2022-11-20 23:08:19 -03:00

122 lines
5.1 KiB

const os = require('os')
const {openAtom, runCommand, typeInEditor} = require('./helpers')
const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test')
const languages = [
{language: "JavaScript", code: 'function aFunction() { 10 }', checks: {numeric: '10', name: 'aFunction'}},
{language: "Ruby", code: 'def a_function\n 10\nend', checks: {numeric: '10', name: 'a_function'}},
{language: "Java", code: 'public int blah { return 10; }', checks: {numeric: '10', type: 'int'}},
{language: "C", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "Clojure", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "CoffeeScript", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "C#", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
// {language: "css", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
// {language: "gfm", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
// {language: "git", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "Go", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "HTML", code: '<foo type="10"></foo>', checks: {string: '10'}},
{language: "XML", code: '<foo type="10"></foo>', checks: {string: '"10"'}},
// {language: "hyperlink", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "JSON", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
// {language: "less", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
// {language: "make", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
// {language: "mustache", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "Objective C", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "Perl", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "PHP", code: '<? 10 %>', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
// {language: "property-list", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "Python", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "Ruby on Rails", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "Rust", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
// {language: "sass", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "Shell Script", code: 'a="10"', checks: {variable: 'a', string: '"10"'}},
// {language: "source", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "SQL", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
// {language: "text", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
// {language: "todo", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
// {language: "toml", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "Typescript", code: '10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
{language: "YAML", code: 'a: 10', checks: {numeric: '10'}},
let editor
test.describe('Opening Atom for the first time', () => {
test.beforeAll(async () => {
editor = await openAtom("atom-home-tests", "opening-first-time")
test.afterAll(async () => {
const closing = editor.app.close()
await closing
test('the editor opens at the welcome page', async () => {
const workspace = editor.page.locator('atom-workspace')
await expect(workspace).toHaveText(/A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor/, {
useInnerText: true,
//test('shows core packages', async () => {
// await runCommand(editor, 'Settings View: Open')
// await editor.page.locator('a.icon', { hasText: 'Packages' }).click()
// await expect(editor.page.locator('.package-name', { hasText: 'about' }).first())
// .toBeVisible()
//test('allows to install for packages', async () => {
// await runCommand(editor, 'Settings View: Open')
// await editor.page.locator('a.icon', { hasText: 'Install' }).click()
// await typeInEditor(editor, '.packages', "termination")
// await editor.page.locator('button.install-button:visible', { hasText: 'Install' }).click()
// test.setTimeout(120000);
// await expect(editor.page.locator('button', { hasText: 'Settings' }).first())
// .toBeVisible({ timeout: 120000 })
test.describe('the editor have syntax highlight', async () => {
test.beforeAll(async () => {
const workspace = editor.page.locator('atom-workspace')
await expect(workspace).toHaveText(/A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor/, {
useInnerText: true,
await runCommand(editor, 'Tabs: Close All Tabs')
test.afterEach(async () => {
if(os.platform() === 'darwin') {
await editor.page.keyboard.press('Meta+a')
} else {
await editor.page.keyboard.press('Control+a')
await editor.page.keyboard.press('Delete')
await runCommand(editor, 'Tabs: Close Tab')
languages.forEach(({language, code, checks}) => {
test(`for ${language}`, async () => {
await runCommand(editor, 'Application: New File')
await editor.page.locator('atom-text-editor.is-focused').type(code)
await editor.page.locator('grammar-selector-status').click()
const modalInput = editor.page.locator(".modal:visible atom-text-editor.is-focused")
await modalInput.type(language)
await modalInput.press('Enter')
await Promise.all(
Object.keys(checks).map(k =>
expect(syntaxElement(k, checks[k])).toHaveText(checks[k])
function syntaxElement(kind, text) {
return editor.page.locator(
`atom-text-editor.is-focused .syntax--${kind}`,
{ hasText: text }