{times, random} = require 'underscore-plus' randomWords = require 'random-words' TextBuffer = require 'text-buffer' TextEditor = require '../src/text-editor' describe "TextEditor", -> [editor, tokenizedBuffer, buffer, steps, previousSteps] = [] softWrapColumn = 80 beforeEach -> atom.config.set('editor.softWrapAtPreferredLineLength', true) atom.config.set('editor.preferredLineLength', softWrapColumn) it "properly renders soft-wrapped lines when randomly mutated", -> previousSteps = JSON.parse(localStorage.steps ? '[]') times 10, (i) -> buffer = new TextBuffer editor = new TextEditor({buffer}) editor.setEditorWidthInChars(80) tokenizedBuffer = editor.displayBuffer.tokenizedBuffer steps = [] times 30, -> randomlyMutateEditor() verifyLines() verifyLines = -> {bufferRows, screenLines} = getReferenceScreenLines() for referenceBufferRow, screenRow in bufferRows referenceScreenLine = screenLines[screenRow] actualBufferRow = editor.bufferRowForScreenRow(screenRow) unless actualBufferRow is referenceBufferRow logLines() throw new Error("Invalid buffer row #{actualBufferRow} for screen row #{screenRow}", ) actualScreenLine = editor.tokenizedLineForScreenRow(screenRow) unless actualScreenLine.text is referenceScreenLine.text logLines() throw new Error("Invalid line text at screen row #{screenRow}") logLines = -> console.log "==== screen lines ====" editor.logScreenLines() console.log "==== reference lines ====" {bufferRows, screenLines} = getReferenceScreenLines() for bufferRow, screenRow in bufferRows console.log screenRow, bufferRow, screenLines[screenRow].text randomlyMutateEditor = -> if Math.random() < .2 softWrapped = not editor.isSoftWrapped() steps.push(['setSoftWrapped', softWrapped]) editor.setSoftWrapped(softWrapped) else range = getRandomRange() text = getRandomText() steps.push(['setTextInBufferRange', range, text]) editor.setTextInBufferRange(range, text) getRandomRange = -> startRow = random(0, buffer.getLastRow()) startColumn = random(0, buffer.lineForRow(startRow).length) endRow = random(startRow, buffer.getLastRow()) endColumn = random(0, buffer.lineForRow(endRow).length) [[startRow, startColumn], [endRow, endColumn]] getRandomText = -> text = [] max = buffer.getText().split(/\s/).length * 0.75 times random(5, max), -> if Math.random() < .1 text += '\n' else text += " " if /\w$/.test(text) text += randomWords(exactly: 1) text getReferenceScreenLines = -> if editor.isSoftWrapped() screenLines = [] bufferRows = [] for bufferRow in [0..tokenizedBuffer.getLastRow()] for screenLine in softWrapLine(tokenizedBuffer.tokenizedLineForRow(bufferRow)) screenLines.push(screenLine) bufferRows.push(bufferRow) else screenLines = tokenizedBuffer.tokenizedLines.slice() bufferRows = [0..tokenizedBuffer.getLastRow()] {screenLines, bufferRows} softWrapLine = (tokenizedLine) -> wrappedLines = [] while tokenizedLine.text.length > softWrapColumn and wrapScreenColumn = findWrapColumn(tokenizedLine.text) [wrappedLine, tokenizedLine] = tokenizedLine.softWrapAt(wrapScreenColumn) wrappedLines.push(wrappedLine) wrappedLines.push(tokenizedLine) wrappedLines findWrapColumn = (line) -> if /\s/.test(line[softWrapColumn]) # search forward for the start of a word past the boundary for column in [softWrapColumn..line.length] return column if /\S/.test(line[column]) return line.length else # search backward for the start of the word on the boundary for column in [softWrapColumn..0] return column + 1 if /\s/.test(line[column]) return softWrapColumn