Git = require 'git' fs = require 'fs' describe "Git", -> beforeEach -> fs.remove('/tmp/.git') if fs.isDirectory('/tmp/.git') describe "@open(path)", -> it "returns null when no repository is found", -> expect('/tmp/nogit.txt')).toBeNull() describe "new Git(path)", -> it "throws an exception when no repository is found", -> expect(-> new Git('/tmp/nogit.txt')).toThrow() describe ".getPath()", -> it "returns the repository path for a .git directory path", -> repo = new Git(require.resolve('fixtures/git/master.git/HEAD')) expect(repo.getPath()).toBe require.resolve('fixtures/git/master.git') + '/' it "returns the repository path for a repository path", -> repo = new Git(require.resolve('fixtures/git/master.git')) expect(repo.getPath()).toBe require.resolve('fixtures/git/master.git') + '/' describe ".getHead()", -> it "returns a branch name for a non-empty repository", -> repo = new Git(require.resolve('fixtures/git/master.git')) expect(repo.getHead()).toBe 'refs/heads/master' describe ".getShortHead()", -> it "returns a branch name for a non-empty repository", -> repo = new Git(require.resolve('fixtures/git/master.git')) expect(repo.getShortHead()).toBe 'master' describe ".isPathIgnored(path)", -> it "returns true for an ignored path", -> repo = new Git(require.resolve('fixtures/git/ignore.git')) expect(repo.isPathIgnored('a.txt')).toBeTruthy() it "returns false for a non-ignored path", -> repo = new Git(require.resolve('fixtures/git/ignore.git')) expect(repo.isPathIgnored('b.txt')).toBeFalsy() describe ".isPathModified(path)", -> [repo, path, newPath, originalPathText] = [] beforeEach -> repo = new Git(require.resolve('fixtures/git/working-dir')) path = require.resolve('fixtures/git/working-dir/file.txt') newPath = fs.join(require.resolve('fixtures/git/working-dir'), 'new-path.txt') originalPathText = afterEach -> fs.write(path, originalPathText) fs.remove(newPath) if fs.exists(newPath) describe "when the path is unstaged", -> it "returns false if the path has not been modified", -> expect(repo.isPathModified(path)).toBeFalsy() it "returns true if the path is modified", -> fs.write(path, "change") expect(repo.isPathModified(path)).toBeTruthy() it "returns true if the path is deleted", -> fs.remove(path) expect(repo.isPathModified(path)).toBeTruthy() it "returns false if the path is new", -> expect(repo.isPathModified(newPath)).toBeFalsy() describe ".isPathNew(path)", -> [repo, path, newPath] = [] beforeEach -> repo = new Git(require.resolve('fixtures/git/working-dir')) path = require.resolve('fixtures/git/working-dir/file.txt') newPath = fs.join(require.resolve('fixtures/git/working-dir'), 'new-path.txt') fs.write(newPath, "i'm new here") afterEach -> fs.remove(newPath) if fs.exists(newPath) describe "when the path is unstaged", -> it "returns true if the path is new", -> expect(repo.isPathNew(newPath)).toBeTruthy() it "returns false if the path isn't new", -> expect(repo.isPathNew(path)).toBeFalsy() describe ".checkoutHead(path)", -> [repo, path1, path2, originalPath1Text, originalPath2Text] = [] beforeEach -> repo = new Git(require.resolve('fixtures/git/working-dir')) path1 = require.resolve('fixtures/git/working-dir/file.txt') originalPath1Text = path2 = require.resolve('fixtures/git/working-dir/other.txt') originalPath2Text = afterEach -> fs.write(path1, originalPath1Text) fs.write(path2, originalPath2Text) it "no longer reports a path as modified after checkout", -> expect(repo.isPathModified(path1)).toBeFalsy() fs.write(path1, '') expect(repo.isPathModified(path1)).toBeTruthy() expect(repo.checkoutHead(path1)).toBeTruthy() expect(repo.isPathModified(path1)).toBeFalsy() it "restores the contents of the path to the original text", -> fs.write(path1, '') expect(repo.checkoutHead(path1)).toBeTruthy() expect( it "only restores the path specified", -> fs.write(path2, 'path 2 is edited') expect(repo.isPathModified(path2)).toBeTruthy() expect(repo.checkoutHead(path1)).toBeTruthy() expect('path 2 is edited') expect(repo.isPathModified(path2)).toBeTruthy() describe ".destroy()", -> it "throws an exception when any method is called after it is called", -> repo = new Git(require.resolve('fixtures/git/master.git/HEAD')) repo.destroy() expect(-> repo.getHead()).toThrow() describe ".getDiffStats(path)", -> [repo, path, originalPathText] = [] beforeEach -> repo = new Git(require.resolve('fixtures/git/working-dir')) path = require.resolve('fixtures/git/working-dir/file.txt') originalPathText = afterEach -> fs.write(path, originalPathText) it "returns the number of lines added and deleted", -> expect(repo.getDiffStats(path)).toEqual {added: 0, deleted: 0} fs.write(path, "#{originalPathText} edited line") expect(repo.getDiffStats(path)).toEqual {added: 1, deleted: 1}