describe('Config', () => { let savedSettings beforeEach(() => { spyOn(console, 'warn') atom.config.settingsLoaded = true savedSettings = [] atom.config.saveCallback = function (settings) { savedSettings.push(settings) } }) describe('.get(keyPath, {scope, sources, excludeSources})', () => { it("allows a key path's value to be read", () => { expect(atom.config.set('', 42)).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(42) expect(atom.config.get('foo.quux')).toBeUndefined() }) it("returns a deep clone of the key path's value", () => { atom.config.set('value', { array: [1, { b: 2 }, 3] }) const retrievedValue = atom.config.get('value') retrievedValue.array[0] = 4 retrievedValue.array[1].b = 2.1 expect(atom.config.get('value')).toEqual({ array: [1, { b: 2 }, 3] }) }) it('merges defaults into the returned value if both the assigned value and the default value are objects', () => { atom.config.setDefaults('', { baz: 1, ok: 2 }) atom.config.set('', { baz: 3 }) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ baz: 3, ok: 2 }) atom.config.setDefaults('other', { baz: 1 }) atom.config.set('other', 7) expect(atom.config.get('other')).toBe(7) atom.config.set('bar.baz', { a: 3 }) atom.config.setDefaults('bar', { baz: 7 }) expect(atom.config.get('bar.baz')).toEqual({ a: 3 }) }) describe("when a 'sources' option is specified", () => it('only retrieves values from the specified sources', () => { atom.config.set('x.y', 1, { scopeSelector: '.foo', source: 'a' }) atom.config.set('x.y', 2, { scopeSelector: '.foo', source: 'b' }) atom.config.set('x.y', 3, { scopeSelector: '.foo', source: 'c' }) atom.config.setSchema('x.y', { type: 'integer', default: 4 }) expect( atom.config.get('x.y', { sources: ['a'], scope: ['.foo'] }) ).toBe(1) expect( atom.config.get('x.y', { sources: ['b'], scope: ['.foo'] }) ).toBe(2) expect( atom.config.get('x.y', { sources: ['c'], scope: ['.foo'] }) ).toBe(3) // Schema defaults never match a specific source. We could potentially add a special "schema" source. expect( atom.config.get('x.y', { sources: ['x'], scope: ['.foo'] }) ).toBeUndefined() expect( atom.config.get(null, { sources: ['a'], scope: ['.foo'] }).x.y ).toBe(1) })) describe("when an 'excludeSources' option is specified", () => it('only retrieves values from the specified sources', () => { atom.config.set('x.y', 0) atom.config.set('x.y', 1, { scopeSelector: '.foo', source: 'a' }) atom.config.set('x.y', 2, { scopeSelector: '.foo', source: 'b' }) atom.config.set('x.y', 3, { scopeSelector: '.foo', source: 'c' }) atom.config.setSchema('x.y', { type: 'integer', default: 4 }) expect( atom.config.get('x.y', { excludeSources: ['a'], scope: ['.foo'] }) ).toBe(3) expect( atom.config.get('x.y', { excludeSources: ['c'], scope: ['.foo'] }) ).toBe(2) expect( atom.config.get('x.y', { excludeSources: ['b', 'c'], scope: ['.foo'] }) ).toBe(1) expect( atom.config.get('x.y', { excludeSources: ['b', 'c', 'a'], scope: ['.foo'] }) ).toBe(0) expect( atom.config.get('x.y', { excludeSources: ['b', 'c', 'a', atom.config.getUserConfigPath()], scope: ['.foo'] }) ).toBe(4) expect( atom.config.get('x.y', { excludeSources: [atom.config.getUserConfigPath()] }) ).toBe(4) })) describe("when a 'scope' option is given", () => { it('returns the property with the most specific scope selector', () => { atom.config.set('', 42, { scopeSelector: '' }) atom.config.set('', 22, { scopeSelector: '.source .string.quoted.double' }) atom.config.set('', 11, { scopeSelector: '.source' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: ['', ''] }) ).toBe(42) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.js', '.string.quoted.double.js'] }) ).toBe(22) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.js', '.variable.assignment.js'] }) ).toBe(11) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.text'] }) ).toBeUndefined() }) it('favors the most recently added properties in the event of a specificity tie', () => { atom.config.set('', 42, { scopeSelector: ' .string.quoted.single' }) atom.config.set('', 22, { scopeSelector: ' .string.quoted.double' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: ['', '.string.quoted.single'] }) ).toBe(42) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: ['', '.string.quoted.single.double'] }) ).toBe(22) }) describe('when there are global defaults', () => it('falls back to the global when there is no scoped property specified', () => { atom.config.setDefaults('foo', { hasDefault: 'ok' }) expect( atom.config.get('foo.hasDefault', { scope: ['', '.string.quoted.single'] }) ).toBe('ok') })) describe('when package settings are added after user settings', () => it("returns the user's setting because the user's setting has higher priority", () => { atom.config.set('', 100, { scopeSelector: '' }) atom.config.set('', 1, { scopeSelector: '', source: 'some-package' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(100) })) }) }) describe('.getAll(keyPath, {scope, sources, excludeSources})', () => { it('reads all of the values for a given key-path', () => { expect(atom.config.set('foo', 41)).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.set('foo', 43, { scopeSelector: '.a .b' })).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.set('foo', 42, { scopeSelector: '.a' })).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.set('foo', 44, { scopeSelector: '.a .b.c' })).toBe( true ) expect(atom.config.set('foo', -44, { scopeSelector: '.d' })).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.getAll('foo', { scope: ['.a', '.b.c'] })).toEqual([ { scopeSelector: '.a .b.c', value: 44 }, { scopeSelector: '.a .b', value: 43 }, { scopeSelector: '.a', value: 42 }, { scopeSelector: '*', value: 41 } ]) }) it("includes the schema's default value", () => { atom.config.setSchema('foo', { type: 'number', default: 40 }) expect(atom.config.set('foo', 43, { scopeSelector: '.a .b' })).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.getAll('foo', { scope: ['.a', '.b.c'] })).toEqual([ { scopeSelector: '.a .b', value: 43 }, { scopeSelector: '*', value: 40 } ]) }) }) describe('.set(keyPath, value, {source, scopeSelector})', () => { it("allows a key path's value to be written", () => { expect(atom.config.set('', 42)).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(42) }) it("saves the user's config to disk after it stops changing", () => { atom.config.set('', 42) expect(savedSettings.length).toBe(0) atom.config.set('', 43) expect(savedSettings.length).toBe(0) atom.config.set('', 44) advanceClock(10) expect(savedSettings.length).toBe(1) }) it("does not save when a non-default 'source' is given", () => { atom.config.set('', 42, { source: 'some-other-source', scopeSelector: '.a' }) advanceClock(500) expect(savedSettings.length).toBe(0) }) it("does not allow a 'source' option without a 'scopeSelector'", () => { expect(() => atom.config.set('foo', 1, { source: ['.source.ruby'] }) ).toThrow() }) describe('when the key-path is null', () => it('sets the root object', () => { expect(atom.config.set(null, { editor: { tabLength: 6 } })).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('editor.tabLength')).toBe(6) expect( atom.config.set(null, { editor: { tabLength: 8, scopeSelector: ['.source.js'] } }) ).toBe(true) expect( atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', { scope: ['.source.js'] }) ).toBe(8) })) describe('when the value equals the default value', () => it("does not store the value in the user's config", () => { atom.config.setSchema('foo', { type: 'object', properties: { same: { type: 'number', default: 1 }, changes: { type: 'number', default: 1 }, sameArray: { type: 'array', default: [1, 2, 3] }, sameObject: { type: 'object', default: { a: 1, b: 2 } }, null: { type: '*', default: null }, undefined: { type: '*', default: undefined } } }) expect( atom.config.set('foo.same', 1) atom.config.set('foo.changes', 2) atom.config.set('foo.sameArray', [1, 2, 3]) atom.config.set('foo.null', undefined) atom.config.set('foo.undefined', null) atom.config.set('foo.sameObject', { b: 2, a: 1 }) const userConfigPath = atom.config.getUserConfigPath() expect( atom.config.get('foo.same', { sources: [userConfigPath] }) ).toBeUndefined() expect(atom.config.get('foo.changes')).toBe(2) expect( atom.config.get('foo.changes', { sources: [userConfigPath] }) ).toBe(2) atom.config.set('foo.changes', 1) expect( atom.config.get('foo.changes', { sources: [userConfigPath] }) ).toBeUndefined() })) describe("when a 'scopeSelector' is given", () => it('sets the value and overrides the others', () => { atom.config.set('', 42, { scopeSelector: '' }) atom.config.set('', 22, { scopeSelector: '.source .string.quoted.double' }) atom.config.set('', 11, { scopeSelector: '.source' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: ['', ''] }) ).toBe(42) expect( atom.config.set('', 100, { scopeSelector: '' }) ).toBe(true) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: ['', ''] }) ).toBe(100) })) }) describe('.unset(keyPath, {source, scopeSelector})', () => { beforeEach(() => atom.config.setSchema('foo', { type: 'object', properties: { bar: { type: 'object', properties: { baz: { type: 'integer', default: 0 }, ok: { type: 'integer', default: 0 } } }, quux: { type: 'integer', default: 0 } } }) ) it('sets the value of the key path to its default', () => { atom.config.setDefaults('a', { b: 3 }) atom.config.set('a.b', 4) expect(atom.config.get('a.b')).toBe(4) atom.config.unset('a.b') expect(atom.config.get('a.b')).toBe(3) atom.config.set('a.c', 5) expect(atom.config.get('a.c')).toBe(5) atom.config.unset('a.c') expect(atom.config.get('a.c')).toBeUndefined() }) it('calls ::save()', () => { atom.config.setDefaults('a', { b: 3 }) atom.config.set('a.b', 4) savedSettings.length = 0 atom.config.unset('a.c') advanceClock(500) expect(savedSettings.length).toBe(1) }) describe("when no 'scopeSelector' is given", () => { describe("when a 'source' but no key-path is given", () => it('removes all scoped settings with the given source', () => { atom.config.set('', 1, { scopeSelector: '.a', source: 'source-a' }) atom.config.set('', 2, { scopeSelector: '.b', source: 'source-a' }) expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.a.b'] })).toEqual({ baz: 1, quux: 2 }) atom.config.unset(null, { source: 'source-a' }) expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.a'] })).toEqual({ baz: 0, ok: 0 }) })) describe("when a 'source' and a key-path is given", () => it('removes all scoped settings with the given source and key-path', () => { atom.config.set('', 1) atom.config.set('', 2, { scopeSelector: '.a', source: 'source-a' }) atom.config.set('', 3, { scopeSelector: '.a.b', source: 'source-b' }) expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.a.b'] })).toEqual(3) atom.config.unset('', { source: 'source-b' }) expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.a.b'] })).toEqual(2) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual(1) })) describe("when no 'source' is given", () => it('removes all scoped and unscoped properties for that key-path', () => { atom.config.setDefaults('', { baz: 100 }) atom.config.set('', { baz: 1, ok: 2 }, { scopeSelector: '.a' }) atom.config.set( '', { baz: 11, ok: 12 }, { scopeSelector: '.b' } ) atom.config.set('', { baz: 21, ok: 22 }) atom.config.unset('') expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.a'] })).toBe(100) expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.b'] })).toBe(100) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(100) expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.a'] })).toBe(2) expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.b'] })).toBe(12) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(22) })) }) describe("when a 'scopeSelector' is given", () => { it('restores the global default when no scoped default set', () => { atom.config.setDefaults('foo', { bar: { baz: 10 } }) atom.config.set('', 55, { scopeSelector: '' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(55) atom.config.unset('', { scopeSelector: '' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(10) }) it('restores the scoped default when a scoped default is set', () => { atom.config.setDefaults('foo', { bar: { baz: 10 } }) atom.config.set('', 42, { scopeSelector: '', source: 'some-source' }) atom.config.set('', 55, { scopeSelector: '' }) atom.config.set('', 100, { scopeSelector: '' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(55) atom.config.unset('', { scopeSelector: '' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(42) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(100) }) it('calls ::save()', () => { atom.config.setDefaults('foo', { bar: { baz: 10 } }) atom.config.set('', 55, { scopeSelector: '' }) savedSettings.length = 0 atom.config.unset('', { scopeSelector: '' }) advanceClock(150) expect(savedSettings.length).toBe(1) }) it('allows removing settings for a specific source and scope selector', () => { atom.config.set('', 55, { scopeSelector: '', source: 'source-a' }) atom.config.set('', 65, { scopeSelector: '', source: 'source-b' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(65) atom.config.unset('', { source: 'source-b', scopeSelector: '' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: ['', '.string'] }) ).toBe(55) }) it('allows removing all settings for a specific source', () => { atom.config.set('', 55, { scopeSelector: '', source: 'source-a' }) atom.config.set('', 65, { scopeSelector: '', source: 'source-b' }) atom.config.set('', 65, { scopeSelector: '', source: 'source-b' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(65) atom.config.unset(null, { source: 'source-b', scopeSelector: '' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: ['', '.string'] }) ).toBe(55) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: ['', '.string'] }) ).toBe(0) }) it('does not call ::save or add a scoped property when no value has been set', () => { // see atom.config.setDefaults('foo', { bar: { baz: 10 } }) atom.config.unset('', { scopeSelector: '' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(10) expect(savedSettings.length).toBe(0) const scopedProperties = atom.config.scopedSettingsStore.propertiesForSource( 'user-config' ) expect(scopedProperties['.coffee.source']).toBeUndefined() }) it('removes the scoped value when it was the only set value on the object', () => { atom.config.setDefaults('foo', { bar: { baz: 10 } }) atom.config.set('', 55, { scopeSelector: '' }) atom.config.set('', 20, { scopeSelector: '' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(55) advanceClock(150) savedSettings.length = 0 atom.config.unset('', { scopeSelector: '' }) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(10) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(20) advanceClock(150) expect(savedSettings[0]['.coffee.source']).toEqual({ foo: { bar: { ok: 20 } } }) atom.config.unset('', { scopeSelector: '' }) advanceClock(150) expect(savedSettings.length).toBe(2) expect(savedSettings[1]['.coffee.source']).toBeUndefined() }) it('does not call ::save when the value is already at the default', () => { atom.config.setDefaults('foo', { bar: { baz: 10 } }) atom.config.set('', 55) advanceClock(150) savedSettings.length = 0 atom.config.unset('', { scopeSelector: '' }) advanceClock(150) expect(savedSettings.length).toBe(0) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(55) }) }) }) describe('.onDidChange(keyPath, {scope})', () => { let observeHandler = [] describe('when a keyPath is specified', () => { beforeEach(() => { observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('observeHandler') atom.config.set('', 'value 1') atom.config.onDidChange('', observeHandler) }) it('does not fire the given callback with the current value at the keypath', () => expect(observeHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled()) it('fires the callback every time the observed value changes', () => { atom.config.set('', 'value 2') expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ newValue: 'value 2', oldValue: 'value 1' }) observeHandler.reset() observeHandler.andCallFake(() => { throw new Error('oops') }) expect(() => atom.config.set('', 'value 1')).toThrow('oops') expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ newValue: 'value 1', oldValue: 'value 2' }) observeHandler.reset() // Regression: exception in earlier handler shouldn't put observer // into a bad state. atom.config.set('something.else', 'new value') expect(observeHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) describe('when a keyPath is not specified', () => { beforeEach(() => { observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('observeHandler') atom.config.set('', 'value 1') atom.config.onDidChange(observeHandler) }) it('does not fire the given callback initially', () => expect(observeHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled()) it('fires the callback every time any value changes', () => { observeHandler.reset() // clear the initial call atom.config.set('', 'value 2') expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(observeHandler.mostRecentCall.args[0] 'value 2' ) expect(observeHandler.mostRecentCall.args[0] 'value 1' ) observeHandler.reset() atom.config.set('', 'value 1') expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(observeHandler.mostRecentCall.args[0] 'value 1' ) expect(observeHandler.mostRecentCall.args[0] 'value 2' ) observeHandler.reset() atom.config.set('', 1) expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(observeHandler.mostRecentCall.args[0] 1 ) expect(observeHandler.mostRecentCall.args[0] undefined ) }) }) describe("when a 'scope' is given", () => it('calls the supplied callback when the value at the descriptor/keypath changes', () => { const changeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('onDidChange callback') atom.config.onDidChange( '', { scope: ['', ''] }, changeSpy ) atom.config.set('', 12) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ oldValue: undefined, newValue: 12 }) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.set('', 22, { scopeSelector: '.source .string.quoted.double', source: 'a' }) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ oldValue: 12, newValue: 22 }) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.set('', 42, { scopeSelector: '', source: 'b' }) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ oldValue: 22, newValue: 42 }) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.unset(null, { scopeSelector: '', source: 'b' }) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ oldValue: 42, newValue: 22 }) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.unset(null, { scopeSelector: '.source .string.quoted.double', source: 'a' }) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ oldValue: 22, newValue: 12 }) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.set('', undefined) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ oldValue: 12, newValue: undefined }) changeSpy.reset() })) }) describe('.observe(keyPath, {scope})', () => { let [observeHandler, observeSubscription] = [] beforeEach(() => { observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('observeHandler') atom.config.set('', 'value 1') observeSubscription = atom.config.observe('', observeHandler) }) it('fires the given callback with the current value at the keypath', () => expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith('value 1')) it('fires the callback every time the observed value changes', () => { observeHandler.reset() // clear the initial call atom.config.set('', 'value 2') expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith('value 2') observeHandler.reset() atom.config.set('', 'value 1') expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith('value 1') advanceClock(100) // complete pending save that was requested in ::set observeHandler.reset() atom.config.resetUserSettings({ foo: {} }) expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined) }) it('fires the callback when the observed value is deleted', () => { observeHandler.reset() // clear the initial call atom.config.set('', undefined) expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined) }) it('fires the callback when the full key path goes into and out of existence', () => { observeHandler.reset() // clear the initial call atom.config.set('', undefined) expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined) observeHandler.reset() atom.config.set('', "i'm back") expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith("i'm back") }) it('does not fire the callback once the subscription is disposed', () => { observeHandler.reset() // clear the initial call observeSubscription.dispose() atom.config.set('', 'value 2') expect(observeHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('does not fire the callback for a similarly named keyPath', () => { const bazCatHandler = jasmine.createSpy('bazCatHandler') observeSubscription = atom.config.observe('', bazCatHandler) bazCatHandler.reset() atom.config.set('', 'value 10') expect(bazCatHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) describe("when a 'scope' is given", () => { let otherHandler = null beforeEach(() => { observeSubscription.dispose() otherHandler = jasmine.createSpy('otherHandler') }) it('allows settings to be observed in a specific scope', () => { atom.config.observe( '', { scope: ['.some.scope'] }, observeHandler ) atom.config.observe( '', { scope: ['.another.scope'] }, otherHandler ) atom.config.set('', 'value 2', { scopeSelector: '.some' }) expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith('value 2') expect(otherHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('value 2') }) it('calls the callback when properties with more specific selectors are removed', () => { const changeSpy = jasmine.createSpy() atom.config.observe( '', { scope: ['', ''] }, changeSpy ) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('value 1') changeSpy.reset() atom.config.set('', 12) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(12) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.set('', 22, { scopeSelector: '.source .string.quoted.double', source: 'a' }) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(22) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.set('', 42, { scopeSelector: '', source: 'b' }) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(42) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.unset(null, { scopeSelector: '', source: 'b' }) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(22) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.unset(null, { scopeSelector: '.source .string.quoted.double', source: 'a' }) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(12) changeSpy.reset() atom.config.set('', undefined) expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined) changeSpy.reset() }) }) }) describe('.transact(callback)', () => { let changeSpy = null beforeEach(() => { changeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('onDidChange callback') atom.config.onDidChange('', changeSpy) }) it('allows only one change event for the duration of the given callback', () => { atom.config.transact(() => { atom.config.set('', 1) atom.config.set('', 2) atom.config.set('', 3) }) expect(changeSpy.callCount).toBe(1) expect(changeSpy.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual({ newValue: 3, oldValue: undefined }) }) it('does not emit an event if no changes occur while paused', () => { atom.config.transact(() => {}) expect(changeSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) describe('.transactAsync(callback)', () => { let changeSpy = null beforeEach(() => { changeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('onDidChange callback') atom.config.onDidChange('', changeSpy) }) it('allows only one change event for the duration of the given promise if it gets resolved', () => { let promiseResult = null const transactionPromise = atom.config.transactAsync(() => { atom.config.set('', 1) atom.config.set('', 2) atom.config.set('', 3) return Promise.resolve('a result') }) waitsForPromise(() => transactionPromise.then(result => { promiseResult = result }) ) runs(() => { expect(promiseResult).toBe('a result') expect(changeSpy.callCount).toBe(1) expect(changeSpy.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual({ newValue: 3, oldValue: undefined }) }) }) it('allows only one change event for the duration of the given promise if it gets rejected', () => { let promiseError = null const transactionPromise = atom.config.transactAsync(() => { atom.config.set('', 1) atom.config.set('', 2) atom.config.set('', 3) return Promise.reject(new Error('an error')) }) waitsForPromise(() => transactionPromise.catch(error => { promiseError = error }) ) runs(() => { expect(promiseError.message).toBe('an error') expect(changeSpy.callCount).toBe(1) expect(changeSpy.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual({ newValue: 3, oldValue: undefined }) }) }) it('allows only one change event even when the given callback throws', () => { const error = new Error('Oops!') let promiseError = null const transactionPromise = atom.config.transactAsync(() => { atom.config.set('', 1) atom.config.set('', 2) atom.config.set('', 3) throw error }) waitsForPromise(() => transactionPromise.catch(e => { promiseError = e }) ) runs(() => { expect(promiseError).toBe(error) expect(changeSpy.callCount).toBe(1) expect(changeSpy.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual({ newValue: 3, oldValue: undefined }) }) }) }) describe('.getSources()', () => { it("returns an array of all of the config's source names", () => { expect(atom.config.getSources()).toEqual([]) atom.config.set('a.b', 1, { scopeSelector: '.x1', source: 'source-1' }) atom.config.set('a.c', 1, { scopeSelector: '.x1', source: 'source-1' }) atom.config.set('a.b', 2, { scopeSelector: '.x2', source: 'source-2' }) atom.config.set('a.b', 1, { scopeSelector: '.x3', source: 'source-3' }) expect(atom.config.getSources()).toEqual([ 'source-1', 'source-2', 'source-3' ]) }) }) describe('.save()', () => { it('calls the save callback with any non-default properties', () => { atom.config.set('a.b.c', 1) atom.config.set('a.b.d', 2) atom.config.set('x.y.z', 3) atom.config.setDefaults('a.b', { e: 4, f: 5 }) expect(savedSettings).toEqual([{ '*': atom.config.settings }]) }) it('serializes properties in alphabetical order', () => { atom.config.set('foo', 1) atom.config.set('bar', 2) atom.config.set('', 3) atom.config.set('', 4) savedSettings.length = 0 const writtenConfig = savedSettings[0] expect(writtenConfig).toEqual({ '*': atom.config.settings }) let expectedKeys = ['bar', 'baz', 'foo'] let foundKeys = [] for (const key in writtenConfig['*']) { if (expectedKeys.includes(key)) { foundKeys.push(key) } } expect(foundKeys).toEqual(expectedKeys) expectedKeys = ['bar', 'foo'] foundKeys = [] for (const key in writtenConfig['*']['baz']) { if (expectedKeys.includes(key)) { foundKeys.push(key) } } expect(foundKeys).toEqual(expectedKeys) }) describe('when scoped settings are defined', () => { it('serializes any explicitly set config settings', () => { atom.config.set('', 'ruby', { scopeSelector: '.source.ruby' }) atom.config.set('foo.omg', 'wow', { scopeSelector: '.source.ruby' }) atom.config.set('', 'coffee', { scopeSelector: '' }) savedSettings.length = 0 const writtenConfig = savedSettings[0] expect(writtenConfig).toEqualJson({ '*': atom.config.settings, '.ruby.source': { foo: { bar: 'ruby', omg: 'wow' } }, '.coffee.source': { foo: { bar: 'coffee' } } }) }) }) }) describe('.resetUserSettings()', () => { beforeEach(() => { atom.config.setSchema('foo', { type: 'object', properties: { bar: { type: 'string', default: 'def' }, int: { type: 'integer', default: 12 } } }) }) describe('when the config file contains scoped settings', () => { it('updates the config data based on the file contents', () => { atom.config.resetUserSettings({ '*': { foo: { bar: 'baz' } }, '.source.ruby': { foo: { bar: 'more-specific' } } }) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('baz') expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.ruby'] })).toBe( 'more-specific' ) }) }) describe('when the config file does not conform to the schema', () => { it('validates and does not load the incorrect values', () => { atom.config.resetUserSettings({ '*': { foo: { bar: 'omg', int: 'baz' } }, '.source.ruby': { foo: { bar: 'scoped', int: 'nope' } } }) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(12) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('omg') expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.ruby'] })).toBe(12) expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.ruby'] })).toBe( 'scoped' ) }) }) it('updates the config data based on the file contents', () => { atom.config.resetUserSettings({ foo: { bar: 'baz' } }) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('baz') }) it('notifies observers for updated keypaths on load', () => { const observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('observeHandler') atom.config.observe('', observeHandler) atom.config.resetUserSettings({ foo: { bar: 'baz' } }) expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith('baz') }) describe('when the config file contains values that do not adhere to the schema', () => { it('updates the only the settings that have values matching the schema', () => { atom.config.resetUserSettings({ foo: { bar: 'baz', int: 'bad value' } }) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('baz') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(12) expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(console.warn.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toContain('') }) }) it('does not fire a change event for paths that did not change', () => { atom.config.resetUserSettings({ foo: { bar: 'baz', int: 3 } }) const noChangeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('unchanged') atom.config.onDidChange('', noChangeSpy) atom.config.resetUserSettings({ foo: { bar: 'baz', int: 4 } }) expect(noChangeSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('baz') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(4) }) it('does not fire a change event for paths whose non-primitive values did not change', () => { atom.config.setSchema('', { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string' } }) atom.config.resetUserSettings({ foo: { bar: ['baz', 'quux'], int: 2 } }) const noChangeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('unchanged') atom.config.onDidChange('', noChangeSpy) atom.config.resetUserSettings({ foo: { bar: ['baz', 'quux'], int: 2 } }) expect(noChangeSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual(['baz', 'quux']) }) describe('when a setting with a default is removed', () => { it('resets the setting back to the default', () => { atom.config.resetUserSettings({ foo: { bar: ['baz', 'quux'], int: 2 } }) const events = [] atom.config.onDidChange('', event => events.push(event)) atom.config.resetUserSettings({ foo: { bar: ['baz', 'quux'] } }) expect(events.length).toBe(1) expect(events[0]).toEqual({ oldValue: 2, newValue: 12 }) }) }) it('keeps all the global scope settings after overriding one', () => { atom.config.resetUserSettings({ '*': { foo: { bar: 'baz', int: 99 } } }) atom.config.set('', 50, { scopeSelector: '*' }) advanceClock(100) expect(savedSettings[0]['*'].foo).toEqual({ bar: 'baz', int: 50 }) expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['*'] })).toEqual(50) expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['*'] })).toEqual('baz') expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual(50) }) }) describe('.pushAtKeyPath(keyPath, value)', () => { it('pushes the given value to the array at the key path and updates observers', () => { atom.config.set('', ['a']) const observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('observeHandler') atom.config.observe('', observeHandler) observeHandler.reset() expect(atom.config.pushAtKeyPath('', 'b')).toBe(2) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual(['a', 'b']) expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith( atom.config.get('') ) }) }) describe('.unshiftAtKeyPath(keyPath, value)', () => { it('unshifts the given value to the array at the key path and updates observers', () => { atom.config.set('', ['b']) const observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('observeHandler') atom.config.observe('', observeHandler) observeHandler.reset() expect(atom.config.unshiftAtKeyPath('', 'a')).toBe(2) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual(['a', 'b']) expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith( atom.config.get('') ) }) }) describe('.removeAtKeyPath(keyPath, value)', () => { it('removes the given value from the array at the key path and updates observers', () => { atom.config.set('', ['a', 'b', 'c']) const observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('observeHandler') atom.config.observe('', observeHandler) observeHandler.reset() expect(atom.config.removeAtKeyPath('', 'b')).toEqual([ 'a', 'c' ]) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual(['a', 'c']) expect(observeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith( atom.config.get('') ) }) }) describe('.setDefaults(keyPath, defaults)', () => { it('assigns any previously-unassigned keys to the object at the key path', () => { atom.config.set('', { a: 1 }) atom.config.setDefaults('', { a: 2, b: 3, c: 4 }) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(1) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(3) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(4) atom.config.setDefaults('foo.quux', { x: 0, y: 1 }) expect(atom.config.get('foo.quux.x')).toBe(0) expect(atom.config.get('foo.quux.y')).toBe(1) }) it('emits an updated event', () => { const updatedCallback = jasmine.createSpy('updated') atom.config.onDidChange('', updatedCallback) expect(updatedCallback.callCount).toBe(0) atom.config.setDefaults('', { a: 2 }) expect(updatedCallback.callCount).toBe(1) }) }) describe('.setSchema(keyPath, schema)', () => { it('creates a properly nested schema', () => { const schema = { type: 'object', properties: { anInt: { type: 'integer', default: 12 } } } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) expect(atom.config.getSchema('foo')).toEqual({ type: 'object', properties: { bar: { type: 'object', properties: { anInt: { type: 'integer', default: 12 } } } } }) }) it('sets defaults specified by the schema', () => { const schema = { type: 'object', properties: { anInt: { type: 'integer', default: 12 }, anObject: { type: 'object', properties: { nestedInt: { type: 'integer', default: 24 }, nestedObject: { type: 'object', properties: { superNestedInt: { type: 'integer', default: 36 } } } } } } } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(12) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ nestedInt: 24, nestedObject: { superNestedInt: 36 } }) expect(atom.config.get('foo')).toEqual({ bar: { anInt: 12, anObject: { nestedInt: 24, nestedObject: { superNestedInt: 36 } } } }) atom.config.set('', 37) expect(atom.config.get('foo')).toEqual({ bar: { anInt: 12, anObject: { nestedInt: 24, nestedObject: { superNestedInt: 37 } } } }) }) it('can set a non-object schema', () => { const schema = { type: 'integer', default: 12 } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(12) expect(atom.config.getSchema('')).toEqual({ type: 'integer', default: 12 }) }) it('allows the schema to be retrieved via ::getSchema', () => { const schema = { type: 'object', properties: { anInt: { type: 'integer', default: 12 } } } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) expect(atom.config.getSchema('')).toEqual({ type: 'object', properties: { anInt: { type: 'integer', default: 12 } } }) expect(atom.config.getSchema('')).toEqual({ type: 'integer', default: 12 }) expect(atom.config.getSchema('foo.baz')).toEqual({ type: 'any' }) expect(atom.config.getSchema('')).toBe(null) }) it('respects the schema for scoped settings', () => { const schema = { type: 'string', default: 'ok', scopes: { '.source.js': { default: 'omg' } } } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('ok') expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.js'] })).toBe( 'omg' ) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe('ok') }) describe('when a schema is added after config values have been set', () => { let schema = null beforeEach(() => { schema = { type: 'object', properties: { int: { type: 'integer', default: 2 }, str: { type: 'string', default: 'def' } } } }) it('respects the new schema when values are set', () => { expect(atom.config.set('', 'global')).toBe(true) expect( atom.config.set('', 'scoped', { scopeSelector: '.source.js' }) ).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('global') expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.js'] })).toBe( 'scoped' ) expect(atom.config.set('', 'nsGlobal')).toBe(true) expect( atom.config.set('', 'nsScoped', { scopeSelector: '.source.js' }) ).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('nsGlobal') expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.js'] }) ).toBe('nsScoped') expect(atom.config.set('', 'nope')).toBe(true) expect( atom.config.set('', 'notanint', { scopeSelector: '.source.js' }) ).toBe(true) expect( atom.config.set('', 23, { scopeSelector: '' }) ).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('nope') expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.js'] })).toBe( 'notanint' ) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(23) atom.config.setSchema('', schema) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('global') expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.js'] })).toBe( 'scoped' ) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('nsGlobal') expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.js'] }) ).toBe('nsScoped') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(2) expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.js'] })).toBe( 2 ) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(23) }) it('sets all values that adhere to the schema', () => { expect(atom.config.set('', 10)).toBe(true) expect( atom.config.set('', 15, { scopeSelector: '.source.js' }) ).toBe(true) expect( atom.config.set('', 23, { scopeSelector: '' }) ).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(10) expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.js'] })).toBe( 15 ) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(23) atom.config.setSchema('', schema) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(10) expect(atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.js'] })).toBe( 15 ) expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: [''] }) ).toBe(23) }) }) describe('when the value has an "integer" type', () => { beforeEach(() => { const schema = { type: 'integer', default: 12 } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) }) it('coerces a string to an int', () => { atom.config.set('', '123') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(123) }) it('does not allow infinity', () => { atom.config.set('', Infinity) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(12) }) it('coerces a float to an int', () => { atom.config.set('', 12.3) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(12) }) it('will not set non-integers', () => { atom.config.set('', null) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(12) atom.config.set('', 'nope') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(12) }) describe('when the minimum and maximum keys are used', () => { beforeEach(() => { const schema = { type: 'integer', minimum: 10, maximum: 20, default: 12 } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) }) it('keeps the specified value within the specified range', () => { atom.config.set('', '123') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(20) atom.config.set('', '1') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(10) }) }) }) describe('when the value has an "integer" and "string" type', () => { beforeEach(() => { const schema = { type: ['integer', 'string'], default: 12 } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) }) it('can coerce an int, and fallback to a string', () => { atom.config.set('', '123') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(123) atom.config.set('', 'cats') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('cats') }) }) describe('when the value has an "string" and "boolean" type', () => { beforeEach(() => { const schema = { type: ['string', 'boolean'], default: 'def' } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) }) it('can set a string, a boolean, and revert back to the default', () => { atom.config.set('', 'ok') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('ok') atom.config.set('', false) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(false) atom.config.set('', undefined) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('def') }) }) describe('when the value has a "number" type', () => { beforeEach(() => { const schema = { type: 'number', default: 12.1 } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) }) it('coerces a string to a float', () => { atom.config.set('', '12.23') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(12.23) }) it('will not set non-numbers', () => { atom.config.set('', null) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(12.1) atom.config.set('', 'nope') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(12.1) }) describe('when the minimum and maximum keys are used', () => { beforeEach(() => { const schema = { type: 'number', minimum: 11.2, maximum: 25.4, default: 12.1 } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) }) it('keeps the specified value within the specified range', () => { atom.config.set('', '123.2') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(25.4) atom.config.set('', '1.0') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(11.2) }) }) }) describe('when the value has a "boolean" type', () => { beforeEach(() => { const schema = { type: 'boolean', default: true } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) }) it('coerces various types to a boolean', () => { atom.config.set('', 'true') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(true) atom.config.set('', 'false') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(false) atom.config.set('', 'TRUE') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(true) atom.config.set('', 'FALSE') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(false) atom.config.set('', 1) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(false) atom.config.set('', 0) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(false) atom.config.set('', {}) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(false) atom.config.set('', null) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(false) }) it('reverts back to the default value when undefined is passed to set', () => { atom.config.set('', 'false') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(false) atom.config.set('', undefined) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(true) }) }) describe('when the value has an "string" type', () => { beforeEach(() => { const schema = { type: 'string', default: 'ok' } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) }) it('allows strings', () => { atom.config.set('', 'yep') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('yep') }) it('will only set strings', () => { expect(atom.config.set('', 123)).toBe(false) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('ok') expect(atom.config.set('', true)).toBe(false) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('ok') expect(atom.config.set('', null)).toBe(false) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('ok') expect(atom.config.set('', [])).toBe(false) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('ok') expect(atom.config.set('', { nope: 'nope' })).toBe(false) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('ok') }) it('does not allow setting children of that key-path', () => { expect(atom.config.set('', 123)).toBe(false) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('ok') }) describe('when the schema has a "maximumLength" key', () => it('trims the string to be no longer than the specified maximum', () => { const schema = { type: 'string', default: 'ok', maximumLength: 3 } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) atom.config.set('', 'abcdefg') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('abc') })) }) describe('when the value has an "object" type', () => { beforeEach(() => { const schema = { type: 'object', properties: { anInt: { type: 'integer', default: 12 }, nestedObject: { type: 'object', properties: { nestedBool: { type: 'boolean', default: false } } } } } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) }) it('converts and validates all the children', () => { atom.config.set('', { anInt: '23', nestedObject: { nestedBool: 'true' } }) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ anInt: 23, nestedObject: { nestedBool: true } }) }) it('will set only the values that adhere to the schema', () => { expect( atom.config.set('', { anInt: 'nope', nestedObject: { nestedBool: true } }) ).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual(12) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual(true) }) describe('when the value has additionalProperties set to false', () => it('does not allow other properties to be set on the object', () => { atom.config.setSchema('', { type: 'object', properties: { anInt: { type: 'integer', default: 12 } }, additionalProperties: false }) expect( atom.config.set('', { anInt: 5, somethingElse: 'ok' }) ).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(5) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBeUndefined() expect(atom.config.set('', { anInt: 5 })).toBe( false ) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBeUndefined() })) describe('when the value has an additionalProperties schema', () => it('validates properties of the object against that schema', () => { atom.config.setSchema('', { type: 'object', properties: { anInt: { type: 'integer', default: 12 } }, additionalProperties: { type: 'string' } }) expect( atom.config.set('', { anInt: 5, somethingElse: 'ok' }) ).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(5) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('ok') expect(atom.config.set('', 7)).toBe(false) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('ok') expect( atom.config.set('', { anInt: 6, somethingElse: 7 }) ).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(6) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(undefined) })) }) describe('when the value has an "array" type', () => { beforeEach(() => { const schema = { type: 'array', default: [1, 2, 3], items: { type: 'integer' } } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) }) it('converts an array of strings to an array of ints', () => { atom.config.set('', ['2', '3', '4']) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual([2, 3, 4]) }) it('does not allow setting children of that key-path', () => { expect(atom.config.set('', 123)).toBe(false) expect(atom.config.set('', 123)).toBe(false) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual([1, 2, 3]) }) }) describe('when the value has a "color" type', () => { beforeEach(() => { const schema = { type: 'color', default: 'white' } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) }) it('returns a Color object', () => { let color = atom.config.get('') expect(color.toHexString()).toBe('#ffffff') expect(color.toRGBAString()).toBe('rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)') = 0 = 0 = 0 color.alpha = 0 atom.config.set('', color) color = atom.config.get('') expect(color.toHexString()).toBe('#000000') expect(color.toRGBAString()).toBe('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') = 300 = -200 = -1 color.alpha = 'not see through' atom.config.set('', color) color = atom.config.get('') expect(color.toHexString()).toBe('#ff0000') expect(color.toRGBAString()).toBe('rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)') = 11 = 11 = 124 color.alpha = 1 atom.config.set('', color) color = atom.config.get('') expect(color.toHexString()).toBe('#0b0b7c') expect(color.toRGBAString()).toBe('rgba(11, 11, 124, 1)') }) it('coerces various types to a color object', () => { atom.config.set('', 'red') expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1 }) atom.config.set('', '#020') expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 0, green: 34, blue: 0, alpha: 1 }) atom.config.set('', '#abcdef') expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 171, green: 205, blue: 239, alpha: 1 }) atom.config.set('', 'rgb(1,2,3)') expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 1, green: 2, blue: 3, alpha: 1 }) atom.config.set('', 'rgba(4,5,6,.7)') expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 4, green: 5, blue: 6, alpha: 0.7 }) atom.config.set('', 'hsl(120,100%,50%)') expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 0, green: 255, blue: 0, alpha: 1 }) atom.config.set('', 'hsla(120,100%,50%,0.3)') expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 0, green: 255, blue: 0, alpha: 0.3 }) atom.config.set('', { red: 100, green: 255, blue: 2, alpha: 0.5 }) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 100, green: 255, blue: 2, alpha: 0.5 }) atom.config.set('', { red: 255 }) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1 }) atom.config.set('', { red: 1000 }) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1 }) atom.config.set('', { red: 'dark' }) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1 }) }) it('reverts back to the default value when undefined is passed to set', () => { atom.config.set('', undefined) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255, alpha: 1 }) }) it('will not set non-colors', () => { atom.config.set('', null) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255, alpha: 1 }) atom.config.set('', 'nope') expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255, alpha: 1 }) atom.config.set('', 30) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255, alpha: 1 }) atom.config.set('', false) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual({ red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255, alpha: 1 }) }) it('returns a clone of the Color when returned in a parent object', () => { const color1 = atom.config.get('').aColor const color2 = atom.config.get('').aColor expect(color1.toRGBAString()).toBe('rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)') expect(color2.toRGBAString()).toBe('rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)') expect(color1).not.toBe(color2) expect(color1).toEqual(color2) }) }) describe('when the `enum` key is used', () => { beforeEach(() => { const schema = { type: 'object', properties: { str: { type: 'string', default: 'ok', enum: ['ok', 'one', 'two'] }, int: { type: 'integer', default: 2, enum: [2, 3, 5] }, arr: { type: 'array', default: ['one', 'two'], items: { type: 'string', enum: ['one', 'two', 'three'] } }, str_options: { type: 'string', default: 'one', enum: [ { value: 'one', description: 'One' }, 'two', { value: 'three', description: 'Three' } ] } } } atom.config.setSchema('', schema) }) it('will only set a string when the string is in the enum values', () => { expect(atom.config.set('', 'nope')).toBe(false) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('ok') expect(atom.config.set('', 'one')).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('one') }) it('will only set an integer when the integer is in the enum values', () => { expect(atom.config.set('', '400')).toBe(false) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(2) expect(atom.config.set('', '3')).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe(3) }) it('will only set an array when the array values are in the enum values', () => { expect(atom.config.set('', ['one', 'five'])).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual(['one']) expect(atom.config.set('', ['two', 'three'])).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual(['two', 'three']) }) it('will honor the enum when specified as an array', () => { expect(atom.config.set('', 'one')).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual('one') expect(atom.config.set('', 'two')).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual('two') expect(atom.config.set('', 'One')).toBe(false) expect(atom.config.get('')).toEqual('two') }) }) }) describe('when .set/.unset is called prior to .resetUserSettings', () => { beforeEach(() => { atom.config.settingsLoaded = false }) it('ensures that early set and unset calls are replayed after the config is loaded from disk', () => { atom.config.unset('') atom.config.set('foo.qux', 'boo') expect(atom.config.get('')).toBeUndefined() expect(atom.config.get('foo.qux')).toBe('boo') expect(atom.config.get('do.ray')).toBeUndefined() advanceClock(100) expect(savedSettings.length).toBe(0) atom.config.resetUserSettings({ '*': { foo: { bar: 'baz' }, do: { ray: 'me' } } }) advanceClock(100) expect(savedSettings.length).toBe(1) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBeUndefined() expect(atom.config.get('foo.qux')).toBe('boo') expect(atom.config.get('do.ray')).toBe('me') }) }) describe('project specific settings', () => { describe('config.resetProjectSettings', () => { it('gracefully handles invalid config objects', () => { atom.config.resetProjectSettings({}) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBeUndefined() }) }) describe('config.get', () => { const dummyPath = '/Users/dummy/path.json' describe('project settings', () => { it('returns a deep clone of the property value', () => { atom.config.resetProjectSettings( { '*': { value: { array: [1, { b: 2 }, 3] } } }, dummyPath ) const retrievedValue = atom.config.get('value') retrievedValue.array[0] = 4 retrievedValue.array[1].b = 2.1 expect(atom.config.get('value')).toEqual({ array: [1, { b: 2 }, 3] }) }) it('properly gets project settings', () => { atom.config.resetProjectSettings({ '*': { foo: 'wei' } }, dummyPath) expect(atom.config.get('foo')).toBe('wei') atom.config.resetProjectSettings( { '*': { foo: { bar: 'baz' } } }, dummyPath ) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('baz') }) it('gets project settings with higher priority than regular settings', () => { atom.config.set('foo', 'bar') atom.config.resetProjectSettings({ '*': { foo: 'baz' } }, dummyPath) expect(atom.config.get('foo')).toBe('baz') }) it('correctly gets nested and scoped properties for project settings', () => { expect(atom.config.set('', 'global')).toBe(true) expect( atom.config.set('', 'scoped', { scopeSelector: '.source.js' }) ).toBe(true) expect(atom.config.get('')).toBe('global') expect( atom.config.get('', { scope: ['.source.js'] }) ).toBe('scoped') }) it('returns a deep clone of the property value', () => { atom.config.set('value', { array: [1, { b: 2 }, 3] }) const retrievedValue = atom.config.get('value') retrievedValue.array[0] = 4 retrievedValue.array[1].b = 2.1 expect(atom.config.get('value')).toEqual({ array: [1, { b: 2 }, 3] }) }) it('gets scoped values correctly', () => { atom.config.set('foo', 'bam', { scope: ['second'] }) expect(atom.config.get('foo', { scopeSelector: 'second' })).toBe( 'bam' ) atom.config.resetProjectSettings( { '*': { foo: 'baz' }, second: { foo: 'bar' } }, dummyPath ) expect(atom.config.get('foo', { scopeSelector: 'second' })).toBe( 'baz' ) atom.config.clearProjectSettings() expect(atom.config.get('foo', { scopeSelector: 'second' })).toBe( 'bam' ) }) it('clears project settings correctly', () => { atom.config.set('foo', 'bar') expect(atom.config.get('foo')).toBe('bar') atom.config.resetProjectSettings( { '*': { foo: 'baz' }, second: { foo: 'bar' } }, dummyPath ) expect(atom.config.get('foo')).toBe('baz') expect(atom.config.getSources().length).toBe(1) atom.config.clearProjectSettings() expect(atom.config.get('foo')).toBe('bar') expect(atom.config.getSources().length).toBe(0) }) }) }) describe('config.getAll', () => { const dummyPath = '/Users/dummy/path.json' it('gets settings in the same way .get would return them', () => { atom.config.resetProjectSettings({ '*': { a: 'b' } }, dummyPath) atom.config.set('a', 'f') expect(atom.config.getAll('a')).toEqual([ { scopeSelector: '*', value: 'b' } ]) }) }) }) })