get("x.y", sources: ["b"], scope: [".foo"])).toBe 2 expect(atom.config.get("x.y", sources: ["c"], scope: [".foo"])).toBe 3 # Schema defaults never match a specific source. We could potentially add a special "schema" source. expect(atom.config.get("x.y", sources: ["x"], scope: [".foo"])).toBeUndefined() expect(atom.config.get(null, sources: ['a'], scope: [".foo"]).x.y).toBe 1 describe "when an 'excludeSources' option is specified", -> it "only retrieves values from the specified sources", -> atom.config.set("x.y", 0) atom.config.set("x.y", 1, scopeSelector: ".foo", source: "a") atom.config.set("x.y", 2, scopeSelector: ".foo", source: "b") atom.config.set("x.y", 3, scopeSelector: ".foo", source: "c") atom.config.setSchema("x.y", type: "integer", default: 4) expect(atom.config.get("x.y", excludeSources: ["a"], scope: [".foo"])).toBe 3 expect(atom.config.get("x.y", excludeSources: ["c"], scope: [".foo"])).toBe 2 expect(atom.config.get("x.y", excludeSources: ["b", "c"], scope: [".foo"])).toBe 1 expect(atom.config.get("x.y", excludeSources: ["b", "c", "a"], scope: [".foo"])).toBe 0 expect(atom.config.get("x.y", excludeSources: ["b", "c", "a", atom.config.getUserConfigPath()], scope: [".foo"])).toBe 4 expect(atom.config.get("x.y", excludeSources: [atom.config.getUserConfigPath()])).toBe 4 describe "when a 'scope' option is given", -> it "returns the property with the most specific scope selector", -> atom.config.set("", 42, scopeSelector: "") atom.config.set("", 22, scopeSelector: ".source .string.quoted.double") atom.config.set("", 11, scopeSelector: ".source") expect(atom.config.get("", scope: ["", ""])).toBe 42 expect(atom.config.get("", scope: [".source.js", ".string.quoted.double.js"])).toBe 22 expect(atom.config.get("", scope: [".source.js", ".variable.assignment.js"])).toBe 11 expect(atom.config.get("", scope: [".text"])).toBeUndefined() it "favors the most recently added properties in the event of a specificity tie", -> atom.config.set("", 42, scopeSelector: " .string.quoted.single") atom.config.set("", 22, scopeSelector: " .string.quoted.double") expect(atom.config.get("", scope: ["", ".string.quoted.single"])).toBe 42 expect(atom.config.get("", scope: ["", ".string.quoted.single.double"])).toBe 22 describe 'when there are global defaults', -> it 'falls back to the global when there is no scoped property specified', -> atom.config.setDefaults("foo", hasDefault: 'ok') expect(atom.config.get("foo.hasDefault", scope: ["", ".string.quoted.single"])).toBe 'ok' describe 'when package settings are added after user settings', -> it "returns the user's setting because the user's setting has higher priority", -> atom.config.set("", 100, scopeSelector: "") atom.config.set("", 1, scopeSelector: "", source: "some-package") expect(atom.config.get("", scope: [""])).toBe 100 describe ".getAll(keyPath, {scope, sources, excludeSources})", -> it "reads all of the values for a given key-path", -> expect(atom.config.set("foo", 41)).toBe true expect(atom.config.set("foo", 43, scopeSelector: ".a .b")).toBe true expect(atom.config.set("foo", 42, scopeSelector: ".a")).toBe true expect(atom.config.set("foo", 44, scopeSelector: ".a .b.c")).toBe true expect(atom.config.set("foo", -44, scopeSelector: ".d")).toBe true expect(atom.config.getAll("foo", scope: [".a", ".b.c"])).toEqual [ {scopeSelector: '.a .b.c', value: 44} {scopeSelector: '.a .b', value: 43} {scopeSelector: '.a', value: 42} {scopeSelector: '*', value: 41} ] it "includes the schema's default value", -> atom.config.setSchema("foo", type: 'number', default: 40) expect(atom.config.set("foo", 43, scopeSelector: ".a .b")).toBe true expect(atom.config.getAll("foo", scope: [".a", ".b.c"])).toEqual [ {scopeSelector: '.a .b', value: 43} {scopeSelector: '*', value: 40} ] describe ".set(keyPath, value, {source, scopeSelector})", -> it "allows a key path's value to be written", -> expect(atom.config.set("", 42)).toBe true expect(atom.config.get("")).toBe 42 it "saves the user's config to disk after it stops changing", -> atom.config.set("", 42) advanceClock(50) expect( atom.config.set("", 43) advanceClock(50) expect( atom.config.set("", 44) advanceClock(150) expect( it "does not save when a non-default 'source' is given", -> atom.config.set("", 42, source: 'some-other-source', scopeSelector: '.a') advanceClock(500) expect( it "does not allow a 'source' option without a 'scopeSelector'", -> expect(-> atom.config.set("foo", 1, source: [".source.ruby"])).toThrow() describe "when the key-path is null", -> it "sets the root object", -> expect(atom.config.set(null, editor: tabLength: 6)).toBe true expect(atom.config.get("editor.tabLength")).toBe 6 expect(atom.config.set(null, editor: tabLength: 8, scopeSelector: ['.source.js'])).toBe true expect(atom.config.get("editor.tabLength", scope: ['.source.js'])).toBe 8 describe "when the value equals the default value", -> it "does not store the value in the user's config", -> atom.config.setDefaults "foo", same: 1 changes: 1 sameArray: [1, 2, 3] sameObject: {a: 1, b: 2} null: null undefined: undefined expect( atom.config.set('foo.same', 1) atom.config.set('foo.changes', 2) atom.config.set('foo.sameArray', [1, 2, 3]) atom.config.set('foo.null', undefined) atom.config.set('foo.undefined', null) atom.config.set('foo.sameObject', {b: 2, a: 1}) expect(atom.config.get("foo.same", sources: [atom.config.getUserConfigPath()])).toBeUndefined() expect(atom.config.get("foo.changes", sources: [atom.config.getUserConfigPath()])).toBe 2 atom.config.set('foo.changes', 1) expect(atom.config.get("foo.changes", sources: [atom.config.getUserConfigPath()])).toBeUndefined() describe "when a 'scopeSelector' is given", -> it "sets the value and overrides the others", -> atom.config.set("", 42, scopeSelector: "") atom.config.set("", 22, scopeSelector: ".source .string.quoted.double") atom.config.set("", 11, scopeSelector: ".source") expect(atom.config.get("", scope: ["", ""])).toBe 42 expect(atom.config.set("", 100, scopeSelector: "")).toBe true expect(atom.config.get("", scope: ["", ""])).toBe 100 describe ".unset(keyPath, {source, scopeSelector})", -> beforeEach -> atom.config.setSchema 'foo', type: 'object' properties: bar: type: 'object' properties: baz: type: 'integer' default: 0 ok: type: 'integer' default: 0 quux: type: 'integer' default: 0 it "sets the value of the key path to its default", -> atom.config.setDefaults('a', b: 3) atom.config.set('a.b', 4) expect(atom.config.get('a.b')).toBe 4 atom.config.unset('a.b') expect(atom.config.get('a.b')).toBe 3 atom.config.set('a.c', 5) expect(atom.config.get('a.c')).toBe 5 atom.config.unset('a.c') expect(atom.config.get('a.c')).toBeUndefined() it "calls ::save()", -> atom.config.setDefaults('a', b: 3) atom.config.set('a.b', 4) atom.config.unset('a.c') advanceClock(500) expect( 1 describe "when a 'source' and no 'scopeSelector' is given", -> it "removes all scoped settings with the given source", -> atom.config.set("", 1, scopeSelector: ".a", source: "source-a") atom.config.set("", 2, scopeSelector: ".b", source: "source-a") expect(atom.config.get("", scope: [".a.b"])).toEqual(baz: 1, quux: 2) atom.config.unset(null, source: "source-a") expect(atom.config.get("", scope: [".a"])).toEqual(baz: 0, ok: 0) describe "when a 'scopeSelector' is given", -> it "restores the global default when no scoped default set", -> atom.config.setDefaults("foo", bar: baz: 10) atom.config.set('', 55, scopeSelector: '') expect(atom.config.get('', scope: [''])).toBe 55 atom.config.unset('', scopeSelector: '') expect(atom.config.get('', scope: [''])).toBe 10 it "restores the scoped default when a scoped default is set", -> atom.config.setDefaults("foo", bar: baz: 10) atom.config.set("", 42, scopeSelector: "", source: "some-source") atom.config.set('', 55, scopeSelector: '') atom.config.set('', 100, scopeSelector: '') expect(atom.config.get('', scope: [''])).toBe 55 atom.config.unset('', scopeSelector: '') expect(atom.config.get('', scope: [''])).toBe 42 expect(atom.config.get('', scope: [''])).toBe 100 it "calls ::save()", -> atom.config.setDefaults("foo", bar: baz: 10) atom.config.set('', 55, scopeSelector: '') atom.config.unset('', scopeSelector: '') advanceClock(150) expect( 1 it "allows removing settings for a specific source and scope selector", -> atom.config.set('', 55, scopeSelector: '', source: "source-a") atom.config.set('', 65, scopeSelector: '', source: "source-b") expect(atom.config.get('', scope: [''])).toBe 65 atom.config.unset('', source: "source-b", scopeSelector: "") expect(atom.config.get('', scope: ['', '.string'])).toBe 55 it "allows removing all settings for a specific source", -> atom.config.set('', 55, scopeSelector: '', source: "source-a") atom.config.set('', 65, scopeSelector: '', source: "source-b") atom.config.set('', 65, scopeSelector: '', source: "source-b") expect(atom.config.get('', scope: [''])).toBe 65 atom.config.unset(null, source: "source-b", scopeSelector: "") expect(atom.config.get('', scope: ['', '.string'])).toBe 55 expect(atom.config.get('', scope: ['', '.string'])).toBe 0 it "does not call ::save or add a scoped property when no value has been set", -> # see atom.config.setDefaults("foo", bar: baz: 10) atom.config.unset('', scopeSelector: '') expect(atom.config.get('', scope: [''])).toBe 10 expect( scopedProperties = atom.config.scopedSettingsStore.propertiesForSource('user-config') expect(scopedProperties['.coffee.source']).toBeUndefined() it "removes the scoped value when it was the only set value on the object", -> spyOn(CSON, 'writeFileSync') atom.config.setDefaults("foo", bar: baz: 10) atom.config.set('', 55, scopeSelector: '') atom.config.set('', 20, scopeSelector: '') expect(atom.config.get('', scope: [''])).toBe 55 advanceClock(150) CSON.writeFileSync.reset() atom.config.unset('', scopeSelector: '') expect(atom.config.get('', scope: [''])).toBe 10 expect(atom.config.get('', scope: [''])).toBe 20 advanceClock(150) expect(CSON.writeFileSync).toHaveBeenCalled() properties = CSON.writeFileSync.mostRecentCall.args[1] expect(properties['.coffee.source']).toEqual foo: bar: ok: 20 CSON.writeFileSync.reset() atom.config.unset('', scopeSelector: '') advanceClock(150) expect(CSON.writeFileSync).toHaveBeenCalled() properties = CSON.writeFileSync.mostRecentCall.args[1] expect(properties['.coffee.source']).toBeUndefined() it "does not call ::save when the value is already at the default", -> atom.config.setDefaults("foo", bar: baz: 10) atom.config.set('', 55) atom.config.unset('', scopeSelector: '') expect( expect(atom.config.get('', scope: [''])).toBe 55 it "deprecates passing a scope selector as the first argument", -> atom.config.setDefaults("foo", bar: baz: 10) atom.config.set('', 55, scopeSelector: '') spyOn(Grim, 'deprecate') atom.config.unset('', '') expect(Grim.deprecate).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(atom.config.get('', scope: [''])).toBe 10 describe ".onDidChange(keyPath, {scope})", -> [observeHandler, observeSubscription] = [] describe 'when a keyPath is specified', -> beforeEach -> observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy("observeHandler") atom.config.set("", "value 1") observeSubscription = atom.config.onDidChange "", observeHandler it "does not fire the given callback with the current value at the keypath", -> expect(observeHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it "fires the callback every time the observed value changes", -> atom.config.set('', "value 2") expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith({newValue: 'value 2', oldValue: 'value 1'}) observeHandler.reset() observeHandler.andCallFake -> throw new Error("oops") expect(-> atom.config.set('', "value 1")).toThrow("oops") expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith({newValue: 'value 1', oldValue: 'value 2'}) observeHandler.reset() # Regression: exception in earlier handler shouldn't put observer # into a bad state. atom.config.set('something.else', "new value") expect(observeHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe 'when a keyPath is not specified', -> beforeEach -> observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy("observeHandler") atom.config.set("", "value 1") observeSubscription = atom.config.onDidChange observeHandler it "does not fire the given callback initially", -> expect(observeHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it "fires the callback every time any value changes", -> observeHandler.reset() # clear the initial call atom.config.set('', "value 2") expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(observeHandler.mostRecentCall.args[0]"value 2") expect(observeHandler.mostRecentCall.args[0]"value 1") observeHandler.reset() atom.config.set('', "value 1") expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(observeHandler.mostRecentCall.args[0]"value 1") expect(observeHandler.mostRecentCall.args[0]"value 2") observeHandler.reset() atom.config.set('', 1) expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(observeHandler.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(observeHandler.mostRecentCall.args[0] describe "when a 'scope' is given", -> it 'calls the supplied callback when the value at the descriptor/keypath changes', -> changeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('onDidChange callback') atom.config.onDidChange "", scope: ["", ""], changeSpy atom.config.set("", 12) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({oldValue: undefined, newValue: 12}) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.set("", 22, scopeSelector: ".source .string.quoted.double", source: "a") expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({oldValue: 12, newValue: 22}) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.set("", 42, scopeSelector: "", source: "b") expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({oldValue: 22, newValue: 42}) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.unset(null, scopeSelector: "", source: "b") expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({oldValue: 42, newValue: 22}) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.unset(null, scopeSelector: ".source .string.quoted.double", source: "a") expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({oldValue: 22, newValue: 12}) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.set("", undefined) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({oldValue: 12, newValue: undefined}) changeSpy.reset() it 'deprecates using a scope descriptor as an optional first argument', -> keyPath = "" spyOn(Grim, 'deprecate') atom.config.onDidChange ["", ""], keyPath, changeSpy = jasmine.createSpy() expect(Grim.deprecate).toHaveBeenCalled() atom.config.set("", 12) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({oldValue: undefined, newValue: 12}) describe ".observe(keyPath, {scope})", -> [observeHandler, observeSubscription] = [] beforeEach -> observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy("observeHandler") atom.config.set("", "value 1") observeSubscription = atom.config.observe("", observeHandler) it "fires the given callback with the current value at the keypath", -> expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith("value 1") it "fires the callback every time the observed value changes", -> observeHandler.reset() # clear the initial call atom.config.set('', "value 2") expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith("value 2") observeHandler.reset() atom.config.set('', "value 1") expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith("value 1") observeHandler.reset() atom.config.loadUserConfig() expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined) it "fires the callback when the observed value is deleted", -> observeHandler.reset() # clear the initial call atom.config.set('', undefined) expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined) it "fires the callback when the full key path goes into and out of existence", -> observeHandler.reset() # clear the initial call atom.config.set("", undefined) expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined) observeHandler.reset() atom.config.set("", "i'm back") expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith("i'm back") it "does not fire the callback once the subscription is disposed", -> observeHandler.reset() # clear the initial call observeSubscription.dispose() atom.config.set('', "value 2") expect(observeHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does not fire the callback for a similarly named keyPath', -> bazCatHandler = jasmine.createSpy("bazCatHandler") observeSubscription = atom.config.observe "", bazCatHandler bazCatHandler.reset() atom.config.set('', "value 10") expect(bazCatHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe "when a 'scope' is given", -> otherHandler = null beforeEach -> observeSubscription.dispose() otherHandler = jasmine.createSpy('otherHandler') it "allows settings to be observed in a specific scope", -> atom.config.observe("", scope: [".some.scope"], observeHandler) atom.config.observe("", scope: [".another.scope"], otherHandler) atom.config.set('', "value 2", scopeSelector: ".some") expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith("value 2") expect(otherHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith("value 2") it "deprecates using a scope descriptor as the first argument", -> spyOn(Grim, 'deprecate') atom.config.observe([".some.scope"], "", observeHandler) atom.config.observe([".another.scope"], "", otherHandler) expect(Grim.deprecate).toHaveBeenCalled() atom.config.set('', "value 2", scopeSelector: ".some") expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith("value 2") expect(otherHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith("value 2") it 'calls the callback when properties with more specific selectors are removed', -> changeSpy = jasmine.createSpy() atom.config.observe("", scope: ["", ""], changeSpy) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("value 1") changeSpy.reset() atom.config.set("", 12) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(12) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.set("", 22, scopeSelector: ".source .string.quoted.double", source: "a") expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(22) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.set("", 42, scopeSelector: "", source: "b") expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(42) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.unset(null, scopeSelector: "", source: "b") expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(22) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.unset(null, scopeSelector: ".source .string.quoted.double", source: "a") expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(12) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.set("", undefined) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined) changeSpy.reset() describe ".transact(callback)", -> changeSpy = null beforeEach -> changeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('onDidChange callback') atom.config.onDidChange("", changeSpy) it "allows only one change event for the duration of the given callback", -> atom.config.transact -> atom.config.set("", 1) atom.config.set("", 2) atom.config.set("", 3) expect(changeSpy.callCount).toBe(1) expect(changeSpy.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual(newValue: 3, oldValue: undefined) it "does not emit an event if no changes occur while paused", -> atom.config.transact -> expect(changeSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe ".getSources()", -> it "returns an array of all of the config's source names", -> expect(atom.config.getSources()).toEqual([]) atom.config.set("a.b", 1, scopeSelector: ".x1", source: "source-1") atom.config.set("a.c", 1, scopeSelector: ".x1", source: "source-1") atom.config.set("a.b", 2, scopeSelector: ".x2", source: "source-2") atom.config.set("a.b", 1, scopeSelector: ".x3", source: "source-3") expect(atom.config.getSources()).toEqual([ "source-1" "source-2" "source-3" ]) describe "Internal Methods", -> describe ".save()", -> CSON = require 'season' beforeEach -> spyOn(CSON, 'writeFileSync') jasmine.unspy atom.config, 'save' describe "when ~/.atom/config.json exists", -> it "writes any non-default properties to ~/.atom/config.json", -> atom.config.set("a.b.c", 1) atom.config.set("a.b.d", 2) atom.config.set("x.y.z", 3) atom.config.setDefaults("a.b", e: 4, f: 5) CSON.writeFileSync.reset() expect(CSON.writeFileSync.argsForCall[0][0]).toBe atom.config.configFilePath writtenConfig = CSON.writeFileSync.argsForCall[0][1] expect(writtenConfig).toEqual '*': atom.config.settings describe "when ~/.atom/config.json doesn't exist", -> it "writes any non-default properties to ~/.atom/config.cson", -> atom.config.set("a.b.c", 1) atom.config.set("a.b.d", 2) atom.config.set("x.y.z", 3) atom.config.setDefaults("a.b", e: 4, f: 5) CSON.writeFileSync.reset() expect(CSON.writeFileSync.argsForCall[0][0]).toBe path.join(atom.config.configDirPath, "atom.config.cson") writtenConfig = CSON.writeFileSync.argsForCall[0][1] expect(writtenConfig).toEqual '*': atom.config.settings describe "when scoped settings are defined", -> it 'writes out explicitly set config settings', -> atom.config.set('', 'ruby', scopeSelector: '.source.ruby') atom.config.set('foo.omg', 'wow', scopeSelector: '.source.ruby') atom.config.set('', 'coffee', scopeSelector: '') CSON.writeFileSync.reset() writtenConfig = CSON.writeFileSync.argsForCall[0][1] expect(writtenConfig).toEqualJson '*': atom.config.settings '.ruby.source': foo: bar: 'ruby' omg: 'wow' '.coffee.source': foo: bar: 'coffee' describe ".loadUserConfig()", -> beforeEach -> expect(fs.existsSync(atom.config.configDirPath)).toBeFalsy() atom.config.setSchema 'foo', type: 'object' properties: bar: type: 'string' default: 'def' int: type: 'integer' default: 12 afterEach -> fs.removeSync(dotAtomPath) describe "when the config file contains scoped settings", -> beforeEach -> fs.writeFileSync atom.config.configFilePath, """ '*': foo: bar: 'baz' '.source.ruby': foo: bar: 'more-specific' """ atom.config.loadUserConfig() it "updates the config data based on the file contents", -> expect(atom.config.get("")).toBe 'baz' expect(atom.config.get("", scope: ['.source.ruby'])).toBe 'more-specific' describe "when the config file contains valid cson", -> beforeEach -> fs.writeFileSync(atom.config.configFilePath, "foo: bar: 'baz'") it "updates the config data based on the file contents", -> atom.config.loadUserConfig() expect(atom.config.get("")).toBe 'baz' it "notifies observers for updated keypaths on load", -> observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy("observeHandler") observeSubscription = atom.config.observe "", observeHandler atom.config.loadUserConfig() expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith 'baz' describe "when the config file contains invalid cson", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(console, 'error') spyOn(atom.notifications, 'addError') fs.writeFileSync(atom.config.configFilePath, "{{{{{") it "logs an error to the console and does not overwrite the config file on a subsequent save", -> atom.config.loadUserConfig() expect(console.error).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(atom.notifications.addError.callCount).toBe 1 atom.config.set("hair", "blonde") # trigger a save expect( describe "when the config file does not exist", -> it "creates it with an empty object", -> fs.makeTreeSync(atom.config.configDirPath) atom.config.loadUserConfig() expect(fs.existsSync(atom.config.configFilePath)).toBe true expect(CSON.readFileSync(atom.config.configFilePath)).toEqual {} describe "when the config file contains values that do not adhere to the schema", -> warnSpy = null beforeEach -> warnSpy = spyOn console, 'warn' fs.writeFileSync atom.config.configFilePath, """ foo: bar: 'baz' int: 'bad value' """ atom.config.loadUserConfig() it "updates the only the settings that have values matching the schema", -> expect(atom.config.get("")).toBe 'baz' expect(atom.config.get("")).toBe 12 expect(warnSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(warnSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toContain "" describe ".observeUserConfig()", -> updatedHandler = null writeConfigFile = (data) -> previousSetTimeoutCallCount = setTimeout.callCount runs -> fs.writeFileSync(atom.config.configFilePath, data) waitsFor "debounced config file load", -> setTimeout.callCount > previousSetTimeoutCallCount runs -> advanceClock(1000) beforeEach -> atom.config.setSchema 'foo', type: 'object' properties: bar: type: 'string' default: 'def' baz: type: 'string' scoped: type: 'boolean' int: type: 'integer' default: 12 expect(fs.existsSync(atom.config.configDirPath)).toBeFalsy() fs.writeFileSync atom.config.configFilePath, """ '*': foo: bar: 'baz' scoped: false '.source.ruby': foo: scoped: true """ atom.config.loadUserConfig() atom.config.observeUserConfig() updatedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("updatedHandler") atom.config.onDidChange updatedHandler afterEach -> atom.config.unobserveUserConfig() fs.removeSync(dotAtomPath) describe "when the config file changes to contain valid cson", -> it "updates the config data", -> writeConfigFile("foo: { bar: 'quux', baz: 'bar'}") waitsFor 'update event', -> updatedHandler.callCount > 0 runs -> expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'quux' expect(atom.config.get('foo.baz')).toBe 'bar' it "does not fire a change event for paths that did not change", -> atom.config.onDidChange '', noChangeSpy = jasmine.createSpy() writeConfigFile("foo: { bar: 'baz', baz: 'ok'}") waitsFor 'update event', -> updatedHandler.callCount > 0 runs -> expect(noChangeSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'baz' expect(atom.config.get('foo.baz')).toBe 'ok' describe 'when the default value is a complex value', -> beforeEach -> atom.config.setSchema '', type: 'array' items: type: 'string' writeConfigFile("foo: { bar: ['baz', 'ok']}") waitsFor 'update event', -> updatedHandler.callCount > 0 runs -> updatedHandler.reset() it "does not fire a change event for paths that did not change", -> noChangeSpy = jasmine.createSpy() atom.config.onDidChange('', noChangeSpy) writeConfigFile("foo: { bar: ['baz', 'ok'], baz: 'another'}") waitsFor 'update event', -> updatedHandler.callCount > 0 runs -> expect(noChangeSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual ['baz', 'ok'] expect(atom.config.get('foo.baz')).toBe 'another' describe 'when scoped settings are used', -> it "fires a change event for scoped settings that are removed", -> scopedSpy = jasmine.createSpy() atom.config.onDidChange('foo.scoped', scope: ['.source.ruby'], scopedSpy) writeConfigFile """ '*': foo: scoped: false """ waitsFor 'update event', -> updatedHandler.callCount > 0 runs -> expect(scopedSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(atom.config.get('foo.scoped', scope: ['.source.ruby'])).toBe false it "does not fire a change event for paths that did not change", -> noChangeSpy = jasmine.createSpy() atom.config.onDidChange('foo.scoped', scope: ['.source.ruby'], noChangeSpy) writeConfigFile """ '*': foo: bar: 'baz' '.source.ruby': foo: scoped: true """ waitsFor 'update event', -> updatedHandler.callCount > 0 runs -> expect(noChangeSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(atom.config.get('', scope: ['.source.ruby'])).toBe 'baz' expect(atom.config.get('foo.scoped', scope: ['.source.ruby'])).toBe true describe "when the config file changes to omit a setting with a default", -> it "resets the setting back to the default", -> writeConfigFile("foo: { baz: 'new'}") waitsFor 'update event', -> updatedHandler.callCount > 0 runs -> expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'def' expect(atom.config.get('foo.baz')).toBe 'new' describe "when the config file changes to be empty", -> beforeEach -> writeConfigFile("") waitsFor 'update event', -> updatedHandler.callCount > 0 it "resets all settings back to the defaults", -> expect(updatedHandler.callCount).toBe 1 expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'def' atom.config.set("hair", "blonde") # trigger a save advanceClock(500) expect( describe "when the config file subsequently changes again to contain configuration", -> beforeEach -> updatedHandler.reset() writeConfigFile("foo: bar: 'newVal'") waitsFor 'update event', -> updatedHandler.callCount > 0 it "sets the setting to the value specified in the config file", -> expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'newVal' describe "when the config file changes to contain invalid cson", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(console, 'error') writeConfigFile("}}}") waitsFor "error to be logged", -> console.error.callCount > 0 it "logs a warning and does not update config data", -> expect(updatedHandler.callCount).toBe 0 expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'baz' atom.config.set("hair", "blonde") # trigger a save expect( describe "when the config file subsequently changes again to contain valid cson", -> beforeEach -> writeConfigFile("foo: bar: 'newVal'") waitsFor 'update event', -> updatedHandler.callCount > 0 it "updates the config data and resumes saving", -> atom.config.set("hair", "blonde") advanceClock(500) expect( describe ".initializeConfigDirectory()", -> beforeEach -> if fs.existsSync(dotAtomPath) fs.removeSync(dotAtomPath) atom.config.configDirPath = dotAtomPath afterEach -> fs.removeSync(dotAtomPath) describe "when the configDirPath doesn't exist", -> it "copies the contents of dot-atom to ~/.atom", -> initializationDone = false jasmine.unspy(window, "setTimeout") atom.config.initializeConfigDirectory -> initializationDone = true waitsFor -> initializationDone runs -> expect(fs.existsSync(atom.config.configDirPath)).toBeTruthy() expect(fs.existsSync(path.join(atom.config.configDirPath, 'packages'))).toBeTruthy() expect(fs.isFileSync(path.join(atom.config.configDirPath, 'snippets.cson'))).toBeTruthy() expect(fs.isFileSync(path.join(atom.config.configDirPath, 'config.cson'))).toBeTruthy() expect(fs.isFileSync(path.join(atom.config.configDirPath, ''))).toBeTruthy() expect(fs.isFileSync(path.join(atom.config.configDirPath, 'styles.less'))).toBeTruthy() describe ".pushAtKeyPath(keyPath, value)", -> it "pushes the given value to the array at the key path and updates observers", -> atom.config.set("", ["a"]) observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy "observeHandler" atom.config.observe "", observeHandler observeHandler.reset() expect(atom.config.pushAtKeyPath("", "b")).toBe 2 expect(atom.config.get("")).toEqual ["a", "b"] expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith atom.config.get("") describe ".unshiftAtKeyPath(keyPath, value)", -> it "unshifts the given value to the array at the key path and updates observers", -> atom.config.set("", ["b"]) observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy "observeHandler" atom.config.observe "", observeHandler observeHandler.reset() expect(atom.config.unshiftAtKeyPath("", "a")).toBe 2 expect(atom.config.get("")).toEqual ["a", "b"] expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith atom.config.get("") describe ".removeAtKeyPath(keyPath, value)", -> it "removes the given value from the array at the key path and updates observers", -> atom.config.set("", ["a", "b", "c"]) observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy "observeHandler" atom.config.observe "", observeHandler observeHandler.reset() expect(atom.config.removeAtKeyPath("", "b")).toEqual ["a", "c"] expect(atom.config.get("")).toEqual ["a", "c"] expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith atom.config.get("") describe ".setDefaults(keyPath, defaults)", -> it "assigns any previously-unassigned keys to the object at the key path", -> atom.config.set("", a: 1) atom.config.setDefaults("", a: 2, b: 3, c: 4) expect(atom.config.get("")).toBe 1 expect(atom.config.get("")).toBe 3 expect(atom.config.get("")).toBe 4 atom.config.setDefaults("foo.quux", x: 0, y: 1) expect(atom.config.get("foo.quux.x")).toBe 0 expect(atom.config.get("foo.quux.y")).toBe 1 it "emits an updated event", -> updatedCallback = jasmine.createSpy('updated') atom.config.onDidChange('', updatedCallback) expect(updatedCallback.callCount).toBe 0 atom.config.setDefaults("", a: 2) expect(updatedCallback.callCount).toBe 1 it "sets a default when the setting's key contains an escaped dot", -> atom.config.setDefaults("foo", 'a\\.b': 1, b: 2) expect(atom.config.get("foo")).toEqual 'a\\.b': 1, b: 2 describe ".setSchema(keyPath, schema)", -> it 'creates a properly nested schema', -> schema = type: 'object' properties: anInt: type: 'integer' default: 12 atom.config.setSchema('', schema) expect(atom.config.getSchema('foo')).toEqual type: 'object' properties: bar: type: 'object' properties: anInt: type: 'integer' default: 12 it 'sets defaults specified by the schema', -> schema = type: 'object' properties: anInt: type: 'integer' default: 12 anObject: type: 'object' properties: nestedInt: type: 'integer' default: 24 nestedObject: type: 'object' properties: superNestedInt: type: 'integer' default: 36 atom.config.setSchema('', schema) expect(atom.config.get("")).toBe 12 expect(atom.config.get("")).toEqual nestedInt: 24 nestedObject: superNestedInt: 36 it 'can set a non-object schema', -> schema = type: 'integer' default: 12 atom.config.setSchema('', schema) expect(atom.config.get("")).toBe 12 expect(atom.config.getSchema('')).toEqual type: 'integer' default: 12 it "allows the schema to be retrieved via ::getSchema", -> schema = type: 'object' properties: anInt: type: 'integer' default: 12 atom.config.setSchema('', schema) expect(atom.config.getSchema('')).toEqual type: 'object' properties: anInt: type: 'integer' default: 12 expect(atom.config.getSchema('')).toEqual type: 'integer' default: 12 it "respects the schema for scoped settings", -> schema = type: 'string' default: 'ok' scopes: '.source.js': default: 'omg' atom.config.setSchema('', schema) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'ok' expect(atom.config.get('', scope: ['.source.js'])).toBe 'omg' expect(atom.config.get('', scope: [''])).toBe 'ok' describe 'when the value has an "integer" type', -> beforeEach -> schema = type: 'integer' default: 12 atom.config.setSchema('', schema) it 'coerces a string to an int', -> atom.config.set('', '123') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 123 it 'does not allow infinity', -> atom.config.set('', Infinity) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 12 it 'coerces a float to an int', -> atom.config.set('', 12.3) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 12 it 'will not set non-integers', -> atom.config.set('', null) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 12 atom.config.set('', 'nope') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 12 describe 'when the minimum and maximum keys are used', -> beforeEach -> schema = type: 'integer' minimum: 10 maximum: 20 default: 12 atom.config.setSchema('', schema) it 'keeps the specified value within the specified range', -> atom.config.set('', '123') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 20 atom.config.set('', '1') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 10 describe 'when the value has an "integer" and "string" type', -> beforeEach -> schema = type: ['integer', 'string'] default: 12 atom.config.setSchema('', schema) it 'can coerce an int, and fallback to a string', -> atom.config.set('', '123') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 123 atom.config.set('', 'cats') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'cats' describe 'when the value has an "string" and "boolean" type', -> beforeEach -> schema = type: ['string', 'boolean'] default: 'def' atom.config.setSchema('', schema) it 'can set a string, a boolean, and revert back to the default', -> atom.config.set('', 'ok') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'ok' atom.config.set('', false) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe false atom.config.set('', undefined) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'def' describe 'when the value has a "number" type', -> beforeEach -> schema = type: 'number' default: 12.1 atom.config.setSchema('', schema) it 'coerces a string to a float', -> atom.config.set('', '12.23') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 12.23 it 'will not set non-numbers', -> atom.config.set('', null) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 12.1 atom.config.set('', 'nope') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 12.1 describe 'when the minimum and maximum keys are used', -> beforeEach -> schema = type: 'number' minimum: 11.2 maximum: 25.4 default: 12.1 atom.config.setSchema('', schema) it 'keeps the specified value within the specified range', -> atom.config.set('', '123.2') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 25.4 atom.config.set('', '1.0') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 11.2 describe 'when the value has a "boolean" type', -> beforeEach -> schema = type: 'boolean' default: true atom.config.setSchema('', schema) it 'coerces various types to a boolean', -> atom.config.set('', 'true') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe true atom.config.set('', 'false') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe false atom.config.set('', 'TRUE') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe true atom.config.set('', 'FALSE') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe false atom.config.set('', 1) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe false atom.config.set('', 0) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe false atom.config.set('', {}) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe false atom.config.set('', null) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe false it 'reverts back to the default value when undefined is passed to set', -> atom.config.set('', 'false') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe false atom.config.set('', undefined) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe true describe 'when the value has an "string" type', -> beforeEach -> schema = type: 'string' default: 'ok' atom.config.setSchema('', schema) it 'allows strings', -> atom.config.set('', 'yep') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'yep' it 'will only set strings', -> expect(atom.config.set('', 123)).toBe false expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'ok' expect(atom.config.set('', true)).toBe false expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'ok' expect(atom.config.set('', null)).toBe false expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'ok' expect(atom.config.set('', [])).toBe false expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'ok' expect(atom.config.set('', nope: 'nope')).toBe false expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'ok' describe 'when the value has an "object" type', -> beforeEach -> schema = type: 'object' properties: anInt: type: 'integer' default: 12 nestedObject: type: 'object' properties: nestedBool: type: 'boolean' default: false atom.config.setSchema('', schema) it 'converts and validates all the children', -> atom.config.set '', anInt: '23' nestedObject: nestedBool: 'true' expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual anInt: 23 nestedObject: nestedBool: true it 'will set only the values that adhere to the schema', -> expect(atom.config.set '', anInt: 'nope' nestedObject: nestedBool: true ).toBe true expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual 12 expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual true describe 'when the value has an "array" type', -> beforeEach -> schema = type: 'array' default: [1, 2, 3] items: type: 'integer' atom.config.setSchema('', schema) it 'converts an array of strings to an array of ints', -> atom.config.set '', ['2', '3', '4'] expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual [2, 3, 4] describe 'when the `enum` key is used', -> beforeEach -> schema = type: 'object' properties: str: type: 'string' default: 'ok' enum: ['ok', 'one', 'two'] int: type: 'integer' default: 2 enum: [2, 3, 5] arr: type: 'array' default: ['one', 'two'] items: type: 'string' enum: ['one', 'two', 'three'] atom.config.setSchema('', schema) it 'will only set a string when the string is in the enum values', -> expect(atom.config.set('', 'nope')).toBe false expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'ok' expect(atom.config.set('', 'one')).toBe true expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 'one' it 'will only set an integer when the integer is in the enum values', -> expect(atom.config.set('', '400')).toBe false expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 2 expect(atom.config.set('', '3')).toBe true expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe 3 it 'will only set an array when the array values are in the enum values', -> expect(atom.config.set('', ['one', 'five'])).toBe true expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual ['one'] expect(atom.config.set('', ['two', 'three'])).toBe true expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual ['two', 'three'] describe "Deprecated Methods", -> describe ".getDefault(keyPath)", -> it "returns a clone of the default value", -> atom.config.setDefaults("foo", same: 1, changes: 1) spyOn(Grim, 'deprecate') expect(atom.config.getDefault('foo.same')).toBe 1 expect(atom.config.getDefault('foo.changes')).toBe 1 expect(Grim.deprecate.callCount).toBe 2 atom.config.set('foo.same', 2) atom.config.set('foo.changes', 3) expect(atom.config.getDefault('foo.same')).toBe 1 expect(atom.config.getDefault('foo.changes')).toBe 1 expect(Grim.deprecate.callCount).toBe 4 initialDefaultValue = [1, 2, 3] atom.config.setDefaults("foo", bar: initialDefaultValue) expect(atom.config.getDefault('')).toEqual initialDefaultValue expect(atom.config.getDefault('')).not.toBe initialDefaultValue expect(Grim.deprecate.callCount).toBe 6 describe "when scoped settings are used", -> it "returns the global default when no scoped default set", -> atom.config.setDefaults("foo", bar: baz: 10) spyOn(Grim, 'deprecate') expect(atom.config.getDefault('', '')).toBe 10 expect(Grim.deprecate).toHaveBeenCalled() it "returns the scoped settings not including the user's config file", -> atom.config.setDefaults("foo", bar: baz: 10) atom.config.set("", 42, scopeSelector: "", source: "some-source") spyOn(Grim, 'deprecate') expect(atom.config.getDefault('', '')).toBe 42 expect(Grim.deprecate.callCount).toBe 1 atom.config.set('', 55, scopeSelector: '') expect(atom.config.getDefault('', '')).toBe 42 expect(Grim.deprecate.callCount).toBe 2 describe ".isDefault(keyPath)", -> it "returns true when the value of the key path is its default value", -> atom.config.setDefaults("foo", same: 1, changes: 1) spyOn(Grim, 'deprecate') expect(atom.config.isDefault('foo.same')).toBe true expect(atom.config.isDefault('foo.changes')).toBe true expect(Grim.deprecate.callCount).toBe 2 atom.config.set('foo.same', 2) atom.config.set('foo.changes', 3) expect(atom.config.isDefault('foo.same')).toBe false expect(atom.config.isDefault('foo.changes')).toBe false expect(Grim.deprecate.callCount).toBe 4 describe "when scoped settings are used", -> it "returns false when a scoped setting was set by the user", -> spyOn(Grim, 'deprecate') expect(atom.config.isDefault('', '')).toBe true expect(Grim.deprecate.callCount).toBe 1 atom.config.set("", 42, scopeSelector: "", source: "something-else") expect(atom.config.isDefault('', '')).toBe true expect(Grim.deprecate.callCount).toBe 2 atom.config.set('', 55, scopeSelector: '') expect(atom.config.isDefault('', '')).toBe false expect(Grim.deprecate.callCount).toBe 3 describe ".toggle(keyPath)", -> beforeEach -> jasmine.snapshotDeprecations() afterEach -> jasmine.restoreDeprecationsSnapshot() it "negates the boolean value of the current key path value", -> atom.config.set('foo.a', 1) atom.config.toggle('foo.a') expect(atom.config.get('foo.a')).toBe false atom.config.set('foo.a', '') atom.config.toggle('foo.a') expect(atom.config.get('foo.a')).toBe true atom.config.set('foo.a', null) atom.config.toggle('foo.a') expect(atom.config.get('foo.a')).toBe true atom.config.set('foo.a', true) atom.config.toggle('foo.a') expect(atom.config.get('foo.a')).toBe false describe ".getSettings()", -> it "returns all settings including defaults", -> atom.config.setDefaults("foo", bar: baz: 10) atom.config.set("foo.ok", 12) jasmine.snapshotDeprecations() expect(atom.config.getSettings().foo).toEqual ok: 12 bar: baz: 10 jasmine.restoreDeprecationsSnapshot() describe ".getPositiveInt(keyPath, defaultValue)", -> beforeEach -> jasmine.snapshotDeprecations() afterEach -> jasmine.restoreDeprecationsSnapshot() it "returns the proper coerced value", -> atom.config.set('editor.preferredLineLength', 0) expect(atom.config.getPositiveInt('editor.preferredLineLength', 80)).toBe 1 it "returns the proper coerced value", -> atom.config.set('editor.preferredLineLength', -1234) expect(atom.config.getPositiveInt('editor.preferredLineLength', 80)).toBe 1 it "returns the default value when a string is passed in", -> atom.config.set('editor.preferredLineLength', 'abcd') expect(atom.config.getPositiveInt('editor.preferredLineLength', 80)).toBe 80 it "returns the default value when null is passed in", -> atom.config.set('editor.preferredLineLength', null) expect(atom.config.getPositiveInt('editor.preferredLineLength', 80)).toBe 80