# **Docco** is a quick-and-dirty, hundred-line-long, literate-programming-style # documentation generator. It produces HTML # that displays your comments alongside your code. Comments are passed through # [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax), and code is # passed through [Pygments](http://pygments.org/) syntax highlighting. # This page is the result of running Docco against its own source file. # # If you install Docco, you can run it from the command-line: # # docco src/*.coffee # # ...will generate an HTML documentation page for each of the named source files, # with a menu linking to the other pages, saving it into a `docs` folder. # # The [source for Docco](http://github.com/jashkenas/docco) is available on GitHub, # and released under the MIT license. # # To install Docco, first make sure you have [Node.js](http://nodejs.org/), # [Pygments](http://pygments.org/) (install the latest dev version of Pygments # from [its Mercurial repo](http://dev.pocoo.org/hg/pygments-main)), and # [CoffeeScript](http://coffeescript.org/). Then, with NPM: # # sudo npm install -g docco # # Docco can be used to process CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, or TeX files. # Only single-line comments are processed -- block comments are ignored. # #### Partners in Crime: # # * If **Node.js** doesn't run on your platform, or you'd prefer a more # convenient package, get [Ryan Tomayko](http://github.com/rtomayko)'s # [Rocco](http://rtomayko.github.com/rocco/rocco.html), the Ruby port that's # available as a gem. # # * If you're writing shell scripts, try # [Shocco](http://rtomayko.github.com/shocco/), a port for the **POSIX shell**, # also by Mr. Tomayko. # # * If Python's more your speed, take a look at # [Nick Fitzgerald](http://github.com/fitzgen)'s [Pycco](http://fitzgen.github.com/pycco/). # # * For **Clojure** fans, [Fogus](http://blog.fogus.me/)'s # [Marginalia](http://fogus.me/fun/marginalia/) is a bit of a departure from # "quick-and-dirty", but it'll get the job done. # # * **Lua** enthusiasts can get their fix with # [Robert Gieseke](https://github.com/rgieseke)'s [Locco](http://rgieseke.github.com/locco/). # # * And if you happen to be a **.NET** # aficionado, check out [Don Wilson](https://github.com/dontangg)'s # [Nocco](http://dontangg.github.com/nocco/). #### Main Documentation Generation Functions # Generate the documentation for a source file by reading it in, splitting it # up into comment/code sections, highlighting them for the appropriate language, # and merging them into an HTML template. generate_documentation = (source, callback) -> fs.readFile source, "utf-8", (error, code) -> throw error if error sections = parse source, code highlight source, sections, -> generate_html source, sections callback() # Given a string of source code, parse out each comment and the code that # follows it, and create an individual **section** for it. # Sections take the form: # # { # docs_text: ... # docs_html: ... # code_text: ... # code_html: ... # } # parse = (source, code) -> lines = code.split '\n' sections = [] language = get_language source has_code = docs_text = code_text = '' save = (docs, code) -> sections.push docs_text: docs, code_text: code for line in lines if line.match(language.comment_matcher) and not line.match(language.comment_filter) if has_code save docs_text, code_text has_code = docs_text = code_text = '' docs_text += line.replace(language.comment_matcher, '') + '\n' else has_code = yes code_text += line + '\n' save docs_text, code_text sections # Highlights a single chunk of CoffeeScript code, using **Pygments** over stdio, # and runs the text of its corresponding comment through **Markdown**, using # [Showdown.js](http://attacklab.net/showdown/). # # We process the entire file in a single call to Pygments by inserting little # marker comments between each section and then splitting the result string # wherever our markers occur. highlight = (source, sections, callback) -> language = get_language source pygments = spawn 'pygmentize', ['-l', language.name, '-f', 'html', '-O', 'encoding=utf-8,tabsize=2'] output = '' pygments.stderr.addListener 'data', (error) -> console.error error.toString() if error pygments.stdin.addListener 'error', (error) -> console.error "Could not use Pygments to highlight the source." process.exit 1 pygments.stdout.addListener 'data', (result) -> output += result if result pygments.addListener 'exit', -> output = output.replace(highlight_start, '').replace(highlight_end, '') fragments = output.split language.divider_html for section, i in sections section.code_html = highlight_start + fragments[i] + highlight_end section.docs_html = showdown.makeHtml section.docs_text callback() if pygments.stdin.writable pygments.stdin.write((section.code_text for section in sections).join(language.divider_text)) pygments.stdin.end() # Once all of the code is finished highlighting, we can generate the HTML file # and write out the documentation. Pass the completed sections into the template # found in `resources/docco.jst` generate_html = (source, sections) -> title = path.basename source dest = destination source html = docco_template { title: title, sections: sections, sources: sources, path: path, destination: destination } console.log "docco: #{source} -> #{dest}" fs.writeFile dest, html #### Helpers & Setup # Require our external dependencies, including **Showdown.js** # (the JavaScript implementation of Markdown). fs = require 'fs' path = require 'path' showdown = require('./../vendor/showdown').Showdown {spawn, exec} = require 'child_process' # A list of the languages that Docco supports, mapping the file extension to # the name of the Pygments lexer and the symbol that indicates a comment. To # add another language to Docco's repertoire, add it here. languages = '.coffee': name: 'coffee-script', symbol: '#' '.js': name: 'javascript', symbol: '//' '.rb': name: 'ruby', symbol: '#' '.py': name: 'python', symbol: '#' '.tex': name: 'tex', symbol: '%' '.latex': name: 'tex', symbol: '%' '.c': name: 'c', symbol: '//' '.h': name: 'c', symbol: '//' # Build out the appropriate matchers and delimiters for each language. for ext, l of languages # Does the line begin with a comment? l.comment_matcher = new RegExp('^\\s*' + l.symbol + '\\s?') # Ignore [hashbangs](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_(Unix\)) # and interpolations... l.comment_filter = new RegExp('(^#![/]|^\\s*#\\{)') # The dividing token we feed into Pygments, to delimit the boundaries between # sections. l.divider_text = '\n' + l.symbol + 'DIVIDER\n' # The mirror of `divider_text` that we expect Pygments to return. We can split # on this to recover the original sections. # Note: the class is "c" for Python and "c1" for the other languages l.divider_html = new RegExp('\\n*' + l.symbol + 'DIVIDER<\\/span>\\n*') # Get the current language we're documenting, based on the extension. get_language = (source) -> languages[path.extname(source)] # Compute the destination HTML path for an input source file path. If the source # is `lib/example.coffee`, the HTML will be at `docs/example.html` destination = (filepath) -> 'docs/' + path.basename(filepath, path.extname(filepath)) + '.html' # Ensure that the destination directory exists. ensure_directory = (dir, callback) -> exec "mkdir -p #{dir}", -> callback() # Micro-templating, originally by John Resig, borrowed by way of # [Underscore.js](http://documentcloud.github.com/underscore/). template = (str) -> new Function 'obj', 'var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};' + 'with(obj){p.push(\'' + str.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ") .replace(/'(?=[^<]*%>)/g,"\t") .split("'").join("\\'") .split("\t").join("'") .replace(/<%=(.+?)%>/g, "',$1,'") .split('<%').join("');") .split('%>').join("p.push('") + "');}return p.join('');" # Create the template that we will use to generate the Docco HTML page. docco_template = template fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../resources/docco.jst').toString() # The CSS styles we'd like to apply to the documentation. docco_styles = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../resources/docco.css').toString() # The start of each Pygments highlight block. highlight_start = '

# The end of each Pygments highlight block.
highlight_end   = '
' # Run the script. # For each source file passed in as an argument, generate the documentation. sources = process.ARGV.sort() if sources.length ensure_directory 'docs', -> fs.writeFile 'docs/docco.css', docco_styles files = sources.slice(0) next_file = -> generate_documentation files.shift(), next_file if files.length next_file()