PaneContainer = require '../src/pane-container' Pane = require '../src/pane' describe "PaneContainer", -> describe "serialization", -> [containerA, pane1A, pane2A, pane3A] = [] beforeEach -> # This is a dummy item to prevent panes from being empty on deserialization class Item atom.deserializers.add(this) @deserialize: -> new this serialize: -> deserializer: 'Item' pane1A = new Pane(items: [new Item]) containerA = new PaneContainer(root: pane1A) pane2A = pane1A.splitRight(items: [new Item]) pane3A = pane2A.splitDown(items: [new Item]) pane3A.focus() it "preserves the focused pane across serialization", -> expect(pane3A.focused).toBe true containerB = containerA.testSerialization() [pane1B, pane2B, pane3B] = containerB.getPanes() expect(pane3B.focused).toBe true it "preserves the active pane across serialization, independent of focus", -> pane3A.activate() expect(containerA.activePane).toBe pane3A containerB = containerA.testSerialization() [pane1B, pane2B, pane3B] = containerB.getPanes() expect(containerB.activePane).toBe pane3B describe "::activePane", -> [container, pane1, pane2] = [] beforeEach -> container = new PaneContainer pane1 = container.root it "references the first pane if no pane has been made active", -> expect(container.activePane).toBe pane1 expect( true it "references the most pane on which ::activate was most recently called", -> pane2 = pane1.splitRight() pane2.activate() expect(container.activePane).toBe pane2 expect( false expect( true pane1.activate() expect(container.activePane).toBe pane1 expect( true expect( false it "is reassigned to the next pane if the current active pane is destroyed", -> pane2 = pane1.splitRight() pane2.activate() pane2.destroy() expect(container.activePane).toBe pane1 expect( true it "does not allow the root pane to be destroyed", -> pane1.destroy() expect(container.root).toBe pane1 expect(pane1.isDestroyed()).toBe false